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When Time Collides Solomon X Reader

when time collides — Solomon x reader

⊹ word count: 0.4k ⊹ content: sfw, angst, hurt/comfort, established relationship between Solomon and reader, reader/MC is referred to as you/your. ⊹ warnings: mention of death (Solomon's parents and family), crying. ⊹ a/n: My baby just needs a hug omfg. An imagine of the story behind my favourite Solomon card animation (< click for the gif).

For Solomon, carnations are a painful reminder of the passage of time—everything he found, everything he learned, everything he created. But perhaps, most significantly, they remind him of everything he lost.
They grew in unhindered fields in the springs and summers. Like strokes of a shaky brush, petals painted over the hills, forests, and plains. Smatterings of crimson and blush and ivory created a natural masterpiece, whispering the stories of the people who called this land their home.
They still do, evidently. It’s been millennia since he returned here, yet the wind carries petal songs the same way they had when he was young. But now he gets to watch them twirl around you—the song snagging on your hair—and he doesn’t ever remember the petals being this beautiful.
Though, once they came close.
It was just after his father passed, sometime in early spring. The carnations had started to unfurl, still crinkly like the pages of a loved and withered book. He walked with his mother in a field somewhere far from their home, hand in hand through the blooms. And just like now, the petals danced around her, tickled their conjoined hands, and whispered their melodies to the breeze. Solomon was now king, but at a cost he never wanted to pay.
“I’m here,” his mother said, the petals winding through her hair and across her cheeks. “Let the wind carry your sadness for you.”
And Solomon cried in the safety of her arms, letting himself be at peace with his father’s passing.
He never had the chance to grieve his mother.
So now he stands at her grave, placing white carnations on the ancient stone that marks her place in the earth—and for the first time in a long time, the tears well in his eyes. He’s not sure he even remembers what it feels like to cry.
“Sol,” you call, your hand coming to rest on his shoulder. “I’m here.”
Just like he did all those years ago, he cries, turning to allow you to wrap him in the safety of your arms. The songs of the land—of his mother, his father, the family he’s almost forgotten—sing in the breeze as you sink with him to the ground, your hold never wavering. He hears your song—the story of teacher and apprentice, of lovers eternal—join in the breeze.
Carnations remind him of the pieces of his humanity he’s lost to the time that’s warped him.
But it’s you that reminds him to live.

©stellariah 2024 | do not copy, repost, translate, or feed my work to AI
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A Day in the Water Park
Requested By: @againkari
Word Count: 2,250
You couldn’t help the laugh that fell from your lips as you watched the seven demon brothers run amok around the water park. You had taken a trip up to the human world with them and they had insisted that since it was summer and such good weather that you should all go to the water park together.
You had been several times, but this was the first time they had been to one. And to say they were excited was an understatement. Each of them had their own things they were excited about and were running around like children in a candy store.
Mammon and Levi were two of the most excited.
Mammon wanted to ride every single ride in the park. Of course, you had to ride them with him. Better get started before you run out of time! Don’t worry though, he’ll go down them first if they’re solo rides - just to make sure they’re safe. He wouldn’t want his human getting hurt.
Meanwhile, Levi was identifying each one from an anime he had watched. You were impressed by how well he remembered one ride from different anime. When he approaches one, he’ll explain the scene that has the ride in it. Until he actually starts going down it. Then he’s not talking. He’s screaming.
After taking ample pictures of himself in his swim wear, and uploading them to Devilgram, Asmo was finally ready to enjoy the fun of the water park. You noticed quite a few different people staring at Asmo when they were walking by and Asmo always met them with a flirtatious smile. Was he ever not flirting?
Satan was doing a mix of research and having fun. How was this slide made? Was it really safe for humans? He doesn’t think it should be possible for humans to slide down the ride that fast and not get hurt. He has to try it. Maybe it’s not as dangerous as it looks…
Was that Belphie in the lazy river? He looked dead just floating along completely undisturbed. You were convinced he was asleep. Does he even realize there were other rides in the park?
And where was Beel? Oh. The food court. He was sitting at one of the picnic tables with a mountain of food from all the different food places in the park. He would be there for a while. You were pretty sure he only came along to eat as much human food as possible before going back to the Devildom.
Ever the father figure, Lucifer seemed to be everywhere all at once. He was a master of multitasking. He was able to pay for everything the brothers wanted while also ensuring they minded their matters. Lucifer would never forgive them if they managed to embarrass him at the water park. You wondered if he would realize he could relax and have fun just like the rest of you.
To say the least, it was a very long day. The park was closing soon and you had ridden almost every ride in the park. Every ride except one.
You stood in front of the sign as you read the name of the ride. The Space Bowl.
You then looked up at the daunting ride in front of you. It started with a normal tube slide that went sharply down to help build up your speed. Then it opened up to a large open bowl shape that you would slide in a circle several times around before dropping out the bottom into a pool. Easy, peasy right?
You considered yourself to be a good swimmer so it should be no problem. Slide, spin, drop. That’s all there was to it.
You started climbing the stairs to the top of the ride first. All seven demon brothers trailed behind you as Mammon insisted that they all ride at least the final ride together. But as you climbed higher and higher, you could see the nervous expressions on their faces.
When you finally reached the top you noticed the lifeguard at the top who was directing traffic to ensure no one smacked into each other in the pool. You could see the pool from here and you noticed there was another lifeguard by that pool just in case. Thank the demon brothers’ father that the water park prepared for the worst case scenario.
Mammon put on a brave act as he took a step forward to go down the slide first but frowned when Lucifer beat him to the punch. He was the oldest, after all. So it only made sense for him to go down first.
You all watched as he entered the slide, spinning around the bowl graceful before landing a perfect dive as he entered the pool below. He looked like a professional the entire time. You noticed his smile as he got out of the pool and you tried to figure out if it was because he knew he looked good going down the slide or because it was the first time in a long time he actually had fun.
Mammon was the next one to go down. He wasn’t going to let any of his other brothers go before him. He quickly hopped into the slide, letting out shouts as he slid down, spinning around the bowl before sloppily tumbling into the pool. He was almost instantly back on his feet, raising a triumphant fist before hopping out.
You were surprised when Asmo was the next one to go down. You would have expected him to shy away from any slide that looked dangerous. What if he bruised his delicate skin? Or worse, broke a nail?! But it all made sense as he was falling into the pool, sending the lifeguard a wink. How was that even possible? You would think spinning in the bowl would disorient your sense of direction so how Asmo knew exactly where to look and wink as he was falling was beyond your comprehension.
You took a step forward to go down the slide next but Satan stopped you. He still wasn’t sure if it was safe enough for you yet. He would go first and ensure you wouldn’t injure yourself. You stepped aside, knowing that he wouldn’t take no for an answer.
He went down the slide just as gracefully as Lucifer, knowing which way to lean to gather the most speed despite being his first time going down the slide. When he emerged from the pool, he looked up at you and gave you a nod, letting you know it was safe.
You smiled back at him before stepping into the entrance of the slide. You gave the remaining three demons one last look before going down. You let out a laugh as you flew down the slide, closing your eyes as you spun around the bowl so you didn’t get dizzy.
You felt your body fall into the pool and you tried to push yourself back up to the surface. But, wait…where was the bottom of the pool. Why couldn’t you find it?! Yep, you were drowning. Someone please help.

Lucifer watched with a proud smirk as you went down the slide. He was so glad that you were having fun. You all deserved a break and he was glad he was there with you.
You looked almost as graceful as him as you went down the slide and dared to smile when you dropped into the pool.
But that smile quickly fell when he noticed you weren’t coming back up.
His eyes widened as he quickly rushed over to the pool and noticed that you were flailing your limbs trying to reach the surface.
He immediately reached his arms in to help you out but was shoved out of the way by Mammon who was intent on saving you himself.
Lucifer didn’t care about Mammon’s childish behavior as long as he actually saved you.
With the help of Satan, Mammon managed to pull you out of the water and you immediately began taking in large gasps of air.
That’s it. No more human world field trips for you.

Look at his cute human having fun at the water park.
Mammon smiled to himself as he watched you, feeling a sense of accomplishment. After all, he was the first one to suggest going to the water park.
He waited for you to emerge from the pool just like the rest of them, but you weren’t coming up. He watched as Lucifer quickly approached the pool.
Oh no you don’t.
Mammon ran as fast as he could, shoving both Lucifer and the poor innocent lifeguard who was just trying to do their job out of the way.
No one was saving his human but him.
Mammon quickly jumped in the water and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you to the surface.
Satan helped pull you out of the water and Mammon stayed next to you the whole time as you took in deep breaths, assuring him you were fine.
“Why do ya’ have to be so clumsy. You almost gave me a heart attack!”

Levi was watching you nervously as you went down the slide at an unbelievably fast pace. You disappeared into the pool and Levi relaxed. You made it.
“It looks like she drowned.”
Levi snapped his head in the direction of the lifeguard before looking down at the pool and seeing your body flailing in the water.
Panic mode.
Levi wasn’t properly prepared to go down the slide. He wasn’t ready. He wasn’t made for daring rescues.
But his true friend needed him.
Beel and Belphie pushed past him flying down the slide and that was all the encouragement he needed. If they could do it, so could he! After all, he was their big brother.
He was now sliding down the slide, screaming and closing his eyes as he waits for the ride to be over.

Satan watched as you went down the slide after guaranteeing the safety of it himself. It was sturdy enough, the speed wasn’t fast enough for you to get injured and the pool was deep enough to ensure that you didn’t hit the bottom of the pool when you fell into it.
Drowning. You were drowning. He didn’t calculate the risk of you drowning!
Asmo was screeching in his ear causing him to snap back into reality in time to see Mammon in the water, pulling you to the surface.
He immediately rushed to help him pull you out of the pool, checking you over for any injuries as you began taking in breaths.
You assured him that you were fine and that you just couldn’t reach the bottom of the pool to push yourself up to the surface.
Doctor Satan is now in office to take care of you and make sure you are okay.

Asmo had caught the attention of the lifeguard. He was distracted as you went down the slide but focused on you when you fell into the pool.
He was the first to notice your irregular movements and the fact that you weren’t coming out of the water.
“She’s drowning! Help her! Satan, help her!” he screeched into his older brother’s ear, clinging onto his arm.
Completely unhelpful
He watched as Mammon and Satan pulled you out of the water saving your life.
As soon as you were out of the pool, Asmo was all over you, pulling you into a hug. He didn’t get the save, but he still wanted the reward.
“Thank goodness you’re okay! Are you sure you don’t need mouth-to-mouth?”

Beel was munching on a snack he managed to sneak up there while he watched you go down the slide.
He just finished eating it when the three of them watched from the top of the slide as you fell into the pool.
Wait, were you - drowning?
“It looks like she drowned,” the lifeguard at the top of the slide said.
Beel was now barreling down the slide as fast as he could to get to you.
He fell in right as Mammon and Satan pulled you out.
He let a big smile rest on his face when he saw that you were okay and breathing.
And then he got hit in the head with Belphie’s falling body.

Belphie was laughing. Laughing.
He thought it was so funny watching you struggle to get out of the water.
Of course, he didn’t understand that you were struggling to breathe and it was a serious situation. He just thought you looked funny splashing all about.
He stopped laughing real quick when the lifeguard said you drowned.
Beel was mere seconds faster than him as they both sent themselves flying down the slide to come to your rescue.
They all three went under the water and now Belphie was fighting with his little brother to get him off as they tried to get back to the surface.
Why didn’t the brothers who were already down there help?!
Belphie fell out of the pool and came crashing down on Beel. They both went under the water and Belphie fought his way back up to the surface.
You needed help!
He finally managed to stand up and saw that you were sitting up, breathing just fine.
Oh…look. Here comes Levi.
Poor Levi was just trying to figure out if you were alive.

He looks so constantly judgmental