Love Pets - Tumblr Posts

El poder rescatar para luego encontrar hogares a los animales es lo más gratificante

Siempre trabajaremos y ayudaremos a los animales confiando que llegue el día de que tengan hogares responsables que ya no vivan en la calle sufriendo maltrato.Todas las personas pueden ayudar cada quien puede aportar esfuerzo,tiempo y recursos. Únete,entre todos el cambio es posible.
Somos una ONG en Costa Rica que rescatamos y les buscamos hogares a los animales,interésate en el tema,nuestro email

Buscamos patrocinadores y voluntarios para poder ayudar a más animales que viven en la calle,que son abandonados y maltratados,hay mucho que hacer por su bienestar y su salud,todos podemos cambiar sus vidas como ocurrió con los perros de esta imagen se rescataron.Estamos en Costa Rica y puedes escribirnos al email

El vínculo de amor y respeto que formamos con ellos siempre estará,ellos nos demuestran su amor hagamos lo mismo.

Una familia es cuando a todos los miembros se les ama,se les respeta,se les cuida hasta el final. Siempre habrán situaciones difíciles y no por eso se deben regalar y mucho menos abandonar a las mascotas. Si esa es tu idea mejor no tengas animales ya que son seres sensibles que aman y no entienden por qué los dejas con personas extrañas o se ven solos en la calle. ADOPTAR ES UN ACTO DE AMOR RESPONSABLE PARA TODA LA VIDA
Siempre estaremos a favor de utilizar productos naturales en nuestros compañeros peludos y así cuidar de su salud pero también sabemos que algunas veces se deben recurrir a productos químicos enviados por el médico veterinario

Este hermoso gatito lo abandonaron por ser juguetón tiene 3 meses y le estamos buscando hogar responsable en Costa Rica
Somos afortunados de poder celebrar cada año con nuestros seres queridos y más cuando llegan a edades avanzadas.

Las demás especies existen para hacernos compañía y disfrutar con ellas no para secuestrarlas,encerrarlas y violentarlas. La experimentación con ellos debe acabar hay métodos más exactos que no utilizan animales,no compres productos de empresas que pagan por los experimentos

Si está es la idea de personas de tener un animal flaco,maltratado es porque la sociedad conciente la violencia y considera a las demás especies objetos desechables.
Cada persona puede hacer la diferencia y cambiar vidas las de ellos y mejorar las nuestras.
Respeto,solidaridad y empatía son las cualidades que requiere el ser humano para superar lo negativo de este mundo.

Los animales de color negro no dan mala suerte,quienes lo piensan es porque tienen una vida miserable,son prejuicios y de mente cerrada.
Hora de acabar con los prejuicios

Una hermosa acción que ayuda y cambia vidas es rescatar a estos seres nobles,amorosos y especiales adoptando se vuelve un miembro familiar, un amigo y un ángel peludo de 4 patitas
Adopta siempre no compres los criaderos legales y las fábricas de cachorros solo les interesa ganar dinero no la calidad de las personas
Okay. I just thought they needed some fur buddies to keep em company. It sucks they are always by themselves with no fucken service animal giving them first aid though! 😆😆
*sneaks into the lair with animals as the boys sleep. puts my kitten on Mikey, puts a cockatoo bird on leo, puts a hamster on Donnie, and puts a chinchilla on raph* No we wait 😈.....
Are you trying to get us BOTH KILLED MARIA?!? lol. 🤣 We have all discussed as a family that once master splinter is at rest and Mikey has his own place (trying not to spoil the surprise) he can have his own kitten again. But Leo low key has this thing about birds, Donnie has already lost his hamster and Raph has no idea how to take care of his chinchilla so I’ll have to take it over love. We do appreciate the kind gestures but animals for presents for the guys right now are just not feasible. Perhaps later on down the road we can introduce some pets for each of them, yes? ❤️
How da boys cheer you up after you had to sadly give away your pet due to your apartment not allowing any animals on the premises:

You were crying for many days being unable to hang out with anyone or wanting to work for a few days because you had to give away your favorite dog/cat that you had for a whole year to a family member. Your landlord tells you had to get rid of it after finding out you have an animal since the complex doesn't allow pets at all. You had no choice but to say goodbye otherwise you would get evicted for breaking a no pet policy again. Meanwhile, Leo tries to call you to see what you been up to, and when you didn't answer, he heads to your apartment. When he got there, he sees you crying looking at pictures of you and your pet doing fun things together until the very last photo when you had to permanently say goodbye. Leo opens your window that is unlocked, and walks in. "Hey hey. What's wrong (Y/N)?" You show Leo the photo album and he looks at the pictures. He then looks back at you. "You had to let your best friend go huh?" You nodded sobbing and Leo hugs you comforting you. "Shhh...shhh...It's going to be okay. At least your pet is safe and happy with your family. Look on the bright side. You'll be able to see them when you need to." Leo wipes your tears and smiles. "Just smile. At least you have me. Well, I'm no pet, but I'm your boyfriend and I'm always here for you when you need me. It's going to be okay." You both hug each other and you were glad Leo was there despite making a very hard decision, he is 100% right.

Raph comes to your apartment one day and he suddenly sees you in tears holding a collar in your hands. He jumps in all worried looking at you. "Hey babe. What happened? Why the tears?" You look up with your eyes red and puffy from all the sobbing and explained that you had to give away your loving pet you had for over three years to a random family since your apartment never allows animals in the whole complex, otherwise you'd get evicted. Raph feels really bad and sees a picture of you and your pet on your night stand. He then looks at you and hugs you. "(Y/N) I don't give a fuck what those bastards tell ya. Giving away a pet is like leaving a relationship. You deserve to have a little buddy with ya. And I know you may not be able to get your little fuzzy buddy back, but hopefully in the future, just find a place that will allow animals, and you can get a new bestie. No more crying baby girl. At least ya have me keeping you company." He smiles at you wiping your tears. "Chin up. It'll be okay." He gently hugs you knowing you will always have company whenever you need it.

You were sobbing and being unhappy unable to see your terrapin Boyfriend for a whole week because you had to make a hard decision to give away your beloved pet of one year to a shelter due to your apartment policy of having no pets around. Donnie comes in one night with a microchip tracker he was going to give to your pet to track down in case it runs away from home. He looks at you and frowns. "Dove. What's wrong? Where is your pet?" You look at your boyfriend in tears and explained you had to make the hardest goodbye and let them go because of the policy. Donnie sadly looks at you and hugs you. "Oh sweetheart. I'm so sorry to hear that. I know it's hard to say goodbye to anyone even a loving pet you took care of with love and respect." You sobbingly shouted in a depressing manner "I want my fur baby back!" You sobbed holding onto its favorite toy and Donnie hugs you again. "I understand (Y/N). I wish I could help, but I can't. Look on the bright side. You'll get another one once you get out of this apartment and live in a better one that does allow pets. So don't give up. It'll be alright." He kisses your forehead and comforts you. You hug Donnie back happy to know you at least have him with you no matter what.

You were at home every single day not wanting to go out at all. When your landlord found out you had a pet this whole time due to the apartment complex having a no pet policy, they gave you a choice to either get rid of your pet that you kept for a few months, or get evicted. So you had to make the hardest decision in your whole life by saying goodbye and giving away your pet to a close friend of yours who also owns a few animals aswell. Mikey started to worry when you didn't answer the phone. So he went to your apartment what was going on. You were scrolling in your camera roll of the many memories you had with your sweet pet and Mikey jumps in your window seeing you in tears. "Hey angelcakes. You okay?" You shook your head and explained what had happened. After explaining, Mikey sadly looks at you feeling bad that you had to make a decision that no other pet owner would want to make at all. He hugs you and tells his own story. "Aw Baby cakes. Don't cry. I've had my fair share of needing to give away my cat Klunk. By bros and master splinter never wanted me to have him. I nearly cried just begging them to let me keep him. But then when April came by, she insisted she'd take him instead. At first I hesitated because klunk was MY cat. But Since Leo said it would end up being April's instead and I would have to give Klunk to her, but at least I would get to visit him when I want to after training, patrols, etc. So in other words, it's going to be alright (Y/N). It's not the end of the world. You'll see your pet when you want you. But hey. At least you have me your awesome handsome boyfriend mikey." He smiles and kisses your cheek. You hug him and he wipes your tears. "Don't cry angel cakes. I got ya." At least Mikey is always there to keep you company and make you smile.
@kawaiibunga @turtle-babe83 @turtlesmakemehappy @raphslovemuffin80 @raphsweapondealer @raisin-shell @chiaaweasley @chicchanmooshy @angelcatlowyn @nittleboo @nikitaboeve @post-apocalyptic-daydream @meeplovestmnt @thelaundrybitch @exovapor @dai-su-kiss @mysticboombox
a Short Mikey kitten story Part 1: (You're going to love this!)

Mikey being his usual self while irritating his brothers. call you on his phone while making kissy noises, rocket boarding all over the place, and most of all always begging his family about keeping a cat in the lair. Mikey always wanted a pet of his own. he feels his heart is half empty that besides having a human girlfriend, having a pet would make him feel whole. but sadly, none of his brothers even master splinter refuses to let him have a cat. So every night whenever there wasn't any patrols, or helping with chief Vincient on crimes at night, Mikey would sneak out of the lair and hang out at ally ways and empty streets where cats that ran away from home unable to go back or just natural street cats come out of the shadows. Mikey would bring Tuna, water, and a makeship cat toy made of a small fishing line, with a string and toy mouse attached to it. Mikey would also talk to the cats all the time. "I wish I could bring you guys home with me. but my dumbass brothers won't let me. I know how it's like being alone. it really sucks." just then the sun was rising, and Mikey says goodbye to the cats. as he leaves, he would hear the cats meowing which tears up his heart strings like a broken violin which is understandable to most animal lovers seeing pets on the streets. while he was heading home, he suddenly hears a tiny meow coming from one of the dumpsters. he jumps down and notices a small box. in the box was a tiny 8-week-old turtle shell patterned female Maine coon. Mikey picks her up and looked at her. "Hey there little gal. where's your mama?" the kitten had no mother at all and no warmth. he felt that she was freezing and needed a home. So Mikey decided to take her in and hopes that his brothers would be okay on having him keep a kitten instead of a usual grown-up cat. Mikey quietly got to the lair and grabbed Donnie's heating blanket, and a baby bottle with warmed up whole milk. he sets the kitten down on the blanket and warmed it up making sure he doesn't set it to scorching hot. he then fed the kitten and smiled. "I forgot I didn't give ya a name. hmm. let's see. your fur is like my shell, and you have a sweet loving personality." he thought and thought for a long while until he finally got one. "I got it! I'm gonna name you Cookie. how's that sound?" he pets her and hears her purring. his heart melted when he heard her purring for the first time. he lays down and yawned as he puts her next to him. "Goodnight cookie." he kisses her and soon falls asleep feeling whole and happy. that morning, Mikey was deeply asleep until his brothers shouted at him. "MIKEYYY!! GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!!" Mikey jumped in fright as he heard them. he got up from his bed, and shakingly walked towards them. "Y-yeah bros?" Leo held out Cookie by her fur with one hand and Mikey tries to grab her. "No Leo! don't hold Cookie like that! she is fragile and isn't hurting anybody!" Raph scoffs at his younger brother. "Oh fuck. he gave it a name too." Mikey looks at Raph upset. "SHE is not an IT!" Donnie asks Mikey in a serious tone. "Where did you get this cat from? and it's bigger than a regular cat." Mikey explains to Donnie. "First off, I found her by the garbage dump. she was all alone, cold, and starving. so, I took her in hoping you guys can say yes in having me keeping her, and second, she is a Maine coon Donnie. you don't know anything about cats more than I do! so back off!!" Leo talks to Mikey very sternly. "Mikey! the kitten has to go by tonight! you understand?" Mikey suddenly starts to tear up as his heart begins to shatter. Raph gets annoyed and spoke. "Ugh! here we go with the crying! Grow up Mikey! quit acting like a damn 3-year-old! you're a grown man! that cat has got to go, and that is final! ya got that? get over it!" Mikey grabs the kitten and runs off crying his eyes out. he slams his bedroom door, and his brothers shook their heads thinking they are living with an adult man child. Mikey held onto Cookie crying on his bed feeling saddened by all this unsure what to do at this point. hopefully he can think of another way.
TO BE CONTINUED.... @raisin-shell @kawaiibunga @raphslovemuffin80 @nikitaboeve @selfless1978 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @turtlesmakemehappy @shikobahkin @angelcatlowyn @mysticboombox @turtle-babe83 @foreignbrunette @nittleboo @thelaundrybitch @dai-su-kiss @cowabunga-doll @roxosupreme