call me Ghoul : 26 : they/ them : sideblog for bandom brain rot, primarily mcr and fob: Gore and cringe warning, my posts are occasionally r18. you have been warned
573 posts
Ghoulsgonestale - 3,2,1, We Came To Suck - Tumblr Blog

had to make a drawing based off this post by @someoneinfoblovesme
posted this on ig too but im trying to revive my tumblr blog as well lol ☆ enjoy bloody frank

ok minuscule art dump because my wifi sucks and it wont let me upload a bunch of stuff but i swear i’ve drawn more

also shh dont say anything about my handwriting

i will never ask you for anything except to dream sweet of me
tw(!): scars, sh thematic/ «morning»

*started this one back in april during my own rough times and FINALLY finished it.
gotta say that mcr told us a lot about self-harm and it's destruction through their art and music and some of the band members actually went through it. self-harm in any form is literally the worse thing you can do to your own.
so please stay safe.
(also i don't really recognise frank without his tattoos, dude just why you so naked)