ghostlygreydragon - Ghostly Grey Dragon
Ghostly Grey Dragon

She/her (or honestly whatever I'm not picky) I'm Grey. Pleasure to meet you. I just post whatever and sometimes upload advances of my ao3 fic Say the word.

274 posts

Can Y'all Believe That John Walker Did That. Like.

Can y'all believe that John Walker did that. Like.

The kid had just said he looked up to Captain America to straight up be MURDERED IN COLD BLOODBY SOMEONE WEARING THE SHIELD.

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More Posts from Ghostlygreydragon

4 years ago

John calling himself The Archivist instead of head archivist of the Magnus institute because he has accepted the fact that he Is The Archivist above else??????

Sad. Soul crushing. He's The Archivist. He's not even fully human anymore

Also him having more powers + the fact that they explicitly mention the eye hasn't had an attempt at a ritual like the others... Much to think about.

4 years ago


If I hypothetically wanted to contact MsKingBean89 how should I do it??

Asking for... A friend

3 years ago

Can we talk about how when Bucky saves people from the fire it is a direct colour parallel to all of his Winter Soldier flashbacks???? It hurt.

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3 years ago

They take NOTES of the CHAPTERS so we can DISCUSS THEM

Someone started listening to The Magnus Archives because I said I loved it and had no one to discuss it with and they JOKE they JEST about trying to listen to it as fast as possible so they can catch up to me and we can disscus the chapters I'm at

4 years ago

Okay so this mAy be bullshit BUT

What if we really are part of the eye. Not in this universe. In that one. And in a weird meta way RustyQuill IS that universe's eye. And the eye ritual won in the end and their reality became Just a work of fiction (something for everyone to see).

And Jonathan Simms becomes Johnny Simms. And everyone else Becomes thsi version of themselves.

And we, as watchers, just FEED this whole experience.

Okay so I thought of this a bit more. It's not that RustyQuill as a group of people is the eye (which they would be) but rather John himself becomes the eye (being the author he Knows everything in the way the eye would). That would mean four things if my theory is to make sense.

1) He becomes an avatar for the eye. (Which he is on his way to, in the episode I'm at).

2) He becomes THE avatar for the eye. Just, the one most connected to it. Which being honest, I would see him becoming.

Now this is where it all goes downhill and the reason I don't like my theory anymore.

3) He turns. To be The Eye(tm) he would probably have to go and make one of the rituals like The Unknowning. This would make him the big powerful bad guy, probably in season 5? (I think that's where it ends?)

And then, lastly,

4) He wins. The rest that try and stop him all fail. He manages to do the ritual. Their world becomes pure knowledge, it's not something that happened anymore is just theoretical (though I would argue in the context that wouldn't make it any less real), John becomes This John. The rest become their here selves. And then that's that.

Look. It would be a story that's for sure.

This man slowly loosing touch with all that makes him human. Another story in madness.

It wouldn't be bad. It would be good I think. It would have gave Tim all the more reason to hate us, we powered this. We summon the tape recorders. We have an effect on their world. But the thing is, if this were the direction the story goes, it just means it is inevitable. There was no stopping it. Since the beginning it was already done. We, the audience, were witnesing a paradox, by listening we gave it power enough for John to do the ritual, but we would have never listened to it if THIS John hadn't written it yet.

It could be true. I'm not saying it should be or that I would like it to be. I think that for as much as I've been calling TMA "meta" it has never really been meta has it?? The outside world has no effect on it, apart of Tim hating us deeply. I mean maybe I'm confusing the definition of meta but there is no awareness. There's a freaking AMAZING storyline and even BETTER world building. There just isn't that... I don't know. Participation? Involvement? Self-awareness? It Feels like something is missing and that something is us.

I just lowkey hope it doesn't come to that.

(fiy this was made the day after I listened to 121 and I haven't gotten much into 122)

(just so you know if in like, 134 this all gets debunked or something)

I'm on season three but like

Are we, as listeners, claimed by the eye too? Supposedly? Like we hear everything in the tapes like Elias

Like, in the universe of the podcast