geno2108 - Ask Demoverse
Ask Demoverse

Just your local neurodivergent trans man :)

439 posts

Did You Know Shih Tzus Apparently Build Pillow Forts. Heres Oreo With His Ducky In A Fort Of His Own

Did you know Shih tzus apparently build pillow forts. Here’s Oreo with his ducky in a fort of his own creation

Did You Know Shih Tzus Apparently Build Pillow Forts. Heres Oreo With His Ducky In A Fort Of His Own

More Posts from Geno2108

4 months ago

I like to think about Horror nervously offering some of his food to Nightmare when he first arrives at the castle because Nightmare Isn't eating with Dust, Killer and himself. Nightmare looks at him like he's an utterly perplexing puzzle and says "I don't need that." And it makes Horror cry. (It's more of a dry sniffling and sobbing situation because his magic is too weak to make tears.)

Nightmare is shocked by this and looks to Killer and Dust like "what am I doing wrong?" And they're completely unhelpful, but what's new? Lol.

Nightmare sighs and asks why Horror is upset.

"ya don't got any..."

"don't have any food? Little mortal, I've no need for it. My body isn't like yours. I feed from anguish, not these things you do."

Horror frowns, "c'n ya eat?"

"physically, I could. I don't believe it would disbenefit me to do so."

"please?" Horror asks, offering him food again.

Sweet stars... how is he supposed to say no to that?

"fine, I will aquire some food of my own, I need not take from yours. There will be nothing but abundance here for you. You'll have no need to share from your own plate again."

Horror looks like he doesn't even know what to do with that. "I... Could I... Anyways?"

Nightmare frowns.


"no, it's quite alright. Yes, I suppose you could, if that would please you. If I eat from your plate, though, you will eat from mine."

"I don't need..."

"it isn't about what you need, it's about what I desire to give you. Now, allow me to make another plate. I'll be back in a moment."

Killer and Dust are incredibly entertained by this, they've never seen Nightmare eat... Like... Anything before.

4 months ago

What if Dust just casually kept idle blasters around sometimes to burn magic. What if the blasters acted off his idle thoughts and bits of stray intent and were really cuddly with his teammates?

I just wanna see Dust's blaster staring intently at Horror and Horror getting nervous only for it to settle on the ground next to him and nudge his legs for pets. Dust is starved for affection and I think that should show.

His blasters are much less friendly when his LV is acting up, but they can be sweet when he's doing well, as a treat.

4 months ago

The bloodied Bride

The Bloodied Bride

well, its spooky month, so figure id do something a LITTLE gory. well, kinda lol

you better not let this post flop or im gonna eat a shoe. and all my shoes are heels, so were REALLY done for if that happens.

to note, yes i have a version of the dress saved without the blood, cus the blood covers most of it here, and hides all the detail i put into it. im planning to do a version of this of a human with none of the blood, as an example for my commission work on kofi, so if you see an image in a very similar pose, theres no copying going on, its me lol!

anyway, yeah, enjoy hehe

4 months ago

Horror eating slow and paranoid, and finishing his food last out of habit, just in case someone else is still hungry. Then he can give up some of his food.

He's traumatized, he's so traumatized, what do you mean he eats fast? No, he has food security problems; eldest sibling/guardian edition!

He knows he doesn't have to now, he knows Nightmare will always provide for them, but it's so hard not to get distracted making sure everyone else gets enough, even if he tries to eat at the same pace.

Why make him normal when you could make him traumatized and sad?

4 months ago

Love the idea of NM never falling asleep in front of the boys, and when he finally does, they're all absolutely intrigued by it. He's just asleep on the couch where he was reading a book, but they all gather round and stare like it's a rip in the fabric of space itself, lmao. Dust is shocked that he actually sleeps, Killer is commenting on how calm and cute he looks, and Horror is telling them to be quiet and leave him alone because he obviously needs the rest if he fell asleep out here...

But maybe, before they walk away, his face scrunches up, and he starts muttering. In a language none of them can identify... Which is pretty weird, with three or four languages between them all. He starts speaking more clearly, and his tendrils start thrashing, wrapping around him almost like a hug. They all get worried, and Killer is the only one dumb enough to try and wake him up. So, armed with a pillow for protection, he walks to Nightmare's side and gently rubs his shoulder, elevating into shaking him lightly, until Nightmare is blinking awake.

His tentacles lash out, and he says something harsh to them, still in some language they can't identify.


Killer: ya fell asleep boss.

Dust: we can't understand what you're saying.

Nightmare: Úbi sum?

Horror: still don't know what yer sayin.

N: ... मैं नहीं हूँ...

K: boss.

N: أنا آسف

K: لا بأس، كل شيء على ما يرام. لقد كان لديكحلم سيء.

D: uh, translate please??

K: just telling him it was a bad dream.

N: something like that...

H: what were those languages?

N: there's not a word for it in yours... It's long dead. Only one other would still speak it.

K: oh.

N: I'm sorry you had to see that.

D: don't be. Are you... Good?

N: I've been better.

H: want me ta make s'm comfort food?

N: that'd be nice...

K: yeah, we can put on some movies!

D: and make a pillow fort?

N, smiling: yes, I like that idea.

K: how many languages do you speak anyway?

N: more than you know exist, mortal.

K: right, right, my bad, your highness.