We are a world-wide Christian ministry sharing daily messages that God is real and that he cares about YOU and YOUR LIFE.
586 posts
Driving Down The Interstate One Day I Saw This Sign And Was Struck By The Simplicity Of It. It Is A Straightforward
Driving down the Interstate one day I saw this sign and was struck by the simplicity of it. It is a straightforward statement that requires a response.
That’s it. 'Present' isn’t an option. The statement requires you to accept or reject - and your answer says a lot about who and where you are.
If it is TRUE, that means the Bible is what it says, there is a God, Jesus did die for your sins, and your eternal state depends on following what Christ said about salvation.
If it is FALSE then nothing matters, and you can continue to live your life anyway you please.
It may or may not be an election year, but every day is an election day.
How are you voting today?
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
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Let’s face it…if you wanted to become what people often ridicule these days as a 'Holy Roller,' then it would look completely embarrassing and stupid to your friends, family and peers to worship a 'make believe friend' like god. So if for some weird reason you were to change your mind and actually become a Christian, you would not want to do that because you would be embarrassed and ashamed, YES?
OK! I get that and that makes perfect sense. Christians appear to be a bit wacky in that they believe weird stuff like Noah’s ark, stories about a talking donkey, and Jesus raising himself from the dead. It’s perfectly logical to not want to associate with any of that, and if you did, you’d be ashamed to be associated with Jesus…but what does the Bible say about people like that?
In today’s scripture quote, Jesus very clearly says that if you are ashamed of Him, He will be ashamed of you as He stands before the throne of God and the whole host of holy angels in heaven. So even if you maybe/kinda casually agree that this Jesus/God/Bible stuff is probably true or mostly so, but you don’t have the time to get into it — or even more important — would be embarrassed and ashamed to admit it to everyone that knows you, judging by this quote you might be in a position someday that you may not want to be in.
Again, as today’s quote from the Gospel of Mark says, it is His WORD that people are ashamed of, and His Word says to turn to Him as the only way to save your soul out of this world and transport you into the next. Yes, this is a big step and from the standpoint of those around you will appear un-scientific, illogical and EMBARRASSING to associate yourself with what appears to many as a bunch of silly fables.
Friend, life is all about choices. Do you choose to follow Christ, regardless of the ridicule, or are you more comfortable going with the crowd? Either He IS who He says He is and promises what He says He promises, or he isn’t. No one can make that decision for you. So the question is:
“Have you decided to follow Jesus, or follow the crowd?”
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
by Dr. Jeanne Sheffield Estrada All of us at different times will experience seasons when we struggle to feel the lack of God’s presence. The profound Christian author and theologian C.S. Lewis described this experience in his book 'A Grief Observed' where he relates his experiencing of sorrow and grief after his wife’s death. In it he writes, “Where is God? Go to Him when your need is desperate…and what do you find? A door slammed in your face, and a sound of bolting and double bolting on the inside. After that silence.”
Have you ever felt abandoned, alone and lost somewhere in the wilderness longing for God’s presence, comfort, and peace, but instead found coldness and isolation? I have - and more than once too! But here’s the answer that will always get us on track, and that is to be reminded of the promises given to us in God’s Word. The Bible is full of sure, strong promises that show over and over again that we can trust Him even when He doesn’t actively or immediately reveal Himself. Once I opened the Word and re-read these many promises, I found the inner peace I so needed assuring me that God was in fact with me, and that he would NEVER forsake me no matter how I FELT or the apparent direness of my circumstances.
If you’ll carefully look at your life, you will most likely see how God has revealed Himself at unexpected times. Perhaps you can now see that life took different turns because He either opened (or closed!) doors or changed the direction of your life in ways then you could not see or understand at the time. Keep in mind always that God is the one that created you, and He wants you to have a glorious, exciting, abundant life! He is always present with you even if it seems He may be far away. When you re-read the promises in His Word, they are always sure and there to comfort us in time of need.
Your heavenly Father loves you beyond measure and He wants your total dependence upon Him. Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your soul. Lean not upon your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” If you are in crisis or trauma, always remember what Jesus has promised us when he said:
“Come to me, all who are weary and I will give you rest.” - Matthew 11:28
Whenever you may feel alone with no one to turn to, come to Jesus and share everything with Him that concerns you. He already knows all of your needs even before you know them yourself. Yes, even without “feeling” the presence of God, walk in faith - because the Lord is walking right there beside you.
God Bless Your Day, Jesus Loves You NotesOnLife.org
by Dr. Jeanne Sheffield Estrada
Have you ever asked yourself how long you’ll be here? I’m sure all of us have often thought at one time, “Will I live into my old age, get a terminal disease, or die suddenly?” Let’s face it - life is definitely unpredictable. Our days on earth are a thimbleful of water compared to the oceans of eternity.
Life is shorter than we realize, but then it goes away as quickly as it came. Like the steam that rises from a coffee cup, it is gone and cold before you can finish it. Likewise, the cold truth is that even as fast as life passes, God never forgets who YOU are or how much time you have before you depart. He has specific plans for each and every life in the struggle of life saying:
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11
Every day you live and breathe is a gift from God. He gives many opportunities to live life but especially the life He offers us by accepting His Son Jesus who died for all of us. While He knows the date and time all of our lives will end, we do not, and because we don’t it is up to us to make a decision about what to do next.
So asking the question again, “How Long Will You Live?” and the simple answer is FOREVER but the REAL question is WHERE?? But here is the GOOD NEWS!!
God has a beautiful glorious HOME in HEAVEN for you when you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Do you know Him personally? If you don’t please pray this prayer with me:
Dear heavenly Father, I know that this earthly body I live in is going to die and you know the number of my days. I want to know you, Jesus, and live out the plans you have for on earth while I am still here, because your Word says they are good plans to prosper me and give me a future. Please forgive my of all of my sins and come into my heart right now so that when my life is over here I will still live forever and ever with you. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN
God Bless Your Day, Jesus Loves You NotesOnLife.org #getnotesonlife #life #eternity #coffee #temporary
As today’s scripture verse states, at the crucifixion of Christ there were two men with him. The one on his LEFT mocked Christ saying in essence, 'If you are who you say you are, save yourself!' but the one on his RIGHT retorted that 'We criminals are deserving of this punishment, but this man is not.' Then the man on the RIGHT said, 'Lord remember me in your kingdom,' and with that simple confession of faith, Jesus told him that he would be with him after death.
Like those two thieves on the cross, we all have robbed from God and are 'malefactors' of sin worthy of death and deserving of punishment. However, the Bible says that “Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign LORD comes escape from death.” [ Psalm 68:20 ] and He provides that through faith in Christ to deliver.
The man on the right made that confession, but the man on the left cursed him that would provide his way of escape. All of us are on one side of the cross or the other.
Which side of the cross are you on?
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
Jim Croce was a wonderful folk/pop singer who composed and performed many great songs, and one of his most heartfelt one was “I Gotta Name.” In it he emotionally describes his path through this world and how he is moving through life with strength, courage and resolve.
All of us have a name given by our parents while on earth, but did you know that in eternity all those with God will have their own special God-given name? As today’s verse says, he calls those that are His By Name, and Jesus adds to this in Revelation 2:17 -
“To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white stone with a NEW NAME written on it, known only to the one who receives it.”
You see, every single thing in the universe has a NAME, and those that are in God’s will also have 'A Name,' but those not in God will have NO NAME.
Anything that does not have a name by default does not exist.
Croce was right in that in this life we all have a name, and those that are victorious in Christ that leave this world will have a name in the next life. The question you have to face is — “Will You Have A Name In Eternity? If you do, Jesus will be able to call you, and you will be able to hear his voice.
“And I'm gonna go there free...” - Jim Croce, 1943-1973
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You