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A Shitty Guide To Noir

a shitty guide to noir

Noir; 9 talented, beautiful, cute, lovable, funny, amazing boys under Luk Factory 

And as their name suggests, they have the dark, action movie concepts

Debuted on April 8th, 2018 with Gangsta.

So, we don’t have a fandom name or stuff like that yet. BUT THEY LOVE US SO MUCH I SWEAR IT’S SO PRECIOUS we also have very few translators and content creators, I feel like there are 10 people trying their best lmao

They’re doing well as a rookie group, have their fans but not a lot of people know them yet, so we try and hype them up as much as possible to gain more attention because once you get to know them, you will instantly fall in love (well that happened to me so I can prove it).

Their youtube channel for all the good stuff; reality shows, covers, mvs and teasers.

Here are two unhelpful youtube guides for clips: one, two!

Now, for the members:

Shin Seunghoon:

A Shitty Guide To Noir


leader, main rapper

has the leader qualities, like being a dad, done with everything, etc.


participates in producing, writes all of his raps –> rap god

rude on stage and wants to look professional on tv

but has the cutest dimple smile and smiles fondly at his members stupidity

loves his members and is really thankful for them and for finally being able to debut

Kim Yeonkuk:

A Shitty Guide To Noir



either very very cute or very very rude there’s no in-between

afraid of everything

has the best reactions

is a bit shy and has that cute lil shy smile it’s adorable

smirks and pouts a lot

look at him he’s so beautiful

Lee Junyong:

A Shitty Guide To Noir


main vocal

his voice is one of the best in the whole history of kpop, I am not being biased at all, I say it in whole seriousness, it is that good


joined a bit later than the others, as in, they already recorded a predebut reality show and a trip to Hong Kong where they filmed a music video for Become a Star

but is loved very much so you wouldn’t ever know

the confident gay loves affection, is very affectionate

but really, you can’t not love him

Nam Yunsung:

A Shitty Guide To Noir


multifunctional member

seems cute in this gif, right? well he’s not

attractive and knows it

like he’s hella rude I feel attacked every time I look at him –> unofficial bias wrecker

either an excited cute puppy or “how dare you bitch stop it”


Kim Siheon:

A Shitty Guide To Noir


multifunctional member

the 4D member

has a unique sense of humor but it’s great 

honey honey siheonie

pretty quiet

is very fucking rude on stage, he has that gaze ugh

Ryu Hoyeon:

A Shitty Guide To Noir


main dancer


actual kpop trash


does dance tutorials for his fans on vlive like when will your faves ever

very cute but never trust a dancer

made the international fanbase his bitch he’s the most popular among overseas fans

Yang Siha:

A Shitty Guide To Noir


main vocal

small and cute

I swear he actually has some braincells

gives off mom vibes

would destroy your kneecaps if you called him short

soothing voice

really charming, like you don’t know why you just love him uwu

Kim Minhyuk:

A Shitty Guide To Noir





the cutest

if you don’t want to give him the world you’re lying to yourself

has some major amount of charisma on stage like holy shit where did my sunshine go??

Kim Daewon:

A Shitty Guide To Noir


maknae, multifunctional member

still has his baby cheeks

small baby, must be protected

never trust a dancer 2.0

“you should be in kindergarten not being rude on a stage”

ambitious and confident

he has a unique voice


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More Posts from Fynmightvebeenhere

6 years ago
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Where Are They Now Broduce Edition
Where Are They Now Broduce Edition
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Where Are They Now Broduce Edition

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6 years ago

Hi don’t hate me but since you did so good on Seunghoon emerald mood board I thought I could request the rest of the guys because i kept think of colors for them 😬😬 Yungsung-baby blue Hoyeon-light brown or gray/silver Siheon-honey Minhyuk-forest green Yeonkuk- fire red Junyong-mustard yellow Shia-lavender Daewon-rose pink or navy I left optional colors cause I couldn’t pick. I know you have a life so please don’t feel like you need to do this all at once or done soon take your time have fun

Why would I hate you? It’s the other way around~ i love you for requesting more♡ I will try to get to them soon but i can’t promise when I will do them. One at a time most likely. Starting on monday my 4weeks of overwork start xD means i work 6/7. But next week i at least shouldn’t work till too late. Another week later it will be 6/7 and 10+/24 so i won’t be that active with my own content. If all works out i will have done your request before this starts, so no worries♡

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6 years ago

Okay I really like D-Crunch rn. I thought their debut Palace was pretty good (I liked their vibe and presence especially) and listening to it, I was really excited to follow them because you can already tell they had so much potential. Now,, this comeback,, is amazing. Stealer shows off a huge mix of their vocal and rapping skills (they already sound so much steadier!) whereas Palace was rap heavy and focused on choreo. Both are good but I really love seeing this side of their talents. Even so, their choreo for this song still manages to look really cool and fresh. And I like that we have an mv that has an actual setting rather than them just dancing in a white room that flashes colors. They honestly just continue to impress me and I’m excited to watch them build more on their skills and experience. Anyways listen to Stealer y'all!

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6 years ago

Seunghoon as your boyfriend

Note: I’m keeping these soft and happy and fluffy + no gifs until tumblr’s insert system shows me the gifs I want to see

He’s a near-to-perfect boyfriend

Well, that is, after he actually becomes your boyfriend but there’s a loooong way until that time comes

Could be the typical childhood friends-to-lovers trope

But on the other hand

He meets you and finds you really cute, gets tingly feelings in his chest and starts to like you

It’s kind of obvious from an outsider’s point of view because although he can keep his poker face in front of you, when he watches you from afar, he looks at you with such heart eyes and a small smile on his lips that everyone will get the right idea

When the boys start teasing him, he will force his little crush on you to disappear, he’d never admit he liked you more than a friend for even just a second, the boys can’t know!!!

But it sort of backfires because if he avoids you, he thinks about you more: what are you doing? How you did your hair today? Do you miss him? etc.

And before he realizes, he’s not only having a small crush on you but he’s absolutely in love and can’t stop thinking about you

Noir’s next comeback is about you, like how he feels like some evil other gang kidnapped you from him and he needs to find you and save you  

He gets snappy when someone asks him about you because he wants to talk to you but it’s been such a long time, do you even want to talk to him after all this time?

Eventually, he’ll get his shit together and talks to you about his feelings, confesses but instantly says that it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way about him

But you do!!! And you missed him so much too!! You thought he doesn’t like you anymore so you’re very happy!

The boys will never stop teasing him and it’s so cute how he gets embarrassed and starts whining every time they do

He buries his head in your neck when he’s blushing

Sometimes he’s just looking at you, smiling, not saying anything because he just loves you so much and can’t believe you’re really there with him

Smiles and giggles a lot when you’re with him, others would say he’s a completely different person

You’d have a lot of shopping dates because he likes fashion and would want to buy you a lot of clothes or just simply enjoy looking at clothes and shoes with you  

Window shopping while taking a walk and just talking

If he sees anything couple matching cloth or accessory, he will by it without a second thought

Chill, home dates are also something he really loves where it’s just the two of you

He gets really cuddly when tired: at first he’s just resting his head on your shoulder while you’re running your fingers through his hair but this makes him feel more sleepy so now he’s snuggling into your neck and suddenly your lying down and cuddling as his breath slows down and he falls asleep

His favorite form of affection is holding your hand because he can do it both in public and in private

Likes playing with your fingers and finds it fascinating how perfectly your hand fits in his

Kisses the back of your hand!!!

Speaking of kisses, he will melt on the spot if you kiss him on his forehead and tell him you love him or you’re proud of him or that he did well

He’s the type to kiss you when you meet or when you have to part

I feel like he saves the long, meaningful kisses for those special times when he just feels his love for you overflowing  

It’s always so gentle, his hand resting on your cheek, caressing you while his lips are moving slowly against yours, just enjoying every moment

When you two part he looks at you so lovingly like you’re his whole world and flashes you his most beautiful smile

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