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Being'Woke'is Popular Today, But The First People In History That Were Truly WOKE Were Adam And Eve And
Being 'Woke' is popular today, but the first people in history that were truly WOKE were Adam and Eve and they fell for the same lie from the same deceptive serpent that like today represents nothing that is good. Once Adam and Eve accepted Satan’s lies they were faced with the consequences of their choice for embracing 'wokeness' — and the same exact consequences that destroyed their world are also destroying our world today.
The first lie is when the snake said, “Did God really say that?” Likewise those that espouse WOKENESS question everything that is true and good and are replacing this with a “NEW TRUTH” that openly rejects what they claim are false traditions of 'truths' of manipulative lies to control and suppress people.
The second lie is the same error that Eve made. She reasoned that because something appeared to be “good...and pleasant to the eyes” that therefore it was OK to partake in it. Likewise today many foolishly think that whatever is thought that brings one pleasure and partake in is perfectly fine, not matter how weird, colorful, or bizzare. 'Life' is as each person defines it, not as natural law, common sense or biology dictates. Consequently in the past what had been considered honorable, holy or righteous has now been rejected as evil or obsolete, and ANYTHING that was previously considered wrong is now perfectly OK.
But the biggest consequence of walking in 'wokeness' is a divorce from all that is good. This means from GOD, from EDEN (the world that He intended for us to live), and from EACH OTHER.
When Cain slew Able conflict between people raged and people were scattered into tribes and became DIVERSE, which literally means to SEPARATE.
WOKNESS SEEKS DIVISION OF PEOPLE, defining people in classes of haves and have-nots, those superior and those inferior and NOT in the bringing of humanity together in unity.
My friend, 'WOKENESS' is not 'new truths' but an old lie from the month of the same snake. Don’t fall for this same old lie which promises a new world order of man-defined justice! Instead:
“Depart from evil, and do good!” Psalm 34:14
In Christ — and in Him alone — comes truth, unity, and pure AWAKENING light.
Will you choose to be AWAKE TO CHRIST or AWAKE TO WOKENESS?
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
getnotesonlife liked this · 1 year ago
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'THE DOOR' that Jesus is speaking about here is the entrance to heaven and eternal life. We all have an opportunity to go through that door, but for a variety of reasons some do not choose to do so.
Some say, 'I don’t believe that door goes anywhere I want to go', or 'I’m going to go through a different door', or best (or worst yet!) 'I’ll go one day (…but I have plenty of time.)'
However as today’ scripture says, some will come to the door too late and then it will be closed and locked. At that point the worst thing that you can hear when knocking and pleading outside the door to eternal life is Christ to walk away and say I DON’T KNOW YOU!
Friend, ALL of us have an invitation to go through the door to salvation and eternal life, but if you tarry or refuse to enter, once it closes no matter how much you stand knocking on the door it will remain closed forever. So friend accept Jesus’ invitation to be in eternity by simply asking you to forgive you of your sins. When you do He will lovingly reply, “Come To Me…and I will give you rest.” [ Matthew 11:28 ]
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
Honoring God is the single most important thing that believers can do, yet when it comes to prayer, the 80/20 rule is usually the case. That is for many believers 80% of prayer is in asking God to do something or bless someone, but only 20% of the time is spent giving God praise.
While in the world, the normal rule is the top 20% is the main focus of attention, but in the spiritual world it needs to be the Exact Opposite. Just as today’s scripture — along with over one hundred fifty other verses exhorts us, God is to be honored and glorified FIRST before anything else.
If you are not a follower of Jesus Christ or believer, all this 'praising the lord' stuff must not make any sense — and that is totally understandable, but consider this…
If God really is who the Bible says He IS, that is, THE CREATOR OF EVERYTHING we see from the most distant galaxies in deep space photographed by the Hubble telescope to the astounding complexity of DNA to the miracle of the aerodynamic impossibility of bumble bees flying. But instead, many “believe” that instead a somewhat unexplainable 'Big Bang' occurred for an unknown reason out of nothing and then the scientific 'fact' that you and I all evolved out of a hot molten rock that just happened to be the precise distance from the sun to support life requires a lot more 'faith' then acknowledging the unfathomable majesty that God IS and rightfully deserves!
Whether you are a believer in God or not, He is the GREAT “I AM” and as such is worthy to be praised and thanked first above all else for all that He has created — and for your very existence and life.
Give God the Glory, not just 80% of the time, but always, and the rest will take care of itself, as Jesus promised:
“Your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.” - Matthew 6:8
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
'Religion' these days is embarrassing, especially if you ascribe to anything Christian. That’s why a message like this routinely gets swiped past because it’s just another message about somebody’s 'imaginary friend' encouraging you to agree with something you don’t want or think you need. Either that, or you ARE a believer in God, but you don’t want to be embarrassed in front of others that you agree with messages about God or Christ. If so, please re-read today’s verse to see what God (that is…if you even believe in one or not) says about those that act this way.
You see, it is NOT belief in God that saves you, or UNBELIEF in God that condemns you, it is the the DENIAL of God where you condemn yourself.
In this connected, socially driven world people crave as many views and likes as possible thinking that the more they get ,the more they also will be LIKED and accepted. While it is great to have friends - be they real or virtual - the best “FRIEND” that you should seek a LIKE from is GOD.
If you scroll past HIM, He will scroll past YOU.
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You