Belief - Tumblr Posts
re you aware that whatever you say or think will not only effect your mood, but also your health? It’s true. This is why you must only say and think what God says about you. You were created by Him and Him alone and in His image and must remember that He says He loves you and will never leave you.
Worry will cause you to fret and bite your nails! Fear looks back at the past and holds you in bondage but Faith looks forward to the future no matter what it may seem like.
Worry is the devil’s way of using your imagination for things you do not want to happen, but my friend, it is a trap for fear to enter so when worry and that ole familiar fear come knocking on your door, turn your eyes upon Jesus as that old wonderful hymn says, “and the things of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.” Trust that He is watching you and guiding you through your situation until it is over.
Have you ever heard someone say, “I believe I am coming down with a cold?” Sure enough, they do come down with a cold! So my point is this - don’t believe and say the negative things the world says. Speak healing and wholeness over yourself and read the promises of what God says about you. If your mind tends to wander to places that make you sad, fearful, angry, or upset, cast it down.
My friend, you have the power of God in your entire being and your words carry great power. Speak only those things that will build you up, not tear you down. If you are sick, say out loud, "I am healed of the Lord. By the stripes of Jesus I am healed.” I did this exact same thing and Jesus healed me! You can have what you say when you learn to control your words, and let them be God’s words.
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
Driving down the Interstate one day I saw this sign and was struck by the simplicity of it. It is a straightforward statement that requires a response.
That’s it. 'Present' isn’t an option. The statement requires you to accept or reject - and your answer says a lot about who and where you are.
If it is TRUE, that means the Bible is what it says, there is a God, Jesus did die for your sins, and your eternal state depends on following what Christ said about salvation.
If it is FALSE then nothing matters, and you can continue to live your life anyway you please.
It may or may not be an election year, but every day is an election day.
How are you voting today?
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
Are you AWARE? If you are like most people, you may think that you are. Though you may be in the regular habit of reading news on-line, watch what is happening on TV – daily read a newspaper and generally are up on what is happening in the world, the country and your community you certainly are well INFORMED, but according to the words of Jesus you are not AWARE.
The definition of 'Aware' is to warn, admonish, heed, (or) watch out. If that is the case, then watch out and warn about what?? Today’s scripture is a warning about the blindness that many have, namely that without being healed from sin and the curse of death, they will be lost in an eternity caused by their blinders of choice.
The Bible says that “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God” (Romans 10:17) but in order for Faith to take root, you must take off your blinders, open your ears, sharpen the mind, and be receptive in the heart.
Are you 'AWARE?' If not, turn back from your regular habits! Look instead at the Word of God and SEE what is real and good and pure that God is promising you in His assurance of eternal life and starting seeing what really is important.
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
Judas Iscariot walked with Jesus for three years, heard his teaching, saw his miracles, yet despite this came to NOT BELIEVE that Jesus was the mighty messiah that would free the Jews from the tyranny of the Romans. Based on what he believed, he changed his values to not only betray the Jesus that he once followed — and also took money to do so.
At times, we all practice a little bit of 'Judas-think' because we compromise our values in certain situations based on what we (choose to) believe or think.
For example, today having sex along with using strong language by many 'born-again' Christians is not uncommon, yet in both these and other situations when values are NOT based on the foundation of God’s Word but personal beliefs, then thinking and values will always be affected.
2 Corinthians 13:5 puts it this way:
“Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Can’t you see for yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you—unless you actually fail the test? And I hope you will realize that we have not failed the test.”
Let’s all carefully EXAMINE OURSELVES that our VALUES are truly based on BELIEF based on the Bible, and not on ourselves.
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
God is a God of the impossible! Just when it seems there is no possible solution or answer and your ship is about to sink, His mighty hand reaches out to save us. He always is our Rescuer and very present Helper in times of trouble so when we are in need, we can depend on Him to help us. But there are two vital things that we must do in order to receive his grace, and that is to Walk in FAITH and to Act in Obedience.
Before that which is 'impossible' can be moved out of the way ask yourself this — “Have you first done what God told you to do, or are you sitting back, procrastinating, or not being obedient to what He said?” Because it is only when we are in AGREEMENT with God and ACTING on what he has called us to do, that He can make that impossibility possible.
Consider this — What if Moses had not obeyed God and didn’t boldly declare before Pharaoh to “Let My People GO!!” What if at the Red Sea he did not obey to stretch out his staff when God told him to part the waters because he doubted that God would not act? But no — Moses didn’t doubt, obeyed, raised his staff in faith and watched God do the impossible, because he operated in FAITH and OBEDIENCE.
My friend, when the 'impossible' seems truly impossible, step out in faith and walk in obedience to what God is calling you to do and then the Impossible will become Possible according to you in partnership with God.
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
“What is truth?” Pilate asked.
By Psychologist & Bible Researcher Eli Kittim 🎓
Feigned madness
Recently, I’ve had numerous Biblical debates with various people in many different groups. The topics were all different, but there was a common denominator: all my opponents refused to accept the indisputable and overwhelming evidence that I was presenting. This prompted me to seriously explore and investigate the cause of their reactions. In other words, when a scholar or a scientist provides irrefutable evidence that is not only obvious and clear but also demonstrably factual, then any refusal to accept it should be viewed as a form of mental illness or psychological neurosis. It can also be described as a *delusion*:
a persistent false … belief … that is
maintained despite indisputable evidence to
the contrary.
——- Merriam-Webster dictionary
It’s like giving someone all the facts that the earth is round, but they nevertheless still maintain that the earth is flat. Then there’s nothing further one can say. Anyone who pretends not to understand the evidence is therefore *feigning madness*:
‘Feigned madness’ is a phrase used in
popular culture to describe the assumption
of a mental disorder for the purposes of
evasion, deceit or the diversion of suspicion.
——- Wikipedia
It’s like a mathematician proving that 2+2 = 4. Only an insane person would disagree. Similarly, in one of my debates, I produced multiple lines of indisputable evidence to demonstrate that the pre-tribulational rapture is a false doctrine. Instead of accepting the evidence and thanking me for the proof-texts, my opponent got very irritable and hostile and started to insult me. He even called me a heretic. That’s when I knew I was dealing with a fanatic who probably had some form of mental illness. So, when a scholar or a scientist gathers the available body of facts about a particular topic and clearly demonstrates whether a belief or proposition is true or valid, then that should settle the matter, unless another scholar can disprove him. For example, when a belief or proposition is clearly proven to be false but certain people are unwilling to accept the evidence——to such an extent that they would even use insults to disrespect the researcher——then these people might be labeled fanatics. But what is actually happening psychologically is that these so-called “fanatics” who refuse to accept the overwhelming evidence are employing the defensive mechanism of *denial*:
Denial … is a psychological defense
mechanism postulated by psychoanalyst
Sigmund Freud, in which a person is faced
with a fact that is too uncomfortable to
accept and rejects it instead, insisting that
it is not true despite what may be
overwhelming evidence.
——- Wikipedia
It seems that a lot of people are deceived about a lot of things because they are essentially BIASED. That is to say, they’re not open to other views. The way this works is that they typically have an obstinate belief that they wish to maintain no-matter what, and so they are not interested in objective truth. They are only interested in maintaining their beliefs. So if people challenge their beliefs, they think that abandoning their beliefs would eventually lead to chaos. So they cling to their beliefs for dear life, even if these beliefs have been totally debunked. They’re not really interested in finding out whether their beliefs are true or false because that would entail a complete restructuring of their entire belief-system. So, instead of abandoning their current beliefs, which could lead to terrifying thoughts and emotions, they’d rather hold on to these false beliefs as a coping mechanism against a potentially hostile reality:
The theory of denial was first researched
seriously by Anna Freud. She classified
denial as a mechanism of the immature
mind because it conflicts with the ability to
learn from and cope with reality.
——- Wikipedia
Seeking Truth
But when something is proved to be false, shouldn’t we disregard it? If it doesn’t matter whether we prove it or not, then why bother debating at all? Why bother interpreting scripture or translating the Biblical languages? Why bother studying the Bible? If truth no longer matters, then why bother explaining scripture? Who cares? Many people typically say, “I don’t care what scholars say or what they can prove. I believe what I believe and that’s final.” Well, if truth no longer matters, then what’s the point of reading the Bible or following God? God might not exist & the Bible might be false. So why should we even bother reading about Christ if we’re no longer interested in truth?
What I am trying to get across is that “truth” must be the basis of everything we do! We must change our beliefs if they are found to be false. We shouldn’t entertain “beliefs” for their own sake but only because they can be demonstrated to be true! If our “beliefs” or “traditions” line up with truth, then we should accept them. But if they don’t, then we should reject them. You see, beliefs can be false, even deceptive and misleading. For example, many liberal pastors have crept into the church and are disseminating many FALSE BELIEFS as if they were true. That’s why so many people are deceived and confused. Many don’t even know what salvation is because of these false teachings. Bottom line, we should not be searching for “beliefs.” We should be searching for the “truth”! Paradoxically, when we find the truth, we will also find Jesus. And when we find Jesus, we will also find the truth. Why? Because the truth is not a principle; it’s a person:
Jesus said to him, ‘I am … the truth.’
——- John 14.6 (NASB)
So, “seeking” the truth is a noble path. In fact, we must be reborn into the truth. Rebirth is all about a new way of seeing (Jn 3.3), when we get rid of our false beliefs about God and meet him existentially. That’s when we come to realize that many of our beliefs about him are false. God then becomes a reality and teaches us new things about him that we never knew before (Jn 14.26).
What is Truth?
When we say that God’s word is “true,” we don’t mean that every story in the Bible is literally true. It could be a parable, a poem, or an allegory. Rather, we mean that the essence of God’s teachings (behind the narratives) is true. And when we do Biblical exegesis, we should always strive to see what we can prove; that is to say, what is true. Otherwise, there’s no point in trusting scripture or following God. We study scripture to prove it is true. And we follow God because we believe that he is truth itself. In other words, truth should be our guide and our teacher:
you will know the truth, and the truth will set
you free.
——- John 8.32
First kings 17.24 reminds us that “the word of the Lord … is truth.” In the same way, Psalm 25.5 prayerfully says, “Lead me in Your truth.” Psalm 45.4 similarly suggests that God himself fights “For the cause of truth” (cf. Rev. 19.11). Moreover, Psalm 119.160 says to God that “The sum of Your word is truth,” while Isaiah 65.16 calls him Elohim, “the God of truth.”
Interestingly enough, Jeremiah 9.3 compares good and evil to truth and falsehood (cf. Jer. 9.5). That’s why Dan 10.21 calls the Bible “the book of truth”! John 5.33 speaks of testifying to the truth. Notice that John 8.32 claims that the knowledge of the truth is what sets people free. By contrast, the devil “does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him” (Jn 8.44). So the battle between good and evil turns out to be a battle between truth and falsehood. That’s precisely why the Holy Spirit is called “the Spirit of truth” (Jn 14.17). John 17.17 concludes that God’s “word is truth.” Thus, there is something special about truth that allows us to follow Christ. That’s why in his testimony before Pontius Pilate, Christ says:
Everyone who is of the truth listens to My
——- John 18.37
Therefore, we can rightly conclude that the difference between sinners and saints is the truth! How did people sin in the first place (according to Romans 1.25)? Answer: “they exchanged the truth of God for falsehood.” This means that the lies we believe are equivalent to sins. And if we are corrected but refuse to accept or even acknowledge the said edification, then we are deliberately sinning against God. Surprisingly, in Romans 2.8, truth is pitted against wickedness. That is to say, those who don’t obey the truth obey unrighteousness. In other words, being evil or morally wrong is directly related to a disobedience of the truth. That is why our defense against evil always involves criteria of truth (Eph. 6.14). As a matter of fact, 2 Thess. 2.10 attributes the state of damnation to a form of deception, in that those who are evil “did not accept the love of the truth so as to be saved.” So they will ultimately perish because they loved the lie more than the truth. Unlike Calvinism, which falsely preaches that God predestines people to hell, 1 Tim. 2.4 claims that God “wants all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” Therefore, *salvation* comprises a reception of “the knowledge of the truth.”
That’s why 2 Tim 1.14 is an exhortation to guard the truth that has been given to us by the Holy Spirit. Why should we guard the truth? Because if we believe a lie, it could be the difference between life and death; between salvation and damnation; between eternal life and eternal hell. Second Timothy 3.7 describes sinners as those who are “always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” This means that one can have a vast amount of knowledge with regard to secular learning yet “never arrive at a knowledge of the truth.” First John 4.6 separates the open-minded from the close-minded people in terms of whether they possess “the spirit of truth” or “the spirit of error.” In other words, the ability to listen objectively with an open mind is somehow related to the Holy Spirit. That’s why holding on to deceptive doctrines and “paying attention to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons” (1 Tim. 4.1) is equivalent to the wide gate “that leads to destruction” (Mt. 7.13).
We know, for example, that we often deny the obvious truth because our defense mechanisms don’t allow us to hear it. That’s precisely why Jesus often says, “The one who has ears to hear, let him hear.” Only one question remains:
Are you willing to follow the *truth*
regardless of where it might lead?
Most people do not adhere to any religion - because at heart, they don’t believe what is taught by that belief system is TRUE.
For example, when people see elaborate temples full of candles, incense, and endless statues to strange looking idols, practicing animal sacrifices and performing strange dances, or large cathedrals or mosques they think…Why? What’s the point of going to church service every morning and lighting candles, praying five times each day or following a strict tenant of laws and behavior. None of these things seem logical, acceptable or point to “a way to TRUTH ”.
That leads us to Christianity, which on the surface is the most seemingly un-true and un-believable faith of all. Here is a teaching that claims that a man raised himself from the dead and promises eternal life if you will “eat his flesh and drink his blood” - a non-sensical thought to say the least! Then there are all those other seemingly incredulous Bible stories about the world being created in six days, the Red Sea parting, a talking donkey, and voices from heaven. In this regard, Christianity has all other religions beat for sheer un-believability.
But consider for a moment, What IF Christianity IS TRUE? How would that change things for you personally if that was so?
What if in fact Jesus Christ was God, became man, and came to deliver you from the consequence of sin to bring you into eternal life? What if Christ actually did rise from the dead and ascend into heaven? And because of and believing in that, your eternal destiny would be secure. In that case, that’s a game changer that cannot be ignored.
Faith in God in Christ and in the Bible is indeed a leap of faith and the Bible itself says that “Without Faith It Is Impossible to Please Him (i.e. God)” (Hebrews 11:6)
In the world today there are many “truths” expounded by many, but Jesus said that he was “The way, The TRUTH, and the LIFE.” This message is not designed to convince you, because the only one that can really convince you that this is TRUE is yourself.
SO, If Christianity were TRUE, Would You Become a Christian?
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
Everyone —and everything — has an end date.
For students it’s the end of the semester, for workers the end of the week, in business the end of the quarter, and for all of us the end of each year — until the clock starts again.
However at a certain point the clock stops for everyone, and each minute we all move one step closer to eternity.
Eternity is a place beyond time, without end and of infinite duration, and as today’s scripture reminds us, our time on this side of a rapidly diminishing clock is running out, and it is time to wake up to the reality about God’s salvation that will take you beyond time into HIS ETERNITY.
Friend, this is indeed URGENT. You are being invited to God’s freely offered salvation — and No Pun Intended — this truly is the ultimate 'Limited Time Offer' and once it passes, it passes.
Will you make a decision in this hour about salvation, or will you let your time expire without making a choice?
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
A car at a stoplight had a bumper sticker that simply said 'Non-Judgment Day Is Coming.' As this fellow pulled away, it raised an interesting question and that was 'How exactly can an event be coming that is NOT coming?' But then pondering more about it, depending on your point of view this statement could be entirely correct!
From the perspective of many, a day of judgment is definitely NOT coming. If there is no god, then it makes perfect sense to be free to live life with impunity without any repercussions for your actions. You are free to 'eat, drink, and be merry' because there are no limits or restrictions on life except the ones you set.
On the other hand, the Bible says something diametrically opposed to that - but with a hopeful twist! While Romans 16:20 says that such a day is indeed coming, here’s the thing – Judgment Day is coming for some but not everyone. Here’s why…
While God is a God of Love, He is also a God of Justice. While we will all cross the threshold of mortality into eternity, when we reach that intersection those that have received a pardon for their sins by standing under the doorposts of the blood of Christ, just as the Hebrews did in Egypt, were “passed over” from that Judgment Day. That means that for those not under the redeeming blood of the Lamb of God (Christ), Judgment Day WILL Come.
So YES, there is a Non-Judgment Day coming for some, but not because you put a bumper sticker on your car, but those that have put their faith in Christ to redeem them from (i.e. pay for) their sins and remove the charges against them that would cause them to stand before that final heavenly court.
If you are “In The World” and not in Christ, then Judgment Day IS coming, but you don’t have to face it.
Agreeing with a bumper sticker will not prevent it from coming. The question you have to ask yourself is “Will You Be Ready When It Comes??”
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
Do you know anyone famous who was born on your birthday?
The famous actor John Wayne was born on May 26, 1907 and died June 11, 1979. Everyone has lived through a June 11th and through all the other the 364 days in the year. One of those days is the day you were born, and the other is the day you will die, but which day is it? Have you ever thought that you have lived through that day many, many, times and never knew it?
So we all have two very important days; the day that we arrive in this life, and the day that we depart from this life. The most important question is; what happens after that second date? Do you know?? If you do not or are unsure, READ ON...
Here is the have to make a decision about some key important beliefs. For example, do you believe that God Almighty - the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob - sent Jesus Christ to die for your sins, and that believing and accepting of what he did will save your soul?
That’s it...the ball is in your court! You have 100% freedom to either reject or accept Christ. Now when that day of the year comes around and your time on earth expires, are you ready to accept your eternal fate? Don’t just think about it - ACT!
That calendar day will come...(someday). Please be ready and do not delay.
Make that decision TODAY, because the day you ASSUME will happen tomorrow may never come, and as Hebrews 9:27 urgenly concludes and warns all says:
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
Several years ago, I was called for jury duty. Upon checking in, I received my juror number, was directed into a large room of a hundred people and told to come forward when my number was called.
After almost an hour of waiting, a clerk came in and announced: “Number 153”
Nobody stirred, and I assumed someone was not paying attention.
“Number 153?” The voice cried out again in a slightly louder note, and again no one answered. Then an exasperated cry of “Number 153!” and I realized that I WAS 153!
After I answered the call, I was one of the jurors selected, however if I wasn’t listening or chose to ignore the call, I could have NOT been “Chosen.”
God’s call to you is exactly like being in that room full of people. It’s easy to get preoccupied in this room of life, but Jesus is calling your name. As He said, 'many are called' - but in order to respond you must listen and pay attention to hear His voice.
Friend, this is true for you too. God is calling your number right now! Your name has been selected for heaven and eternal life as you read this, and the question is:
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
Turmoil is the nature of today’s tempestuous world.
Today everywhere we look we see financial collapse, fear of war and nuclear conflict, flash mobs, riots, increasing earthquakes and volcanoes, widespread corruption in government leadership and soaring inflation that has many on edge. Here’s the truth:
This is EXACTLY as the world is supposed to be at this time in history.
Yet today, just like the people in this picture casually playing golf while a fire rages nearby, many likewise are blissfully ignoring the ominous emerging signs that the Bible said would be hallmarks of the end times before the return of Christ and a period the Bible refers to as “THE GREAT TRIBULATION.”
Jesus said of this time:
“For then shall be GREAT TRIBULATION, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.” Matthew 24:21
The signs are all around us and as Christ said these things will escalate even more. By contrast the much enthusiastically anticipated 'Great Reset' promises a world where all are equal regardless of race, gender or sexual presence, the planet is free from pollution and advanced technology promises flourishing wealth and freedom, but just as today’s verse has prophesied, while now 'they spring up (prosper) like grass' in the end those without God will perish.
Friend, safety from the calamities of the world are not found in gold & silver, brass & lead, bug-out bags, bunkers, or bureucrats but in Christ alone.
The reality is the Bible is TRUE, Christ is coming again, and for those that trust in Christ, the Bible promises: “God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thessalonians 5:9)
If you have not done so, put your trust in Christ TODAY.
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
If God loves us why he makes us suffer?
We live on a rock that is gilded with stars in the night and I love to believe that I'm the dust they leave behind. Because, what if we are attracted to them because we were a part of them but they left us so we can be our own person?
I can't change what I can't see What the television doesn't say I don't wanna believe in
One by One; Lola Ray
"You want to know what I believe? I believe in fate, but I also believe in free will. Meaning, there's a path, but we're free to veer away from it. The only problem is that there's no way to know whose path we're following on any given moment. Our own? Our fate's? Other people are on their on paths, too. What happens when we intersect? What happens when someone else wipes our path clean, and we're left with no road to follow? Is that fate? Is that when free will kicks in? Is the path there, but invisible? Who the hell knows?"
Brigid Kemmerer, Letters To The Lost
Didn’t have enough space for all these fucking tags Tags (ignore) #believe #believeinyourself #believer #believeinyou #belief #beliefs #beliefs #beliefsystem #standupforyourbeliefs #blm #blmmovement #blacklivesmatter #blacklivesmatters #blacklivesmatter✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #blacklivesmatter✊🏾 #blacklivesmattertome #race #racism #racist #loveislove #loveislove🌈 #loveisloveislove #loveislove🏳️🌈 #loveislovenomatterwhat #lovewins #lovewins🌈 #lovewinsalways #lovewins❤ #lovewins🏳️🌈 #gay #gaypride
Acrylic on canvas.
This one took over 15 years to finish. 😅
“The reason of our psychological misery is not uncertainty, but our uncertainty of our beliefs.” - Francis Lucille