galacticfuckingprincess - Jsaden Walker
Jsaden Walker

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11 posts

Rem With The Tast

Rem with the tasté ✨️

Boyfriend For Hire
Boyfriend For Hire
Boyfriend For Hire

Boyfriend for Hire

BTS Ot7 x Reader

Chapter 40

Two updates in one day? 😱 😂 just kidding. I figured I owed you guys one.

Psst! By the way, the next chapter contains 18+ content 👀.

Readers, beware! 😁

Boyfriend For Hire

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. Taehyung ended up staying like he said he would, to help us finish. After hauling out all the trash and sweeping and mopping the floors, I went through one last time to make sure nothing was missing. Everything was accounted for and I stashed the boxes of damaged goods that I could still use in the back on one of the shelves. Jungkook was right, the door was officially jammed. It couldn’t be opened, and I guessed the good thing about that was the fact that no one would be getting through it again. At least not without difficulty.

Taehyung begged me to stay the night again, but I had to refuse. Staying with them for most of the week along with just spending the day cleaning meant I was behind on orders and I desperately needed to catch up. So, with a promise to come by again this weekend sometime (and another promise to stay with him one of those nights), Hoseok was nice enough to drop me off at my apartment with a farewell and a reminder of the time his class was tomorrow. I stayed up much later than I should have trying to finish as much as I could.

I completed four that needed to be shipped early next week, so I was proud of the little progress I made. Yoongi called me to check up on me and I made sure to call Jin and thank him for the lunch earlier. By the time I made it to bed, I was exhausted, falling asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.


The next morning, I was excited to get to see Hobi dancing. He had mentioned he was filling in for one of the other teachers that was on leave for a family issue. He typically didn’t have a whole lot of time for full classes. He did substitute a lot and had one group he committed to meeting with at least twice a week along with maybe a few private lessons here and there, but most of the dancing he did was for his own pleasure. Arriving at the studio, I parked and got out, rushing to the front entrance trying to escape the cold. I opted to drive myself, planning on heading back home afterwards to get some more work done before going back to the shared apartment.

I loved those men, but I certainly can’t get much work done while being in the same room as them. I froze with that thought. My feet cemented to the sidewalk as flurries of snow swirled around me. Did I love them? There was only person in the world I could say with certainty I loved wholeheartedly and that was Kat. But I wasn’t in love with her. I didn’t know what falling in love felt like and I didn’t know how I was supposed to feel once you committed to it. But I did know that what I felt for the seven of them wasn’t anything like I felt for Kat.

It was more intense. Passionate. My heart swelled every time they smiled at me, and the sound of their voices relieved the aching I felt when they weren’t there. I missed them when I couldn’t see them, and I wanted to be with them every second I could. Isn’t that what they say love feels like in the books? Or was it a more abstract definition. You couldn’t logically explain it to someone that didn’t feel the same thing towards the same people you did. Like trying to describe the way water tastes or what silence sounds like. Maybe it was speculative, and no one really knows for certain what it feels like to be in love.

Only that you feel such a strong connection with another person that you would willingly put them above yourself. Someone you could see yourself spending your life with and wanting to give your life to. I could see the kids just inside the entrance to the studio, all surrounding Hoseok with large smiles on their faces as they all shouted over one another to garner his attention. Hobi took it in stride, his mouth moving as he spoke to all of them, and they all were riveted onto his every word.

It was then, standing outside and looking in that I realized that yes, perhaps I did love them. Was in love with them. So impossibly and irrevocably smitten with all seven of them that I would never choose anyone else. Even if they didn’t choose me. If by some twisted fate I was no longer able to be with them, I knew deep down I would never find anything that compared to the way I felt about them with another person. They were it for me. My end all and be all. Hoseok’s eyes lifted to the window, that smile that struck me like an arrow through the heart every time he flashed it at me surfacing as our eyes met.

He waved me in, mouth moving again as he said something to the kids who all collectively turned to see me standing outside. Finding my feet again, I carried myself to the door and entered, barely getting enough time to shed my coat as I was bombarded by all the kids that were once surrounding Hobi.

“Are you Mr. Hoseok’s girlfriend?” one little girl asked.

“I like to think so.” I smiled, seeing Hobi shake his head out of the corner of my eye.

“She is. Don’t let her tell you otherwise.” He hollered while checking the sound system.

One little boy tugged on my sweater until I leaned down far enough for him to whisper in my ear.

“Maybe with you here he won’t be so strict.”

“Oh? Is he usually really strict?”

“Always.” Another little girl chimed in. “But he always gives us cookies afterwards, so we forgive him.”

I lifted an eyebrow. “He bribes you?”

“I don’t bribe them! I reward them for doing such a good job.” Hoseok said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders to lead me to one of the corners of the studio.

“But you just told us you wouldn’t give us cookies if we didn’t say nice things about you to your girlfriend!” the first little girl accuses him.

Hoseok let out a horrified gasp and I burst into laughter.

“Busted.” I said, poking him in the side. “If you don’t give them cookies, I will.”

He grinned, rolling his eyes. “Don’t worry. I always give out cookies. Whether they’re behaved or not. Just don’t tell them that.” He whispered to me.

He clapped once, the sound loud and echoing in the studio. Everyone straightened immediately, turning their attention to him.

“Alright everyone. Let’s start with some stretching exercises. Who wants to lead this week?”


Hobi was an amazing dancer to say the least. Even in the slow steps he was using to show the kids what he was doing, every motion was fluid and effortless. No doubt he was born to dance, and I wondered why he didn’t pursue it. Even the kids were enthralled with him. They watched him carefully, mimicking his movements the best they could. Complete admiration on their faces. It was so cute to watch. The class finished without a hitch, and just as he promised, Hoseok gave them all cookies afterwards as parents came to collect them all one by one.

“So, what did you think?” Hobi asked, dropping down in a chair beside me after the last student had left.

I handed him a bottled water that he had placed beside me earlier, thinking he probably needed it more than I did.

“I had a good time! The kids really love you and you do so well with them.”

“I like kids. They’re so eager to learn it makes it easy to teach them.” He admitted, shying away from my compliment as he took a drink.

It was a little past mid-day. The snow outside still going strong as the wind whipped past people on the streets. People held onto their coats tighter and pulled their caps lower on their head to fight the bite of the chilly air. A fresh layer of snow coated most of the ground and sidewalks, bathing everything in white. It was beautiful really. As much as the cold weather sucked, winter was a gorgeous season. The world covered in white was a sight not everyone got to see but should at least once in their life.

“What about you?” Hobi asked.

I turned my head to see him already looking at me.

“What about me what?”

“Do you like kids?”

“Oh, yeah. I love them. I used to babysit to make a little extra cash while in university. I enjoy toddlers, but babies were always my favorite. They’re so cute.”

“So… you wouldn’t be opposed to having your own someday?”

I thought about it for a second. To be honest, I had never thought about having my own kids, but more because I wasn’t at a point in my life where they were something I was ready for rather than something I didn’t want.

“Someday, I would like some of my own. I’m a little scared though. Growing up without having parents who loved me like they should have made me realize how detrimental it is for a child to grow up without having that type of love in their life. Logically, having experienced that for myself I know what not to do, but it’s still terrifying. I want my kids to know I love them and I would be there for them no matter what, but it’s so easy to mess up, you know? What if I’m not a good mother?”

I looked away, back out the window to watch people scurry by. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Hoseok mulling over what I had told him. His own gaze looking out the window, but it was faraway. He took another sip from his water bottle. From the side, his features were even more striking. Sharp jaw and nose, pronounced chin, the ends of his hair had started to curl with the sweat accumulating on his forehead. He cleared his throat before answering.

“Well, I think you’d be a great mom. No one can be perfect all the time. You can’t expect them to be. You’ll make mistakes and shit happens, but at the end of the day, as long as you try to rectify them, it’ll work out. I have no doubt you’d be the best mother you can be.”

I smiled, loving the way his cheeks pinkened just the tiniest bit as he refused to meet my eyes. I scoot my chair a little closer to his and laid my head on his shoulder.

“I think you’d make a good dad. You’ve already got the fatherly advice bit down.” I teased.

He chuckled, my head bouncing with his shoulders as they shifted.

“I’ll leave that to Jin. Lord knows the man has more dad in him than any of us, but I will admit the thought of being a dad myself is a nice one.”

The silence between us after that was a comfortable one. After a few beats, I sat up turning to face him in my chair excitedly.

“Now will you dance for me again? I want to see exactly what Jung Hoseok is capable of.”

Chapter 41》

Taglist (closed): @mayla548 @lizzymizzy-blogg @uarmyhore @strawberry-moonpies @yu-justme @gooooomz @luvian-art @p-i-e-d-p-i-p-e-r @kiki-zb @mageprincess7 @thebisexualonesworld @mellymousie @bookoffracturedescapes @comingupwithacoolnameishard @idkreallys-blog @mushroom-main @ortiz1997 @felicityroth @juju-227592 @minholykingofkorea @purplelo @welcometomyworld13 @idkjustlovingbts @writingwithmai @k3yl337 @singukieee @taebae19 @tinyoonsblog @shawtylilsalty @bts-ruu @hopeonthestreet67 @burningfanflowercash

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More Posts from Galacticfuckingprincess

An open note to readers of fanfic

Sometimes I stare at the computer screen when the words don’t want to come and I think, “Fuck, who am I kidding? This is terrible writing, and this story is shit, and no one cares, anyway.“  And I close the window and go do something else.

But every now and then I get an amazing, heartfelt, beautiful comment from someone who loved something I wrote, and it reminds me that, at least for that one person, I did write something worthwhile. And so I open the window again and I write one sentence, and then another, and then I start to find my way again.

So on behalf of all fanfic writers everywhere, I want to say thank you, thank you so much, to all of the readers who take the time to leave a comment and tell us that something we wrote mattered to you, that it brightened your day or made you laugh or cry or get horny or whatever.

Please don’t think we’re ever bothered by your comment, or that we don’t want to hear it, or that what you have to say isn’t important enough. It means so, so much. And on some days, it’s what keeps us going.

Boyfriend For Hire
Boyfriend For Hire
Boyfriend For Hire

Boyfriend for Hire

BTS Ot7 x Reader

Chapter 42

Hey y'all. This honestly probably should've been split into another chapter, but I didn't think it would fair to make you guys wait that long for a third part 😅.

Once again, 18+ warning. I'm serious. This is dirty dirty. Namseok had me feeling it though.

By the way, I'm curious how many of you guessed this coming. I technically didn't count Jin as the next person when I did the votes, so Namjoon and Hobi together are technically our third and fourth members to join the bang gang 😅

Boyfriend For Hire

The way Namjoon’s eyes darkened even more had me clenching around nothing. He dipped his head, kissing me hungrily and unthreading my fingers from his shirt. He pulled back too soon, a whine escaping me before I could stop it.

“Hoseok.” He growled at the same time he began stripping.

I was momentarily distracted by the expanse of golden honey skin being exposed in front of me. Namjoon was broad and toned and beautiful. Biceps flexing as he popped the button on his pants, pants that were already tenting with what was sure to be an impressive erection at full mast. Already, my body was responding to him.

“I got it.” Hobi answered, gripping my thighs to slide me down the desk towards him.

He helped me down to stand in front of him before turning me around to bend over his desk. I cast a look over my shoulder but was quickly redirected when Namjoon’s fingers caught my chin.

“You were so beautiful when you were cumming. I want to see it again.”

I shivered under his heavy gaze, my desire quickly skyrocketing again as Hoseok forcibly spread my legs a bit further, hand drifting up my inner thigh to brush my clit. I jerked forward, my hips digging into the edge of the desk as Hobi laid a hand on my lower back to settle me.

“Shh princess. I need you as wet as possible if you’re going to take Joonie.”

Unconsciously, my eyes darted to the man in question’s cock. His pants were undone, but everything was still concealed much to my displeasure. Thinking it would be pertinent to have him undressed before I wasn’t capable of doing it once Hobi got his hands on me, I reached out to help him finish undressing. He let me push his pants and underwear down his legs the best I could leaning over the desk. His cock springing out, making my eyes widen. He was huge. I mean, like maybe I would be biting off more than I could chew trying to take him, but fuck. I wanted to.

His head was swollen, precum already beginning to ooze out of his tip. I licked my lips, wanting to swallow him, but even if he stood flush to the desk I would have difficulty reaching him. A complaint was on the tip of my tongue, at least it was, until Hobi’s fingers sank into my pussy. Instinctively, I clenched around them, my hands gripping onto anything they could reach, one of which grasped Namjoon’s dick, squeezing tightly.

“Fuck.” Namjoon groaned through his teeth.

Hoseok’s fingers started a steady rhythm. Pumping in and out of me without much hindrance thanks to my orgasm from earlier.

“Namjoon’s the only one who could possibly rival Tae in size. If you can take him, you’ll take Taehyung. The poor boy’s desperate for it. Shit, we all are. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve dreamt about fucking you like this.” Hobi growled, his pace getting faster as he guided me towards another orgasm.

“Do you want that baby? Do you want Hobi to fuck you on top of his desk, so he can think about it time and time again when he’s here working?” Namjoon fanned the flames of my desire whispering in my ear.

I nodded desperately, my legs spreading wider for Hoseok. “Yes. Please. Fuck me.”

Hoseok removed his hand, his wet fingers digging into my hips to move me into position.

“I don’t have a condom on hand, but I’ll pull out. If you’re still worried, I’ll even buy you a morning after pill when we’re done here.”

“Don’t worry about it. I have an IUD.”

Hobi groaned and I could almost picture the way he was biting his lip. I didn’t have to imagine for long, one look behind me revealed he was just as affected by my words as I had thought. His eyes were dark, lips parted with his tongue playing in one corner of them.

“In that case, I won’t pull out. I’ll leave you messy for Joonie. It’ll make it easier for him to slide in anyway.”

Fuck, if they all talked like this during sex, I was in trouble. I wasn’t accustomed to dirty talk. None of my previous lovers had even entertained the idea, but with them, I was quickly realizing I had a kink for it. Namjoon pinched one of my nipples, taking advantage of the way my lips opened in a moan to shove two fingers into my mouth. He held my tongue down, leaving me unable to do much more than pant against them as the head of Hoseok’s cock nudged my opening. I felt his hand coast up my spine before gripping the back of my neck.

Hobi’s entry had my knees threatening to buckle beneath me. He slipped in, the feeling of him without a flimsy piece of rubber separating us was addicting already.

I wasn’t entirely sure I could go back to using condoms after this. I didn’t see Hobi’s length, but I could feel it. Just like the other’s he was well-endowed. Sliding perfectly into my waiting walls. A tad thicker than Yoongi, but not quite as long as Jimin. Still enough to graze my g-spot and have me moaning around Namjoon’s fingers which turned into a choke as my saliva pooled in my mouth. I couldn’t swallow with Namjoon holding down my tongue, so it dribbled out of the corner of my mouth and coated his fingers as I whimpered. Whether it was an intelligible plea for him to let me go or for Hobi to keep going was impossible to say.

Finally, Namjoon pulled his fingers out of my mouth at the same time Hoseok fully seated himself inside me. Instead of wiping his hand off, Namjoon used my spit as lubrication as he painted his cock with it. Gripping my hand that still held his dick, he guided it up and down his shaft, the friction lessened with my saliva coupled with his precum.

“How does she feel Hobi?”

“Like heaven.” Hoseok groaned, pulling back to thrust in again with a hard snap of his hips.

“Ah, please.” I whined.

“Please what?” Namjoon growled, forcing my hand to grip him tighter and pump him a little bit faster.

The words were on the tip of my tongue. The explanation of how desperately I needed to cum. How much I needed the two of them to get me there. Namjoon’s hand came up to cradle my cheek, tilting my head up to gaze at him from under my lashes.

“What is it baby girl?”

The nickname had my pussy clenching around Hobi. The squeeze eliciting a curse out of the man’s mouth as he finally began moving the way I needed him to. His hips rammed into me, skin slapping together as his fingers dug into my flesh harder. But I wanted more. Needed more. Everything my body was taking was too much and not enough at the same time. I was waging an internal battle and I couldn’t decide which way I was being pulled. I was utterly overwhelmed both physically and emotionally and tears ran down my cheeks as a result.

“Ah, baby don’t worry. I’ll give you what you need.” He crooned, wiping my tears away and leaning down to kiss me.

Namjoon readily ravaged my mouth. I moaned into the kiss but couldn’t focus on it. Hoseok was pounding into me savagely, my pelvis digging painfully into the edge of the desk, but it was far from unpleasant. His cock speared me, over and over again, his body on top of mine was hot and my juices were running down my thighs. I could hear every plunge, the squelch with every reentry was lewd and loud in the room. Namjoon released me at the same moment Hobi’s hand came around my neck, wrapping around my throat in a light squeeze as he brought me to him, my back to his chest.

I panted, one of my hands reaching behind me to hold onto the one grip he had on my waist. Namjoon rounded the desk quickly, forcing himself between me and the desk. Hoseok’s pace never faltered; his hot breath ghosted across my ear with the effort of his thrusts. Namjoon took advantage of how open this new position left me, head dipping to take a nipple into his mouth much like how Hoseok had when Namjoon had first found us. I buried my fingers in his hair, nails digging into his scalp. I dropped my head backwards onto Hobi’s shoulder, his lips finding that sensitive spot just under my ear.

“Fuck!” my voice was hoarse, so much stimulation at once was making my mind hazy.

“You’re so fucking perfect.” Hoseok panted into my ear. “You look good in my necklaces, but there’s no better collar than my hand around your neck. You’re all mine, princess. I wanna hear you say it.”

Namjoon continued his assault on my breasts. Mouth switching to the other one at the same time his fingers found my clit. He set a fast pace, drawing circles across my bundle of nerves.

“I’m yours Hobi!” I choked on my cries, toes curling as I felt myself being hurtled from that precipice.

“That’s it princess. Cum for me. Cream on my cock.” Hoseok’s voice was harsh, his hips stuttering as my orgasm brought forth his own.

The high that overcame me was so intense, it tore a scream from me that was barely intelligible as his name. Hoseok released my throat to slap a hand over my mouth, muffling my scream.

“Shit.” He swore under his breath as his cock swelled inside me seconds before I could feel the warmth of his seed flood my inner walls.

The feeling of him cumming sent aftershocks through me, throwing me into another, much smaller and less intense orgasm. It didn’t wreck me any less though as I practically collapsed between the two of them. Namjoon caught me effortlessly. My fingers holding onto his forearms weakly as I tried to catch my breath. My legs felt like jello and my head was a jumbled mess. Hobi slid out of me, from the sound of his breathing it didn’t seem like he fared any better than I did.

“Damn and I thought Jin was the only one with a cum fetish, but that has to be the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

Hoseok steadied me, spreading my legs further apart as his cum leaked out of me to run down my thighs and drip to the floor. He brushed his fingers along my opening making me whimper at how sensitive I still was.

“I’m sorry princess.” He cooed, kissing any part of my face that wasn’t buried in Namjoon’s chest.

I turned my head to kiss him properly. His tongue caressing my own, and despite my exhaustion, the embers of desire were quickly building again. Hobi pulled back, giving me an affectionate smile.

“You still have someone to take care of. He’s been waiting patiently.”

It took a lot of energy, but I managed to lift my head enough to meet Namjoon’s eyes. His thumb rubbed my jaw, and he kissed my forehead softly.

“You don’t have to baby girl. I know that was a lot.”

I shook my head, gathering my bearings enough to stand on my own two feet before him. I raised my hands to cup his cheeks, pulling his face to mine to kiss him with as much fervor as he had kissed me earlier.

“Let me take care of you Joonie.”

“Are you sure?”


His answering groan sent shivers through me as he connected our lips again. His hands cupped the backs of my thighs, lifting me into his arms as he spun us around to lay me on Hobi’s desk. He leaned back, letting Hoseok take his place over my head as the other man took it upon himself to give me a panty-melting kiss of his own. I felt Namjoon’s fingers glide up my inner thigh, forcing a whine out of me as he gathered Hobi’s seed on them and swirled his fingers over my entrance.

“Hobi did such a good job getting you nice and ready for me baby girl. You better thank him.”

Two of Namjoon’s fingers entered me making me gasp and lose contact with Hoseok’s kiss. Our eyes met, and it wasn’t until that moment that I realized how intimate this was between the three of us. Now that the raw and unbridled lust had somewhat curbed between Hoseok and I, there was an air of vulnerability in its place. An unspoken connection that we all shared. A palpable silence alluding to the amount of trust we had with each other to be in such close proximity like this.

“T-thank you.” I whispered.

That gorgeously bright smile that drew me in in the first place took residence on Hobi’s face. And with it, I could feel another piece of my heart dedicating itself to these men. Namjoon placed my feet on the edge of the desk, pushing my knees further apart and positioning himself between them. He settled the head of his cock against my pussy, gliding between my lips to lather himself in my own slick and what was left of Hoseok’s release.

“Relax for me baby girl.”

I wanted to obey, but fuck it was hard. No pun intended. Every nudge of the head of his cock against my opening sent a wave of anxiety through me. I had never seen a man as big as Namjoon before, let alone fucked one.

“Hoseok.” Namjoon called him again.

Hobi pulled away again briefly to grab something off the floor. It took me half a second to realize it was Namjoon’s tie that he had tossed away while undressing. I propped myself up on my elbows, watching curiously as he approached me.

“I’m going to take your mind off of Namjoon princess.”

He placed the tie over my eyes, knotting it securely behind my head. The lack of vision made my heart pound harder as I stressed my other senses to figure out what was happening. Hobi’s hands coasted from my hair, down my neck, to my breasts. Taking my nipples between his fingers and rolling them roughly. I whimpered, hips jerking involuntarily as Hoseok’s breath brushed over my ear.

“Focus on me Y/N.” he whispered, licking a path from my neck to that spot just under my ear that turned me to jelly beneath him.

Namjoon didn’t touch me apart from keeping my feet planted on the desk. Hoseok’s ministrations the only form of contact my mind was following. My breath came out harshly and my body practically liquefying as Hoseok sucked on my neck almost as hard as Jimin had. In that second, Namjoon saw his opening. My body relaxed and at the same moment, Namjoon surged forward, the head of his cock slipping in with ease along with an extra inch of his shaft. The burn was almost instantaneous.

I gasped, my pussy clenching around the intrusion. As much as it was uncomfortable, I begged for more, my cunt sucking him in further and letting him sink in a couple more inches. The stretch was intense, a strangled cry leaving my lips as I bit my bottom one to keep it at bay. Hobi’s fingers teased it out from between my teeth gently, whispering into my ear.

“None of that princess. Wouldn’t want you biting your pretty lips raw.”

One of Namjoon’s hands released my ankle to lay a hand on my stomach. His breathing was heavy, my ears more in tune with it since I couldn’t see him.

“You’re doing so good baby girl. Taking me so well.” He encouraged me softly.

“So big.” I whined, my body wiggling trying to cope with Namjoon’s invasion. “Too much.”

“You can take me baby girl. Hobi will help.”

My legs trembled as Namjoon lifted my feet off the desk and pushed them towards my chest. Hoseok leaned over me to grasp them behind my knees, holding them up for him. The new angle opened me further, and I could tell by the fullness in my core and Namjoon’s loud groan that he had slid in the rest of the way.

“Ah, fuck.”

I squeezed my eyelids tight behind the blindfold. Liquid fire ran through my veins and despite the pressure I was feeling between my legs, there was an underlying sense of pride knowing I had taken him. Namjoon didn’t move, opting to stand still while I adjusted around him. Hobi laid kisses along my jaw and down my neck. I turned my head as his face got closer, kissing him aggressively since it was the only thing I could do right now.

Hoseok moaned, his hand finding its way around my throat again, but rather than squeezing, he just held it there. Once again, being my anchor in the whirlpool of emotions trying to pull me under. With one leg now free, I wrapped it around Namjoon’s waist. My movement made his presence all the more prominent as he shifted inside me. There was still a burn, but it was a lot more bearable. Namjoon’s hand grabbed the meaty part of my thigh, nails digging into my skin. The bite of pain a delicious reprieve from the ache between my legs.

“Jesus. She’s so fucking tight.” The words sounded like they were forced between his teeth.

I attempted to tilt my hips, the urge to have him move overflowing as pleasure overtook everything again. He hissed, other hand coming down on my abdomen again.

“Namjoon. Move.” I moaned, my lips brushing against Hobi’s as I spoke.

The first thrust damn near sent me into a state of ecstasy, the second one did. Being completely overstuffed with him increased my sensitivity ten-fold, every stroke and drag through my walls sending tingles through me to settle in the pit of my stomach. My toes going numb as my blood circulation made the executive decision to forgo my extremities and provide more supply to my throbbing clit. Namjoon attempted to keep things under control, but his pace quickly deteriorated, thrusts becoming harder and faster the longer he fucked me.

My voice was loud in the otherwise quiet office, sounds being forced out of me in a high-pitched whine every time Joonie would plunge back into me. Hobi’s hand removed the blindfold swiftly before clapping over my mouth again, muffling my noises. I blinked rapidly, the lights above my head seeming too bright after being in the dark for that short while. Namjoon’s hand knocked Hobi’s out of the way, making sure both of my legs were securely wrapped around his hips as he sped up, hands holding onto my waist tightly.

His head fell back, his eyes closing and eyebrows pinching together in concentration as his hair that had once been meticulously slicked back had fallen out of its hold and hung into his eyes. Sweat began to bead on his skin and soft groans left his mouth bewitchingly. Hoseok’s fingers found my nipples again, tweaking them in time with the snap of Namjoon's hips. My body jerked and my words muffled against his palm.

“What was that princess?”

“I’m gonna cum. I can’t- I need more. Please.” I cried.

“Cum on me baby girl. Milk me of everything I can give you.” Namjoon rumbled.

He let go of my hip, fingers finding my clit easily as he fucked me harder. Rubbing against my oversensitive nub deftly as Hobi pinched my nipples. My orgasm drug me under suddenly, my eyes rolling back and body spasming as I choked on my moans. Namjoon’s thrusts grew frantic, body bucking helplessly against mine as he chased his own high before I came out of my mine. His hips stuttered, once, twice before he exploded inside me. Thick ropes of cum coating my walls and dripping out of me as he kept cumming.

“Fuck!” he shouted, hands slamming down on the desk on either side of me as he continued thrusting, riding it out.

The overstimulation was bordering painful again as a weak mewl escaped me. He stopped moving, dropping his head onto my chest that was heaving just as heavily as his was. Post-orgasm haze was a force to reckoned with. Almost instantly, I wanted to fall asleep, my mind slipping into a state of bliss, never wanting to leave the two men who cradled me gently. Namjoon’s hand cupped my cheek, guiding my gaze to his as he looked at me worriedly.

“You alright baby girl?”

“I’m perfect.” I slurred sleepily, nuzzling his hand.

Hoseok chuckled. “You may have broke her Joonie.”

Namjoon grunted, lifting off me. The action had him slide out of me. Even flaccid, the man was hung and I winced with the motion.

“Ouch.” I murmured with the soreness as I tried to move.

“Let me.”

Namjoon’s arms came under me, lifting me off the desk and carrying me to the sofa. He laid us down, me on top of him, head snuggled into his chest as Hoseok pulled his sweatpants back on. He made quick work of cleaning all three of us up, casting a wry smile to his desk.

“It may be safe to say my desk isn’t any better than our dining table at home now.”

Namjoon chuckled, I would have laughed too except I was beyond tired. My eyes quickly shutting despite my best efforts to keep them open. I felt someone drape a blanket over the two of us, most likely Hobi as he caressed my head and placed a soft kiss again my hair.

“So much for talking.” I heard Hobi say a bit sarcastically.

“Let her sleep. We can talk about it when she wakes up.” Namjoon replied.

I wanted to know what they were talking about. My exhaustion wasn’t having it though. My consciousness checked out only seconds after Namjoon spoke with me comfortably situated in his arms.

Chapter 43》

Taglist (closed): @mayla548 @lizzymizzy-blogg @uarmyhore @strawberry-moonpies @yu-justme @gooooomz @luvian-art @p-i-e-d-p-i-p-e-r @kiki-zb @mageprincess7 @thebisexualonesworld @mellymousie @bookoffracturedescapes @comingupwithacoolnameishard @idkreallys-blog @mushroom-main @ortiz1997 @felicityroth @juju-227592 @minholykingofkorea @purplelo @welcometomyworld13 @idkjustlovingbts @writingwithmai @k3yl337 @singukieee @taebae19 @tinyoonsblog @shawtylilsalty @bts-ruu @hopeonthestreet67 @burningfanflowercash

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Damn remedyx, I love her work.

Boyfriend For Hire
Boyfriend For Hire
Boyfriend For Hire

Boyfriend for Hire

BTS Ot7 x Reader

Chapter 39

Here it is y'all! So sorry for the late upload. I've been taking care of my mom since her surgery and I'd be lying if I said I didn't find it hard to write in my usual environment 😅. I'm working on more chapters as this is posted, so regularly scheduled releases will be back tomorrow 💜💜

Boyfriend For Hire

“God. This place is a mess.” I sighed, tiptoeing around all the dismantled racks and merchandise.

Both Hoseok and Jungkook accompanied me to the shop even though I told them they didn’t have to. Neither of them would take no for an answer though, so I couldn’t argue anymore. The damage looked even worse now that it was bright outside.

“We’ll get it sorted out in no time. Kookie, you start in the back. Y/N and I will get to work up here.”

Jungkook set off for the back room before I could stop him.

“Hobi, seriously. You guys don’t have to stay. I’m sure you need to get back to clients, and Jungkook has two businesses to run-“

Hoseok took my shoulders in hand, squeezing them as he gave me that brilliant smile.

“I already called and canceled all of my meetings for today. I can’t just leave you and Kat to clean this all up by yourselves. We’re staying.”

Speak of the devil and she shall appear. Kat made her way through the front doors carrying a carrier full of coffee.

“Holy shit.” She gawked at the state the store was in. “When I get my hands on those assholes.”

She swore colorfully as she handed me and Hoseok a coffee.

“You must be another of the Brady Bunch. Just as sexy as the rest of them, I see.” Kat smirked looking Hoseok up and down.

The poor man looked completely caught off guard. Mouth opening and closing as he held his coffee. I laughed, enjoying seeing him so flustered.

“Kat got your tongue?” her smirk turned into an evil grin.

“Well, I’ve been told you’re rather… bold.”

She shrugged, fishing out the last couple of coffees.

“You’ll get used to me, don’t worry. Now, where’s the stud? I got him one too.”

“Stud?” Hobi looked to me questioningly.

“She means Jungkook.” I giggled and pointed to the back room. “He’s in the back.”

Kat saluted the two of us and headed to the back to find him.

“Where’s my favorite matchmaker?” she sang as she walked through the doors.

“I better be the only matchmaker you know.” I heard Kook reply before I couldn’t hear them anymore.

I shook my head smiling as I took a sip of my drink. Those two were born to be friends. It reminded me a lot of what Jin had said to me the night he had taken me home from the bar fiasco with Tae. Looking back now that seemed like so long ago.

“Well, I’ll start with the glass and the racks.” Hobi volunteered, setting his cup down on the counter.

“I guess I’ll sort through everything and see what I can save.”

We worked through most of the mess pretty quickly. My pile of whatever I wouldn’t be able to put back on the floor a lot larger than I would have liked, but at least it wouldn’t go in the trash. Most of it I could probably keep and refurbish for other projects. The register was toast. I would have to order a new one along with several new mirrors. The racks and tables were functional albeit looking a little worse for wear, but for now they would have to do. I could always swap them out later.

By the time the lunch hour rolled around, I didn’t even have to suggest anything before Taehyung was waltzing through the front doors with arms full of to go bags.

“Someone ordered delivery.” He chirped, setting down everything he had.

“Did we?” I asked skeptically, shooting Hoseok a look.

“Well, not you specifically. Jin ordered for everybody, and I was the only one nice enough to pick it up and bring it to you.”

“The only one slacking off is more like it.” Hobi corrected, sifting through everything Tae brought.

Whether Tae heard it or chose to ignore it remained to be seen as he hugged me.

“It’s looking good, sweet girl. I came to help with whatever you still needed.”

“Hobi and I are pretty much done up here. I haven’t checked on Kat and Jungkook. We do have a bit of trash to take out.”

Tae followed me to the back of the store where Jungkook and Kat were lifting one of the shelves that had been knocked over. It looked so much better than it did last night. The two of them had cleared the floor, whatever wasn’t damaged placed back where it was or close to it and everything else placed in trash bags.

“It’s looking good back here guys.”

“Luckily most of it was just thrown around it looks like. I didn’t find anything missing. There is one shelf we’ll need to replace, but other than that, not too bad. Oh, and the door.” Kat said, wiping her hands together and making sure the shelf was level.

“Yeah that’s toast.” Jungkook grimaced, casting a look over to the back entrance. “I tried to see if I could do anything with it, but I can’t even open it. Probably just be better to replace the whole thing.”

“Noted. The front is a little worse for wear. I’ll have to get a new register and mirrors. Most likely replace the racks at some point too. Tae brought lunch. We should all take a break.”

“My second favorite bestie boy toy?” Kat asked excitedly, peeking around the shelf to see Tae.

“Hey Kat.” He chuckled, fist bumping her as she approached. “I see a congratulations is in order.”

I looked at him confused, his head nodding down at Kat’s hands. Looking down, I noticed the fat engagement ring sitting on her left ring finger that I had no idea how I had missed the first time. A huge gasp escaped me as I grabbed her hand and ogled the diamond.

“Jackson!?” I asked excitedly.

“He asked me last night.” She gushed, showing off the ring.

“Kat! That’s amazing! Why didn’t you tell me!?”

“After the night you had? I didn’t want to make it seem like I was downgrading what happened here at the shop.”

“Are you kidding? I could’ve used news like this. It would have made my shitty day worth it.”

I pulled her into a hug, the two of us squeezing each other tightly.

“It’s about time though. If Jackson wasn’t going to ask you soon, I would have.” I joked.

“Hey. What about us?” Jungkook pouted.

“Chicks before dicks.” Kat shrugged. “Now can we go eat? I’m starving.”

She brushed past both Jungkook and Tae, the former of the two still sporting a pout. Bottom lip deliciously plump as it jutted out.

“I’m just teasing.” I whispered to him.

“No, she’s not. Besides, Y/N is the only woman I would willingly swing for, so just be aware of that if you all ever decide to do something stupid.”

Both Tae and Kook whipped their heads around to stare at me. I threw my hands up in a shrug before following her. Hoseok was still setting out food when I rounded the corner, having completely missed the conversation. Then again, he was just starting to get used to Kat, so maybe it was for the best. Everyone joined us, digging into the meal Tae had brought and Jin had bought. I would have to thank him later.

“So, are you the boyfriend?” Kat directed at Hoseok.

“Boyfriend?” Hoseok asked, looking to me.

“She means the one who I signed the contract with.”

“Yeah. I’ve met five of you now and somehow have still missed the elusive boyfriend. I’m beginning to get impatient.”

Hobi laughed before shaking his head.

“Sorry. No. I’m not.”

“Damn it!” she growled, throwing her plastic spoon at her empty bowl. “Why doesn’t he come around? Does he have something against me?”

“How could he have anything against you? He hasn’t even met you.” I giggled, scooping some of the noodles out of Taehyung’s bowl and popping them in my mouth.

“Unless you’ve been saying things behind my back and now he’s scared.”

I gave her an unimpressed look.

“There’s nothing they know about you that isn’t true. If you scare him off, that’s not my problem.”

“On the contrary, I think you and Yoongi would get along quite well.” Hoseok nodded, wiping his mouth with a napkin.

“Yoongi. So that’s his name?”

I nodded. “The only two you haven’t met are Yoongi and Namjoon.”

“Namjoon. That one sounds familiar.”

“The lawyer.” I supplied.

“Ah. Right, I remember now.”

I attempted to steal another scoop of noodles from Tae, who had decided to wrestle me for them this time. He deflected all my attempts to sneak my fork in, swatting it back from his food playfully. He held them out of reach and just as I tried to puppy dog eye him for a bite, Jungkook slid his bowl across the table towards me. I abandoned my attack on Tae for the defenseless bowl, but before I could dig in, Taehyung slid it back towards Kook.

“I’ll feed her.” He groused, offering me his bowl once again.

I rolled my eyes at the two of them, but a smile still tugged at the corners of my mouth. A snort had all of us looking at Kat who, along with Hoseok, watched all of us fondly.

“You all are just too cute together. I might become a diabetic.”

Taglist (closed): @mayla548 @lizzymizzy-blogg @uarmyhore @strawberry-moonpies @yu-justme @gooooomz @luvian-art @p-i-e-d-p-i-p-e-r @kiki-zb @mageprincess7 @thebisexualonesworld @mellymousie @bookoffracturedescapes @comingupwithacoolnameishard @idkreallys-blog @mushroom-main @ortiz1997 @felicityroth @juju-227592 @minholykingofkorea @purplelo @welcometomyworld13 @idkjustlovingbts @writingwithmai @k3yl337 @singukieee @taebae19 @tinyoonsblog @shawtylilsalty @bts-ruu @hopeonthestreet67 @burningfanflowercash

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