she/they19esp/enginto bibleposting and my oc lore dont expect too much
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Fungisval - Val - Tumblr Blog

if i accidentally ran across Deliver Us on spotify and then subjected myself to listening to the soundtrack on repeat for five hours, i think it is only fair that you do too.
I LOVE YOU PRINCE OF EGYPT i cry watching it all the time and i cry listening to the ost too….
posted this to my tiktok a few days ago thought id share here too
hey jcs fans, i'm not the only one who thinks lestat from that interview show looks ridiculously like glenn carter in jcs 2k right

[image description: Jesus from Jesus Christ Superstar 1973 being crucified, the caption above him says “fuck is bro smiling about”. Description end.]

jesus @ the apostles
(translation: "I asked GOD for a homosexual… and he sent me all of you!!!)

Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.

hi. i made some images.

feel free to take them and use for whatever you may need them for. no credit required
pleasr consider drawing judas the chosen crossing legs and doing a gay hand down from the chosen season 4 bloopers…..

Ask and you shall receive… ^_^
S4 bloopers save me from The Horrors SAAVEEE MEEEEE

doodles while watching jcs

im not particularly religious but i think it’s very cute that Trans Day of Visibility and Easter are on the same day this year :)
its no question that something like this could be triggering or upsetting to a number of queer ppl given the current sociopolitical climate, so i want everyone to remember that u are loved! Regardless of what u or others believe, there are ppl who will love and support you always. Give yourself patience and treat yourself with care!!!
happy and peaceful TDOV everyone!! And Easter to those who celebrate :D

Why I didn't post this here?
sorry (not sorry)

Me when Ben Forster Jesus
some silly sketches of the chosen series i made in february teehee

(i'm not gonna translate that) do u think the baptizer was the twitter cancel culture of his era?? /j
"you liar!! you judas!!" has to be my favourite line in the entirety of jcs
it's something about the way that judas' very name is said in the same breath, same meaning as his sin. as if it's not nearly as surprising a betrayal, as if jesus knew from the start that one day judas would give him up - because he did. because that's all judas really is in the grand narrative. judas iscariot, judas the traitor.
it's being told, "you have hurt me not by being a liar, but by being yourself". it's "you are the liar, liar and your name are words so close as to be synonymous, this act of yours is the core and centre of your being and all you will ever be remembered by, both by society and the very people who knew you". it's "we both know you were doomed to doom me from the start, but even still i cannot reconcile your betrayal in my mind". it's "why, why did you have to do this, why did i know and why didn't i stop you and why is this the way things have to be, why do i understand that and why can't i let go of the hurt and why, why, why".
it's knowing that every step you take is predetermined and railing against it all, anyway, because if you can't scream and thrash in the universe's bonds, then what else can you do?
it's knowing that a sign of the cross and the clink of silver is all either of you will ever be worth.
because the second name jesus calls judas matters far more. not "you liar". "you judas".

Instead of working on my thesis, I am drawing Swedish christ superstar... I should not have spent that much time drawing a shopping cart.

my mind is clearer now
a bunch of judas for you tumbr
top row: carl anderson, jérôme pradon, drew sarich
bottom row: serkan kaya, josh young, tim minchin
well if judas iscariot is such a bad guy they shouldn't have given him all the cuntiest songs in jesus christ superstar

peak (reptile) is back on the menu....

what if they held hands