Tyler Galpin X Oc - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Tyler Galpin x Normie!Reader Aesthetic Board


Looking out from the window of Weathervane coffee shop while resting my head on my palm, I look at the passersby, a mixture of Nevermore students in their purple stripe uniforms, ‘normie’ students and people going about their business. I return my gaze to the glaring screen and heave a sigh.  If only I hadn’t stopped working on the assignment last night, I wouldn’t have to sit long hours on my butt at Weathervane to get this done. I need to get this done today, reaching out for my cup and as I am about to take a sip, I notice that it is empty. Thank God I brought my water bottle with me because I hate making conversations when I’m feeling stressed out. As I am tucking the piece of hair behind my ear, which does absolutely nothing to prevent it from falling, and typing my assignments away, I notice a shadow, out of the corner of my eyes, approaching and eventually cease. The smell of jasmine tea and cinnamon hit my nostril. I look up from my work and realise that the Barista, the name tag reads ‘Tyler’, comes up to me with a cup of steaming tea and a plate of cinnamon roll. He must have delivered the order to the wrong person.

“Uhh... Hey …”

“Oh… uhm… Hi. I am pretty sure I didn’t order a cinnamon roll and a refill.”

“You’re right. Actually, these are for you. A sweet treat for the sweetest girl in the room.” I chuckle lightly and hide my blushing face behind my palms. I don’t get compliments very often and I don’t know how to react. Hearing someone say that to me makes me shy and giddy at the same time.

“I saw you’ve been sitting there for hours, and you look so stressed out with whatever you are doing. I just feel bad for you, and I notice your cup is empty.” Tyler says while replacing the empty cup with the new cup of tea and the cinnamon roll on the table.

“And I don’t normally see a Nevermore student doing their homework here- “

“Oh… I don’t go to Nevermore. I am actually a normie and go to normie school. Ha... there’s nothing extra about me, just a boring ol’ normie doing her normie assignment…but I do hang out with Nevermore kids.”

If only she knew what I am – Tyler tells himself.

“I thought I saw you with Enid coming out of the bookstore across the other day. So, I assumed you’re one of them.”

“You’re right! We went to check out this book that’s just been released. We bond over books and pop cultures, I guess those are what bring us together. But how do you know Enid?”

“Her friend, Wednesday, is a regular here and Enid often tags along. Guess that’s how I know her. Sorry for stalling you, I’ll let you finish your thing” Tyler leaves with the empty cup and returns to the counter.


While striding towards the counter, Tyler tries to control his breath and grips the empty cup and nearly breaks it as he’s trying to contain from the sweet intoxicating smell that almost wakes his primal Hyde and goes feral.  The sweet saccharine scent etches on his mind. The Hyde drives him to become obsessive towards her and determines to chase and hunt her down. Then mark her as his, to compensate the loss in his life. His innocent persona slowly darkens and morphs into that of a predator observing and preying. Let the chase begins.

Tags :
1 year ago

26 | Prove It

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 2260

Warnings: mixed feelings, guilt, talk of grooming

25. Red Boots

26 | Prove It

Waking up my head was killing me as I look around seeing we were in a crypt. Wednesday was hanging a few feet away from me still knocked out. I look up to see I was chained up too like Wednesday.

As I look back straight ahead Tyler walks up to me tilting his head while his eyes scan my face, "I'm so sorry." He says to himself.

"You're Hyde Tyler... I can tell by the look in your eyes." I raise my head to look at him and he gives me a smirk.

"Look at you catching on quickly. I'm hurt you weren't going to tell me goodbye. I thought we really had something but you were just going to let it go." He holds my chin in his hand.

"We have nothing... Me and the other side of you have something." I glare at him in pain from that stupid shovel.

"If you love that side you have to love this side too. I never thought anything bad about your psycho side, Val. I didn't love certain parts of you, I loved all of you. Why can't you do the same?" He wipes the blood off my forehead.

"The difference is I never successfully killed anyone, you have. Six to be exact."

"I'm not going to hurt you. She can't even make me." He whispers leaning into my ear.

"You don't have control... she tells you and you do it. Even if you don't want to you'll have no choice."

"Watch me prove you wrong." He gives me a kiss and I can't help but kiss him back because I still had feelings for him.

He walks away and I look over at Wednesday waking up so he goes over to her but I can't hear their conversation well.

"Tyler baby, do mama a favor. Go take Valentine outside and get rid of her." Laurel looks over at me, "Then go wait by the boat." She looks at him. "Wednesday, might want to say your goodbyes." She says as Tyler leaves her and come over picking me up to unhook me.

"She can handle herself." Wednesday says as Tyler carries me outside with him.

Tyler walks a good distance out into the woods then puts me down so I stare at him, "Well, get it over with. Or do you want me to start running so you'll have fun catching me to rip me apart?"

He makes me put my hands out and unlocks the cuffs from my wrists, "I told you she can't make me kill you. I don't have control but I can control myself when it comes to you."

"Why did you believe her? I understand everything being kept about your mother being a Hyde was wrong but no one did anything to her. She triggered herself by postpartum. Us Outcast's didn't make you a monster... Laurel made you a monster. She did this to you. You're a victim but no one else but me sees that." I don't move from him when I was free.

"Go to the school and try to get everybody to leave." He turns to walk away but I grab his wrist making him face me.

"You believe me, right? Or do you believe the woman who groomed you? She's not the mother figure you need or deserve. You're mother wouldn't want this!" I shout making him rip his wrists free.

"You don't know anything about my mother!"

"She loved you and your father. I know that much. She was happy before her Hyde was triggered. I could see it in that picture. A vision I got when your father held my hand... she was hoped this wouldn't go to you." I raise my voice at him and he stops to stare at me. "You were just a baby when you father was listening to her talk to you putting you asleep one night. She hope if the Hyde gene did go to you, it would never get triggered. She didn't even want you to have any disorders like her with her bipolar. She didn't want anything bad happening to you. You were her world and she wanted the best for you. And your father truly loved her. He thought it was best and hoped keeping that she was a Hyde a secret would never give your Hyde a chance to come out. He thought if hers didn't exist than yours wouldn't either."

"How do I know you aren't just making up a story." He steps closer to me.

"When have I ever lied to you, Tyler? I tell you everything. I've told you things my family doesn't know." I tear up sad he thought I would lie to him. I wanted to try something so I cup his face leaning up to give him a kiss hoping I could get him to see what I saw. I step back and he just looks at me with his eyes tearing up. "See, I would never lie to you like you did to me."

"Please, go Valentine. She'll kill you or Crackstone will because I won't." He begs me.


"Go to the school and do what I said." He walks off so I rush towards the school.

As I was running I hear Enid howling, "Enid!" I shout running towards it and see her changing. "Oh my god! You finally did!" I shout as she fully changes. "Aww, your hair is still pink." I smile and see Thing, "I heard siren's and I know Xavier was getting moved tonight so go find him and help him. Enid, we need to help Wednesday." I tell them so she runs off and I follow her.

When we get to an open space I see Tyler as the Hyde with Wednesday getting ready to strike her. "TYLER!" I scream his name catching him off guard looking over at me letting Enid out attack him. I run over to make sure she was okay.

"Enid?" She looks over at her.

"Enid! Behind you!" I shout as Tyler gets up knocking her to the side. "Go to the school." I start to shove Wednesday away.

"What about you?" She asks worried.

"I'll be fine. Just go stop Crackstone!" I shout so she takes off running so I run the direction Enid and Tyler rolled off to.

I see he was the more dominant one and he could easily break her neck. I run over grabbing a good size heavy branch off the ground, "No! Let her go!" I scream swinging the branch at Tyler multiple times making him let go of Enid so she drops to the ground.

He turns to face me ripping the branch out of my hands. I was terrified but I stand my ground in front of him, "Come on prove it to me!" I scream at him before a gun shot goes off making us flinch and look over to see his father.

"Tyler. Son, is that really you?" He asks making Tyler rush over at him.

"Tyler, no!" I run but Enid stops Tyler from getting to his father making me fall back to the ground. She kicks him a good distance knocking him out, "Go to your son." I tell Sheriff Galpin and rush over to Enid's side.

I place my hand on hers as she shifts back into herself so I put her jacket on her to cover her up. I wrap my arms around her tearing up as she cries as well. "You aren't hurt too bad are you?" I hold her in my arms.

"Thanks to you." She smiles squeezes me in her arms, "You're crying." She slightly chuckles looking at my face.

"I know, I was worried about you. He could have killed you."

"But he didn't because of you. He can control himself when it comes to you. Thing will walk me to the others. You go check on the Sheriff with Tyler." She hugs me again before we get up.

"I'll catch up with you. I promise." I leave her side rushing over to the Sheriff holding Tyler's knocked out body.

"I didn't want to believe it." I hear him say as I walk up to them.

"I know." I bend down next to them taking off my jacket putting it on Tyler's lower half to cover him up. "It's not his fault. He's a victim too. Thornhill is Laurel Gates. She forced him into this, she manipulated him." I touch Tyler's face trying to wipe the blood away with my sleeves. "He just needs to learn how to control his Hyde." I tear up.

"But my boy."

"He's still your boy. Just needs help but you know what you have to do. As much as we both hate it... it's the right thing." I look at him then back at Tyler cupping half of his face, "You proved it to me... and I love all of you, both sides." I lean towards his face giving him a kiss getting a vision of him escaping. "Tell him what I said please." I get up leaving the two of them.

As I walk through the woods I finally see all the students gathered together. When I get closer I see Enid and Wednesday hugging, "About time you gave her a damn hug." I speak up making everyone turn to look at me making a clear path for me to walk through them.

Enid rushes to hug me again and Wednesday walks over to hug me as well. I hug the both of them tightly as tears fall from my eyes.

"Are you okay?" Wednesday checks me to see if I was hurt.

"Physical, yes. Tyler can control his Hyde when it comes to me. I put it to the test saving Enid's life." I chuckle as Enid nods her head.

"I guess his feelings for you were true and strong enough."

I nod my head, "Yeah. His father is with him right now. Enid knocked him out cold. He knows what he had to do at least." I sigh.

As the teachers take over now that everything was over Xavier walks up to me and I give him a hug, "You're welcome, I sent Thing to find you." I let go of him.

"I was really glad to see him." He chuckles then stares at me, "Everything is going to be fine." He makes my tear up so he gives me a hug.


With Weems gone the school year was over and we were all headed home for the rest of the year. They said Nevermore would continue next year when they find a new principal to take over.

"So I'm a free man now. All charges were dropped." Xavier comes up behind me.

"Told you everything would be okay. You really should trust my visions."

"I believed in you. I learned to do so." He makes me chuckle some. "Are you going to come back next semester?" He asks leaning against the railing.

"Maybe, because I'd like to see my friends again and this did turn into my second home." I do the same as him.

"You can visit your friends outside of school. I mean I'm free all the time so..."

"I feel like it's gonna be difficult next semester. Weems is gone and,"

Xavier cuts in, "Tyler won't be here anymore."


"I understand it was the first time you felt new feelings about someone but don't think it's not possible for it to happen again. People fall in love more than once." He sighs.

"Please tell me you're saying this as a friend and not as wanting to be potential next love interest." I give him a look.

"I'm saying this as a friend. I know I'm missing something." He says as we look down to see Wednesday looking at us so he waves to her.

As she comes up I tell Xavier goodbye then go find Enid with Ajax and Yoko. "I was telling Wednesday you two should come visit me in San Francisco because y'all would love the weather." Enid gives me a smile.

"I would love to visit you."

"So what's your plans now we're out of school? Going back to your old ways?" Ajax laughs making me glare at him.

"No, but that part of me is still in me so watch it." I point my finger at him.

"Hopefully I get my roommate back next semester." Yoko opens her arms so I give her a hug before heading out to the car.

"Valentine! I'm looking forward to kicking you ass next semester in the Poe Cup!" Bianca shouts as I open the car door.

"I look forward to embarrassing you again." I give her a smile getting on waiting on Wednesday. When she gets in the car I see the phone Xavier gave her. "I refuse to be a slave to technology." I mock her, "I'll send you everyone's numbers." I laugh getting a unknown message.

It was two pictures; one of me and Tyler in a booth, then Xavier and me a few minutes ago. I'm watching you. Read the message.

"This isn't you is it?" I show Wednesday the text.

"Nope." She shows me the same thing on her phone but her with the boys with me too and a little gif of her dying.

Tags :
1 year ago

25 | Red Boots

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 1606

Warnings: mixed feelings, guilt, death

24. My Theory | 26. Prove It

25 | Red Boots

Before heading back to school, I sneak go to see Xavier since I wanted to tell him everything. It wasn't hard to distract the guards and mess with the cameras not to see me. When I get to Xavier, I see him walking around chained to the ground.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't stop Wednesday." I speed walk over to the cell.

"Val, you're going to get caught. What are you doing here?" He walks as close as he can get to me.

"I doubt it. I wanted to see you and tell you everything. I know who the Hyde is. You were kinda right about Tyler being trouble. But at the same time wrong since he has a split personality I saw." I mess with my hands as I talk to him.

"How do you know it's him all of a sudden?"

"Our recent kiss I got a vision when I went to go see him after you got arrested. Kinda wish I got something a long time ago from him so you wouldn't be in here right now. I wish I tried harder to get things..." I start to tear leaning against the cell bars, "I feel stupid deep down."

Xavier reaches out and takes my hand, "Don't feel stupid. You said he has a split personality and if that's 100% true like you saw... you fell for his good side not his Hyde side. Love can make you blind at times."

"I just want you out of here. I told Sheriff Galpin that my friend is an innocent accused of being the killer." Xavier takes my other hand and I get a vision of him back at school giving Wednesday's cell phone before we all leave to go home.

"What did you see?" He asks squeezing my hands.

"Everything is going to be okay soon. I should go before they realize something." I squeeze his hand before getting ready to leave but he stops me.

"Thanks for being a good friend, Valentine. You've come a long way since you got here." I give him a smile shocking my head heading out.

While I was sitting on my bed trying to figure out who Tyler's master is, Wednesday comes into my room. "I'm expelled of course but Xavier made a point when I went to go see him. The thing Rowan told me about me ruining the school... if I'm not here it will never happen. It's possible for you to ruin it too so maybe you should leave with me." She stands at the end of my bed.

She had a point, if I'm a possible reason as well I should leave too, "You're right." I get up to go tell Weems I was going to go home with Wednesday. "Principal Weems..." I walk into her office.

"Valentine, how can I help you?"

"I'm going leave with Wednesday tomorrow. If Rowan's mother was right about us being the reason for Nevermore's demise... It won't happen if we're both gone. Tyler told Wednesday it was coming so I don't want that to happen. I learned to love this school and I do t want to see the end of it." I stand in front of her.

"If that's what you want then you may leave tomorrow with your sister. You are still welcome to join us next year. Nevermore gained an excellent student."

"Xavier was framed Principle Weems. When I kissed Tyler I did see him kill Dr. Kinbott. I wish we had something to prove it other than just my visions." I watch her watch me.

"Sadly we have no proof to say you're right. All the evidence is on Xavier. If you're right about the school then it's good to leave. Hopefully, when it all goes away you can come back." Weems says so I leave her office to pack up to go home tomorrow.


The next day I say my goodbyes to everyone sadly because I didn't want to leave. Enid didn't want to let go of me when we were hugging. I even told Bianca I was going to miss our tiffs with each other. I waited with Weems for Wednesday as she says her goodbyes as well.

"I have one final favor. I'd like to visit Eugene before we go to the train station. Enid mentioned he was awake now." Wednesday holds Thornhill's parting gift.

"I can do that." Weems tells us so she takes up to the hospital.

When we get to the hospital Weems talks to Eugene's moms while we go into the room to see him awake playing with a stuffed bee.

"I told you he would be all right." I walk into the room to go give hin a hug.

"Glad to see you finally awake." Wednesday walks closer to his bed.

"I heard you visited all the time."

"Ding ever mention it again." She tells him, "I've been meaning to tell you. I shouldn't have gone to the dance. I should have been with you.

"When the dance floor calls, you gotta answer. Plus you went to keep an eye on Val. It's not your fault. It's the monster's."

"It's actually called a Hyde. It's still out there. Eugene, you can't go back to Nevermore. Not even to check on your bees. You have to listen this time to an Addams. Us hummers stick together, remember." I tell him.

"That night in the woods, someone set fire to that cave."

"Yes, Dr. Kinbott." Wednesday says quickly.

"It's not her." I huff.

"I don't really remember any of it. I just saw someone wearing black and those boots." He says making me think while Wednesday asks what about them. "There was an explosion of light and just for a moment, I saw that they weren't black." He says and the light goes off in my head.

"Red... They were red weren't they?"

"Yeah. How did you know?" He looks at me confused.

"Because Tyler said Red when I asked about his master. Principal Weems!" I rush out of the room to her in the hall.


"I know who the Hyde's master is... It's Ms. Thornhill. Eugene said when someone set the cave on fire there was a flash of light and he saw red boots. I only know one person who wears red boots all the time. Plus when I asked Tyler about his master he just said the color red. She's really Laurel Gates." I explain to her pulling her way from Eugene's moms.

"To get her to confess to it we need you to shape-shift into Tyler and pretend he told us everything. Have faith in me for once." Wednesday walks over to us.

Weems looks at us before agreeing to do so, "This better work Addams."


Back at school, we go to Thornhill to call her out on the truth. We startle her while she was working, "Wednesday, Valentine. I thought you'd be halfway to New Jersey by now." She turns to us.

"You can drink the act, Laurel. I should have known it was you. Faking your death, securing your job at Nevermore, unlocking a Hyde. Technically, I have great admiration for well-executed revenge plots. But you're was a bit extreme, even for my high standards." Wednesday tells her.

"Oh, dear. Weems was right. You do need psychiatric help. Can't throw out wild accusations without consequences." Thornhill walks to another table.

"You're right because of her past actions... but this time they're true. Tyler told me everything." I make eye contact with her before turning to Weems coming in as Tyler.

"Initially I incorrectly accused Kinbott of using hypnosis to unlock him but Val never seemed to agree. But you used a plant-derived chemical, didn't you?" Wednesday tells her.

"Your father kept tabs on all the outcasts in town. So I assume he told you about the Galpin family secret when you were just a girl. That's why you targeted Tyler. You manipulated him by showing him what his mother truly was. What Tyler didn't realize is that truth wouldn't free him. It would enslave him to you. You used the cave and the shackles to force him until he willingly became your servant. When Kinbott came close to discovering the truth, you had Tyler kill her and pin it in Xavier. I should have known it was you on Outreach Day... the looks you were giving him while he was working and you sat in your booth. He's a victim because of you." I walk closer to her pissed off.

"Ugh. That's enough. Tyler, honey, make Mama happy and shut these girls up. Permanently." Thornhill takes her glasses off.

"He's not on your side." Wednesday tells her.

"Tyler will do anything for me." She walks over to him, "Remember what I told you? I should you who you really are. What they did to your mother... The outcast made you a monster." She cups Weems face and I get sick thinking about how she groomed Tyler.

"If you only hate outcasts, why is he killing normies as well?"

"They're just pawns in a bigger game. Just like you, Wednesday. Hell, even you Valentine because if Wednesday wasn't her and you stayed... Once again, you've underestimated the situation. Just to make sure this would work, you were never getting on that train. I sent Tyler to intercept you." Thornhill smiles at us.

"We never made it to the station. Heard enough?" I look over at Weems so she goes back to herself.

"Your slave is probably still at the station."

"Don't make this more difficult than it already is, Marilyn." Weems says pissing her off.

"My name is Laurel!" She injects Nightshade Poisoning into Weems neck causing us to rush over to her but there was nothing we could do to help her.

Tags :
1 year ago

24 | My Theory

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 1632

Warnings: light torture, mixed feelings, guilt

23. It's Him | 25. Red Boots

24 | My Theory

We end up taking Tyler to Xavier's art shed and as he's passed out we chain him up to a chair. Part of my psychotic side was gone because normally I would love this but I didn't with Tyler.

As he wakes up he sees me leaning on the desk next to Ajax, "Valentine." He looks at me like I betrayed him but he betrayed me first.

"Ignore her but welcome back." Wednesday stands in front of him.

"Where the hell am I?"

"Somewhere no one can hear your screams." She tells him and I look down at the floor.

"What's with the chains? Wednesday, this is crazy. I'm a normie."

"That's only half true." She grabs the fencing photo, "Do you recognize her? Perhaps if I hadn't been so distracted by my own mother hogging this photo, I would have noticed yours sooner." She says making him look over at me.

"You shared my mom went here?"

"She didn't tell me anything. I didn't know she even knew. She kept that secret to herself. I did all my research yesterday. Your father fell in love and married an outcast." Wednesday speaks not letting me get a chance to.

"My mom was an outcast. That doesn't make me a monster."

"According to her personal medical records, her postpartum depression triggered her condition." She reads the file Thing stole.

"My mom had severe bipolar disorder:"

"We both know that's a lie. She was a Hyde. And your father has been living his life in dread, never quite sure whether or not she passed her condition on to you." She raises her voice.

"Are you all gonna stand that and let her do this to me? Valentine?" I could hear the pain in his voice.

"Uh, guys? Enid just texted. Thornhill's suspicious. How long until he morphs into that… thing?" Ajax asks putting his phone away.

"I'm not the Monster."

"You are. Valentine saw it in a vision at the Weathervane." Wednesday tells him.

"Wait, you're basing all this off some vision Valentine had after we kissed? I mean, is that something you can trust?" Tyler looks at her and then at me.

"I saw the Hyde kill Kinbott and it went back to its human self… you. You know how our visions work so please don't act dumb now." I finally speak up.

"Wednesday, what are you doing?" Bianca asks as Wednesday takes out tools to torture him.

"Just some light torture. Don't worry, I won't leave a mark."

"Wednesday, hold on." I tell her not agreeing to that.

"Wait, are you being serious?" Ajax asks her.

"There's only one thing that a Hyde understands. Pain." She says before walking up to Tyler tasing him making us all shout her name.

"That's it. I'm out!" Yoko heads out and the others follow.

"Wednesday, I didn't sign up for this. Let's go to Weems, and explain everything." Bianca walks up to her.

"Weems won't help. And Tyler is always one step ahead of his father." Wednesday pulls out another taser.

"Then you're on your own. Val, let's go." Bianca turns to leave grabbing my hand taking me with her as I look at Tyler.

"No, don't leave me here with her, please l! I'm begging you, please!" He calls for us to help him.

"Bianca, I can't. Just go to Weems with the others. I would normally love to watch something like that happen to someone… but I can't because my psychotic side has gone down some." I make her let go of me as Tyler screams. "Go to Weems." I turn to go back inside.

"Leave us alone, Val." Wednesday stands in front of Tyler.


"No?" She turns to face me surprised.

"Torturing him isn't going to get you any answers. I don't know who his master is but I know 100% it wasn't Kinbott. Why would he kill his master? It makes no sense." I walk over to her side.

"Before Nevermore, you would've enjoyed this." She tases Tyler again and he yells in pain.

"Yeah, I would have but not anymore. I believe in my theory about Tyler and if it's true then he's a victim too. He didn't choose for this to happen!" I shout but she ignores me going to tases him again so I knock one out of her hand.

She looks at me like I lost my mind, "You're still psychotic deep down and it just changed into a different way. You want to protect a murderer." She tases him with the one in her other hand so I kick that one out of her hand.

"You changed too… For someone who loves to attempt murders since she was three suddenly hates a murderer. It's quite odd since you idolize killers."

"Stop interrupting me! What is Kinbott, or should I say, Laurel Gates, using you for? Tyler, the body parts in the basement of the Gates mansion, what was she collecting them for?" She asks him making him ask why was she doing this.

"You can stop acting since we all know the truth in this room about you, please." I turn to Tyler as Wednesday goes to get a hammer as sirens approach, "Wednesday, no."

"Let's test your reflexes." She gets ready to swing the hammer at him.

"I said no!" I step in front of him to protect him from her grabbing her arm stopping her as Sheriff Galpin comes in pointing his gun at her.

"Get away from my son! Drop it." He comes closer so I let go of her arm as she turns to him.

As they put her in handcuffs I get the key to unchain Tyler, "Why?" He watches me as I help him get freed.

"I want to go the nice way about this but stop lying to me since I know the truth about you now. I'm still messed up deep down because I'm helping a murderer. I want the truth and I want to be right about you." I get him free and he stands up.

"Why are you helping me?" He looks down at me as his father watches us and watches the others take Wednesday to a police car.

"Because I still have feelings for you when I shouldn't." I keep eye contact with him so he pulls me into a hug.

"Valentine, I want you to go to the station as well." Sheriff Galpin speaks up so I look over giving him a head nod and we head out to go into town.


"What to tell me why your sister wanted to hurt my son? Why she kidnapped him?" Sheriff Galpin walks around the room that was just the two of us.

"Because we know the truth and you know it too deep down but can't bring yourself to fully admit or lock up your own son. You're like me, Sheriff. We don't want anything happening to Tyler but he's not fully innocent. And since we don't want anything to happen, an innocent person is locked up for the murders. You can keep telling yourself Tyler is fine and not like his mother but I know the truth. I saw the truth. My boyfriend is a killer that's a victim and my friend is an innocent accused of being the killer."

"Xavier is our Hyde." He looks at me.

"Tyler is our Hyde and his master is still out there! Your wife was bipolar and I believe Tyler has a split personality. I don't have the power for empath but I know I felt two feelings from the monster when I first saw it. Anger and fear. Tyler doesn't have control of his Hyde. Tyler is basically Dr. Jekyll. And you can believe me or not but I believe in myself that I'm right." I tell him and I could tell he wanted to agree with me.

"You're free to go. I plan on doing the same with your sister even though she wanted to hurt my son. I'm actually surprised you stepped in front of Tyler to stop her." He lets me go to go talk to Weems.

"Valentine." Tyler walks over to me so I just look at him. "I want to see if you can get any from me to help you." He cups my face pulling me into a kiss.

It was exactly a vision, it was like I was looking inside him. There was Tyler's but you could tell they were different from each other by the look in their eyes. One was so innocent, kind, and loving while the other was hateful, angry, and crazy. Not to mention I could see the shadow of the Hyde behind the dark Tyler.

Everything gets smokey before I get a vision of him after killing Kinbott again. This time I see him still normal all bloody with an evil smile taking her necklace. Then I could see the instant switch on his face like he regretted it.

I lean out of the kiss looking Tyler in the eyes, "I'm right…" I cup his face in my hands, "You're kinda my Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Expect you remember perfectly everything you do as Hyde, but the only difference is you're not in control while you have a master."

"I never used you, Valentine. I truly fell in love with you. Not because someone told me to." He smiles slightly cupping my face as well.

Before I could ask him a question, Wednesday comes out so he goes over to talk to her after getting his father to allow it. I suddenly feel this shift of feelings while he walks closer talking to her. He wasn't Tyler he was Tyler the Hyde. As he steps back from her I feel the shift of feelings change again going back to his normal self as he walks back towards me passing me.

I look at Wednesday down the hall not only she was scared of Tyler but I felt her fear before she left. "You're not going to tell me who your master is. Are you?" I turn around to face Tyler.


Tags :
1 year ago

23 | It's Him

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 1573

Warnings: death, falsely accused of murder, betrayal

22. You Sound Ridiculous | 24. My Theory

23 | It's Him

After everything I gave up on what Wednesday was up to and just stayed with Enid hoping to get the image of Dr. Kinbott out of my head. I helped her move everything back into her room with Wednesday since she wanted to go back.

"Why are you with me instead of your boyfriend? I'm sure he would distract you so much better?" Enid says looking at her nails laying in her stomach.

"He's not my boyfriend." I look over at her.

"You want him to be." She looks back at me with a smile.

"Maybe." I say making her sit up and turn to face me,

"You two would be so cute as an official couple. His Golden Retriever energy with you're a Black Cat energy." She says making me laugh agreeing with that. "Where's Wednesday?"

"Probably going to accuse Xavier now." I say as her phone goes off so she reads it.

"Val... Xavier was arrested for the murders. They found Rowan's and Kinbott's belongings in his possession." Enid looks at me sadly.

"What?" I get off her bed rushing to find Wednesday and see the police lights so I run over. "What the hell?" I ask her.

"He had Rowan's glasses and Kinbott's necklace. Not to me the painted her with claw marks across her face just the same as you saw. I'm sorry but he's the Hyde." She explains to me.

"He could've been set up." I don't believe it. He couldn't be the monster.

"Then explain the painting and don't say he saw it in his dreams. He had nothing to say when I revealed it. He's guilty."

I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what to believe, and my head was killing me with all theses emotions. I slowly back away and go where my feet take me ending up in town to see Tyler.

I walk through the door with tears running down my face because I swore it couldn't have been Xavier. Some one had to set him up since Wednesday was so set on believing it was him.

"We're closed." Tyler says cleaning with his back facing me.

"Tyler..." My voice cracks making him tune to face me quickly.

"Don't cry, please." He walks over pulling me into his chest making more tears come out. "I'm sorry. My dad told me what happened with Xavier. He always seemed so normal. You know, for an outcast." He rubs my back.

"I-I just can't believe it still. I swore he was innocent. I saw him get attacked by his own painting... He wouldn't have done that on purpose would he? I thought... he was someone I could believe in and trust." I rest my head against his chest.

"What can I do to help you?"

"I don't know... This just had to get dumped on top of me dealing with what happened to Kinbott. I thought hanging out with Enid would help distract me and it sorta did because she brought up my calling you my boyfriend." I let out a tiny chuckle.

"How did you respond to that?" He rests he chin on top of my head.

"You're not my boyfriend and she said I want you to be."

"And your response to that?" He asks so I look up at him,

"Maybe." I give him a tiny smile, "Just for the record my maybe means an embarrassed called out yes." I make him smile.

"So does that mean we're official now?" He tilts his head with a grin so I lean up to kiss him and he kisses me back.

"Does that answer your question?" I bite my bottom lip smiling causing him to bring his hand to my face pulling me into a passionate kiss.

Kissing him made me forget about everything going on outside this stupid cafe but it was ruined by a vision I wish I never got. It was Kinbott attacked then the Hyde turn back into himself and it being Tyler. Now you and him made so much since since I talked about Tyler more than anyone.

"Valentine are you okay? He looks at me worried as I lay on the floor.

I just stare at him feeling so many things. This was the main person I trusted with my life and he's the freakin Hyde. But then again being the Hyde... I felt the split personality. I know he has no control since Hyde's are unpredictable. I also knew part of him felt bad about what he does. My heart started to hurt as I just stare into his eyes. I felt betrayed and normally I would get back at him by trying to kill him but I couldn't even think to do that because I fell in love with him. Did he really have feeling for me? Was it a distraction? Was it the master's plan?

"Val." He waves his hand in front of my face making me tear up again. "Hey, what's wrong?" He pulls me to sit up so I scan his face.

"I have to go. I'll text you later. I just have to go." I get up from the floor.

"Val..." I hear the pain in his voice. "What did I do? Please tell me. I love you." I hear him say to himself making me cry more.

"Would you ever hurt me?" My voice cracks before I head to the door to leave.

"Why would I ever hurt you? I could never. I fell in love with you, Valentine Addams." He walks towards me and I don't back away from him.

"I fell in love with you too." I give him a kiss before leaving and once outside I run back to the school.

I didn't really want to tell anyone Tyler was the Hyde because I loved him but he killed innocent people and Xavier was falsely accused. I guess I was still the same messed up me since I didn't hate Tyler. I was hurt but I didn't hate him. After all he had a master against his will that forced him to become this killing monster.

"Tyler's the Hyde. I got a vision of him killing Kinbott while kissing him." I spit out to Wednesday out of breath from running rushing into her room.


The next day Wednesday gets a group of us to gather together to question Tyler. To get him to show up Wednesday took my phone pretending to be me saying I needed him to meet me about why I had to leave in a rush the other night.

"This is the right thing, Val. I understand you fell for him but he's murdered people and framed your friend." Yoko says as we wait for Tyler to show up. 

"I know but..."

"You feel slightly guilty because you love him and trusted him. You still wish deep down he's the boy you opened up to." Bianca walks over to me.

"Kinda, it's because I'm hoping that part of him hates what he does since he has no control. I want that feeling I got once from him to be real. I want him to have split personality. And if all that is real that's why I feel bad."

When Tyler shows up I had the guilty feeling as Wednesday walked out confusing him since he was expecting me.

"Where's Valentine? She texted me to meet her about the other night." Tyler looks around for me as the rest of us watch hidden out of sight.

"Xavier warned me and Valentine about you, but we didn't listen." Wednesday crosses her arms staring him down.

"Ironic now, huh? Where's your sister or did you steal her phone lying again to get me here?" Tyler crosses his arms now.

"Ironic would've been framing Xavier for murder while the real Hyde helped me put him away." She tells him ignoring the second half of his question.

"Wait... you don't think-,"

Wednesday cuts him off, "I don't think. I know. Kinbott probably discovered your secret during one of your sessions. So she unlocked you. Why'd you kill her? I thought Hyde's were typically loyal to their masters."

"Wednesday, this is nuts."

"On Outreach Day, I told you I was visiting the old meeting house. Did Kinbott send you to spy on me? The night at the Rave'N you knew I was originally was going to go to your cave in the woods with Eugene. You warned Kinbott and Eugene probably saw her torching it. Then she sent you to clean up her mess. I have to hand it to you, Tyler. Wounding yourself that night at the Gates mansion, that was a masterstroke of misdirection." She tells him everything. "Kinbott told you to get Valentine to fall for you so she would never suspect it was you. You've just been using her."

"Okay, stop. Do you know how insane you sound right now? For one; I would never use your sister. I truly fell in love with her. Two; I'm not a monster. A.. And if you really thought that I was, why would you risk bringing me out to the woods to confront me alone?" Tyler has enough of her.

Tags :
1 year ago

22 | You Sound Ridiculous

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 1859

Warnings: death, false accusations, kissing, betrayed by someone trusted

21. More Than.. | 23. It’s Him

22 | You Sound Ridiculous

"Look at this. Lucas gave me information his father was looking up before he was murdered. He was investigating Laurel Gates. He started after Outreach Day. According to British police Laurel was presumed drowned, but no body was recovered. And the Gates mansion was purchased a year ago by a 90 year old candy heiress. She mysteriously died and gave all her belongings to her caregiver, Teresa L. Glad." Wednesday walks into my room as I was on the computer.

"Anagram for Laurel Gates. So she secretly bought her old house and comes back to Jericho as someone else. Why? To get revenge on all the people she blames for her family's misfortune?" I turn to face her.

"The Mayor, the coroner, our parents. Most of all Nevermore. The Hyde is doing all of her bidding since she controls it." Wednesday smiles, "Now we just get Dr. Kinbott to confess she's Laurel Gates."

"We? What do even you have to say it's her?"

"The flowers in her room at the mansion are the exact same flowers she took when visiting Eugene in the hospital. I mean it's so easy for a psychiatrist to slip in and out of a hospital undetected. Why would someone so overqualified want to be here? To crawl through outcasts minds till she found one to manipulate for her revenge." Wednesday goes on a rant explaining her reason.

"Wednesday, that's not evidence. Nothing really pinpoints Dr. Kinbott." I stand up from my desk.

"You want to know why you've changed? It's all because of her. She got into your mind." Wednesday steps closer to me making me roll my eyes.

"You sound ridiculous, Wednesday."

"Explain to me why you randomly changed then when you didn't want to?" She raises her voice.

I just stare at her like she lost her mind, "I didn't not want to, I was just confused to new things." I try explaining to her.

"No, you changed when you started your session with her."

"Have you ever thought that maybe I just wanted to change deep down and I did because I felt comfortable for once to open up to show that I keep locked away deep down? Enid and especially Tyler know parts of me that not you, Pugsley or even our parents don't know about." I step closer to her.

"You really are a disappointment. Kinbott got to your head and made you this way and made you not see the truth about her or Xavier."

I just stare at her shaking my head, "You're jumping to conclusions with no sold proof to back up you stupid theories. Hopefully you feel stupid when you turn out to be wrong with you accusations." I shoulder check her leaving my room.

I wish I knew who the real Laurel Gates was and who the monster was just to make Wednesday feel stupid for being so wrong. I mean yes, Wednesday had a theory compared to me but flowers aren't enough evidence. Then for Xavier having secret sessions with Kinbott wasn't odd, especially if you didn't want anyone to know you were seeing someone to talk about your life and problems.

"Thought you were ignoring me?" Xavier's video brings me out of my thoughts and I notice I walked all the way to his shed.

"Wednesday has officially lost it. She believes Kinbott is Laurel Gates who unlocked you, the Hyde, during your secret sessions." I take a seat on a stool.

"And her evidence?" He turns to face me crossing his arms.

"Kinbott brought Eugene the same roses that we found at the Gates mansion in Laurel's childhood bedroom. You're the monster because you paint it without ever seeing it and you show up after things or always around before something happens. But if she uses that logic then Tyler is in the same boat with you there in being around. I just can't wait till she's proven wrong. And she thinks I'm different now because Kinbott has got to my head as well making me not see the truth about her or you."

"That's just theories with no sold proof to back her up." Xavier walks over to me.

"I know, and I told her that. I know you aren't the monster and there's no way Kinbott is Laurel. I have no clue who the real people are and I wish I knew to make Wednesday feel stupid. I feel like I would already know or seen some hint because I've had some physical contact with everyone I talk to. I just want this to be over with. I don't want you, my friend, or the first therapist I like and trust to be falsely accused of murdering people."

"You're right, I may have not believed in you since day one but you've believed in me since day one. You're way more of a true friend than me." He sits on the stool next to me.

"If what Rowan told Wednesday is going to happen... if she never came and it was just me would all this still go down like it is? It would have to be because the murders started before she showed up. So if I never came as well..." I look at him.

"I wish I had answered for you." He looks at me as well.

"Oh, I hate you Nevermore." We both laugh.

"So Enid slipped... How was your second date with Tyler?" Xavier changes the topic messing with his hands.

"Good, but Wednesday was there. He decorated the crypt for a picnic and a movie. He asked do I like scary movies and I got excited but I got slightly tortured watching Legally Blonde. So that literally was a horror movie to me but I hated to admit I secretly liked it deep down."

"Enid got you used to the color pink?" He chuckles so I nod my head, "As much as I hate Tyler... I happy he makes you happy. You're my friend after all and I care about your happiness. And I mean it. I promise from now on I will stop with my sassy marks about him. I still hate him but I'll keep it locked away around you."

I lean over giving him a hug, "That means a lot to me. Really, Xavier."

"You're actually hugging me?"

"This is your one chance to hug me back because I don't give out free hugs." I tell him so he hugs me back.


I headed into town to check on Kinbott because I'm sure by now Wednesday has already been by accusing her being Laurel Gates.

"Dr. Kinbott." I knock on her door not getting an answer. "I'm not here to accuse you like Wednesday did. I'm here to check up on you." I wait for a response and still get nothing so I go in to see her laying in a pool of blood. "Dr. Kinbott." I rush over to see her struggling to breath.

"Val." She coughs up blood.

"No, no, no. Don't talk, just keep breathing." I tell putting a hand over her wound to stop the bleeding as I pull out my phone with my other hand calling for help.

"He..." She tries speaking.

"He? He who? No, don't try talking. Just hold on then you can tell Sheriff Galpin who did this to you." I say seeing she wasn't going to make of help doesn't get her faster. "This is a small town! Why are they taking so long!"

"You...him." She closes her eyes as help rushes in though the door.

They take her to the hospital and Sheriff Galpin takes me to a room to question me, "You didn't have a session today so why did you go see Dr. Kinbott?" He asks me as I sit looking at my recently washed hands.

"Wednesday went to go see her accusing her of being Laurel Gates. She thought she was the master of the Hyde. Her stupid evidence was roses we found at the Gates mansion because she brought Eugene the same roses. I didn't believe in her little theory... I wanted to come check on and when she wouldn't answer I opened the door to find her in a pool of her own blood."

"Did she manage to say anything to you while being awake?" He asks so I look up at him,

"I'm shocked she tried saying my name. Said him then me and him. I told her not to talk because it would make things harder for her. I told her to save it to talk to you who she saw but... I know she isn't going to make it. There was too much blood. I regret not saying say his name."

Sheriff Galpin sighs taking a seat next to me taking my shaking hands into his so I look at him, "She won't be able to say his name in that much shock. She kept it short and what ever words she could form. Don't feel guilty for telling her n't to talk."

"Why are you comforting me, Sheriff?

"Because I can tell this is effecting you. Once I found out your full name, I did my research on you since my son took a liking to you. Knowing what you did to people in your past and trying to kill people yourself... I can see you aren't the same girl anymore because your hands wouldn't be shaking nor would you feel guilt." He tells me.

"Why still comfort me, someone you hated around your son, but not comfort your own son about topics? I get it's hard to talk about but he's your son. If you don't open up, you'll lose him in a different way." I take my hands back from him.

"For starters; I want to make sure you're fine because you mean a lot to my son. You make him happy and that's all I want for him. And I know I need to open up with him but it's hard for me. The things after her pregnancy with Tyler that lead up to her passing... I don't want him to know." Sheriff Galpin looks away from me.

"If all you want for him to be happy then talk to him. He really needs that from you. Not just being nice to me. He needs you more than me. You're his father. I'm just a outcast girl he likes."

"He takes after his mother a lot but in that case he takes after me. I'm going to check in on Dr. Kinbott. Weems and Wednesday are out in the hall." He gets up leaving the room and I follow.

"Are you okay, Valentine?" Weems gets up walking over to me while Wednesday stares at me.

"I'll be fine." I force a smile.

Tags :
1 year ago

21 | More Than...

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 2036

Warnings: date interrupted, admitting feelings, kissing, almost a death

20. A Hyde | 22. You Sound Ridiculous

21 | More Than...

"A Mocha, please." I walk up to Tyler working.

"That's different." He gives me a look, "You okay?" He asks making my drink.

"Not really. Apparently I can get hurt in my visions. Wednesday is set on believing Xavier is the Hyde, which is the name of the monster, our uncle told us. Enid wants to move in with Yoko and I because Wednesday doesn't care she almost got us killed. Xavier tried to kiss me again last night but finally got the hint I don't see him the same way. Also thinking about how the Hyde has some master that unlocked them and they kinda have a split personality because they're like Jekyll and Hyde. There's just a lot on my mind and Hot Chocolate isn't going to do the job." I rant everything to him.

"How about we schedule another date tonight? Take you mind off of everything for a few hours. Escape from the world and it's problems? Where we can just be us having fun? What do you say?" He puts my drink on the counter.

"I'd love that." I give him a smile taking me drink.

"A quick question... Why did you kiss me that night?" He makes me turn to face him.

"Did you not want me to?" I give him a wink going to sit down in a booth.

After some time Wednesday and Uncle Fester come in sitting at my booth as I come back from the bathroom. "Just gotta take my spot." I sit next to her as she looks at the diary.

"Kinbott has to be Xavier's master. The Hyde lays dormant until unleashed by a traumatic event or unlock through chemical inducement or hypnosis." She reads.

"That's what I saw in the cave. Well, blurry saw and heard. The Hyde was scared of who was hurting them. But I still don't believe it's Xavier or Dr. Kinbott." I tell her as we watch Uncle Fester drink the ketchup, "Eww."

"She must've figured out he's a Hyde and used hypnotherapy to unlock him. That would explain their secret sessions." She tells him.

"Or he just needs therapy when she's off work" I roll my eyes.

"I think the kid behind the counter has clocked me. Yeah. He's walking over. I'm gonna put him in a Romanian sleeper hold. Cover me." Uncle Fester tells us as Tyler walks over.

"Relax. He's not interested in you." Wednesday tells him. 

"Made you a quad and you another Mocha. On the house." Tyler puts down the drinks. 

"Hey, thanks kid. Need a refill on this puppy too." Uncle Fester takes Wednesday drink and hands Tyler the ketchup bottle.

"Tyler, this is our Uncle Fester." I introduced him to him. 

"Oh. Uh... Hi, it's nice to-," Uncle Fester zaps Tyler as they shake hands. 

"Was that necessary?" I ask him as he chuckles. 

"Is that the Hyde. Val, told me it's name." Tyler sits next to me and looks at the diary. "

That sides ugly..." I hear him think to himself as he looks at the pages closer. "That's it. From that night." He tells us. 

"Your father gave you explicit instructions not to be near us." Wednesday tells him. 

"Wait, he said that about me too?" I look at Tyler. 

"For one; my dad's not here, and I'm on a break. Two; just not to be near you when she's with you. Alone I can be near you." He tells Wednesday then me. 

"So technically not us, just you." I look at Wednesday.

"Did she tell you about the master part?" Wednesday flips the page. 

"Yeah, she kinda mentioned that." He leans closer to me to look at the book with us. 

I turn my head slightly to look at him and we smile at each other but we're interrupted by his father coming in calling his name, "What did I say?" The three of us look over to see Uncle Fester disappear.

"For the record, Valentine was here alone first then when Wednesday showed up she was trying to keep her distance. I was the one that sat down with them." Tyler says as the three of us get out of the booth. 

"All right. Putting these up around town. It's a bank robbery suspect, and he's a real creep. You haven't seen him, have you?" His dad shows us a wanted flyer of our uncle. 

"No." Wednesday and I say at the same time. 

"Yeah, he's be pretty hard to miss. I'll pin it on the bulletin board." Tyler tells his day who just huffs leaving.

"Is there ever a time when he's not miserable? I normally like to see people miserable, but I'm getting tired of him." I turn to look at Tyler. 

"Nope, that's him 24/7." He rolls his eyes. 

"Thank you. But you didn't have to do that." Wednesday tells him about lying about seeing Uncle Fester. 

"Your family's very... colorful." He tells her. 

"Ironic considering Fester's the black sheep. He's harmless." She takes her seat back in the booth.

"Harmless? He electrocuted me." Tyler says walking over to put the wanted flyer up. 

"He does that for fun. So about our date? You do remember I can't sneak off campus right because of Wednesday? Weems trusts me but is worried about my safety." I turn to face him. 

"You won't have to. I'll come to you. 9pm, Crackstone's Crypt." He turns to face me with a smile taking my hand into his. 

"You're killing me." I laugh as how I was feeling inside. 

"How long do you have to live?" He steps closer to me. 

"I don't know but if you keep acting like this not much longer." I let go of his hand walking back over to Wednesday. 

"What are you smiling about? I hate it. It creepy." Wednesday looks up at me. 



"You're really sneaking off campus?" Enid watches me to get ready to leave for my date with Tyler. 

"That's the thing, I'm not leaving campus. Now excuse me, I have a date." I leave my room heading out to the woods to meet Tyler. 

The entire time was heading out it felt like someone was watching and following me. "9pm on the dote." I walk up to Tyler, who was smiling. 

"Great, now you have to close your eyes." He holds out a single flower. 

"Are you serious?" I ask him. 

"Unfortunately." He smiles more.

"I'm only doing this because I like you." I take the flower from him closing my eyes. 

"Watch your step." Tyler puts his hand on my back helping, "Wait here. Keep your eyes close." I hear him open the doors, "Okay." He helps lead me inside. "Right here. One second. Don't open them yet." He leaves me to close the doors. "Okay, you can open your eyes now." He tells me so I do to see he decorated the inside with lights and had a blanket with popcorn set up with a projector. I look over at him taken back by his effort. "What? No one's ever taken you on a picnic inside a crypt before?" He makes me smiles, "How do you feel about scary movies?" He asks as the doors open revealing Wednesday so Tyler looks at me confused. 

"This is what you snuck out to do and was secretive about?" Wednesday makes a face. 

"That was you following me? Okay now you see what I'm doing. You can leave now." I give her a smile glaring at her.

"I love scary movies so I think I'll stay. Just ignore me on your little date. You won't even know I'm here." Wednesday walks to go take a seat way from the picnic. 

"Wednesday, why are you staying here for our date?" I ask her annoyed. 

"I'm bored, okay. Its odd not having Enid in the room. If you repeat that I will kill you." She glares at me. 

Tyler walks over pulling down the sheet for our screen, "We can just ignore her. She's deadly quite anyways. It will be like she's not even here." Tyler takes my hand into his leading us to the blanket. 

"You're right." I agree with him. 

"Now, prepare to be horrified. He tells me as he starts the movie. 

As soon as it starts I make a face at the song that starts letting me know wasn't a scary movie but was going to be one to me. I turn my head to see Tyler smiling at my reaction to the movie, Legally Blonde. 

"Stop laughing." I give him a playful shove.


"That was torture." Wednesday says once the movie was over. 

"You could have left." I tell her so she darts straight out of the crypt. 

"Why didn't she do that an hour ago?" Tyler laughs turning off the projector. 

"Because she enjoys torture. And I know that was hell for us but I'm kinda use to the color pink now because of Enid." I stand up from the ground. 

"Did you enjoy it?" He walks up to me. 

"I kinda liked parts of it oddly. Eww, I hate saying that." I cover my face. 

"Then next weekend we can watch the second one." He chuckles making me look at him. 

"They made two?" He nods his head before getting serious.

"I'm just gonna come out and say it. I want us to be more than friends."

"What if you randomly snap out of it one day?" I say getting slightly scared. 

"Don't do that." He tilts his head looking at me. 

"I'm new to this and I don't want to get hurt for the first time." I look down so he tilts my chin up to look at him.

"You can't keep trying to push me away. It's not going to work. You're feelings are just going to keep growing stronger just like mine for you." He looks me in the eyes leaning down some so I lean up connecting our lips. It felt so right kissing him, the way our lips moved together.

I pull back smiling at him as he rests his forehead on mine. "Am I making a mistake?" I ask and it comes out as a whisper. 

"No, you're not." He goes in to kiss me again but the doors open with lights blinding us. 

"What the hell? Tyler." His dad sees us as we both block the lights. 

"Dad? What are you doing here?" Tyler asks him as his dad looks around the crypt. 

"The school groundskeeper found the motorbike by the lake. It matches the description of the one the bank robber stole. There's a canoe missing. Figure he might be on the Raven Island. I'm not even going to ask what this is, but I never saw the two of you here. You got it?" He points at us. We nod our heads at him. "Unbelievable. Come on." His dad and his deputies leave us alone. 

I look at Tyler stating to giggle about the whole situation making him chuckle pulling me into his chest. "You know he's not thrilled to catch us." I look up at Tyler wrapping my arms around his waist. 

"He'll have to learn to get over it." He looks down at me so I lean up to kiss him. 

"I should probably go to let my uncle know they're looking for him. He's on school grounds as we speak so." I move away from Tyler. 

"Then I don't want to keep you. Talk to you tomorrow." He tells me so I give him one more kiss. 

"Of course. Good night and thank you for tonight." I head out.

As I walk into the bee shed I see Uncle Fester, Wednesday crying and Thing bloody. "What happened?" I panic. 

"Someone broke into my room and stabbed Thing from behind." Wednesday wipes her eyes. 

"What a coward! But the reason I'm here, Uncle Fester, you need to leave. They found your motorbike so the sheriff won't be far. Maybe next time steal something a little less conspicuous." I let him know.

Tags :
1 year ago

20 | A Hyde

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 1780

Warnings: hurt from a vision

19. Split Up? | 21. More Than...

20 | A Hyde

News got out the the mayor passed away and we all went to the funeral. As the funeral ends someone catches Wednesday and mine eyes so she runs off to chase them making me groan following her. We end up catching up to the person and see it was a uncle Fester making us happy to see him. 

"How long have you been stalking us?" I ask him was the three of us walk together. 

"Just blew into town this morning and was hit by a wave of nostalgia." He tells us. 

"I thought you didn't go to Nevermore." Wednesday looks at him. 

"I didn't. Your dad got all the brains. But I used to drop in on him. Usually from the ceiling with a dagger clutched between my teeth. Just to keep him in his toes." He tells and we say of course. "He filled me in on what's been going on. Monsters, murder, mayhem. What fun! I told him I had a job in Boston, but I'd be checking up in your two."

"What kind of job?" Wednesday asks. 

"The kind that means I need somewhere to lay low for a couple of days." He tells us so they both smile. Wednesday ends up talking him to the beekeeping shed. 

"It belongs to a our friend." She tells him as we go in. 

"You two actually made a friend. That poor kid will be going home in a body bag." He says and I see Wednesday look slightly sad. "I like a hideout that comes with snacks." He looks at the bees. 

"Those bees are hibernating." I tell him. 

"They're practically Eugene's children. That means do not eat them!" Wednesday tells him as he tries. 

"You know when you give me that death stare of disapproval, you remind me of your mother. Speaking of scary things, you know what kind of monster you're dealing with?" He asks. 

"We haven't been able to identify it." I tell him so Wednesday shows him the drawing.

"Ooh. It's called a Hyde." He tell us. 

"As in Jekyll and Hyde?" I ask and he nods his head making me think back to when I randomly felt two feeling from it. It was a person who was split. "Excuse me. I gotta go. See you later Uncle Fester." I leave going to Xavier art shed. 

"Surprised to see you here." He says as I walk in. 

"I'm kinda hoping to have a vision or something from your art of the monster." I walk around looking at the art work. 

"About the painting" 

I cut him off, "Xavier, it's fine. I just felt vulnerable because you've seen me with my walls down slightly when go out to draw." I tell him. 

"How would you get a vision for my art work?" He goes back to why I was here. 

"I don't know but I need something." I huff.

"Try the one that scratched me." He motions over to it. 

"I'll give it a try." I walk over touching it and get a vision in Xavier's point of view working on the painting then it's claws come out scratching me. 

"Val." Xavier holds me in his arms, "You stumbled back." He says as I stand up putting my hand on my neck then see blood. "How?" He moves my hair to look at my neck that had the scratches he had. 

"I don't know. I was in you place in the vision." I sigh. 

"You need to go clean it." He grabs my hand pulling me out leading me back to the school. He takes me to his room and I sit on his bed as he goes to the bathroom. I was in a little shock that I got hurt from a vision. Xavier comes back sitting next to me moving my hair out of his way as he cleans my neck. "Val, are you okay?" I hear him ask but don't answer as I stare into space. "Valentine." He tucks hair behind my ear. 

"That's not normal... What's happening to me?" I turn my head to look at him concerned. 

"I wish I knew..." He sighs placing his hand on my knee so I move it off me. 

"Please don't." I tell him nicely. 

"Sorry." He takes his hand back. 

"At least I know you were telling the truth about what happened." I chuckle some. 

"Thought you already did." He gives me a look. 

"I did but now I really know." I make him chuckle. "I'm gonna go to my room. Thank you for helping me with my neck." I get up. 


"What happened to your neck?" Enid sees me enter the room. 

"A vision." I keep it short. 

"You got hurt from a vision? How?" She comes to sit next to me. 

"I don't know how. I touched the painting that did the same to Xavier and it happened to me as well but in the vision since I was in his place." I lay down. 

"Maybe you should call your mom and ask what does it mean." She lays down next to me. 

"She'll get worried and think it's not safe here and take me to get looked at by family members." I look at the ceiling. 

"It's a fair response." She does the same as me. 

"The monster's a Hyde. Like Jekyll and Hyde... Which makes sense when I felt two feeling from it when I first saw it. I explained to Tyler I felt anger and fear from it like it was two different people. The normal part that I kinda saw and heard that was forced into becoming this... they're scared of them self."


"What do you want with me now?" I ask Wednesday meeting her out by the statue to the Nightshades. 

"We're getting a diary to learn more about the Hyde." She snaps for us to go in. "Uncle Fester?" Wednesday calls out. 

"Who's Uncle Fester?" Xavier walks into view. 

"What are you doing here?" She asks him. 

"Since I'm an actual Nightshade, I don't have to explain myself. What's your excuse for creeping around in the middle of the night?" He asks her putting a book away. 

"Research." I tell him. 

"On the monster? I'll save you two some time. There's nothing in here matching that thing." He walks over to us. 

"Isn't that convenient." Wednesday tells him turning to walk away.

"You know what your problem is?" He makes her stop.

"I would love to hear your piercing insight." She tells him. 

"You don't know who your real friends are. I've been on your side since day one. I've literally saved your life. I believed your theories when nobody else did. And what do I get in return? Just nothing but suspicion and lies." He tells her. 

"Technically that isn't true." I cut in before Wednesday could say something. 

"What?" Xavier cocks his head. 

"You didn't believe us at first about witnessing Rowan's murder. You didn't believe the monster was real or human when the rain washed the footprints away. So don't lie saying you did when nobody else did." I wanted to be straight with him.

"You want honesty? Here it is. Every time the monster's attacked, you've been right there. Starting with Rowan at the Harvest Festival. Then on Outreach Day, you arrived just minutes after the monster disappeared, yet you say you didn't see it." She tells him with a death glare. 

"I didn't realize proximity was a crime." He walks past us to leave. 

"Then there's your drawing obsession. You have drawn the monster dozens of times, yet you've never seen it. Or so you claim. You drew where it lived. Then when Eugene went to investigate, you tried to kill him so he wouldn't spill your secrets." She tells him and I just look at her. 

"You think I would hurt Eugene?" He walks towards her. 

"Let's not your oh-so-convenient appearance after Tyler has been attacked at the Gates mansion. And I know a perfectly good reason why you would try to get him out of the picture." She glances at me.

"If I am the monster, the why haven't I killed you or Val yet?" He stops in front of her. 

"Because you wouldn't dare kill someone's sister you like because she would be devastated." She glares at him. 

"Wednesday, that's a bit much with no sold evidence. And I had a vision of him getting scratched by the art work. It happened to me in the vision." I show her my neck. 

"He could have done that on purpose just to make it seem like he was innocent." She gives him a death glare so he scoffs leaving us. "How long have you been lurking?" Wednesday turns to Uncle Fester. 

"Long enough to feel tension between Val and him just by their looks. Seriously, you could cut it with an executioner's axe." He tells us.

"No, I don't like him like that anymore. He's just a friend." I leave not wanting to be with them. "Xavier!" I chase after him. 

"What?" He turns to face me in the main hall. 

"I know it's not you and I'm sorry I can't change her mind about you. She's very stubborn." I catch up to him. 

"Did you even for a tiny second think I could be the monster? Be serious with me, please." He begs me. 

"Just when you showed up when I found Tyler hurt. Only because you it was very random for you to be there. That's the only time ever." I tell him truthfully. 

"I went there looking for you. That night I went to your room and Yoko said you were with Wednesday and Enid. I went to their room knocking on the window thinking I had a better chance at getting you to not run from me. I went in and just saw Thing. I thought where could they be and remembered about Wednesday wanting to know about the Gate's gate."

"See, I believe that but then it was just for a second. I was just worried and scared that night so you didn't help showing up." I explain to him. 

"I would never try to hurt you, Wednesday or Enid. Hell, I wouldn't even hurt Tyler because you care about him as well. And if I hurt someone you care about them I'm hurting you as well." He steps closer to me, "You mean to much to me to do that." He leans down so I put my hand on his chest to stop him.

"Xavier, I'm sorry." He stops looking hurt. 

Tags :
1 year ago

19 | Spilt Up?

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 1778

Warnings: tricking, comforting Enid, scared for the first time, Xavier jealous of Tyler

18. Birthday, Yes | 20. A Hyde

19 | Spilt Up?

The next day Tyler said his dad didn't want him seeing me for awhile because Wednesday always ends up in the center of everything bad. None of us were allowed to leave because the school was on lockdown so I just stayed in my room or hung out with Enid. "Let's go." Wednesday opens my door confusing me. 

"Wednesday." I get up rushing after her. 

"Ready for our girls night?" Enid pops up. 

Outside I realize we were getting in Tyler's car. "Wait, he's our Uber driver?" Enid asks confused. 

"Uber driver? I thought you said Valentine needed to see me? You made it sound serious." Tyler asks confused. 

"I thought this was a girls' night out." Enid looks at Wednesday. 

"If I needed to see you I would have texted or called you." I tell Tyler. 

"A change of plans." She tells us. 

"What's up with the weird matching hoodie scarf things?" Tyler asks us three. 

"Don't ask. Just drive." She tells him. 

Enid crosses her arms leaning back upset. "I didn't know." I whisper to her. 

"I know." She huffs.

Wednesday had Tyler drive us to the Gate's mansion wanting to go inside making Enid nervous. "Okay, this isn't what I signed on for." Tyler tells Wednesday. 

"Ditto." Enid agrees. 

"If we get caught you're going to be in more trouble. And I'm going to get dragged into making Tyler's dad not trust me again and make Weems want to keep an eye on me." I speak up. 

"I want to do this for my birthday. Not a dinner or surprise party like you did Val." She looks back at us as she unlocks the gate. 

"Then you shoulda just said so. You didn't have to trick us." Tyler tells her. 

"If you want to go, you can. I'm going to go check out the garage." Wednesday heads in so I look at the two then follow her and they follow me.

Wednesday, Tyler and I couldn't open a door so Enid steps in getting it open. We go into the garage and see the car that hit the mayor. "Okay. This just took a dark turn. We need to call Tyler's dad right freaking now." Enid panics. 

"Why? So he can take me back to Nevermore and get me expelled? It's not gonna happen." She walks off again. 

"Come on Enid." I link my free arm with hers. 

"This is the night I'm gonna die." Tyler makes me laugh so I apologize. 

"Enid, it's okay." I tell her as she whimpers as we go inside the house.

As we explore a room something catches my eye. "Kinda like at home." I say pressing a piece on the bookshelf making it open. 

"You're right." Wednesday gives me a slight smile. 

"Who doesn't have a spooky built in alter in their family library?" Enid asks. 

"Ours is in the living room." Wednesday tells her and I nod my head, 

"More seating for year-long Dia de los Muertos." I add. 

Wednesday finds out the candles are still warm and make us split up. "Why don't we go in twos?" I ask since Tyler was going to be alone. 

"He can handle himself." She says making Enid drag me with her. 

"Stay safe..." I tell him as we go upstairs. 

"You two go left, I'll go right." Wednesday tells us making Enid say splitting up is an bad idea. 

"This is when every best friend dies in a horror movie." Enid whines. 

"I'm going to be with you, it's okay." I hold her hand as Wednesday leaves us.

"I know what my mom would say. Enid, you're a doormat. You're too needy. Show some teeth. Nobody likes a desperate little furball. Shut up, Mom. Get out of my head!" Enid talks to herself. 

"Your mom is rude. My parents would never talk to us like that. Is your dad better?" I ask trying to distract her. 

"Oh, he's way better. He doesn't care I haven't wolfed out yet compared to my mom. You know she tried sending me to werewolf conversion camp. I told her no. If I'm going to do it, I'll do it on my own." She tells me. 

"Good for you, Enid." I squeeze her hand then a room catches our eyes. "Wednesday, come look at this." I call out to her.

She comes into the room that had no dust or cob webs, the bed was made, and fresh flowers on the nightstand. "Maybe she didn't die. Faked her death and became someone else." I tell Wednesday as she explains it can't be Laura Gates like Enid suggests because she died 25 years ago. 

An object shatters making her say it's time to go. "This is officially the worst girls night out ever." Enid says as we rush out of the room and Tyler tells us to get out before screaming. 

"Tyler!" I panic making Wednesday shove me back. 

The three of us somehow all fit in the dumbwaiter to get away from the monster. Wednesday closes it right on time as it sees us. Enid panics while Wednesday and I stay calm. Well that was until it clawed at the little door. The rope snaps and we fall to the lowest level.

"You okay?" I ask Enid as we get up from the floor.

"Not really? But physically, yes. You?"  She coughs. "Both okay." I lie a little getting slightly scared which was not normal. 

As I look around I see body parts in jars before footsteps above us boom. I grab Enid's hand leading her to window to get out then she helps me as Wednesday goes to look at the jars closer before we help her out too. 

"You okay?" Wednesday asks Enid. 

"Since when do you care." Enid rushes off and I remember Tyler running off to find him. 

"Valentine, what the hell are you thinking?!" Enid yells at me. 

"I have to go back for Tyler!" I shout. 

"The monster's back there!" I hear her and Wednesday following. 

"I don't care! I have to make sure he's okay!" I run faster ahead of them.

I find Tyler breathing heavily making me rush over to his side to see he had claw marks across his chest. "Shit." My eyes widen and my hands slightly shake as I don't know what to do at the moment because my mind was spinning. "You're going to be okay. Can you walk? We can't stay here too long." I eye his chest and his face. 

"Where'd you come from?" Wednesday asks and I turn to see Xavier. 

"Here. Take this" He gives me his scarf to press on Tyler's chest. "What happened to him?" He asks. 

"What does it look like?" I sigh and help Tyler up.


We all end up going to Tyler's house where I take care of Tyler's wound and catch our breath. "I'll try to be careful." I help Tyler take off his jacket. "Enid, get me a wet washcloth and a blow of water. Xavier, find me scissors. Wednesday, find me the first aid stuff." I tell the three and Tyler tells Wednesday where it was. 

"Here." Xavier hands me scissors and I cut Tyler's gray shirt to get to his wound. 

I clean up the blood and wound, put medicine on it, then use butterfly closures on each scratch. "Thanks, Doc." Tyler says as I get closer to finishing as the three watch us so I look away from his chest to give him a smile.

"Not to make this about me, but I am having a full-blown panic attack right now. We need to get back before Weems realizes we've been gone." Enid says before the sheriff walks in. 

"What the hell happened?" He asks looking at Tyler. "This was you, wasn't it?" He walks closer looking at Wednesday. 

"Wait, Dad, please. I'm okay. See Valentine, patched me up." Tyler gets up to stop him. 

"Sheriff, I understand you're upset, but I think you need to see something." Wednesday tells him so he agrees to take a look.

"I'll give you three a ride back to school." Tyler grabs his keys. 

"No, we can walk. You need to rest up. You got attacked." I try to stop him. 

"I'm fine now thanks to you. Let me do this for you guys. I'm sure Enid wants to get back as fast as possible." He looks over at her and she nods her head fast. 

"Fine." I say and we get in his car while Wednesday left with his dad.

"Thanks for the ride, Tyler. Hope you heal up quickly." Enid gets out of the car with Xavier who doesn't say a word. 

"I'm sorry, Wednesday dragged you into this tonight. If I just stayed with you downstairs." I lean my head back so Tyler grabs my hand. 

"No, what if this happened to you? I rather it be me than you. I could never have you get hurt around me. You need to go get some rest too because I can tell tonight was tough on you." He gives my hand a squeeze. 

"I've never been scared like that... For myself, Enid, and you. When I found you hurt, when I heard you scream downstairs. I wanted to cry." My voice cracks. 

"I'm fine and I know. I saw your hands shaking. Go make sure Enid isn't having a break down right now." I nod my head undoing my seat belt before giving him a kiss, 

"Goodnight." I get out smiling as he sat there shocked by my actions.

"Enid..." I walk into the room to see her sitting on her bed crying. 

"I was scared tonight. We could've died and Wednesday doesn't care unlike you. I can't do it. I've tried being her friend but I get no where." She cries into her hands so I go sit next to her. 

"I'm sorry, Enid." I put an arm around her pulling her closer to me. 

"Don't be sorry. You did nothing. You were a great friend tonight being by my side." She wipes her eyes. 

Tags :
1 year ago

3 | Knock It Off

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 1721

Warnings: Xavier just jealous of Tyler

Last: Therapy | Next: Changing

3 | Knock It Off

So far Nevermore hasn't been bad and I was surprised how well I made friends. Well, except for Bianca. We were more like frenemies because we were very competitive against each other. Especially in fencing most of the time we went against each other it came to the tie. Me and Yoko got along pretty quickly being roommates. Enid and I were sometimes alike but in different fonts. Xavier and me were good friends which Bianca didn't like at all. It took awhile for Ajax to stop being nervous around me. Divina and Kent were alright, I wasn't super close to them but I knew Divina more because of Yoko.

Having to join a club I met Eugene and he remained me of Pugsley so I treated him like a brother. There was Rowan, who was basically an outcast of outcast. We had a few conversations but he never stuck around long. Lastly was Tyler. After every therapy session I would go over to the Weathervane to get a Hot Chocolate and talk to Tyler as he worked. Xavier didn't quite like me talk to Tyler telling me what he did to him last year. I understand that it was bad because he put time into his work, but compared to what I do to people... It didn't seem that big of a deal to me.

"Bianca seems a little pissed today. Do you know what happed?" Yoko asks Divina as some of us were going into town today. 

"Xavier broke up with her." She looks at Bianca in the front of the bus alone before telling us making Enid gasp next to me. 

"Why?" She asks wanting more details for her blog. 

"She won't talk about it." Divina tells her and I watch Enid start typing on her phone. 

I look in the back to see Xavier looking out the window listening to music alone. When we all get off the bus the girls take off and I wait for Xavier. 

Once he sees me he takes out his earbuds, "Why are you looking at me like that?" He asks annoyed. 

"Wanna get a drink and a snack from the Weathervane? We can talk about whatever." I suggest to him. 

"Sure." We head over there.

"The usual and?" Tyler asks Xavier as we walk up so he tells him before we go sit in a booth. 

"I'm assuming you heard the news. I know Enid just posted about it on the way here. Is that why you want to talk to me?" Xavier leans back on his side. 

"I wanna know how a friend's doing. And if you want to talk about it you can but if you don't it's okay." I do the same. 

"We broke up for two reasons." He looks out the window as Tyler brings us our drinks. 

"Thank you." I tell him as he leaves. "What are your reasons since you broke up with her." I sit up. 

"The main reason is because I had doubts about Bianca and her intentions as a siren. I'm constantly paranoid that she's using her siren song me and we keep getting into fights over it." He sits up looking at his drink.

"But she has her amulet she wears." I tell him. 

"I'm still paranoid about it." He sighs. 

"Is there another reason?" I ask. 

"The second reason is she doesn't like our friendship." He rolls his eyes. 

"Like you with me about..." I motion towards Tyler. 

"It's different." He eyes Tyler working. 

"Stop it." I kick his leg underneath the table, "But why does she have a problem with me with you? I don't treat you any differently than others and you don't treat me differently either." I raise an eyebrow. 

"She doesn't think that." He messes with his hands. 

"Well she's stupid because I don't like you like that. I don't like anyone for a fact. You have to prove you're worth my time. And it takes a lot to melt my semi ice cold heart." I explain to him not seeing the slight disappoint on his face.

"You don't mind if I draw while we sit here, right?" Xavier pulls stuff out of his bag. 

"Do you have an extra book I can draw in while we sit here?" I ask him. 

"Here. I haven't used this one. You can keep it." He passes me one and a pencil. 

"Thanks, I'm going to use you as my muse." I open up the book. 

"Okay." He laughs before we sit in silence sketching each other.  

After awhile I take a break to go use the restroom then go to the counter to ask for another drink. "Hey Ty, can I have another and two croissants?" I come around the corner leaning on the counter. 

"I had a feeling you would come ask at some point. Sure, I'll bring it after this customer." He gives me a smile that makes me feel happy on inside but never show it, "Thanks." I go join Xavier who was glaring at me. "Knock it off, Thorpe." I huff taking my seat. 

"I told you he's bad news." He huffs as well making me turn to look at Tyler for a second to see him making my cup with a slight smile before tuning back around.

"Yes, because the boy with the light-brown curly hair, greenish eyes, and a kindly smile is bad news. Xavier, I know what he did to you but I'm worse. I can handle myself." I roll my eyes. 

"For someone who, in fact doesn't like anyone, sure described him like you do." He rolls his eyes drawing. 

"You have golden brown shoulder length hair, eyes are a light olive color with brown surrounding the pupil, when you smile you get dimples." I say making him look at me, "I'm just good at describing someone."

"Your hot chocolate with two croissants like you asked. Do you want another drink or anything else?" Tyler sets my stuff down then asks Xavier. 

"I'm good." He tells him coldly. Tyler just nods his head leaving the booth. "I don't see how you're friends with him." Xavier goes for one of my croissants so I smack his hand away, 

"Because he's nice to me and that's all that matters when it comes to me. And he asked if you wanted anything so don't touch my shit." I explain to him going back to my drawing.

Bianca ends up coming in with Divina and a few of her other siren friends catching sight of Xavier and I. "She looks pissed." I laugh so I give her a smile and a little wave. 

"Now you knock it off, Addams." Xavier reaches across the table putting my hand down. 

"Why? Let me have some fun."  I say eyeing her as she glares at me. 

"Why would you want to piss her off more when you're kinda one of the reasons I broke up with her?" He leans on the table refusing to look her way. 

"Because I love chaos." I lean on the table as well starring him in the eyes. 

"You're terrible." He shakes his head at me. 

"Thank you." I give him a smile.

"I'm finished by the way." Xavier shows me his drawing. 

"You finally got my nose right." I say before showing him mine. 

"Oh my god. It's like a fucking picture. You still haven't show me your work so I'm amazed. You said I'm quite the artist but you are a artist " He takes it from me looking at it more. 

"I'm best at people." I take it back as he hands it back over to me. "I'm gonna go pay for our drinks. Then meet you at the bus." We get up and go different directions.

"How much do I owe you? I'm paying for Xavier's too." I walk up to Tyler. 

"It's on the house." He walks over to me. "Ty, no. How much, really? I normally wouldn't care if someone told me that but you're a friend and this is your job." I tell him getting serious. 

"No, really it's on the house." He smiles making me get all warm again. 

"Fine, here's your tip." I put a twenty in the tip jar. 

"Valentine." He pulls it out trying to give it back to me. 

"Nope, you worked for it. See you tomorrow since I have my session with Kinbott. I gotta bus to catch." I rush out getting on the shuttle. 

"How much do I owe you?" Xavier asks as I take a seat next to him. 

"Nothing. He said it was on the house for the both of us." I keep it short and Xavier rolls his eyes.

Back at the school walking towards my dorm Bianca show up, "I can't believe he left me for you." She eyes me. 

"He didn't but if he did I would say he upgraded. But Xavier is just a friend to me. I don't date. Plus it's quite difficult to melt my semi ice cold heart." I tell her with a straight face. 

"An upgrade?" She laughs crossing her arms. 

"Yes. Now I think this conversation is over." I walk past her going to my dorm. As soon as I enter the room the crystal ball was going off. "Mother, father." I answer it. 

"How are you doing my black widow?" My father asks me. 

"Good. Just got back from the town with some friends." I tell him. 

"I'm still so proud of you making friends at Nevermore." My mother gets a big smile. 

"I'm quite impressed with myself actually." I tell them.

"Enid, I told you no." Yoko huffs as she walks into the room with her following her. 

"Val, did Xavier tell you why he broke up with Bianca?" She rushes over to me. 

"Mother, Father, I'll call you back tomorrow." 

"Okay, dear." They end the call. 

"Spill the tea." Enid shakes me, "And don't tell me he didn't because if he was to tell anyone it would be you." She glares at me. 

"I'm not telling you, Enid. It's not going on your blog. I keep other's secrets to myself." I tell her making her pout. "It's not going to work on me." I look at her with no emotions. 

"Fine..." She huffs crossing her arms.

Tags :
1 year ago

2 | Therapy

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 1811

Warnings: opening up

Last: Nevermore | Next: Knock it Off

2 | Therapy

"Dr. Kinbott's office is on the second floor. Other Nevermore students swear by her." Weems tells me as we pull up to a building in Jericho. 

"Does she normally work on Sundays? Most have their offices closed." I ask looking at the building. 

"She volunteered to take you Sundays along with Wednesdays." Weems lets me know. 

"Will you be sitting in the vehicle the whole time?" I look over at her, "You don't have to worry about me trying to run away from it. I quite enjoy my therapy sessions." I tell her. 

"Well in that case I'll go pay the mayor a visit after a few minutes or walk around. Afterwards we can meet at the Weathervane for hot chocolate." She tells me. 

"I do love hot chocolate." I get out going inside the building.

"Valentine, I've been waiting for you. I've read all there is about you. Take a seat." Dr. Kinbott smiles at me. 

"So then you know no therapist can handle me and my issues." I take a seat across from her. 

"Well in not like any of those fifty." She tells me. 

"We'll see if you can outlast them before you crack. The shortest time for one was ten minutes." I give her a smile like she gave me. 

"I promise, I won't crack so easily. And this is a safe space where we can discuss anything. What your thinking, feeling, your views in the world." She explains to me. 

"I think you might be right on lasting a bit longer than the others because you aren't sitting across the entire room away from me with your voice shaking in fear."

"Why did they fear you?" She asks me. 

"From what they read about me." I get comfortable in my seat. 

"Do you want to tell me why you did what you did last year to that girl and boy?" She asks. 

"My so called friend and boyfriend got together behind my back. I prefer to be the backstabber not the backstabbey so they had it coming. Especially knowing what kind of person I am and what I'm capable of doing." I explain messing with my sleeve. 

"You feel no remorse not guilt?" She says watching me. 

"Of course not. If anything I'm disappointed in myself for failing at my mission." I roll my eyes at myself.

"I'm going to change the topic, if that's alright with you. How is your relationship with your family?" She says so I look her in the eyes. 

"Well. I get along with each member. Dr. Kinbott, I may be a tab bit psychotic at times but I still have a heart. Especially when it comes to family. Others are a different story depending on how they are as a person and how they are to me. I know what feelings are and I can read them well but not everyone deserves for me to care about them." I explain to her, "You have to earn it from me." I give her a smile. 

"In your family who do you have the best relationship with?" She tilts her head and I think. 

"My sister, even though we are quite the opposite at times. I believe it's because we're twins so we just have that bond. But as I said, I have a good relationship with each member. My mother, father, sister, and brother. Even my uncle, Thing, and Lurch."

Soon the session was over and I head over to the Weathervane to meet Principal Weems. I walk inside to see she wasn't here yet so I decide to get a hot chocolate and wait for her. I walk up to the counter and a guy's back was turned towards me as I waited. I clear my throat making him turn around to look at me, "A hot chocolate and a croissant... please." I tell him with a straight face. 

"New to Nevermore I'm guessing since I've never seen you around." He eyes me.

"Indeed." I say before taking a seat at a booth looking out the window for Weems.

"Here you go. A hot chocolate with a croissant." He places my stuff down on the table, "You waiting for someone?" He asks me. 

"I am but I don't think it's any of your business who." I look up at him. 

"I didn't ask who." He says matching my energy making me get a slight smile.

"I'm Valentine."

"Tyler. What brings you into town or is that not part of my business as well?" He asks me making me think he's not that bad.

"Therapy session, Court order. Two days a week." I tell him. 

"Dr. Kinbott, what do you think of her?" He takes a seat across from me making me eye him.

"Stronger than the past fifty therapists I've had." 

"Fifty?" His eyes widen. 

"I'm a little too much to handle. That's why I'm starting at Nevermore this year. Ten schools in the last five years. No one else will take me because of my record." I add. 

"Should I even ask?" He chuckles. 

"Recent was attempted murder. If you look me up you'll come across a few articles. None tell the true story though." I shrug my shoulders. 

"Care to tell me the true story? I don't want to read lies about you." He asks so I sit up straight. 

"They say I was a jealous crazy ex. That's not true and I didn't try choking her to death nor did I drop a brick on his head." I stop for his reaction and he had wide eyes as I expected. "My so called friend and boyfriend got together behind my back. I learned it went on the entire time I was with him and became friends with her. One day I decided to bring a dessert to school I made for her... I accidentally forgot she was deathly allergic to nuts and well my brownies had many mixed nuts. I blended them so small you couldn't tell they had nuts. She ate one and well started chocking to death. I told her I'll get help but I just left her for someone else to take care of. Later in the day at home I was building something with my brother and my boyfriend came over yelling at me about what happened. I told him to leave but he refused so I made him run off throwing bricks at him as if they were snow balls. I got a go shot at his head a few times which caused a concussion and good amount of blood lost. Also memory loss."

"Huh..." He just stares at me. 

"Don't worry my actions like that are based on if the person deserves it for something they did wrong to me. If you stay on my good side, you're safe." I explain to him. 

"I have anger issues... court order to see Dr. Kinbott too. I got sent to a boot camp for my actions just got back not to long ago. Being there I learned that's not the version of myself I want to be." He tells me looking at the table. 

"A bitter townie that blames everyone else for the shitty hand he's been dealt? You know, Tyler, you can do or did a terrible thing or things and not be a terrible person. Most see me as a terrible person at first glance and once they hear about me... but I'm not that bad when you get to know me. I do have my moments though." I make him look up at me.

"You act like you don't care but deep down you do?" He speaks so I slightly nod my head. 

"I'll never physically say that though. It's too much to admit out loud." I sigh looking out the window. 

"You're secret is safe with me... even though I just met you." He chuckles making me too. 

"I see you made a friend." Weems walks up to us giving me a smile. "I guess you can say that." I tell her as Tyler gets up.

"She'll take a hot chocolate as well." I tell him so he goes to make her one as she takes his spot.

"How was your session?" She asks me with her smile she always puts on. 

"It went well. Dr. Kinbott is much braver than the others." I tell her as Tyler brings her, her drink. 

"That's nice to hear. I'm glad it went well."

"How often do we get to come into town?" I ask Weems. 

"You can come anytime that's not during school hours but it's about a 25 minute walk or there's a shuttle on the weekends." She lets me know before she takes a sip of her drink. 

I just nod my head to that looking out the window. We don't stay much longer and when Weems pays for our drinks Tyler tells me he hopes to see me around more.

When we get back to the school I decided to walk around the grounds stumbling across a shed in the woods. Wondering in I see Xavier sketching while listing to music so he doesn't hear or see me come in. I walk up behind him looking at what he was doing and he was really good at what he does. I tap his shoulder making him look but I move to the other side then do the same as he turns the other way taking his earbud out. 

"You drew my nose wrong." I speak up making him get startled. 

"Valentine." He stands up quickly. 

"You made this into your little studio?" I look around at his other work.

"What are you doing out here?" He asks me. 

"Just wondering around and stumbled upon this place. I came in but you didn't notice me. You're quite the artist. I do the same in my free time. I'll show you some of my work one day." I walk around then turn to face him waiting for him to speak again. 

"I don't want you to think I'm creepy for drawing you." He eyes his work. 

"Trust me, it's not creepy. I know creepy." I walk back over to look at it. "May I?" I motion to it to fix my nose. 

"Go ahead." He lets me and I take a seat redoing my nose perfectly. 

"There, now it's me." I stand up.

"I come out here to let things out on paper." He puts his stuff way. 

"Why me?" I raise my head up some. 

"I don't know. I just sat down, put music on and zoned out." He scratches the back of his neck. 

"You have very good memory on how people look." I let him know. 

"Expect your nose apparently." He chuckles. 

"Yes. I'll leave you be now." I head towards the door. 

"I'm coming too. Get things ready for the first day tomorrow." He leaves with me.

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1 year ago

1 | Nevermore

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 1626

Warnings: talk of attempted murder

Next: Therapy

1 | Nevermore

For over 200 years, Nevermore Academy, a private school, have welcomed outcasts of all kind, in the town of Jericho, Vermont. As Principal it is my honor to announce that Nevermore has accepted your application to attend this upcoming school year. Can't wait to for you to join our very unique school, Principal Larissa Weems.

"Mother, why wait till now to send me to Nevermore? You've talked about wanting your children to go where you and Father met since we were born?" I ask my mother. 

"Because dear, no other school will take you after what you did to those two last school year. And I wanted to see if you children could work well in a normal school." My mother explains to me calmly. 

"They had it coming." I look out the window. At the moment it was just mother and I on our way to Nevermore while Father stayed with Wednesday and Pugsley at home.

Stepping out of the car I take in the exterior of the school, "Looks just like I pictured it for a school for outcasts." I look over at my mother. 

"You're going to love it here." She gives me a smile. 

"I know if Wednesday was in my place she would find away to escape. She hates the thought or mention of this school." I say as we head inside to meet the principal. 

"But you are not your sister. You are more accepting to some things. Yes, you both share some characteristics being twins but you each are your own person." She tells me as I look around the inside as we walk.

"Morticia, it's a pleasure to see you again. You must be Valentine? I'm guessing it was the day you were born?" Weems asks me as we sit in her office. 

"I was born on Friday the 13th." I tell her, "My Grandmother named me after the origins of Valentine's Day. The Romans' celebrations were violent... The men would strip naked and sacrifice a goat and a dog, then whipped women with the hides of the animals they had just slain." I explain to her and she just stares at me and my mother uncomfortably. 

"The French origin meaning is strength and health. Originally you pronounce her name Val-en-teen, but many insist on pronouncing it like the holiday so we gave in except my mother." My mother adds.

"You've certainly had a very interesting educational journey. Ten schools in five years." Weems looks at me. 

"My sister is at seven. But what can I say... students and teachers don't quite understand my ways at times. My mother says this school is different and will be good for me." I give her a smile. 

"I believe you will fit right in with the rest of the students." She gives me a smile back. 

"And her therapy sessions... The court ordered them." My mother gives me a look so I roll my eyes. "The school has a relationship with a therapist in Jericho. She can meet twice a week. Now, I've assigned you to Ophelia Hall. Let's go meet your roommate, shall we?"

When we get to my dorm I see a girl with long brown hair wearing blackout round sunglasses. "Meet your new roommate is Yoko Tanaka, she's a vampire. Yoko, this is Valentine Addams." Weems introduces us. 

"Hey." She nods her head at me. 

"Hey." I do the same then see her uniform on her bed. "I have to wear that color as well?" I look at it. 

"When we got your application we've special order you a uniform. Yoko, please take Valentine to the registrar's office to pick it up along with her schedule, and give her a tour along the way." Weems tells her so she gets up. "I'll walk you back to your car. Valentine, say goodbye to your mother." Weems smiles.

"I know you'll love Nevermore and find it as life-changing as I did." My mother gives me a smile. 

"I hope it'll be a perfect fit for me. I'm tired of jumping from schools to schools." I give her a smile back. 

"I'm sure it will be, darling." She touches my face. "Now, we can't talk to you the first week so next week we'll give you a call to see how you're doing." She places the crystal ball on my desk. 

"I'll be looking forward to it." I smile and we do a tiny hug before I leave with Yoko.

"Are you anything? Vampire, Werewolf, Gorgon, Siren, Psychic?" Yoko asks me. 

"Psychic but also a tad psychotic at times." I turn my head to look at her. 

"You won't try stake me in my sleep will you?" She raises an eyebrow. 

"Only if you get on my bad side. Kinda the reason why I'm here. Two people last year got on my bad side. Neither of them died though from what I did to them." I chuckle as she shows me around the school. She shows me the clichés of each group and tells me a bit about everyone.

"You must be Yoko's new roommate. She told me she was getting one before school started. I'm Enid Sinclair, a werewolf. And you are?" She puts her hand out. 

"Valentine Addams, a psychotic psychic." I shake her hand as she looks at me with wide eyes. 

"A tad, only if you get in her bad side." Yoko adds. 

"Okay..." Enid smiles tagging along with us as we go pick up my uniform and schedule.

"So Valentine, do you have any social media accounts?" Enid asks me. 

"I do. I'm the only one in my family that does." I say as we sit at a table in the quad. 

"Do you ever wear color?"

"If I do it's only red. My closet is majority black, some white, a little red, and there could be a tiny bit purple. Specifically dark red and dark purple." I tell her as she goes on her phone. 

"Whose your new friend?" A boy in a beanie walks up to the table.

"My new roommate, Valentine." Yoko tells him. 

"Like the holiday. I'm Ajax by the way." He takes a seat. 

"Hello, and yes like the holiday but because of the dark origins." I tell him. 

"You almost killed two people at your last school!" Enid gasps looking at me. 

"The articles are misleading and missing information. They say I was a jealous crazy ex. That's not true and I didn't try choking her to death nor did I drop a brick on his head." I huff making them look at me.

"What did you do?" Ajax asks. 

"Not what they said I did. Now, excuse me. I'm going to my dorm to get things ready for my therapy session tomorrow." I get up leaving the table. 

So far Nevermore didn't seem that bad from what I've seen and taken in. As I was walking a picture caught my attention and I see my mother in the fencing group photo. "I swear you were born with that hair." I shake my head at the photo. 

"Valentine Addams." A boy stands next to me looking at the photo with me. 

"Let me guess, Enid already put me on her blog? She forgot the second D in Addams?" I turn to face him and he looked familiar as he smiles.

"She did. Both. I'm Xavier, Xavier Thorpe." He tells me his name and it rings a bell. 

"That's why you look familiar. My sister saved your life from being cremated with your godmother. I remember telling you that was terrible idea but you insisted."

"I'm surprised you still remember." He chuckles. 

"Why wouldn't I remember you and your intelligent idea?" I chuckle as well, "I'll probably never forget that day because of your hiding place. It brings me joy that I was right." I tell him. 

"Xavier!" A girl calls out his name making us turn to look at her. 

"Girlfriend?" I ask him. 

"Yeah, Bianca. See you around, Valentine." He leaves me so I go to my room to get settled in.

"You didn't say orange was in your color palette." Yoko walks into our room. 

"It goes with Halloween and that's my favorite day of the year." I say typing on my laptop. 

I had a typewriter, just like Wednesday, I used at time because it was a birthday gift to the both of us but I prefer my laptop. Wednesday didn't understand why I would be a slave to technology. One of a few things we didn't have in common. Like mother said we have some similarities but we are each our own person. Wednesday wasn't one for emotions, whether that be showing or caring about others feelings. Me on the other hand is the opposite most of the time. There are times where I will act cold, careless, and heartless to others. We both have sadistic tendencies with a dark personality and take turns on whose the darkest. I personally say she is since there's times where for fun she would try to kill Pugsley growing up.

"So you have to go into town tomorrow for a therapy session. Because you want to or have to?" Yoko asks me. 

"Court order but I've been going to many different therapists since I was ten because of other court orders. Normal people don't tend to agree with how I function as a person. I don't mind going to them because I like to see how long they can last before quitting." I explain to her. 

"You're very odd and out there Valentine." 

She says making me smile, "I take that as a compliment. My sister would too but would prefer it in a ruder way. She's worst than me in some departments."

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