Selwyn Kane - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Do think going more demon bars or clubs like valec oathbound

I think erebus will take her to some interesting places, including some demony spaces like the crossroads lounge, as much is to discover about warlocks and other type of demon deals. Sel and Nick might also end up in something similar.

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6 months ago

Do think William or lark have scenes together

Im actually sure they will! Tracy confirmed that there would be more willark in oathbound.

And actually now that i think about it, if everything is from Bree's POV and she stays with the shadow king for at least the majority if not the whole book, then it will be hard to incorporate much willark, which is why i think we will get a nick & bree pov, but also possibly sel as well... He might just get the nick bloodmarked treatment though, idk.

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6 months ago

Who think killings the Merlins

I think together with most of the legendborn fandom that it's sel and his momma, but could be an entirely new threat/villain thingy of the book idk fs tho

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6 months ago

Do think sel and Ava could get together I mean Merlin and morgaine had a thing

Uhmm i don't know i guess? Not immediately cus there is too much shit going on but maybe if nickbree wins he'll date ava idk

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6 months ago

Do think sel still has some parts still human

Well, if you mean this in the way that he can become human again, yes i firmly believe he will be turned back more or less

If you mean if he is technically fully demon now? I mean i guess so

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6 months ago

Remember how tor dated sel to piss of her parents? I think tor's background and character will be explored more in oathbound like duh she kinda a villain in the books but i mean i think she's going to become an actual villain

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6 months ago

I meant sel dated tor and if the theory true that nastisa dated the shadow king. Then sel got horrible dating style from his mother

OHMYGOD 😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏💀💀💀

... Yeah...

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6 months ago

I feel like some people missed this awesome post and i think its awesome so im going to repost it because it's awesome

Sel's Internal Dialogue? Especially In Legendborn?

Sel's internal dialogue? Especially in legendborn?

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6 months ago

Do you guys realize how conflicted sel's relationship was with bree? And no im not just talking about their arguments, i mean sel's side of this relationship. (Friends and ¿Situationship?)

In legendborn: Selwyn was convinced that Bree was an intruder (Goruchel) and hence tried to kill her, and almost did. He did not do it because of an external factor, NOT because HE realized it! When he realizes his theory was not true, he felt guilty and sort of disgusted with himself. From that point on Bree and Sel become friends, and Sel develops a crush.

Takeaway: he felt guilty for what he did and stayed with her.

Bloodmarked: Selwyn once again expierences some trouble, he starts his descent. When he knows this, he is conflicted between staying with Bree to protect her, because he loves her, and leaving Bree to protect her from himself.

Takeaway: He was conflicted between leaving or staying

Now what is the link between these two? Almost NEVER do we see the 'pure actual friendship/ love' between them. After sel's mesmer was revealed she was mad at him, but only once that was forgiven, all the stuff surrounding their relationship was gone. (Briefly until, chaos and Arthur!)

And also, back to what started this posts, this proves how sel's side of his relationship with Bree has been sooo conflicted!! First he tries to kill her, feels horribly guilty, is conflicted between staying or leaving, etc etc!! (Obviously from Bree's POV there's stuff wrong with the relationship but this is a sel thing i realized so yuh)

And this also makes me wonder whether smthng like that will be up with them in oathbound too, like its a continuing trend, or if it's, well, not going to be like that lol.

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6 months ago


if you follow this blog you probably already know

But if you don't, imma give you a hint, its a certain magic black haired demon boy 🤭

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5 months ago

Do think sel mom in England because Bree went England oathbound teaser

I don't know but i think its unlikely. Also idk why erebus would bring her closer to sel and his mom

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5 months ago

Bro when i read legendborn i was kinda braindead like i just moved through the story idk how but i didn't develop any attachments until my reread 2 years later 💀 so i have zero opinion on first seeing sel 😭🙏

really loving that every individual who starts reading legendborn posts about sel being annoying, reminding me of the time i first read legendborn and said "god i fucking love sel" 💀

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5 months ago

Answering an anon question, legendborn and bloodmarked spoilers yes mynotetrash im looking at you don't spoil yourself

Answering An Anon Question, Legendborn And Bloodmarked Spoilers Yes Mynotetrash Im Looking At You Don't

Right now? Yes, but i don't think he will be forever, honestly, when he ''heals'' i think he'll be smthng like 50/50 idk fs tho

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5 months ago
Totally Didn't Forget I Drew A Sel Side Profile Sometime In July But Anyway Have It

Totally didn't forget i drew a sel side profile sometime in july but anyway have it

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5 months ago

How long do think William known sel

Almost their whole lives, i think once sel was nick's kingsmage they have met at some point

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5 months ago

Halloween Selwyn challenge!

Contains LBC spoilers!











Okay so! Selwyn is paralyzed in his own body as his demon is roaming around and hears one song on loop. Which song is it? This is my entry.

This could also literally be some baby hyperpop song making him go crazy, but this is what i think

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5 months ago

Lbc spoilers





What if selwyn kane is a scam and he is the shadow king

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5 months ago
Heres A Legendborn Cycle Piece I Commd From The Amazing @mageofspace924! (tysm!!)

Here’s a Legendborn Cycle piece I comm’d from the amazing @mageofspace924! (tysm!!)

Bree is one of my absolute favorite protagonists in any book I’ve ever read. 🥰 She, Sel, and Nick have some of the best interactions and chemistry. They’re all my fave bbs and I just want them all to be safe and able to live their lives happily together. 🥹🥹

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5 months ago

Do think sel might be related to valec or Erebus

I am a believer of the theory yes

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