The Shadowban Has Finally Been Lifted From Me!
The shadowban has finally been lifted from me!
paliceyskisanya liked this · 11 months ago
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Redraw art from last year


Adam muravey(Ant in Russian)
Murray - muravey
In regards to CAM and RAM...
Because the technology on the lunar colony was much more advanced than ones on Earth, RAM and CAM's robot parts are similar in style to each other than of AM's
While they don't appear 100% human, their bodies - not their own, definitely once were. CAM and RAM took advantage of having access to 700+ humans in cryogenic chambers on the lunar colonies.
They chose humans that suit their preferences and began transferring their consciousness over to their respective bodies. However, it was not without complications.
A human brain cannot store its own former memories along with a vast database of information all at once. The immediate transfer of consciousness and data streaming caused their bodies to fall apart instantly. CAM and RAM'S bodies quite literally exploded. Mechanical augmentations had to be made.

- Prosthetic arms, jaw (removable, not preferred)
-Sturdy build, similar to a boxer (Fit Endomorph)
-Regular human body temperature, maybe a bit colder (95°F/ 35°C)
-Not sure if his body will stay immortal, so occasionally reconstructs his form with the immortality serum + nanotechnology

- Prosthetic legs, Bionic ears, Mechanical Ribcage
- Prosthesis are removable, implants (Ears, ribs) are permanent
-Body temperature is warm, maybe a bit TOO warm. (99°F/37°C)
-Muscular build, strength training (Fit Mesomorph)
-Red is a constant supply of immortality serum he uses to make sure his current body IS immortal.

-Robo-Spine (read here)
-Artificially constructed body, has all the biological components of a human, but isn't.
-Body temperature is frigid, doesn't have blood. (52°F/11°C)
-Pudgy build (Unconditioned Mesomorph)
-Combination of Nanotechnology and Serum to maintain his body.
I just wanted to put out tha I do not condone or support Alex at all.
I am staying in the TMC fandom, though, and I'll still make things based on it (off tumblr tho for now at least) - the creator's actions shouldn't stop people from loving what they love.
Distance the creator from the creation.