g0thicbat - bat !
bat !

they/he/she nonbinary lesbian - my interests r evangelion, crk, horror, true crime, good omens, at , wep, punk/riot grrl scene - 17

851 posts

G0thicbat - Bat ! - Tumblr Blog

3 years ago

FUCK cis people being trans is not medical. there can be medical components to transitioning if you choose to go that route but being trans in itself is not inherently medical i should not have to get a fucking diagnosis of gender dysphoria to change my gender marker. actually gender markers shouldn't exist at all why the fuck does my driver's license need to have my gender on it i fucking hate it here!!!

4 years ago

A little PSA for people who use AO3…

Gen refers to fic that is not focused on romance. If your fic is not a romance fic, please give it this tag.

Other refers to fic that is focused on romance, but is not specifically male/female, male/male, or female/female (like an OT3 (ship involving 3 people), a ship involving characters that are not male or female, etc). IT IS NOT FOR PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS. IT IS FOR ROMANTIC ONES. please for the love of all that is holy do not tag your family-relationship-centered fics as “other” you are going to give people a HEART ATTACK.

“Character/Character” is for romantic pairs. “Character & Character” is for platonic relationships like friendship, family, etc. Please do not tag family-centered or adult-and-minor-centered platonic character relationships as character/character for the love of all that is holy

The E rating is for smut and literally nothing else (unless you have other unusual reasons to rate it E–I’ve seen people apply it to non-smut fics as a deterrent to keep minors away from it, but keep in mind it’ll make it so people who are trying to avoid smut will not find your fic). Your fic that has a lot of graphic violence but no sexual content does not need an E rating.

The M rating is for fics that would basically be rated R if they were movies, and may contain graphic violence, some sexual content, and generally more serious subject matter than you would typically show a teenager. However, if your fic is almost entirely smut, please just give it an E rating.

Also, when you post a fic, you WILL want to give it a rating, or else AO3 will assume you’re probably posting smut and will warn everybody who clicks on your fic that it may contain adult content. If you don’t want that on your fic that contains no adult content at all, please just give it the proper rating instead of not rating it at all.


4 years ago

People who love cold weather are fucking weird. You like to freeze? You like to shiver?? You like when you take a step outside and the air stings your skin???

4 years ago


g0thicbat - bat !
4 years ago

ⁿʸᵒᵒᵐ ᵃᵈᵛᵉⁿᵗᵘʳᵉ

5 years ago
Ive Said It Before And Ill Say It Again:
Ive Said It Before And Ill Say It Again:
Ive Said It Before And Ill Say It Again:
Ive Said It Before And Ill Say It Again:
Ive Said It Before And Ill Say It Again:
Ive Said It Before And Ill Say It Again:

i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again:

it is ALWAYS kirishima loving hours on this blog

5 years ago

The Losers Club as Text Posts

[Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker]

Stan: So. Who broke it? I’m not mad, I just wanna know.

Bill: …I did. I broke it.

Stan: No. No you didn’t. Richie?

Richie: Don’t look at me. Look at Ben.

Ben: What?! I didn’t break it.

Richie: Huh, that’s weird. How’d you even know it was broken?

Ben: Because it’s sitting right in front of us and it’s broken.

Richie: Suspicious.

Ben: No it’s not!

Mike: If it matters, probably not, but Eddie was the last one to use it.

Eddie: Liar! I don’t even drink that crap!

Mike: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?

Eddie: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that Mike!

Bill: Okay let’s not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it Stan.

Stan: No! Who broke it!?

Ben: Stan…Beverly’s been awfully quiet.

Beverly: REALLY?![Everyone starts arguing]

Stan: [being interviewed] I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it. I predict 10 minutes from now they’ll be at each other’s throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.

5 years ago

richie: hey haystack, did you know that 'thot' means 'thoughtful person'?

ben: really? I didn't know this slang.


ben: thanks so much for helping me out with this, mike. you're such a thot.

mike, wheezing: I'm a WHAT?

5 years ago

stan gets migraines and he gets episodes where all he can do is lay on the cold, wooden floor to try and stop the room from spinning and the throbbing in his head.

he gets episodes where he cant leave his house, hell, he only leaves his room if he has to. and the losers feel so bad for him. they want to help but they have no idea how.

bev brings him a warm mug of broth to sip on when he cant keep any food down. ben makes him a playlist of soothing white noise sounds to help quiet the pounding in his head. eddie places a cold compress to his head, to dull the throbbing and makes sure he takes his medications. bill makes sure that hes comfortable, that hes not too hot or too cold, helps him find a way to deal with the hot flashes he gets. mike helps him move around, get to the bathroom to brush his teeth or shower or go downstairs to eat something. richie keeps him company when hes bored. its the one time richie is actually quiet, though that doesnt stop him from telling bad jokes and using shitty voices

stan always thanks them, tries to find a way to repay them but the losers dont need anything, reassuring him that hes their friends and thats what friends do

5 years ago

If the Losers had superpowers:

First thing first, Pennywise died and they are friends as adults because I said so

There's some accident that they were in and boom, they have powers, idc about plot

They're like 26-28 when it happens

Bev can create/control fire, you're hair is winter fire

Ben has the power of empathy, he can feel others emotions and has the power to make people calm when he touches them

Richie has super speed, his energetic ass had ADHD and he's always moving

Bill has the power of healing, that way he can help and no one has to die like Georgie did

Mike can transform into any animal he wishes, all the time on the farm gave him a connection to the animals

Eddie can read minds, now he will always know when someone is lying to him

Stan can create a force field, it will protect him and anyone behind, he's the one that keeps the group safe

They totally become superheros

Richie wanted to use his power for personal gain but Bev set him on fire and he changed him mind

Eddie refuses to wear those stupid outfits and Stan agrees so they have somewhat normal looking costumes

Eddie has so much gossip on the others he totally uses it for blackmail, but he would never actually tell them

Mike often transforms into any adorable animal when he feels as if he's loosing and argument

Richie consumes so much food because he burns so many calories, they almost go broke trying to feed him

Stan often creates a field around Richie that is sound proof when he wants him to shut up

Ben is always afraid of touching others, he feels as if he's invading their pricacy, Eddie feels the same

Later they both learn to control it and often have conversations about their powers together

Eddie totally discovered his powers by reading Richies mind on acident

This is also how they got together because Richie was thinking of Eddies ass at the time

Stan saved Patty from some muggers, but if we're being honest he just helped because she was totally kicking their assets on her own

She then asks him for coffee and he shuts down because a cute girl asked him out

Patty and Richie weirdly get along and it concerns Stan

Sometimes Mike will turn into a cat and curl up on Bills lap, he is the only one blessed with this gift

Bill is never sick and is always taking in animals that are injured to heal, Mike enjoys watching

Bill kisses Mike and then proceeds to run away and completely disappears for three days

When he comes back they fuck

Ben touches Bev once and is suddenly overcome with the feeling of love and it takes him a week to confront her about it

The love was for him and they date from that point on

Beverly has a fireplace in her room, she's also never cold

Bill almost revels his secret identity once after he accidently healed a child's broke arm in a Taco Bell at 3am

Anyway, send me IT headcanons

5 years ago
Part 5!!! Bev Can Create Illusions!!!!
Part 5!!! Bev Can Create Illusions!!!!
Part 5!!! Bev Can Create Illusions!!!!
Part 5!!! Bev Can Create Illusions!!!!
Part 5!!! Bev Can Create Illusions!!!!
Part 5!!! Bev Can Create Illusions!!!!
Part 5!!! Bev Can Create Illusions!!!!

part 5!!! Bev can create illusions!!!! 

5 years ago
The Police Caught And Arrested Him. But Despite The Heinous And Violent Crimes He Was Credibly Accused
The Police Caught And Arrested Him. But Despite The Heinous And Violent Crimes He Was Credibly Accused
The Police Caught And Arrested Him. But Despite The Heinous And Violent Crimes He Was Credibly Accused

The police caught and arrested him. But despite the heinous and violent crimes he was credibly accused of, he was released without bail. He was free for three months AFTER police discovered  that he was abusing 12 underage black girls.

Chrystul Kizer was raped and trafficked by this man for years.

She’s now facing life in prison for defending herself against her attacker.

Free Chrystul Kizer!!!

Pls spread help spread the news!


5 years ago
REGISTER TO VOTE: Https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote
REGISTER TO VOTE: Https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote
REGISTER TO VOTE: Https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote

REGISTER TO VOTE: https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote

JOIN BERNIE 2020: https://berniesanders.com/

5 years ago
Once The Children Were Asleep, Sajjad Headed Out On An Urgent Shopping Mission. We Are Muslims And Wed

Once the children were asleep, Sajjad headed out on an urgent shopping mission. “We are Muslims and we’d never had a Christmas tree in our home. But these children were Christian and we wanted them to feel connected to their culture.”

The couple worked until the early hours putting the tree up and wrapping presents. The first thing the children saw the next morning was the tree.

“I had never seen that kind of extra happiness and excitement on a child’s face.“ The children were meant to stay for two weeks – seven years later two of the three siblings are still living with them.


5 years ago

Suck my dick tumblr i can still edit john greens posts

5 years ago

how draw boobies


You’re welcome

5 years ago

Heyyyy. Could you show how you draw different body types in your style? I want to make my full body drawing better, but they all look the same! Thank you!

Hey hey hey, first of all Im flattered you would ask ME of all people this!  Im definitely not an expert on anatomy but Ill do my best to explain for you!


shapes shapes SHAPES baby!! Like faces, the body can just be broken down into shapes! 


Some dink artists say that “women’s bodies’ are strictly x” and “men’s bodies’ are strictly y” but fuck that! Go crazy! Go stupid!!! Dont matter what your charas gender is, they can have whatever body type you want them to have! No restrictions! No rules!!!!! Now that we got that out of the way, lets start with the all-powerful TORSO!!


There are infinite possibilities! 

The length of the torso varies too!


For example, in my family the majority of us have small torsos and long legs. Im a LOT shorter than my siblings ( rip theyre both above 6ft tall) but we all have the same torso to leg ratio. So try out different heights and torso lengths for your chara!


Once you choose your torso shape, slap varying %s of either fat/muscle, or lack there of, on them! If you want your chara to be chunky, research where fat naturally lies on the human body, and decide where most of their fat is going to be. Where fat is stored on the body is different for every person!

Most importantly, try varying body types for one character before you decide on one! Compare and contrast. If two charas are too similar, change one up a little bit! All too often up-in-coming artists only see one way of drawing people’s bodies as the norm. Dont get me wrong, artists who typically use only one body type can still make FANTASTIC work! It is easier to draw people one way so you can focus on other aspects of your art. Diversifying your designs take energy, but I think its worth it! People identify with characters who look like them, and its an awesome feeling when someone tells you how much they love a character that you designed! Hope this helped~

5 years ago
g0thicbat - bat !
5 years ago

we fucking on the autopsy table tonight

5 years ago

I hope you wake up early enough in the morning to put on your favorite outfit and make your favorite breakfast. I hope you find your skin clear and hair healthy. I hope you’re content with the way your body looks. I hope you find happiness in small things today. I hope that, even with your ups and downs, you are content with yourself.

5 years ago
g0thicbat - bat !
5 years ago

Gee wouldn’t it be neat…

if there was a directory where we could find Latine/Latinx businesses that we can support rather than dump money into big businesses that don’t have the best interests in our communities and actually frequently hurt us?

Something like… SHOP LATINX?!

Gee Wouldnt It Be Neat
5 years ago

Every person who likes and reblogs this post will be enrolled in witness protection

5 years ago

When you’re experimenting with your art and you see a cool style

When Youre Experimenting With Your Art And You See A Cool Style