gewoonaardig2 - Oathbound is coming ⚔️
Oathbound is coming ⚔️

i live laugh love breathe drink eat sleep love hate cry snort laugh piss poop shed sweat swallow munch snack slurp bite tear lick suck trace rub pet caress bark legendborn. and jjk im too lazy for tag games btw im not gonna answer

318 posts

Do Think Sel And Ava Could Get Together I Mean Merlin And Morgaine Had A Thing

Do think sel and Ava could get together I mean Merlin and morgaine had a thing

Uhmm i don't know i guess? Not immediately cus there is too much shit going on but maybe if nickbree wins he'll date ava idk

  • just-a-queer-disaster
    just-a-queer-disaster liked this · 5 months ago

More Posts from Gewoonaardig2

6 months ago

So do think Alice and William going be together for a lot oathbound

Yh i think so as william is kinda taking care of her in a coma and i also think they will be oathed in oathbound or lb4

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6 months ago

The Camelot Project is a collection of art and Arthurian literature from different time periods. It is mighty useful. Here's the link -> https://d. lib.rochester. edu/camelot/authors

Another useful tool is Ancient Texts website. They have a nice collection of Welsh texts. Here's the link -> http://www. ancienttexts. org/library/celtic/ctexts/index.html

My suggestion is that you start with Nennius' Historia Brittonnum; George of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae, and the early Welsh Arthuriana. They're the ones who gave life to the rest of the Arthuriana that exists today. There's part of those texts you will find dry, but others that are a hilarious and such a hoot to read.

Don't skip anything, because everything and I mean everything is connected. It will help you understand a lot of things later on. Moreover, I suggest you pause to take breaks and make notes because that will help you keep the information in your mind.

I hope this helps you a lot.

Woahhh thank you! Ill take a look at it when i find time and motivation but seriously thank you 🙏🙏🙏

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6 months ago

Woah thank you so much!

OP, I saw you know nothing about Arthuriana. Have you considered reading it?

There's a lot good resources out there. One of them is the Camelot Project.

Well i have considered reading it but not found many sources where i could just start right away, i did watch some movie but idk the name. Prolly arthur or smthng lol. Could you elaborate more or the camelot project and what it is cause im interested :)

6 months ago

Do think Anna and natasia were like dating had feelings for each other

Anna? Who's anna? Am i forgetting someone or? Ifyk the person pls lmk¿ Cause i can't remember any anna in lbc...

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6 months ago

okay back again,

After looking over Ms. Tracy Deonn’s socials I think she’s actually been teasing a lot more about Oathbound than we expected 🤔

I mean.. heck I think if you really look I think she's probably teased the whole series in small doses here and there over the span of like 5 plus years. I mean perhaps not explicitly but she post things that cover can be relate to a character arc and story progression.

Okay Back Again,

So like I did some research on the winter solider and at first I thought it was referring to the film Captain America and the Winter Solider.

Which we know that when she was getting inspirations for her characters Steve Rogers was used to help create Nick Davis.

but ... I just do not think that It is as simple as that...

Suddenly a thought hit me… weren’t winter soldiers like some elite death squad or something?? Organizations turning human beings into tools for war doesn’t that sound familiar?

LIKEE....the whole existence of Merlins?????

But then I think it can go even further… cos the winter soilders were trained by the original winter soilder (Bucky Barnes) in the hopes of furthering their creation of some insane assasination group who can take over countries over night.

Perhaps like how Merlin’s are trained to create weapons and destroy shadowborn creatures at the Regents beck and call. (THIS THOUGHT CAN GO EVEN FURTHER I FEAR)

Clearly it’s been established that the Regents are bad , but if this whole Winter Solider thing is even remotely related to the that then... It would make sense to assume Nick (seeing as he is based off Steve Rogers) is also going to undergo the same sort of turmoil where the thing he once believed in crumbles around him and he will have to scramble to readjust his mindset as well as the mindset the other Legendborn.

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