funkymgmt-blog-blog - Funky Management
Funky Management

The Official Funky Management Blog Based in the Washington, DC Metropolitan area, we are an artist management and representation company dedicated to discovering, developing and delivering exceptional talent to the world.

407 posts

When The File-sharing Service LimeWire Was Shut Down For Copyright Infringement In 2010, You Would Have

When the file-sharing service LimeWire was shut down for copyright infringement in 2010, you would have thought that the RIAA got exactly what it wanted. After all, shutting down a major source of digital music piracy should be considered a victory in a war where the RIAA has had few. But no, that wasn't enough. Now the RIAA and 13 of the record labels that it represents are sueing LimeWire for the grand amount of $75 trillion. That's right, "trillion" with a T. That's 75,000 billion and 75,000,000 million, if you're counting.

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12 years ago

Wiz Khalifa, along with his Taylor Gang family, Juicy J, Chevy Woods and DMV’s Lola Monroe appear on the cover of The Source magazine’s latest issue. In the cover story, Wiz talks about his upcoming album “O.N.I.F.C.”, the Taylor Gang mixtape and his relationship with Amber Rose.

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12 years ago
Rolling Stone Pays Tribute To The Late Great Adam Yauch In The New Issue, On Sale May 25th. The Cover

Rolling Stone pays tribute to the late great Adam Yauch in the new issue, on sale May 25th. The cover story delves into the Beastie Boys rapper’s complicated, fascinating life and untimely death. In a pair of web exclusives, Yauch’s bandmates Adam Horovitz and Mike Diamond speak out for the first time on the death of their friend and partner.

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12 years ago

Well, since PaulyD and his hair obviously has no need for my advice, let me elaborate pass it along to someone who’s actually serious about music. You probably.

Marketing is such a vile term to me for some reason. In fact, every time i hear it i probably cringe harder than your grandma would if...

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12 years ago

                              I recently took my daughter on a trip to Seaside beach here in Oregon. As 5 year olds do, she randomly became ravaged with hunger as we were walking down to the beach. We walked back up to the street and went in the first sandwich shop we could find. As I walked in, I noticed some broken video games stacked in one corner and a man standing next to a greasy grill with a loaf of store bought white bread next to it. I smiled, nodded and promptly left with my daughter. In web terms, this is what we call a “bounced visitor.” One of the great pioneers of web analytics, Avinash Kaushik describes website bounce as a visitor who comes to your site, pukes, and then leaves. For a website owner, this is about as bad as it gets. A potential fan or customer lands on your site and then immediately runs the opposite direction. And it’s likely they won’t come back and certainly will not recommend it to others. Here are 5 Tips to Avoid the Bounce:

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