fsaxjack - FSaxJack

1220 posts

Fsaxjack - FSaxJack - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago
Me When I've Just Spent A Week Or So Being Digested By A Dragon And My Girlfriend Shows Up And Saves

Me when I've just spent a week or so being digested by a dragon and my girlfriend shows up and saves me and the first thing she does is make me take a bath with her, touch me all over and show me full frontal

5 months ago
Since People Seem To Like My Pride Outfit!

Since people seem to like my pride outfit!

5 months ago

10: Argentine Ant, the most successful invasive species in the world, high points for potency, but devious little rascals who have done a lot of damage

9: Matabele Ants, they hunt exclusively termites in the African Savanah and, to my knowledge, actively avoid destroying entire nests for a sustainable supply

8: Slaver Ants, they raid larger hives and use pheromones to send them into confusion so they can steal larvae to raise as their own. They're so locked-in on this strategy that they can't even sustain themselves without other Ants

7: Army Ants, a nomadic species that consumes everything that crosses its path. They make bivouwac shelters out of their own bodies when sheltering at the end of a march

6: Black Ants, the platonic ideal of an ant, thrives in its simplicity

5: Formica Ereptor Gene Thief Ants, the fictional species who serve as the protagonists of Empires of the Undergrowth and rapidly evolve to mimic other species

4: Weaver Ants, who build treetop shelters by using their larvae as glue guns (the process does not harm they, they are just squeezed lightly to extrude silk) to bond leaves together

3: Bullet Ants, the only 4+ on the Schmidt sting pain index, the sting is described as "walking over flaming charcoal with a three-inch nail embedded in your heel" and "waves of burning, throbbing, all-consuming pain that continues unabated for up to 24 hours."

2: Imported Fire Ants, Solenopsis Invicta - cool-ass name, my main in Empires of the Undergrowth, and extremely successful in most places that are introduced, for better or worse

1: Leaf-Cutter Ants, one of the select few species on Earth that practice agriculture by using leaf cuttings to fertilize fungal gardens inside of their nests.

other social media websites im on are like. hawk tuah girl and mr beast are collabing for a festables event. and tumblr is like. here are my top 10 favorite ants

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5 months ago
 By Darek Ergot Mak
 By Darek Ergot Mak

猫目な彼女 by Darek Ergot Mak

5 months ago

Major Research Paper, for my 1-year master's degree course in history!

Since People Seem To Like My Pride Outfit!

Since people seem to like my pride outfit!

5 months ago

Somehow you look just like my awesome MRP supervisor, and she who would absolutely wear pride armor if given the chance (probably Roman rather than Medieval, but still)

Since People Seem To Like My Pride Outfit!

Since people seem to like my pride outfit!

5 months ago


4x04 Something Borrowed, Something Green

5 months ago


4x05 Empathological Fallacies

5 months ago

For the unaware, Caillou isn't just a cartoon - it's also the word for a pebble in French

Ah yes, the shadow soaring through the sky that sustains the heaven - Gravel.

Oh yeah by the way the pokemon leak also included the creation myth (with beta names)

Oh Yeah By The Way The Pokemon Leak Also Included The Creation Myth (with Beta Names)

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5 months ago

visual gags that are well made and smart

5 months ago


He's named after Federico da Montefeltro, one of my favorite historical figures

If I get another cat his name will be Sunny, for Yi Sun-Sin, another favorite

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5 months ago

It would be very nice if I could learn to stop second-guessing every social interaction I have and rehearse it in my brain and make sure it sounded right and then start overexplaining because I'm worried I was rude and getting a pit of anxiety in my chest whenever I say something to someone online that I'm worried might upset or annoy them while I wait for a reply and imagine that people are going to think I'm talking about them specifically when I post online about something and stop myself mid-conversation because I'm convinced I'm boring the person I'm talking to and

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5 months ago

death leech shadoo.....

Death Leech Shadoo.....

design by @galaxylover06

5 months ago

"Hi I'm psycho lesbian" "and I'm transmisogyny!" "and we're the queerbait sisters!" *gets killed off*

"Hi I'm Psycho Lesbian" "and I'm Transmisogyny!" "and We're The Queerbait Sisters!" *gets Killed Off*
"Hi I'm Psycho Lesbian" "and I'm Transmisogyny!" "and We're The Queerbait Sisters!" *gets Killed Off*

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5 months ago
Sonic Prime Got Me Back In The Fandom, And Now These Two Are My Favorite Little Guys To Draw. It's Always
Sonic Prime Got Me Back In The Fandom, And Now These Two Are My Favorite Little Guys To Draw. It's Always
Sonic Prime Got Me Back In The Fandom, And Now These Two Are My Favorite Little Guys To Draw. It's Always

Sonic Prime got me back in the fandom, and now these two are my favorite little guys to draw. It's always the sibling dynamics that get me dangit.

AU where Maria gets to explore Earth and Shadow gets to be grumpy because he's protecting his sister.

I have so many sketches

5 months ago
'Perfect Sense Of Direction + Geography Nerd' Sonic, Anyone?
'Perfect Sense Of Direction + Geography Nerd' Sonic, Anyone?
'Perfect Sense Of Direction + Geography Nerd' Sonic, Anyone?
'Perfect Sense Of Direction + Geography Nerd' Sonic, Anyone?

'Perfect sense of direction + geography nerd' Sonic, anyone?

5 months ago
Same Old (uh Young?) Sonic
Same Old (uh Young?) Sonic
Same Old (uh Young?) Sonic
Same Old (uh Young?) Sonic

Same old (uh young?) Sonic 👍

5 months ago

Mom is rewatching star trek

Mom Is Rewatching Star Trek
5 months ago
I Am Not Crazy! Azy! I Know He Swaaws Those Numbmuns. I Knew It Was 12121211121216. One After Marta Carta.

I am not crazy! Azy! I know he swaaws those numbmuns. I knew it was 12121211121216. One after Marta Carta. As if I could ever t-ake such a shìt. Never. Never! Never! EverN! I just - I just couldn't proorp. He covered his a ss, he got that idiot at the coCk shop to LeL for him. You think this is sus? You think this is b-? This? This? This? This chicaneryreanery? This? He's done worse. That billllib! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fUck like that? No! *He* orchestrated it! *He* 🎻🎺🎻 it! Jiij! He *fUcated* through a *sus*! And I sHit! And I sHit! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own firm Ass! What was I *sHit ing*? He'll never change. He'll *never* swap those numbers! Ever since he was 9, Ever since he was 12, Ever since he was One after the Magna Carta, Ever since he was 999999, *always* the saas! Couldn't keep his hands out of the as-s drawer! "But not our Jiij! Couldn't be precious *Jiijiij*!" Stealing them blind! And *HE* gets to be a lawywal? What a sick jooj! I should've sHit when I had the chance!

5 months ago
I Needed To Draw This Headcannon About My Favorite Joke From The Entire Franchise.
I Needed To Draw This Headcannon About My Favorite Joke From The Entire Franchise.
I Needed To Draw This Headcannon About My Favorite Joke From The Entire Franchise.
I Needed To Draw This Headcannon About My Favorite Joke From The Entire Franchise.
I Needed To Draw This Headcannon About My Favorite Joke From The Entire Franchise.
I Needed To Draw This Headcannon About My Favorite Joke From The Entire Franchise.
I Needed To Draw This Headcannon About My Favorite Joke From The Entire Franchise.
I Needed To Draw This Headcannon About My Favorite Joke From The Entire Franchise.

I needed to draw this headcannon about my favorite joke from the entire franchise.

Also, I want to see little Shadow and Maria just being little gremlin children.


I Needed To Draw This Headcannon About My Favorite Joke From The Entire Franchise.
I Needed To Draw This Headcannon About My Favorite Joke From The Entire Franchise.
5 months ago
Coupla Designs
Coupla Designs
Coupla Designs

coupla designs…

5 months ago
Day 99: Year Of Shadow
Day 99: Year Of Shadow

day 99: year of shadow

5 months ago
