Wokeness - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

Unlike you woke liberals, I only have sex with the manliest of he/hims

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1 year ago

Guys im so upset, the world has gone woke...

I can't even go on a date with a girl without a girl showing up. Smh. 😔

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1 year ago

It's interesting how all the conservatives and the right-wingers are working on the term woke, a real culture of excitement is being spun around the term.

It's Interesting How All The Conservatives And The Right-wingers Are Working On The Term Woke, A Real

What kind of bullshit has anyone of the woke people prevented the conservatives and right-wingers from their twisted world view or disturbed them in their daily propaganda?

Does woke interfere with anyone's shopping or daily life?

You get upset about it but climate change being a real threat to future generations is not an issue to get upset about!

Yes, there are criticisms of woke but these are minor compared to the real challenges facing societies.


And what is that supposed to be?

Awake, Not Woke

A Christian Response to the Cult of Progressive Ideology

Mindfulness, woke and kindness is not an ideology but a realisation from the deep love for people and their form in societies to contribute together to the happiness of all.

And should be the basis of business ethics.

And this is the crux of the matter: in the context of globalisation, woke would be a nightmare for many global corporations and also for their shareholders. They have to eliminate injustice in the form of exploitation and environmental destruction at all levels, which would be good for the world, but not in the sense of the highly praised profit maximisation.

This is the real background to the uproar that is being staged against wokeness.

The Christian religion has proven throughout its history that it is anti-woke. Witch burnings, slavery, persecution of those who think differently, absolute obedience to dictatorships (see the Russian Orthodox Church), hatred of everything foreign - the entire Bible Belt in the USA can tell you a thing or two about it. All conquest in the name of the church, religious wars and so on and so forth.

So stop eating chalk, you haven't even begun to understand the principle of humanity that Jesus preached.

It's actually religious abuse and unfortunately that counts for everyone who sees humanity as a weakness. It is not the strongest who survive but the most co-operative.


What does "woke" mean? - Meaning and origin

"Woke" - being aware of discrimination

"Woke", also known as "wokeness", comes from the English and means "awake" or "alert". Today, the term is used colloquially to describe attentiveness (vigilance) or sensitivity towards people from minorities and moments of discrimination. The wokeness movement focuses primarily on issues such as racism, sexism and similar forms of discrimination. However, the term is also often used to describe supposedly general structural and political grievances.

Origin of the term "woke"

The term originated in the mid-20th century in the African-American movement as an expression of awareness of social or racial oppression. One of the earliest uses can be found in a 1962 article by author William Melvin Kelley, which lists African-American slang expressions and is about white beatniks appropriating black slang. The term was taken up again more strongly with the start of the Black Lives Matter movement in 2013, which brought it back into the public consciousness.

Since June 2017, the word can be found in the Oxford English Dictionary . The OED has since described the term "woke" as follows:

Originally: well informed, up to date. - Now mainly: vigilant against racial or social discrimination and injustice; frequent use: "to remain vigilant"

Criticism of the woke movement

Despite the need for "wokeness" in society, the term "woke" does not only have positive connotations. Especially in conservative circles, it is also used in a derogatory way, criticising the woke movement itself. The main criticism is usually that "woke" people are too sensitive. At the same time, however, this also automatically raises the question of whether those expressing criticism are not themselves too insensitive or too insensitive, which sometimes leads to the formation of camps. The main criticism is that

1. being woke is only based on criticism

A frequent criticism of the woke movement is that being woke is often only based on criticising others for not being woke enough. This was also the case for Barack Obama when he said in an interview with the New York Times in 2019 that the activism of young people today is based on pillorying other people. This creates a black-and-white view that lacks room for dialogue and education. This is a problem because all people have more or less faults. Excessive polarisation is a pattern that is particularly evident in social media.

2. premature development of a cancel culture

Another consequence of a culture of discussion that would only consist of criticism would be a hasty development into a cancel culture, in which certain people or groups would be completely shunned in order to deprive them of a platform. The fear is that people or groups who otherwise do good things will be cancelled without giving them space for dialogue and development. Quirks would be penalised too much.

3. political correctness

The term "woke" is also controversially discussed in connection with "political correctness", which actually aims to strengthen the interests of minorities, especially through the appropriate use of language, and thus avoid discrimination. It is criticised for creating new norms that are sometimes perceived as censorship. Critics fear that freedom of expression will be undermined by a kind of moralism. However, even the freedom to address discrimination is criticised.

Most recently, the new Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, spoke of "woke indoctrination in schools", which must be tackled. The term indoctrination describes vehement, one-sided, distorted teaching that does not allow for discussion, which is a central method of propaganda, especially in dictatorships. The extent to which the two terms can be connected at all remains questionable.

4 Woke washing and woke capitalism

We speak of woke washing and woke capitalism when brands, institutions or even individuals speak out against discrimination or grievances, but at the same time act in the opposite way or not at all. The criticism here is that companies in particular create a progressive self-image that is nevertheless subordinated to ruthless profit maximisation behind the woke façade. The image of a sustainable and equal corporate culture thus becomes a marketing strategy instead of an authentic identity.

Here is a simple definition of the rights for example (more of a fight call than a definition probably didn't pay attention to the definitions at school)

"Woke": definition and meaning

"Woke" means to be awake and committed and is a left-wing ideological term of struggle. Under the guise of "anti-discrimination" and the demand for "social justice", our liberal social order based on Christian bourgeois values is to be fought against at all levels and replaced by a socialist order.

Swiss political activists with a clear enemy image

And now a short definition from everyone who gets to the point (has probably understood what a definition is without propaganda and call to arms)


Definition: What is "wokeness"?

Wokeness is the attitude and movement of alertness and vigilance. It is the act of paying attention to what is happening in the world and wanting to remove anti-Semitism, racism, sexism, violence, environmental destruction, factory farming and other evils by raising one's voice in the mass media and on social media, on the streets and in the squares, in schools, universities and companies. In English, "to be woke" means "to be vigilant" against injustices of all kinds.

Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel

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10 months ago

The year is 2050, and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, now known as WOKEmon LIBERAL COMMUNE is being remade. It has remakes of all four games, Rescue Team is now **Rescue Theys**. Your partner will always be non binary and there are 63 gender options for your hero, though hero and partner are stigmatized terms, so now we have the social activist and the anti-racisim pal. Team Meanies is now Team LGBTQ Rights. Gengar is Gengay, Medicham is now Ru Paul, and Ekans is now Yranibnon. The meteor in the end of the game has been replaced with the capitalist party. **Explorers of Sky** is now Explorers of Activisim. The Guild is now the Liberal Party. Wigglytuff and Chatot are now a proud lesbian couple with Wigglytuff being a trans woman and Chatot being non-binary as it's too misogynistic to have only men in power. Wigglytuff is no longer the guild master but the Prime Minister of the Activists. Team Skull has been rebranded to Team Cis and represent the capitalist party. Skuntank is now Trump, Zubat is now Cishet, and Koffing is now White American. The other major change is to the future trio, Grovyle is now Wokevyle, Dusknoir is now Duskhernoir, and Celebi is now Celebisexual. **Gates to Infinity** also faces lots of changes, Paradise is now Pride 2050. Emolga is now Gayolga, Dunsparce is now Dunsparce, Virizion is Dykeion, Espeon is TWeon and Umbreon is CWeon. The Bittercold has been replaced with the Florida Governor. Dunsparce and Gayolga are a proud gay t4t couple. Dykeion and Keldeo- I mean Kelthey, stopped being friends after Kelthey triggered Dykeion by mentioning Harry Potter. Oh! I forgot to mention, but the fighting mechanics have now been replaced with debating mechanics, in which you debate the other Pokemon on the best way to stop climate change. Anyways, finally we have **Super Mystery Dungeon** called what else, but Super Woke Local Commune. Nuzleaf is now Nuzshe, and gives single mothers representation. The Expedition Society is now the Red Society (communisim) and the scariest part? This game doesn't come out in 2050. It's being written RIGHT NOW.


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1 year ago
Being'Woke'is Popular Today, But The First People In History That Were Truly WOKE Were Adam And Eve And

Being 'Woke' is popular today, but the first people in history that were truly WOKE were Adam and Eve and they fell for the same lie from the same deceptive serpent that like today represents nothing that is good. Once Adam and Eve accepted Satan’s lies they were faced with the consequences of their choice for embracing 'wokeness' — and the same exact consequences that destroyed their world are also destroying our world today.

The first lie is when the snake said, “Did God really say that?” Likewise those that espouse WOKENESS question everything that is true and good and are replacing this with a “NEW TRUTH” that openly rejects what they claim are false traditions of 'truths' of manipulative lies to control and suppress people.

The second lie is the same error that Eve made. She reasoned that because something appeared to be “good...and pleasant to the eyes” that therefore it was OK to partake in it. Likewise today many foolishly think that whatever is thought that brings one pleasure and partake in is perfectly fine, not matter how weird, colorful, or bizzare. 'Life' is as each person defines it, not as natural law, common sense or biology dictates. Consequently in the past what had been considered honorable, holy or righteous has now been rejected as evil or obsolete, and ANYTHING that was previously considered wrong is now perfectly OK.

But the biggest consequence of walking in 'wokeness' is a divorce from all that is good. This means from GOD, from EDEN (the world that He intended for us to live), and from EACH OTHER.

When Cain slew Able conflict between people raged and people were scattered into tribes and became DIVERSE, which literally means to SEPARATE.

WOKNESS SEEKS DIVISION OF PEOPLE, defining people in classes of haves and have-nots, those superior and those inferior and NOT in the bringing of humanity together in unity.

My friend, 'WOKENESS' is not 'new truths' but an old lie from the month of the same snake. Don’t fall for this same old lie which promises a new world order of man-defined justice! Instead:

“Depart from evil, and do good!” Psalm 34:14

In Christ — and in Him alone — comes truth, unity, and pure AWAKENING light.

Will you choose to be AWAKE TO CHRIST or AWAKE TO WOKENESS?

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You


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2 years ago

a good chunk of internet leftism is just puritanical bullshit masquerading as woke and progressive which has thus developed into callout/cancel culture and respectability politics, encouraging a narrow, black and white worldview while discouraging critical thinking, creating insignificant and performative activism, and prioritizing discourse and public image over meaningful praxis

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11 months ago




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8 months ago



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11 months ago

JK Rowling won't be prosecuted after police look into complaints about social media post | UK News | Sky News

JK Rowling won't be prosecuted after police look into complaints about social media post
Sky News
JK Rowling previously dared police to arrest her after the Harry Potter author lashed out online against new hate crime laws in Scotland.

Much respect and love to a real woman with real strength and real convictions. JK Rowling has proven that real women have a right to defend biological truth - no matter what the Woke nutters say. The truth will always be the truth.

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9 months ago

Sue Perkins says she 'feels terrible' as she apologises for misgendering House of Dragons star Emma D'Arcy | Evening Standard

Sue Perkins apologises for misgendering House of Dragons star
Evening Standard
The former Great British Bake Off host faced a backlash online following the slip up

Why are we all still entertaining these people? Why are we all still playing their inane and self-obsessed little name games? No apology needed. Let the entitled brat call herself what she wants whilst the rest of the sane world ignore her and deal with real issues.

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8 months ago

More blatant racism. But it's ok; it's not the bad racism.

Someone should drop kick this poster into some shitty little African country and we shall see how long they last and what their view on world peace is then. Imbecile.

royal-phoenix - Untitled

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5 months ago

I love that Patrick Bateman’s name is just the same as before except slightly woker. Literally me fr.

the year is 2050. and American psycho has gone WOKE!!

Pierce & Pierce is now Fierce & Fierce.

David van Patten is now GAYvid van Patten

Mcdermott is now McDEMIBOY

Patrick Bateman is now PATRICK BATEMAN.

Luis carruthers

Paul Owen is now PRIDE Owen

Jean is now QUEEN 😨😨

Timothy Price is no longer priceless... hes PRIDEFUL

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