ghoulyghoulsblog - 𝕲𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖆𝖗

Ghoular / 21 / Slytherin

917 posts

15 | Asking...

15 | Asking...

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 1518

Warnings: conflicted feelings, arguing about a dance

14. It's Human | 16. Rave'N

15 | Asking...

Enid and a few girls decided we should all go dress shopping for the dance. They wanted us to wear white to match the theme but there was no way I'd wear a white dress. While I went to look at dresses with the girls, Wednesday whet off to see the sheriff. Barely into the shopping I got bored so I left to go to the Weathervane. 

As I walk in Tyler bumps into me on the way out, "Val." He smiles. 

"Tyler." I smile back. 

"What are you doing in town today?" He asks as we walk outside down the sidewalk. 

"A few girls are dress shopping. I got bored of watching them." I shrug my shoulders. 

"For the Rave'N this weekend. It was all the buzz at the Weathervane today." He says as we come to a stop. 

"Wow, everyone is really obsessed with this dance." I shake my head. 

"So, you're not going?" He asks. 

"Actually, I was forced to ask someone because of Wednesday." I roll my eyes still pissed at her. "

Sure, that happens. Who is it?" He asks eyeing me. 

"Xavier..." I watch his whole face change. 

"Got it. Hope you two have fun." He starts to walk away.

"Why are you upset? I literally said I was forced." I make him turn around. 

"I have a reason to be upset because you keep giving me these signals. I thought we liked each other, but then you pull something like this because you were forced?" He looks at me with so many different emotions. 

"Wednesday put me on the chopping block because he almost caught us snooping around his shit. She made something up on the spot and threw me under the bus she was driving. I didn't want to ask him to the stupid dance. If I was going to ask anyone it would have been you." I start to get frustrated. "I told you Xavier was missing something so that meant I don't like him more than a friend." I run my hands through my hair getting even more frustrated. "I still don't fully know feelings because I'm developing new ones I've never felt before until I met you. You make me feel so many things and it makes me feel like I'm losing my mind." I feel myself wanting to cry which I hated was a thing now when I feel super frustrated. 

Tyler walks up to me and stops right in front of me looking down at me, "You make me feel like I'm losing my mind as well." He takes a hold of one of my hands. 

"I'm sorry." I take my hand back and walk away confused wanting to run to the train station and lay down on the tracks.


I just end up walk back to school to clear my mind. "Miss Addams, a gift from your mother has arrived today. I sat it on your bed." Ms. Thornhill smiles at I pass her in the hall. 

"My mother sent me a gift? Thank you." I got to my room to see a box on the bed with a letter on top.

My dear, Valentine. I know the Rave'N will be coming up soon around this time. I have a feeling you'll end up going with a certain person or maybe just a friend. So I've taken the time to find you a perfect dress you would love. I didn't send your sister one because I know she would never go. And if I did send one she would even more think I was trying to change her. Love you my sweet little black rose.

I didn't want to open the box quite yet because I wanted it to be a surprise. I end up calling my mother with the crystal ball to thank her for the dress but I don't want to look at it till the dance. She was happy I was going but I told her Wednesday wasn't going to go which she had a feeling.

"We're going for a walk." Wednesday walks into my room. 

"A walk where?" I eye her. "The woods. Eugene is leading the way." She leaves so I get up from my desk following her. 

We end up at a cave that had the same circle spiral in the rocks. "It's definitely a match. What were you doing out here?" Wednesday asks him. 

"Collecting specimens. This place is ground zero for horny gypsy moths. You think it's in there?" Eugene asks. 

"Only one way to find out." She walks up to it and we go in. We see the floor covered in animal bones. 

"Check this out." Eugene flashes his light on shackles nailed into the wall with scratches marks around it. 

She walks towards something else while I touch the shackles. "Stop! Please leave me alone! Don't come near me! No!" A distorted voice screams getting deeper and their blurry body becomes the monster.

"Valentine, what did you see?" Wednesday looks at me. 

"That's the thing, I couldn't really see or hear. It was blurry but the person who's the monster didn't want to change they were forced by someone." I explain to her as she holds a claw. 

"I need to go back to the shed. I need something to compare this too. You don't look well. Eugene make sure she gets to her room okay." Wednesday leaves us so Eugene helps me.

As I lay in bed after taking something for my head I kept thinking about how there was two people we needed to find. Why would someone force someone into that monster? There was banging at the door making me jump in bed. "What the hell?" I get up walking to the door opening to see Xavier. 

"Did you only ask me to the Rave'N because you and Wednesday think I'm the monster? She heavily believes I'm the monster because of all those things I painted of the monster." He brushes past me coming into the room. 

"I don't think it's you." I tell him truthfully. 

"I don't know if I can believe you." He shakes his head. 

"All I want to know is how did you get the scratches and why paint all those? You're my friend Xavier, you can tell me. I was confused to see all that but I still don't think it's you." I walk away from the door.

"The creature has been haunting my dreams for weeks. I try to block it out but I can't. So I just paint it. The recent one, the claws reached out and took a swipe at me." He sits on my bed. "See that makes sense to me." I take a seat next to him. "You're sister doesn't think so." He messes with his hands. 

"Do you care what she thinks?" I laugh. 

"No, I care what you think." He looks at me. 

"Well, I still don't think it's you. I only will if there's hardcore evidence to support it." I chuckle. 

"You didn't want to ask me to the dance did you? You only did it to cover up you two were in the shed." His eyes scan my face so I nod my head, 

"She cornered me into asking you but I'll still go with a friend if you want me to. If you're upset about the whole thing I get it." I let him know.

"I'm hurt you didn't want to ask me originally but I was going to ask you, so yeah, I still want to go to the dance with you." He smiles. 

"Great, because my mom sent me my dress today but I don't want to see it till I get ready for the dance." I clap my hands and he leans over kissing me making me freeze in place. 

"Can't wait to see you in your dress tomorrow." He leaves my room. 

"I just called you a friend, dude." I wipe my mouth as I was left alone.


"Whose your date for the dance?" I ask Enid as we hangout in her room. 

"Lucas." She smiles, "It's to make Ajax jealous." She rolls her eyes. 

"But out of everyone, Lucas?" I give her a look. 

"He approached me to get back at someone too so why not." She shrugs her shoulders. 

"Your dress matches the theme." I say as she shows me her dress. 

"What dress did you end up getting?" She asks me but Wednesday jumps in. 

"She's not going to the dance anymore." She says making me look over at her. 

"Why do you say that?" I ask her. 

"Because Xavier knows the truth that you were forced to ask him." She turns to face me.

"I'm still going with him. And my mother sent me a dress. I still haven't looked at it. I want to be surprised when I put it on tonight." I tell both of them. 

"Why still go with him?" Wednesday asks me. 

"He's a friend still. Have fun doing whatever you and Eugene plan to do." I leave their room to go do whatever in my room.

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More Posts from Ghoulyghoulsblog

1 year ago

22 | You Sound Ridiculous

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 1859

Warnings: death, false accusations, kissing, betrayed by someone trusted

21. More Than.. | 23. It’s Him

22 | You Sound Ridiculous

"Look at this. Lucas gave me information his father was looking up before he was murdered. He was investigating Laurel Gates. He started after Outreach Day. According to British police Laurel was presumed drowned, but no body was recovered. And the Gates mansion was purchased a year ago by a 90 year old candy heiress. She mysteriously died and gave all her belongings to her caregiver, Teresa L. Glad." Wednesday walks into my room as I was on the computer.

"Anagram for Laurel Gates. So she secretly bought her old house and comes back to Jericho as someone else. Why? To get revenge on all the people she blames for her family's misfortune?" I turn to face her.

"The Mayor, the coroner, our parents. Most of all Nevermore. The Hyde is doing all of her bidding since she controls it." Wednesday smiles, "Now we just get Dr. Kinbott to confess she's Laurel Gates."

"We? What do even you have to say it's her?"

"The flowers in her room at the mansion are the exact same flowers she took when visiting Eugene in the hospital. I mean it's so easy for a psychiatrist to slip in and out of a hospital undetected. Why would someone so overqualified want to be here? To crawl through outcasts minds till she found one to manipulate for her revenge." Wednesday goes on a rant explaining her reason.

"Wednesday, that's not evidence. Nothing really pinpoints Dr. Kinbott." I stand up from my desk.

"You want to know why you've changed? It's all because of her. She got into your mind." Wednesday steps closer to me making me roll my eyes.

"You sound ridiculous, Wednesday."

"Explain to me why you randomly changed then when you didn't want to?" She raises her voice.

I just stare at her like she lost her mind, "I didn't not want to, I was just confused to new things." I try explaining to her.

"No, you changed when you started your session with her."

"Have you ever thought that maybe I just wanted to change deep down and I did because I felt comfortable for once to open up to show that I keep locked away deep down? Enid and especially Tyler know parts of me that not you, Pugsley or even our parents don't know about." I step closer to her.

"You really are a disappointment. Kinbott got to your head and made you this way and made you not see the truth about her or Xavier."

I just stare at her shaking my head, "You're jumping to conclusions with no sold proof to back up you stupid theories. Hopefully you feel stupid when you turn out to be wrong with you accusations." I shoulder check her leaving my room.

I wish I knew who the real Laurel Gates was and who the monster was just to make Wednesday feel stupid for being so wrong. I mean yes, Wednesday had a theory compared to me but flowers aren't enough evidence. Then for Xavier having secret sessions with Kinbott wasn't odd, especially if you didn't want anyone to know you were seeing someone to talk about your life and problems.

"Thought you were ignoring me?" Xavier's video brings me out of my thoughts and I notice I walked all the way to his shed.

"Wednesday has officially lost it. She believes Kinbott is Laurel Gates who unlocked you, the Hyde, during your secret sessions." I take a seat on a stool.

"And her evidence?" He turns to face me crossing his arms.

"Kinbott brought Eugene the same roses that we found at the Gates mansion in Laurel's childhood bedroom. You're the monster because you paint it without ever seeing it and you show up after things or always around before something happens. But if she uses that logic then Tyler is in the same boat with you there in being around. I just can't wait till she's proven wrong. And she thinks I'm different now because Kinbott has got to my head as well making me not see the truth about her or you."

"That's just theories with no sold proof to back her up." Xavier walks over to me.

"I know, and I told her that. I know you aren't the monster and there's no way Kinbott is Laurel. I have no clue who the real people are and I wish I knew to make Wednesday feel stupid. I feel like I would already know or seen some hint because I've had some physical contact with everyone I talk to. I just want this to be over with. I don't want you, my friend, or the first therapist I like and trust to be falsely accused of murdering people."

"You're right, I may have not believed in you since day one but you've believed in me since day one. You're way more of a true friend than me." He sits on the stool next to me.

"If what Rowan told Wednesday is going to happen... if she never came and it was just me would all this still go down like it is? It would have to be because the murders started before she showed up. So if I never came as well..." I look at him.

"I wish I had answered for you." He looks at me as well.

"Oh, I hate you Nevermore." We both laugh.

"So Enid slipped... How was your second date with Tyler?" Xavier changes the topic messing with his hands.

"Good, but Wednesday was there. He decorated the crypt for a picnic and a movie. He asked do I like scary movies and I got excited but I got slightly tortured watching Legally Blonde. So that literally was a horror movie to me but I hated to admit I secretly liked it deep down."

"Enid got you used to the color pink?" He chuckles so I nod my head, "As much as I hate Tyler... I happy he makes you happy. You're my friend after all and I care about your happiness. And I mean it. I promise from now on I will stop with my sassy marks about him. I still hate him but I'll keep it locked away around you."

I lean over giving him a hug, "That means a lot to me. Really, Xavier."

"You're actually hugging me?"

"This is your one chance to hug me back because I don't give out free hugs." I tell him so he hugs me back.


I headed into town to check on Kinbott because I'm sure by now Wednesday has already been by accusing her being Laurel Gates.

"Dr. Kinbott." I knock on her door not getting an answer. "I'm not here to accuse you like Wednesday did. I'm here to check up on you." I wait for a response and still get nothing so I go in to see her laying in a pool of blood. "Dr. Kinbott." I rush over to see her struggling to breath.

"Val." She coughs up blood.

"No, no, no. Don't talk, just keep breathing." I tell putting a hand over her wound to stop the bleeding as I pull out my phone with my other hand calling for help.

"He..." She tries speaking.

"He? He who? No, don't try talking. Just hold on then you can tell Sheriff Galpin who did this to you." I say seeing she wasn't going to make of help doesn't get her faster. "This is a small town! Why are they taking so long!"

"You...him." She closes her eyes as help rushes in though the door.

They take her to the hospital and Sheriff Galpin takes me to a room to question me, "You didn't have a session today so why did you go see Dr. Kinbott?" He asks me as I sit looking at my recently washed hands.

"Wednesday went to go see her accusing her of being Laurel Gates. She thought she was the master of the Hyde. Her stupid evidence was roses we found at the Gates mansion because she brought Eugene the same roses. I didn't believe in her little theory... I wanted to come check on and when she wouldn't answer I opened the door to find her in a pool of her own blood."

"Did she manage to say anything to you while being awake?" He asks so I look up at him,

"I'm shocked she tried saying my name. Said him then me and him. I told her not to talk because it would make things harder for her. I told her to save it to talk to you who she saw but... I know she isn't going to make it. There was too much blood. I regret not saying say his name."

Sheriff Galpin sighs taking a seat next to me taking my shaking hands into his so I look at him, "She won't be able to say his name in that much shock. She kept it short and what ever words she could form. Don't feel guilty for telling her n't to talk."

"Why are you comforting me, Sheriff?

"Because I can tell this is effecting you. Once I found out your full name, I did my research on you since my son took a liking to you. Knowing what you did to people in your past and trying to kill people yourself... I can see you aren't the same girl anymore because your hands wouldn't be shaking nor would you feel guilt." He tells me.

"Why still comfort me, someone you hated around your son, but not comfort your own son about topics? I get it's hard to talk about but he's your son. If you don't open up, you'll lose him in a different way." I take my hands back from him.

"For starters; I want to make sure you're fine because you mean a lot to my son. You make him happy and that's all I want for him. And I know I need to open up with him but it's hard for me. The things after her pregnancy with Tyler that lead up to her passing... I don't want him to know." Sheriff Galpin looks away from me.

"If all you want for him to be happy then talk to him. He really needs that from you. Not just being nice to me. He needs you more than me. You're his father. I'm just a outcast girl he likes."

"He takes after his mother a lot but in that case he takes after me. I'm going to check in on Dr. Kinbott. Weems and Wednesday are out in the hall." He gets up leaving the room and I follow.

"Are you okay, Valentine?" Weems gets up walking over to me while Wednesday stares at me.

"I'll be fine." I force a smile.

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1 year ago

14 | It's Human

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 1639

Warnings: none

13. Outreach Job | 15. Asking...

14 | It's Human

"You rang?" Tyler asks her making Xavier look at all of us then scoff.

"Want the usual?" Tyler asks.

"And help. Valentine, go change. You're coming with me." She tells me so I go to do that.

As I come back out Tyler tells me she's outside waiting for me so I rush to follow her. "So what's so important about this old meeting house?" I ask as we make our way through the woods.

"I don't know but I'm hoping to get something." She keeps it short.

"You know, I would love it if you kept conversations going for a bit longer." I sigh as Thing comes out of her bag. A homeless man back talks Wednesday so Thing scares him away. "By the looks of it... there's nothing here." I look around at the walls that were barley standing.

"No, I can't just touch something. My visions seem to happen spontaneously." Wednesday tells Thing so he tells her to ask our mother making them bicker.

I walk off as she touches random things to prove Thing wrong. "You two bicker so much." I say as Wednesday and I each open a door getting a vision.

We both see each other confused and an angry mob pushing a girl around from her other vision. The girl ends up being Goody Addams being accused of Witchcraft. We see a whole barn full of people considered an outcast before they set the building on fire but Goody escapes. I wake up and see Wednesday still out before for gets up.

"So the girl you're seeing is our ancestor, Goody Addams." I stand up then help her up. She hears a noise going to check it out but see no one. "Could it be the man from earlier?" I ask her as she looks again but the monster shows up making her back into me.

"Come on, come on!" She runs after it.

"You're crazy!" I follow her as she follows the footprints.

"The monster's human." She looks up at me.

"What the hell are you doing?" Xavier randomly shows up.

"We were following the monster." She stands up.

"You saw it? It's here? Do you two have a death wish or something?" He looks around.

"Maybe." I think about the positive side of dying.

"What are you doing out here?" Wednesday asks him.

"I overheard you say you were checking out the old meeting house. It's lucky I showed up when I did." He looks around again.

"We did learn one thing. The monster is human. It's tracks turned from monster prints to human ones." I tell him so he asks to show him but the rain got rid of them.

Xavier scoffs making us look at him. "We know what we saw." She tells him.

"I'm trying to keep an open mind." He tells us.

"Oh, so suddenly now it's okay to have an open mind. Why? Because you're still pissed I don't care what you think because Tyler believes us?" I see a certain look in his eyes.

"Grow up." I leave the two walking alone in the rain. Back in town it was sunny so I started to dry off from the rain.

We all gather, Nevermore and the town, to celebrate the monument of Joseph Crackstone to celebrate his memory. I make a face at people celebrating him but remember Wednesday's plan Thing told me about. I smile watching the rope on fire lead to the fountain. Everyone runs as the explosion happened while Wednesday just stayed and played a song. As she finishes, I stand up to applaud her.

Back at school though we both had to sit in Weems office. "That was a disaster. The mayor is furious! I've lost count of the angry phone calls, emails, and people in the town, alumni and parents. They want answers and so do I." Weems points her fingers at us.

"I would lead the inquisition, but I left my thumbscrews and rack at home." Wednesday tells her.

"Miss Addams... you're already on thin ice. Wafer-thin ice." She stares at her.

"I had nothing to do with this. I was with Enid before we all gathered together. I just didn't run away because I don't get scared easily and I stayed to watch my sister play. If you don't believe me, ask Enid." I tell her.

"I believe you, so you may leave now." She says so I leave the office going to my room to lay down.

Ty: My dad is getting on me about you and your sister because of what happened.

Val: I had no part of it... I just stayed because it didn't scare me and I wanted to see my sister play.

Ty: I believe you. I saw you and Enid walking around chatting and taking pictures.

Val: So I have an eyewitness for my alibi.

Ty: Yes, you do. But sadly he still won't care.

Val: I know. Talk to you later because I have to go help Enid pick out an outfit for her date tonight.

We and when I mean we, I mean mostly Enid, spend a few hours going through all her clothes to find the perfect outfit. "Enid, you have been modeling your clothes for hours and I told you the one you have on now is cute." I say laying on her bed with different article of clothes on top of my legs.

"Is this one too much?" She picks up a different shirt.

"Enid!" I throw my head back.

"Okay, this outfit it is. I'm so glad I have my date with Ajax tonight. Get my mind off that trainwreck of an afternoon. I literally think I have PTSD. I didn't even get to do my dance routine." Enid rants on.

"What a tragedy." Wednesday speaks up as she types her story.

"What kind is twisted psycho would want to sabotage such a life-affirming event?" Enid asks making Wednesday and me look at each other.

"You're going to be late." Wednesday adds.

"Wish me luck." Enid takes her jacket I hand to her.

"If he breaks your heart, I'll nail-gun his." Wednesday tells her.

"I'll hold him down for her." I add as she leaves the room. "Finally." I move the clothes off me to get up and put them away for her. "I'll leave you to your writing my dear sister." I leave the room.


After taking information from the morgue about the past victims Wednesday found a little pattern of the killer was taking parts of their bodies. I felt bad for Enid because she couldn't handle looking at the photos which made her pass out. I told Wednesday to stop showing her the pictures and told Enid to avoid looking across the room. At the moment we were in Thornhill's class and I was dozing off. The starts to giggle making me rub my eyes to wake myself up.

"Okay, okay. I know you're all excited about Saturday, which is why I haven't assigned any homework. But I do still need volunteers for the decorating committee. Anyone interested, come and see me up here." Thornhill tells the class so some students get up.

"What you're not going to volunteer? Aren't you pumped about disco balls and spicked punch? There's even a DJ. MC Blood Suckaz." I hear Xavier ask Wednesday as I get up from my seat to go over to her.

"I'd rather stick needles in my eyes. I'll probably do that anyway." She tells him as I get to her.

"Or you can invite someone. That would be fun." He chuckles and I see scratches on his neck.

"A word." She gets up grabbing my hand dragging me with her.

"You saw the scratches too?" She eyes me.

"Yeah, I was going to ask him about them but you dragged me away." I tell her.

"We need to keep an eye on him." She tells me.

"Do you think he could be the monster? No way." I laugh thinking about it.

"We can't be so sure. We need to dig deeper."

We end up following Xavier to his art shed so she could find something since he was hiding something. Once inside turning the light on we see he's drawn and painted the monster several times.

"How does he know what it looks like if he hasn't seen it?" I look at all of them as she picks up two papers.

"Xavier, you just became that much more interesting." She takes them with her as we leave.

"Addams." We both stop and turn to see Xavier as we walk away.

"Xavier." We both say his name.

"What are you doing?" He walks up to us.

"Nothing." I smile. "I just saw you come out this way and asked Valentine where you were going. She said to you little private art studio so I wanted to see it. Why don't you give me a tour?" Wednesday asks.

"Not right now. It's a total mess." He tells us.

"We shadowed a crime scene photographer last summer. We're not easily fazed." She adds.

"Maybe another time. Why were you looking for me?" He asks her confused.

"Because my sister here wanted to ask you something." Wednesday gives me a look confusing me.

"No I didn't..." I look at her.

"Yeah... About a certain dance that makes me want to poke needle into my eyes." She gives me a look staring into my soul.

I look at Xavier smiling at me and I was screaming on the inside. "Thanks for the spotlight... Would you like to go to the dance with me?" I ask him.

"I would love to go to the dance with you. Thought you'd never ask." He smiles even bigger.

Neither did I... "Great." I laugh then drag Wednesday away with me, "I hate you so much right now." I growl at her.

1 year ago

3 | Knock It Off

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 1721

Warnings: Xavier just jealous of Tyler

Last: Therapy | Next: Changing

3 | Knock It Off

So far Nevermore hasn't been bad and I was surprised how well I made friends. Well, except for Bianca. We were more like frenemies because we were very competitive against each other. Especially in fencing most of the time we went against each other it came to the tie. Me and Yoko got along pretty quickly being roommates. Enid and I were sometimes alike but in different fonts. Xavier and me were good friends which Bianca didn't like at all. It took awhile for Ajax to stop being nervous around me. Divina and Kent were alright, I wasn't super close to them but I knew Divina more because of Yoko.

Having to join a club I met Eugene and he remained me of Pugsley so I treated him like a brother. There was Rowan, who was basically an outcast of outcast. We had a few conversations but he never stuck around long. Lastly was Tyler. After every therapy session I would go over to the Weathervane to get a Hot Chocolate and talk to Tyler as he worked. Xavier didn't quite like me talk to Tyler telling me what he did to him last year. I understand that it was bad because he put time into his work, but compared to what I do to people... It didn't seem that big of a deal to me.

"Bianca seems a little pissed today. Do you know what happed?" Yoko asks Divina as some of us were going into town today. 

"Xavier broke up with her." She looks at Bianca in the front of the bus alone before telling us making Enid gasp next to me. 

"Why?" She asks wanting more details for her blog. 

"She won't talk about it." Divina tells her and I watch Enid start typing on her phone. 

I look in the back to see Xavier looking out the window listening to music alone. When we all get off the bus the girls take off and I wait for Xavier. 

Once he sees me he takes out his earbuds, "Why are you looking at me like that?" He asks annoyed. 

"Wanna get a drink and a snack from the Weathervane? We can talk about whatever." I suggest to him. 

"Sure." We head over there.

"The usual and?" Tyler asks Xavier as we walk up so he tells him before we go sit in a booth. 

"I'm assuming you heard the news. I know Enid just posted about it on the way here. Is that why you want to talk to me?" Xavier leans back on his side. 

"I wanna know how a friend's doing. And if you want to talk about it you can but if you don't it's okay." I do the same. 

"We broke up for two reasons." He looks out the window as Tyler brings us our drinks. 

"Thank you." I tell him as he leaves. "What are your reasons since you broke up with her." I sit up. 

"The main reason is because I had doubts about Bianca and her intentions as a siren. I'm constantly paranoid that she's using her siren song me and we keep getting into fights over it." He sits up looking at his drink.

"But she has her amulet she wears." I tell him. 

"I'm still paranoid about it." He sighs. 

"Is there another reason?" I ask. 

"The second reason is she doesn't like our friendship." He rolls his eyes. 

"Like you with me about..." I motion towards Tyler. 

"It's different." He eyes Tyler working. 

"Stop it." I kick his leg underneath the table, "But why does she have a problem with me with you? I don't treat you any differently than others and you don't treat me differently either." I raise an eyebrow. 

"She doesn't think that." He messes with his hands. 

"Well she's stupid because I don't like you like that. I don't like anyone for a fact. You have to prove you're worth my time. And it takes a lot to melt my semi ice cold heart." I explain to him not seeing the slight disappoint on his face.

"You don't mind if I draw while we sit here, right?" Xavier pulls stuff out of his bag. 

"Do you have an extra book I can draw in while we sit here?" I ask him. 

"Here. I haven't used this one. You can keep it." He passes me one and a pencil. 

"Thanks, I'm going to use you as my muse." I open up the book. 

"Okay." He laughs before we sit in silence sketching each other.  

After awhile I take a break to go use the restroom then go to the counter to ask for another drink. "Hey Ty, can I have another and two croissants?" I come around the corner leaning on the counter. 

"I had a feeling you would come ask at some point. Sure, I'll bring it after this customer." He gives me a smile that makes me feel happy on inside but never show it, "Thanks." I go join Xavier who was glaring at me. "Knock it off, Thorpe." I huff taking my seat. 

"I told you he's bad news." He huffs as well making me turn to look at Tyler for a second to see him making my cup with a slight smile before tuning back around.

"Yes, because the boy with the light-brown curly hair, greenish eyes, and a kindly smile is bad news. Xavier, I know what he did to you but I'm worse. I can handle myself." I roll my eyes. 

"For someone who, in fact doesn't like anyone, sure described him like you do." He rolls his eyes drawing. 

"You have golden brown shoulder length hair, eyes are a light olive color with brown surrounding the pupil, when you smile you get dimples." I say making him look at me, "I'm just good at describing someone."

"Your hot chocolate with two croissants like you asked. Do you want another drink or anything else?" Tyler sets my stuff down then asks Xavier. 

"I'm good." He tells him coldly. Tyler just nods his head leaving the booth. "I don't see how you're friends with him." Xavier goes for one of my croissants so I smack his hand away, 

"Because he's nice to me and that's all that matters when it comes to me. And he asked if you wanted anything so don't touch my shit." I explain to him going back to my drawing.

Bianca ends up coming in with Divina and a few of her other siren friends catching sight of Xavier and I. "She looks pissed." I laugh so I give her a smile and a little wave. 

"Now you knock it off, Addams." Xavier reaches across the table putting my hand down. 

"Why? Let me have some fun."  I say eyeing her as she glares at me. 

"Why would you want to piss her off more when you're kinda one of the reasons I broke up with her?" He leans on the table refusing to look her way. 

"Because I love chaos." I lean on the table as well starring him in the eyes. 

"You're terrible." He shakes his head at me. 

"Thank you." I give him a smile.

"I'm finished by the way." Xavier shows me his drawing. 

"You finally got my nose right." I say before showing him mine. 

"Oh my god. It's like a fucking picture. You still haven't show me your work so I'm amazed. You said I'm quite the artist but you are a artist " He takes it from me looking at it more. 

"I'm best at people." I take it back as he hands it back over to me. "I'm gonna go pay for our drinks. Then meet you at the bus." We get up and go different directions.

"How much do I owe you? I'm paying for Xavier's too." I walk up to Tyler. 

"It's on the house." He walks over to me. "Ty, no. How much, really? I normally wouldn't care if someone told me that but you're a friend and this is your job." I tell him getting serious. 

"No, really it's on the house." He smiles making me get all warm again. 

"Fine, here's your tip." I put a twenty in the tip jar. 

"Valentine." He pulls it out trying to give it back to me. 

"Nope, you worked for it. See you tomorrow since I have my session with Kinbott. I gotta bus to catch." I rush out getting on the shuttle. 

"How much do I owe you?" Xavier asks as I take a seat next to him. 

"Nothing. He said it was on the house for the both of us." I keep it short and Xavier rolls his eyes.

Back at the school walking towards my dorm Bianca show up, "I can't believe he left me for you." She eyes me. 

"He didn't but if he did I would say he upgraded. But Xavier is just a friend to me. I don't date. Plus it's quite difficult to melt my semi ice cold heart." I tell her with a straight face. 

"An upgrade?" She laughs crossing her arms. 

"Yes. Now I think this conversation is over." I walk past her going to my dorm. As soon as I enter the room the crystal ball was going off. "Mother, father." I answer it. 

"How are you doing my black widow?" My father asks me. 

"Good. Just got back from the town with some friends." I tell him. 

"I'm still so proud of you making friends at Nevermore." My mother gets a big smile. 

"I'm quite impressed with myself actually." I tell them.

"Enid, I told you no." Yoko huffs as she walks into the room with her following her. 

"Val, did Xavier tell you why he broke up with Bianca?" She rushes over to me. 

"Mother, Father, I'll call you back tomorrow." 

"Okay, dear." They end the call. 

"Spill the tea." Enid shakes me, "And don't tell me he didn't because if he was to tell anyone it would be you." She glares at me. 

"I'm not telling you, Enid. It's not going on your blog. I keep other's secrets to myself." I tell her making her pout. "It's not going to work on me." I look at her with no emotions. 

"Fine..." She huffs crossing her arms.

Tags :
1 year ago

11 | Know What I Saw

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 1613

Warnings: fighting about Tyler

10. Festival | 12. Looking for a Clue

11 | Know What I Saw

The next day they didn't find Rowan in the woods dead confusing Wednesday and I. "What were you both doing out in the woods with him?" The sheriff asks as we all enter Weems office. 

"We heard a noise in the forest and went to go investigate." Wednesday tells him. 

"That's when we stumbled upon the attack." I add. 

"Then what happened?" He asks us. 

"We ran to get help but I fainted as soon as we got back to the festival. I was shocked by what we saw." I slightly lie. 

"I ran into Bianca Barclay, and told her to go for help. Next thing I remember, I was awaking in the infirmary next to my sister."

"Just to be clear, this monster wasn't a bear or some other wild animal?" He asks us. 

"We've hibernated with grizzlies. We know the difference." We tell him at the same time. 

"Thank you, Sheriff. I think the Addams are done now." Principal Weems stands up from her seat. 

"Actually, I would like to speak to Sheriff Galpin. Alone." Wednesday says but Weems says no before agreeing so we won't go down to the station. "Someone is trying to cover up Rowan's murder. That's the only reason to scrub the crime scene." Wednesday tells him as the three of us were alone. 

"Is that your professional opinion as the daughter of a murderer?" He asks making me mad.

"Our father's twice the man you are, the only thing he murders is the occasional opera in the shower. Sheriff, we know what we saw. We wouldn't lie about this. You have to believe us. I know you want to reject our claims but you can't because you know just like us there's a monster out there. What else would explain those three bodies?" I stare him down till the door opens and the deputy shows us Rowan making us shocked. 

After some time we were told for today's therapy sessions, Wednesday and I both had to go together. "Help me understand why you two claim you witnessed a murder. Was it to gain attention?" Dr. Kinbott asks. 

"Why should I bother telling you anything? You've already decided we're lying. We know what we saw." Wednesday tells her. 

"I've never lied in any session so why would I start now? It makes no sense to lie about something like this." I speak up so she looks at me then focuses on Wednesday, 

"Your life's had a lot of upheaval recently. It's okay to be confused about things. And maybe you are confused as well with the feelings of having your sister around." She then looks at me so I roll my eyes. 

"Don't try to lure me into one of your psychological traps." Wednesday tells her. 

"No one is trying to trap you. I'm here to help you process your emotions." Dr. Kinbott tells her.

"Emotions are a gateway trait. They lead to feelings which triggers tears. I don't do tears like my sister." Wednesday adds so I give her a look, 

"I don't even remember the last time I cried so I have no idea what you're talking about." I lean back in my seat as the two go on about Wednesday being alone and comparing her to me and how I've changed. 

"I will not be like this new side of Valentine." She said as the session was up so Wednesday gets up to leave first. 

"Valentine, are you playing along to win your sister back?" Dr. Kinbott asks as I head to the door. 

"The session is over but no. I know what I saw and I still have her. We're family after all." I leave the room heading out to see Tyler talking to Wednesday.

"You know, for the record, I believe you both." I hear him tell her as I get closer to them. He turns around to walk away and bumps into me, "Sorry." He looks down at me. 

"We had a session together since we both are liars." I tell him as Wednesday waits for me. 

"Well, I believe you two." He tells me now. 

"I heard you tell Wednesday that." I smile. 

"You okay?" He notices the little bandage on my head. 

"Yeah, my head hit a tree. It's nothing. We should get going." I see Wednesday walking off getting tired of waiting. 

"I have a feeling you aren't telling me everything." He says so I sigh letting Wednesday go off. 

"You know me so well." I chuckle. 

"So what happened when you ran after your sister?" He asks as we walk some.

"I found Rowan using his powers to hold Wednesday up against a tree. I yelled his name and he used his other hand to fling me into a tree, which caused this. Then this creature showed up killing him. It looked at us before running off. We got back to the festival and I fainted." I explain to him. 

"That's, wow. Why would he attack Wednesday?" He asks. 

"We don't exactly know." I lie but tell the truth too and so he believes me. 

"There's just something about the creature though..." I sigh. 

"What?" He looks at me confused. 

"The way it looked... and I had this familiar feeling I can't explain. But I have no idea." I groan. 

"Familiar? Like you could know who or what it is?" He watches me. 

"I don't know. All I know is I felt two feelings from it which confuses me. Anger and fear... Like it was two different people."

"Can you feel feelings? What is your power?" He asks since I never told him. 

"Visions. But I've got a new one recently and I don't know if I got another one or it was just something else." I explain to him. 

"When you mean two different people... like the guy that died and the monster?" He raises an eyebrow. 

"No, both were from the monster... And I actually felt a little sorry for it after it killed Rowan. Why did I feel sorry for it?" I look at him confused. 

"You said you felt fear from it... Maybe it's scared of itself." He looks me in the eyes. 

"Maybe... I should go because I promised to help Enid with something for our race coming up." I let him know. 

"I'll see you around then or text you." He smiles walking off as I head off.

Back at school I help Enid decorate the canoe for the Poe cup. "I'm still surprised you wanted to help out." Enid says as we all eat some pizza. 

"I said I would help a friend out. Plus I just hope you beat Bianca." I give her a smile. 

"It would've been better if you joined the team." She tells me. 

"That's too much for me." I make her laugh. 

"I understand but still you could beat Bianca..." She gives me a look. 

"If something happens to a teammate's then I will fill in." I say just to make her happy. 

"Hopefully that won't happen." She gets worried.


"You know you're sister is supposed to show up." Xavier tells me as we practice with our bows. I was apart of two clubs that I took turns going to. This and Bee Keeping. Weems didn't care I was part of both because she was just happy I wanted to be apart of things. 

"Principle Weems making her choose a club..." I laugh making every bullseye compared to him. 

"Can I ask you a question?" He looks over at me. 

"You just did." I make another bullseye. 

"Why do you think you saw Rowan die?" He asks so I look over at him. 

"I don't think... I know. And to be honest I don't care if you believe me or not." I look away from him. 

"Why? Let me guess, Tyler does?" He says as I pull back the arrow and turn towards him causing him to freak out. "Valentine! What the hell. Don't do that!" He moves around so I turn back to the target and make another bullseye before leaving not wanting to be here anymore.

"Thought you were doing archery this week?" Eugene asks as I walk towards him. 

"That was till Xavier pissed me off again." I go to change into my suit. As I come out my phone goes off with texts from Xavier saying sorry again. I growl putting my phone away. 

"What did he do this time?" He asks as we mess with the bees. 

"Bringing up a friend of mine, he hates. We always butt heads about him." I shake my head then we see Wednesday show up so he goes over to welcome her. 

"You're in both?" She tilts her head as I walk over to them. 

"Yep, I take turns. Xavier pissed me off so I came here." I smile. 


After changing into her suit, she disappears because of Thing. "She has an emergency." I tell Eugene as he sighs.

Once the club was over it was time to go to Thornhill's class and Wednesday tells me Thing lost Rowan in a bathroom. "How?" I ask her confused. 

"That's what I want to know as well." She said as we walk to find a seat. 

There was two open seats and I pick the one not next to Xavier. I watch him show Wednesday his power with his art work. "I doubt Wednesday is impressed by your tricks, Mr. Thorpe." Ms. Thornhill tells him. 

"Admit it, you're a little impressed." He smiles at Wednesday so he slams her hand down in the fake spider. As class starts Wednesday and Bianca go back and forth to prove who was better.

1 year ago

5 | Conflicted

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 1593

Warnings: a kiss bc of a dare, confusing feelings, Tyler jealous of Xavier, little conflict over a kiss

Last: Changing? | Next: Wednesday

5 | Conflicted

"Why did I agree to that damn bet?" I groan as Enid goes through her clothes looking for an outfit to put me in for the whole day. 

"Because you got cocky with Bianca and lost which meant I won our little deal." She stops for a minute to give me a smile before diving back in. "Perfect!" She shouts then hands me some of her clothes. "I can't wait till everyone see you." She claps her hands. 

"Everyone in town is really going to think I'm crazy." I huff going to change and hated it. 

"Let me see!" Enid says excited so I show her and she explodes with happiness.

"I'm picturing how I would kill you slowly and painfully." I glare at her. 

"As long as you don't actually act on it, picture it all you want." She smiles as I head out while she gets ready now.

"I think you stick out wearing Enid clothes more than your own." Xavier walks up to me in the quad. 

"If you say anymore I will cut your hair while you're sleep in the night." I don't look at him. 

"Got it." He nods his head. 

"My family would have a heart attack if they saw me right now." I look down at myself. 

"I'm surprised you haven't broke out into hives." He chuckles so I look at him, 

"That's my sister if it's not black, white, or gray." I tell him. 

"If it helps any, you don't look terrible in pink. But I do prefer your normal style." He nudges me so I stare at him. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He chuckles eyeing me. 

"Picturing you with a shaved head." I lie to him before walking away to join Enid and Yoko. 

"You know he so has a crush on you." Enid giggles looking over a Xavier. 

"You really want me to kill you, don't you?" I glare at her before we get on the shuttle.


Once in town we all go to the Weathervane to get drinks and sit in a booth. As I walk up to Tyler he tries not to laugh at me, "Quad over ice." I tell in not in the mood today. 

"I didn't think you drank anything other than hot chocolate." He eyes me more. 

"I normally don't wear this either but here we are." I say with no emotion. 

"Why are you dressed this anyways?" He asks while he makes my drink. 

"Lost a bet to Enid." I look over at her chatting with Yoko and Divina, "I have to wear this all day." I roll my eyes. 

"I don't like it. It's not you." He hands me my drink. 

"Thank you." I go join the girls.

As we were all talking Bianca comes to join us, "Well look at you. Wish you weren't so cocky now, huh?" She sits next to Divina making me get a idea to piss her off, 

"Xavier said he like it." I give her a smile and the smirk on her face leaves. 

"Let's play a little game. Truth or Dare, Enid?" Yoko asks her. 

"Dare." She smiles. 

"I dare you to go over to Ajax and put your hand out to him and saying nothing. You can't leave until he gives you a high five." She giggles. 

"Really? Ajax?" She huffs so I move for her to get out of the booth. We watch Ajax be confused till Xavier tells him a high five then she walks back embarrassed.

The girls do a few rounds then Enid says my name, "I'm not playing." I tell her. 

"Backing down?" Bianca smirks. 


"I dare you to go kiss Xavier. You can make Bianca more mad." She whispers in my ear. 

"What you don't wanna do it?" Bianca eyes me so I get up from the table going over to Xavier and Ajax's table. 

"Hey, Valentine." Ajax smiles as I come up. 

"You okay?" Xavier asks looking at me. 

"I can't believe I'm doing this." I say before leaning down to kiss him taking him by surprise. Then he took me by surprise kissing me back so that's when I pulled away going back to the table where Bianca wasn't anymore. "Watch out tonight." I let Enid know.

As I sit I notice Tyler glance over at me at times with an annoyed look on his face. While the girls get up to leave I go over to Tyler, "Normally the look on your face is my thing not yours." I eye him. 

"When did you start dating Xavier?" He asks while working. 

"I'm not dating him." I laugh. 

"Why did you kiss him then?" He turns to face me. 

"Because it was a dare to piss off Bianca. I couldn't turn down that opportunity. Especially with her being his ex and me being one reason they broke up." I explain to him before get annoyed with how he was acting, "Why do you care if I kiss him anyways?" I cross my arms. 

"Why do I care? For starters the dude hates me." He walks to the side so I follow him, 

"I can't kiss because he hates you... That makes perfect sense, Tyler. That has nothing to deal with me." I let out a breathy chuckle.

"You give mixed signals, you know. that" He stands in front of me. 

"Mixed signals? I'm being nice to you-," 

He cuts me off, "So for the past months you've only been nice to me as a friend?" He stares me down. 

"Tyler... you know it's not easy for me." I start to feel conflicted. 

"Val, you're gonna miss the bus." Enid rushes in grabbing my hand dragging me out. "You okay? You look worse than your normal self." She sits next to me. 

"I'm confused about things." I look out the window. 

"Well you can talk to Dr. Kinbott in your session tomorrow." She gives me a smile.


Back at school Weems wanted to see me in her office, "I didn't do anything." I sigh walking into her office. 

"You're not in trouble Miss Addams. I have some news to give to you." She smiles as I take a seat in front of her. 

"Good or bad?" I tilt my head some. 

"I believe you you'll fine it as good news. Starting tomorrow, your sister will be starting at Nevermore. So tomorrow your session with Dr. Kinbott is cancelled. She thought it would be nice for you to spend the day with your sister and see your family. Plus she's reading up on her as well since she'll be seeing her on different days." She explains to me and didn't know how to feel. Apparently I don't know anything today...was it Enid's outfit clouding my mind or what?

"Guess my parents had no other opinions. I know she's not thrilled whatsoever."

"I'm putting her in Ophelia Hall as well. She'll be roommates with Enid." She adds. 

"Oh, she's really going to hate it here." I laugh before she lets me go. 

"Hey." Xavier walks up to me. 

"Great." I groan, "Enid dared me." I walk past him to go out to the woods and he was still following. 

"You did it to piss off Bianca." He walks next to me. 

"Precisely, Thorpe." I glance over at him. 

"I know you wanna ask me." He chuckles. 

"Why don't you just tell me? Why make me ask?" I stop walking to turn to face him. 

"I know it was a dare. It was obvious because of Enid earlier." He puts his hands in his pockets. 

"Then why did you kiss me back?" I ask like he wanted me to.

"To piss Tyler off like you did with Bianca. I knew he was watching. His eyes are always glued to you when you're in there." He says keeping eye contact with me. 

"I get it you both hate each other but why kiss me to piss him off?" I ask annoyed I was doing this with him now. 

"Don't play dumb Valentine. You aren't blind. He likes you more than just a friend." He raises his voice some. 

"Yeah, I kinda know that... but why do you..." I start to think why he has a problem with Tyler liking me other than just hating him from what he did to him. "Xavier..." I sigh thinking I get why, "You boys are killing me." I turn walking away going to my dorm to change to give Enid her clothes back.

"Here." I toss the clothes in with her other dirty clothes. 

"Talk to me, Val. You look hurt." She pats the spot on her bed next to her so I sit down, 

"No vlogging." I put my pinky out to her so she promises taking in with hers. "I never thought I would have boy trouble in my life." I lay back. 

"Boy talk!" She gets excited, "Tell me everything. Tyler? Xavier?" She shakes my arm. 

"Both." I groan causing her to gasp,

"Both? More details, girl." She shakes me more. 

"Tyler said I'm giving mixed signals. And Xavier kissed me back during the dare." I sit back up. 

"Who do you like?" She asks me. "Both... I think. Yes, I understand feelings and can read them but when it comes to me and my feelings... I don't know shit. It takes time." I throw myself back. 

"Then just keep being their friend until you know your feelings. You're going through some self changes so take time." She rubs my arm. 

"Thanks for being a good friend, Enid."

5 | Conflicted