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Damn remedyx, I love her work.

Boyfriend For Hire
Boyfriend For Hire
Boyfriend For Hire

Boyfriend for Hire

BTS Ot7 x Reader

Chapter 39

Here it is y'all! So sorry for the late upload. I've been taking care of my mom since her surgery and I'd be lying if I said I didn't find it hard to write in my usual environment 😅. I'm working on more chapters as this is posted, so regularly scheduled releases will be back tomorrow 💜💜

Boyfriend For Hire

“God. This place is a mess.” I sighed, tiptoeing around all the dismantled racks and merchandise.

Both Hoseok and Jungkook accompanied me to the shop even though I told them they didn’t have to. Neither of them would take no for an answer though, so I couldn’t argue anymore. The damage looked even worse now that it was bright outside.

“We’ll get it sorted out in no time. Kookie, you start in the back. Y/N and I will get to work up here.”

Jungkook set off for the back room before I could stop him.

“Hobi, seriously. You guys don’t have to stay. I’m sure you need to get back to clients, and Jungkook has two businesses to run-“

Hoseok took my shoulders in hand, squeezing them as he gave me that brilliant smile.

“I already called and canceled all of my meetings for today. I can’t just leave you and Kat to clean this all up by yourselves. We’re staying.”

Speak of the devil and she shall appear. Kat made her way through the front doors carrying a carrier full of coffee.

“Holy shit.” She gawked at the state the store was in. “When I get my hands on those assholes.”

She swore colorfully as she handed me and Hoseok a coffee.

“You must be another of the Brady Bunch. Just as sexy as the rest of them, I see.” Kat smirked looking Hoseok up and down.

The poor man looked completely caught off guard. Mouth opening and closing as he held his coffee. I laughed, enjoying seeing him so flustered.

“Kat got your tongue?” her smirk turned into an evil grin.

“Well, I’ve been told you’re rather… bold.”

She shrugged, fishing out the last couple of coffees.

“You’ll get used to me, don’t worry. Now, where’s the stud? I got him one too.”

“Stud?” Hobi looked to me questioningly.

“She means Jungkook.” I giggled and pointed to the back room. “He’s in the back.”

Kat saluted the two of us and headed to the back to find him.

“Where’s my favorite matchmaker?” she sang as she walked through the doors.

“I better be the only matchmaker you know.” I heard Kook reply before I couldn’t hear them anymore.

I shook my head smiling as I took a sip of my drink. Those two were born to be friends. It reminded me a lot of what Jin had said to me the night he had taken me home from the bar fiasco with Tae. Looking back now that seemed like so long ago.

“Well, I’ll start with the glass and the racks.” Hobi volunteered, setting his cup down on the counter.

“I guess I’ll sort through everything and see what I can save.”

We worked through most of the mess pretty quickly. My pile of whatever I wouldn’t be able to put back on the floor a lot larger than I would have liked, but at least it wouldn’t go in the trash. Most of it I could probably keep and refurbish for other projects. The register was toast. I would have to order a new one along with several new mirrors. The racks and tables were functional albeit looking a little worse for wear, but for now they would have to do. I could always swap them out later.

By the time the lunch hour rolled around, I didn’t even have to suggest anything before Taehyung was waltzing through the front doors with arms full of to go bags.

“Someone ordered delivery.” He chirped, setting down everything he had.

“Did we?” I asked skeptically, shooting Hoseok a look.

“Well, not you specifically. Jin ordered for everybody, and I was the only one nice enough to pick it up and bring it to you.”

“The only one slacking off is more like it.” Hobi corrected, sifting through everything Tae brought.

Whether Tae heard it or chose to ignore it remained to be seen as he hugged me.

“It’s looking good, sweet girl. I came to help with whatever you still needed.”

“Hobi and I are pretty much done up here. I haven’t checked on Kat and Jungkook. We do have a bit of trash to take out.”

Tae followed me to the back of the store where Jungkook and Kat were lifting one of the shelves that had been knocked over. It looked so much better than it did last night. The two of them had cleared the floor, whatever wasn’t damaged placed back where it was or close to it and everything else placed in trash bags.

“It’s looking good back here guys.”

“Luckily most of it was just thrown around it looks like. I didn’t find anything missing. There is one shelf we’ll need to replace, but other than that, not too bad. Oh, and the door.” Kat said, wiping her hands together and making sure the shelf was level.

“Yeah that’s toast.” Jungkook grimaced, casting a look over to the back entrance. “I tried to see if I could do anything with it, but I can’t even open it. Probably just be better to replace the whole thing.”

“Noted. The front is a little worse for wear. I’ll have to get a new register and mirrors. Most likely replace the racks at some point too. Tae brought lunch. We should all take a break.”

“My second favorite bestie boy toy?” Kat asked excitedly, peeking around the shelf to see Tae.

“Hey Kat.” He chuckled, fist bumping her as she approached. “I see a congratulations is in order.”

I looked at him confused, his head nodding down at Kat’s hands. Looking down, I noticed the fat engagement ring sitting on her left ring finger that I had no idea how I had missed the first time. A huge gasp escaped me as I grabbed her hand and ogled the diamond.

“Jackson!?” I asked excitedly.

“He asked me last night.” She gushed, showing off the ring.

“Kat! That’s amazing! Why didn’t you tell me!?”

“After the night you had? I didn’t want to make it seem like I was downgrading what happened here at the shop.”

“Are you kidding? I could’ve used news like this. It would have made my shitty day worth it.”

I pulled her into a hug, the two of us squeezing each other tightly.

“It’s about time though. If Jackson wasn’t going to ask you soon, I would have.” I joked.

“Hey. What about us?” Jungkook pouted.

“Chicks before dicks.” Kat shrugged. “Now can we go eat? I’m starving.”

She brushed past both Jungkook and Tae, the former of the two still sporting a pout. Bottom lip deliciously plump as it jutted out.

“I’m just teasing.” I whispered to him.

“No, she’s not. Besides, Y/N is the only woman I would willingly swing for, so just be aware of that if you all ever decide to do something stupid.”

Both Tae and Kook whipped their heads around to stare at me. I threw my hands up in a shrug before following her. Hoseok was still setting out food when I rounded the corner, having completely missed the conversation. Then again, he was just starting to get used to Kat, so maybe it was for the best. Everyone joined us, digging into the meal Tae had brought and Jin had bought. I would have to thank him later.

“So, are you the boyfriend?” Kat directed at Hoseok.

“Boyfriend?” Hoseok asked, looking to me.

“She means the one who I signed the contract with.”

“Yeah. I’ve met five of you now and somehow have still missed the elusive boyfriend. I’m beginning to get impatient.”

Hobi laughed before shaking his head.

“Sorry. No. I’m not.”

“Damn it!” she growled, throwing her plastic spoon at her empty bowl. “Why doesn’t he come around? Does he have something against me?”

“How could he have anything against you? He hasn’t even met you.” I giggled, scooping some of the noodles out of Taehyung’s bowl and popping them in my mouth.

“Unless you’ve been saying things behind my back and now he’s scared.”

I gave her an unimpressed look.

“There’s nothing they know about you that isn’t true. If you scare him off, that’s not my problem.”

“On the contrary, I think you and Yoongi would get along quite well.” Hoseok nodded, wiping his mouth with a napkin.

“Yoongi. So that’s his name?”

I nodded. “The only two you haven’t met are Yoongi and Namjoon.”

“Namjoon. That one sounds familiar.”

“The lawyer.” I supplied.

“Ah. Right, I remember now.”

I attempted to steal another scoop of noodles from Tae, who had decided to wrestle me for them this time. He deflected all my attempts to sneak my fork in, swatting it back from his food playfully. He held them out of reach and just as I tried to puppy dog eye him for a bite, Jungkook slid his bowl across the table towards me. I abandoned my attack on Tae for the defenseless bowl, but before I could dig in, Taehyung slid it back towards Kook.

“I’ll feed her.” He groused, offering me his bowl once again.

I rolled my eyes at the two of them, but a smile still tugged at the corners of my mouth. A snort had all of us looking at Kat who, along with Hoseok, watched all of us fondly.

“You all are just too cute together. I might become a diabetic.”

Taglist (closed): @mayla548 @lizzymizzy-blogg @uarmyhore @strawberry-moonpies @yu-justme @gooooomz @luvian-art @p-i-e-d-p-i-p-e-r @kiki-zb @mageprincess7 @thebisexualonesworld @mellymousie @bookoffracturedescapes @comingupwithacoolnameishard @idkreallys-blog @mushroom-main @ortiz1997 @felicityroth @juju-227592 @minholykingofkorea @purplelo @welcometomyworld13 @idkjustlovingbts @writingwithmai @k3yl337 @singukieee @taebae19 @tinyoonsblog @shawtylilsalty @bts-ruu @hopeonthestreet67 @burningfanflowercash

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