ghoulyghoulsblog - 𝕲𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖆𝖗

Ghoular / 21 / Slytherin

917 posts

Fandom:Harry PotterPairing: Fred X OFCSummary: In Which Fred Weasley Is A Simp For His Wife.Arlets Masterlist

Fandom:Harry PotterPairing: Fred X OFCSummary: In Which Fred Weasley Is A Simp For His Wife.Arlets Masterlist

☼ Fandom: Harry Potter ☼ Pairing: Fred x OFC ☼ Summary: In which Fred Weasley is a simp for his wife. ☼ Arlet’s Masterlist ☼ Taglist: @ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon @anotherunreadblog @maaaaarveeeeel @stareyedplanet @foxesandmagic ​ If you’d like to be a part of this OC’s work/edits, let me know!

Fandom:Harry PotterPairing: Fred X OFCSummary: In Which Fred Weasley Is A Simp For His Wife.Arlets Masterlist

Fred was completely, and overwhelmingly, lucky. He knew he was. He knew from the moment that Arlet said 'yes' to being his girlfriend. She was gorgeous, had the prettiest sparkly blue eyes and the plumpest cheeks he'd ever seen. She had bangs when they met in Hogwarts, giving her an extra touch of cuteness.

Arlet arrived with her younger sister to Hogwarts in '93 and because of her late birthday, she was to start as a 5th year with her sister. She was intelligent, very intelligent. She showed everyone when Snape asked her to list the ingredients of a potion they weren't supposed to prepare until the following week. There weren't many students who could say they had bested Severus Snape (not that Arlet would ever boast about that).

Now, Arlet was shy, but her sister Aracely was the stark opposite. Aracely was an avid quidditch fan and because she tried out for the Gryffindor team, Arlet's path inevitably crossed with Fred's. He had the perfect opportunity to get to know her.

It was still a laugh between them and the rest of their friends and family that Arlet had struggled to tell Fred apart from his twin. She made the mistake many times in the beginning. But ultimately, she got the hang of their differences and then suddenly, things had changed. She sought him out and he sought her out. They gravitated towards each other no matter what. It was an unnatural ache to be away from each other. So, the only solution was to...become boyfriend and girlfriend.

And two months into their relationship, Fred was absolutely in love with her. The type of love that made it hard to breathe when she was around yet simultaneously making him feel like he was walking on clouds. It sounded ridiculous — that's what his brother told him countless times — but Fred insisted that it was an actual feeling. And as soon as it became possible after the war, he asked her to marry him. She didn't think twice about it, much less about the date. Less than a year after their engagement, they were married. And now years later, when things were more than established, there were still things that Fred was coming to find out about his wife. Every day, actually.

Arlet was known for being proper and graceful and just about everything that Fred knew he was not. But he knew a secret that nobody else knew...

"You're a right ole troublemaker like myself," he would tell Arlet in the privacy of their own room. Because every once in a while, when they were alone, she would pull a harmless little joke on him.

Fred suspected that she was getting tips and advice from George.

Arlet giggled each time her joke came to fruit. One time, she left Fred's hair stark blonde.

"Not that I don't appreciate the color, but I really don't fancy the idea about looking remotely like Malfoy," Fred told Arlet very calmly as he admired himself and his blonde strands in the mirror.

Arlet had laughed for hours that night. But in the morning, proper Arlet had returned and helped him get rid of the color and so nobody knew a thing. Nobody knew that Arlet Weasley liked dipping her toes into the prankster life too.

The closest anyone would come to finding that it was when they happened to vacation with their friends and family and on occasion her jokes would last through the morning. What drove things home was Arlet warning Fred that nobody would believe him if he said that she pranked him.

She was a little bit of an evil mastermind. Fred said it many times. He loved it. Spiced things up every once in a while.

He especially liked the adrenaline when they were traveling. Arlet's mother was from Mexico and with that came a lot of vacationing spots in the area. They visited a lot of ranches, countrysides and beaches. Arlet would take advantage of his lack of spanish and trick him into trying the spiciest things ever, or getting him into the stupidest performances when they were in hotels.

Now, Fred loved going to the beach and it wasn't just because he would get to see his darling wife in bikinis or he would get to turn her pranks into his own show. No. He loved the salty smell of the air and the passing vendors with sweet coconuts and fresh fruit and the passing muggle trinkets that always caught his eye. He loved doing all of that with his wife.

And Arlet loved it all too. She loved that her husband loved it all and shared it with her.

They started making it an annual trip, whether it was on their own or with friends and family.

When Arlet wasn't planning on secret, totally evil, pranks against Fred, they would watch the sunset on the beach. They could do anything else in the day but at sunset, they would come back to the beach, sit on the sand, and watch the orangey-red sky as the sun went down the horizon.

"You know, one day, I say we should renew our vows here," Fred said to her one year as they sat on the sand together.

Arlet's laugh was like a sweet melody to him. "Even if I make your life miserable? I have plans to turn your hair purple next week, you know."

"Funny, I had plans to turn yours a bright rainbow next week too," Fred remarked. "We'll see who gets who first but in the meantime, I was very serious."

Arlet still laughed. "You would come all this way to get married again? You're—" But she had stopped when she glanced at him and saw him holding out a ring box to her. Her sparkly blue eyes went wide with shock. "Fred, you're not — you already gave me a ring. You do remember that, right?" She even raised her hand where her wedding band rested.

Fred chuckled. "I promise you that the firework fumes have not given me amnesia. Yet. But we can always do with an upgrade, right?" The shop was doing far better than it was when he first asked Arlet to marry him. He could afford a better ring for her. "So, Arlet Weasley, would you marry me…again?"

A soft smile spread across Arlet's face. "Anywhere, anytime. But it better be with you."

Fred smirked immediately. On the day of their wedding, just a few minutes before she was supposed to marry him, George met her with the rest of her bridesmaids pretending to be him. Arlet had not been amused with their switch-up trick at all. Molly Weasley smacked both of them that day.

"You think I would let my idiot brother marry the most gorgeous woman in the world? I think not. But it did make for a funny trick, right?"

Arlet shoved a hand against his chest. He laughed as he nearly slipped back but when Arlet lunged on him and kissed him, he had all the fuel he needed to laugh through the rest of the night.

The vow renewal announcement spread like wildfire amongst their friends and family. They chose to tell them in that same vacation spot, making it a whole party out on the beach. There were cheers and applause and all the good stuff that usually came with such news. There were plenty of 'why now?' too.

Arlet would put it all on Fred to answer since he was the one who came up with the idea. It was her attempt to make him take care of all the nosey people and free herself. But of course leave it to Fred Weasley to come out with the mushiest things to say when she was being such a bad wife.

"She makes me fall in love with her even more every single day."

"I learn new things about her and I'm a sucker all over again."

"It's like voodoo or something because I swear I wake up loving her and by night time, I love her twice as much."

Fred kept catching Arlet's eye from across the party, letting him know that she was hearing every single word of his. He would wink at her each time. When he was free, Arlet approached him with two tequila shots.

"You want to party with me, Mr. Weasley?" She offered him one of the shot glasses

"Oh, I don't know, my wife might get a little mad…" Fred said, taking the shot glass.

"Mmm…" Arlet hummed and leaned up on her toes, brushing her lips over his, "We can keep it a secret…"

It wasn't always that Arlet was that bold out in public. Fred suspected that it had something to do with the tequila in her hands. She loved tequila.

"Oh honey, you're going to be in big trouble tomorrow," he mused. He wrapped his free arm around her waist.

Arlet chuckled. "I'm not that drunk yet, Fred. Just happy, that's all."

"Oh, well in that case—" Fred drowned the tequila shot and shook his head. Arlet laughed louder. "Where's the next one?"

Arlet was happy to show him, after she drank her own shot. After that, it was a frenzy of celebrations and drinking. They danced together, shared kisses here and there, and the touches as if they were a newly engaged couple. It was true what Fred said. He always loved his wife twice as more by nighttime and tonight was no exception.

He remembered being so hyped up on tequila that even as they were leaving the beach and coming back to their hotel, they were still dancing. They danced in the lobby, Arlet a full giggly mess, and all the way up to their room.

Inside, they were a tangled mess of kisses and touches. Clothes were thrown every which way. There was a series of 'I love you's' exchanged between them, moans and names yelled out. But, as drunk as they had seemed to the others, the following morning they both remembered exactly what their night had looked like.

Arlet felt her husband's strong arms wrapped around her bare body under the sheets when she woke up. Soon, she felt his soft kisses on her neck.

"Buenos dĂ­as," Fred whispered in her ear.

"Mm, nice Spanish," she mumbled, refusing to open her eyes just yet.

"Well, you made me speak in a whole new language last night," Fred remarked. He planted a kiss on her cheek.

Even though Arlet knew it was impossible, she felt her whole body heating up like it was summer. She opened her eyes and tilted her head up to meet Fred's eyes. "Hey…"

He smiled down at her. "Hi."

"We have to leave today, don't we?"

"Yes…" No sooner had Fred had answered than Arlet let out a groan. He laughed lightly. "Just remember, there's someone waiting for us back home."

With that reminder, Arlet did perk up. She was out of bed before him, and the first one to finish packing as well.

"LET'S GO!" She yelled at him excitedly when they left their room.

Fred laughed as she dragged him away. They had someone waiting for them, after all.

They couldn't possibly get to the Burrow any slower, at least that's how it felt to Arlet. Fred pointed out that they made great time on the sole fact they used the Floo network but alas, she was just too eager to see—

"Where is she?" Arlet's eyes swept over the Weasley's living room frantically. "Oh my goodness! What if they're not home? We told them we'd be back at—

They suddenly heard an excited babble coming from the kitchen and in a few seconds, the babbler herself had come wobbling into the living room — trying to run, it appeared — with two soggy cookies in her hand.

All the franticness washed from Arlet's face. Fred had started laughing when his mother came running in after the 2 year old girl yelling "'Cookies are for dessert, Siena! Give them back to grandma right now!"

Fred brought a hand over his chest. "Ah, it seems like it was just yesterday when I was doing the same thing."

Arlet threw him a look. "That's because you did that last week."

Fred grinned. "Oh, yeah! Siena!" He swept up the two year old into his arms and kissed her bright red hair. "Cookies are most definitely for breakfast!"

Molly reprimanded him on the spot. "Don't encourage her! She stole those cookies when I wasn't looking!"

"How terrible," Fred said with an overly seriousness. Of course he turned away from his mother with Siena in his arms and mumbled to her "That's my girl."

Molly welcomed them back and offered them to stay for lunch, although she warned Fred not to let Siena eat the cookies. She then headed back into the kitchen.

"How could I say no to you?" Fred tickled Siena's stomach, earning the giggles he loved hearing so much.

Siena Weasley was a spitting image of her father and that spelled future trouble…'for those who don't have a fun bone in their bodies' as stated by Fred himself. Arlet had yet to decide if she was worried as well.

"Oh, a troublemaker you'll beee…" Fred cooed at Siena. She had already offered him one of her cookies and then to her mother. "Hey Arly?"

Arlet had started gathering Siena's toys off the ground to alleviate some of the work for Molly. "Yeah?"

"I was just thinking…you're lucky I'm your baby's father."

Arlet paused, then shot her husband a deadpanning look. "Seriously?"


"And why is that?"

"Well, first of all, look at us," Fred turned so Arlet could see him and Siena together. "We're adorable."

Arlet shook her head. "You're something alright."

"And because you know that Siena will be anything but boring!"

At that, Arlet has to laugh. "That's what I'm afraid of, honestly." She walked over to the two, kissing Siena's forehead. "She's got your adventurous bug. My poor baby."

Siena leaned towards her mother and so Arlet took her into her arms. "Hi there, mi nena preciosa!" Siena responded to her mother with squeals. "Tan bonita y traviesa!"

Fred watched as Arlet continued to speak to their daughter in Spanish, a smile growing on his face. Words couldn't describe what he felt seeing his girls in their blissful bubble. He was so lucky, he knew it.

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More Posts from Ghoulyghoulsblog

1 year ago

Breeding kink - smut to fluff

Breeding Kink - Smut To Fluff

afabreader! x Katsuki Bakugo

⚠️ smut, breeding kink, dirty talk, creampie ⚠️

Katsuki doesn´t come from a big a family, so he doesn´t know where this craving for impregnate you with at least four of his kids is coming from. He woke up one day with you beside him, and saw your beautiful body sprawled on the mattress and he realized that you had awoken his most primal desires. He wanted to fuck you day and night until he got you pregnant; until he could see your belly all rounded and your breasts swelling and big from the milk that he was going to help you got out with his own mouth.

“That´s it, baby” he growled in your ear while pounding his dick in and out of your pussy “I´m gonna give you all of my cum and you´re gonna take it like the good girl you are, right?” You were so lost on the pleasure that the only thing you could do was dumbly nod.  

 “I´m gonna get you fucking pregnant. Going to give you as many kids as you want” he gulped hard when your walls pulsed around his dick “you´d like that, wouldn´t you?” you moaned. His sinful words and the way his hips moved against your own had your head spinning without a single coherent thought allowed to form.

“Yes, yes, please” you closed your eyes trying to enjoy the feeling starting to erupt in your lower belly.

“Please what?” He smirked while adjusting himself on the bed so he could lift your left ancle to his shoulder and have a better angle to that spot inside that had you curling your toes.

“Plea-please make me a mommy. I want your cum deep inside me” his breath hitched. Fucking hell, he loved when you responded to his dirty talk even with your mind all numb from the sex “Oh, fuck, I´m so close Kats, don´t stop” you said, and he inclined towards you to exchange a passionate kiss. It didn´t matter that it was all teeth and tongue because it was so fucking hot. You were fucking hot.

“Give it to me, gorgeous. Cum on my dick. Make a mess on me” He continued pounding into you so deliciously. You could feel every vein on his dick and the way it pulsed inside you wanting to explode right there.

“Cum with me, Kats. Please cum with me” you begged. A shiver went through his spine and his dick almost burst at the way your voice shook with every word.

“Fuck, I´m close too” he answered furrowing his brows, concentrating on the way your pussy sucked him in. You were so fucking wet that it slipped easily. He hissed.

“Right there. Right there” you cried out and Katsuki moved his thumb on your clit to amplify the sensations. That was all you needed to reach your peak. You moaned even harder and convulsed around his dick which made him cum at the same time. He spurted his cum in your pussy like he promised and then collapsed on top of you. You massaged his scalp, and he purred in contentment.

“I´m serious though” he murmured after giving your collarbones a light kiss.

“About what?” you asked a little confused.

“Knocking you up with my children” you giggled. He raised his head from your chest and pouted “What´s so funny idiot?”

“Aren´t we too young?”

“We´re 26”

“Exactly” you answered with a smile “Kids are a great responsibility and a very big investment.”  

“I´m hero number 5 right now, and in a few years I´ll be number 1 if fucking Deku doesn´t beat me to it, but even if I´m number 2 for the rest of my career I´m sure I can provide even a family of ten. And I´m sure you´ll get promoted sooner or later too because you´re the fucking best at what you do.” He stated.

“Ten!? Omg, didn´t you say four!?”

“Plans change” he smirked playfully. You laughed softly but wholeheartedly. Katsuki loved your laugh. He loved everything about you.

“We are not even married Kats,” you caressed his face with a smile on your face “my mother would never forgive me having a child outside marriage.”

He considered his words for a few seconds, and you tried to guess what was going on in that pretty but stubborn head of his. He then looked you in the eye and without doubt said “Let´s get married then. What are we waiting for?”

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1 year ago

mob!boss loki who smiles sweetly when he sees you at the entrance of his lair fidgeting with the paper bag of lunch you cooked for him, thinking of kissing everywhere on your face as a thank you and he makes his way to you while thinking of getting you a nice necklace

that smile fades away when one of his men "accidentally" bumps into you, the paper bag bursting and spilling all your hard work on your shirt. before the tears in your eyes can even begin to fall down your pretty face, mob!loki has the bastard on the floor, and "accidentally" stabs him in the stomach seventeen times until what was once this man's stomach is a disgusting mess of red guts on the expensive floors.

he turns to you, a little worried that you're terrified now that you've seen what a violent monster he is, but you're kneeling on the floor still picking up the remnants of your ruined food, a gloomy look on your face as you look to loki sadly. he sighs fondly, and pulls you into his arms, petting your hair while his guards clean up both messes in the hall. he whispers a promise that he isn't mad at you, and he loves you very much and is very thankful you went through all that to make him a nice meal, even if he didn't get to taste it :(( he stands up, holding you in a princess carry, asking you if you want to eat somewhere fancy or have a picnic, but you're distracted by the specks of blood on his perfect face. he did that... for you?

it kind of sparked a weird but good feeling inside you, the thought that he had murdered someone without a moment's hesitation but treated you as if you were made of glass. you've never felt this cherished and you swear you're a good girl (and loki tells you that you are) but you can't help but be a little aroused by his obsession. what if someone flirted with you in front of loki? would he tie the bastard up and force him to watch your pretty cunt get ruined by your husband? would that be the last thing this unfortunate soul sees before loki slits his throat? and would he come back to you and kiss you sweetly, initiating another round of passion with you with another man's blood on his hands?

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1 year ago

Wednesday Masterlist

Wednesday Masterlist

❃Valentine Addams

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Summary: Valentine Addams share some characteristics as her sister Wednesday but she was more accepting to some things. When she gets sent to Nevermore earlier than her sister, she starts to realize she's finally found a place that feels like a second home and family with new friends… but of course not everything can go smoothly.

A/N: Sarah Jeffery is how I'm basing Valentine to look since her and Jenna Ortega sorta look alike-ish and my character is Wednesday's sister)

{ One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen | Sixteen | Seventeen | Eighteen | Nineteen | Twenty | Twenty One | Twenty Two | Twenty Three | Twenty Four | Twenty Five | Twenty Six }

1 year ago



Pairing: Husband!Henry x Pregnant!Reader

summary: fans on social media are absolutely in love with Henry and Y/n's relationship, and can’t ignore the fact that the woman is stunningly glowing !Fluff!

- Requests are open!

Likes, Comments and Re-blogs are appreciated♥️

Henry Cavill Masterlist💫

Full Masterlist ✨

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We’re Building our baby’s Crib‼️

Uploaded: 10 minutes ago


@/tokyodrifter129: Ok but who knew watching a man building a crib could be such a turn on?!

> @/Y/nCavill: Babe I was thinkin the exact same thing 😭 it’s like porn for me now



@/lizziedwire: Y/n is so cute with her baby bump🥺 The way her hand is just constantly touching on it and the way she smiles at her tummy just makes me wanna cry my eyes out. She’s so precious

> @/marvelledsire: let’s talk about her pregnancy glow though?? Like don’t get me wrong the woman was already stunning before, but even i’m findin her irresistible to look at

@/livingonntheflatearth: Did anyone notice in the video when Henry was reading the instruction manual to the crib, and his other hand was just rubbing Y/n's stomach mindlessly. I just know he positioned her rocking chair right there for that exact reason. But also I can’t blame her if she just wanted to watch him up close 🤪


@/Cavillsfangirl00: Their nursery is so cutely decorated, all the pastel stuffies and toys on the shelves; DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE SUPERHERO BABY BOOKS THEY HAVE. I’m volunteering to be reincarnated as their baby

> @/leavemealonepls: Watching Henry in a vest top and shorts trying to build a crib, is something we didn’t know we needed. Thank you Y/n for posting this😭😭


@/Tacosandcheese: Henry leaning his head up like a kid to ask Y/n for a kiss as a reward gets me all giggly every time. Who knew a man needed a kiss after every hammer hit☠️

> @/clarkentwho: Y/n looks so done with him every time he put his head up for that😭 but did you see how she always ended up smiling into their kiss?! I’m sleeping on the highway tonight for real


@/369girlswannadrink: My favourite part of this video has to be when Henry accidentally dropped a bit of wood too loud and instantly turned around to Y/n, scared that he had “woken the weep chap”

> @/presidentofyourheart: Mine was when he finished the crib and him and Y/n started placing the mattress in it, you could see them both tearing up when they were hugging that dog stuffed toy they had😩

>> @/Saneiofanhere: How about when Y/n was sat eating baby sausages and every few seconds Henry would open his mouth and she’d try to aim one into it, then at one point she just got grouchy cause she ran out and he went and got her more. Sausage queen


@/noobmasterer: Y/n is absolutely stunning in her maternity dress, i’m actually in awe, what a goddess

> @/henrycavill: yeah imagine how I feel waking up to her everyday


@/beyoncesbackupdancer: Yall remember when they just revealed their pregnancy, AND HENRY CHANGED ALL HIS BIOS TO SAY “Future dad” This man is so extra i love it

> @/jellybaby: Can we blame him though? Mans has waited ages for a woman like her and waited even more for his own family. He deserves it sm!!


@/Iminlove: I nearly cried when the baby kicked Y/n’s stomach in the video and Henry dropped everything to go to her side to soothe the baby, with gentle kisses and cuddles😭😭


@/princesspopper: No lie I saw them buying the crib in ikea, and Henry was complaining wondering why the baby couldn’t sleep with them☠️☠️ Y/n had to hit him up the head and remind him that he can’t squish the poor thing

> @/princesspopper: THEN Y/n hugged him but she couldn’t cause of her stomach so he went around and hugged her from behind. I’m jealous can you tell


@/britishenthusiast: Omg the plaster cast of Y/n's bump in the background is so fricking cute, I heard that Henry did it himself at home.


@/bringitonsatan: I hate how there’s still fans hating on this beautiful family, CANT YOU SEE THEYRE LITERAL PERFECTION

> @/emmalovescake: omg yeah i know right, you can clearly see how much love they have for each other just by their eyes, I can’t imagine what they’re going to be like when their baby is here


@/cheesytoes: Ok but Y/n ogling Henry while he’s building the crib is a mood, Henry ogling Y/n while she’s sorting out the toys is also a mood. I’m in love with them both


@/Y/ncavillstan1: I can’t wait for vids of Y/n with their baby and singing them to sleep😭 I need to see it.



@/Y/nCavill: @/HenryCavill you purposely put the bar of this crib too high, I can’t get out of it

> @/Henrycavill: I told you not to get in it pet, luckily it’s big enough for a feckn bear

>> @/Y/nCavill: Please baby i’m gonna piss myself, I just wanted to check if it was comfortable enough for our baby boo 🥺

>>> @/HenryCavill: Alright babs i’m coming up now

>>>> @/supermanreds: stop it. The cuteness is too much.


Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @thereisa8ella @pandaxnienke @kimhtoo17 @beck07990 @vrittivsanghavi @dumb-fawkin-bitch @madebylilly

1 year ago

Sugar Sweet Thong

Sugar Sweet Thong

pairing: Lumberjack!Henry Cavill x Wife!Reader

warning: After Y/n gets a new thong, away up in his cabin where no one can touch her but him, her wild man of a husband can’t keep his hands off her (Major Dom Henry)

Disclaimer: This story is fiction and should not be taken literally, the behaviour is simply imaginative and the content may be inappropriate

requests are open/likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated♥️

Henry Masterlist, Full Masterlist, Taglist Form


“Baby, how did your little gift exchange thing go today? n’ what’s behind your beautiful body?”Henry asked watching his girl creep in through the front door, a clearly visible Victoria Secret bag in her hands. “It went well” She said shortly, her act falling once Henry patted his knees, beckoning her to sit on his beefy thighs; a strong arm curling around her waist. “Well what’d ya get sugar? C’mon n’ let me see, even brought more firewood in so we can snuggle in close tonight”

He growled nuzzling his nose against her cheek, his lips pressing a sloppy kiss onto her jaw. “We actually did something a little different this year, w-we did a thong exchange, so we all-“

“So you all bought each other thongs huh? Go on baby, show me your pretty new lace on for me to play with” Henry leant back in the arm chair, Y/n easily cuddling back with him, instantly missing his body heat. Henry’s arm around her waist softly stroked her stomach, his fingers teasing the rim of her underwear

“But that’s embarrassing! I can just hold it up for youu” Y/n whined shoving her face in his neck, the smell of pinewood and cologne filling her nose, his chequered over-shirt unbuttoned to reveal a tight white shirt.

A year ago Henry took a trip to the closest town for new tools, his eyes immediately caught onto the sweet little thing working in her grandparent’s candy shop. Dressed in a lavender dress she always greeted him with a smile, clinging onto his burly arms every time they walked about town, gaining a few stares as people thought ‘How could such a grumpy thing get that light?’

Of course once Henry convinced her to elope, it only made sense that she moved out with him to his isolated luxurious cabin out on the slopes. Their wedding consisted of just her family, Henry’s being nowhere in site but that didn’t bother any of them, frankly Y/n’s parents were just glad she was finally married despite her still being in her early 20s; for a man in his 30s like Henry to want their daughter’s hand in marriage, that was a gift.

“You’re my wife, if anythin the lace is the frame for my pretty picture. Now go get the damn thong on” Henry said more dominantly slapping Y/n’s ass causing her to squeal and giggle to their shared bedroom.

Pulling the thong up her thighs, Y/n couldn’t help but feel confident at the sight of the new lace on her body, when her friend’s words came back to her. “Come on Y/n, think of it as a present for both you and your grumpy ol’ man” Lucy giggled handing Y/n the bag.

Putting on one of Henry’s plaid shirts over her, she walked back out to the armchair in front of the log fire, wearing nothing underneath but her new thong. “Well?” Henry asked taking another swig of beer, throwing his cap onto the floor.

Y/n shyly pulled up the shirt revealing it to her husband, causing him to sit up and lean forward, his nose hitting her mound. “Sugar, you decorated my flower with another pretty flower, how thoughtful of you” He said looking up at her before taking his tongue and striping a lick up her thinly covered pussy.

“W-what are you doing Hen?” Y/n asked threading her fingers through his messy curls, his, “Kissing my pretty pussy” Henry growled placing kisses all over, finally setting one on her clit, causing his woman to slightly jolt in his hold. Henry leant back, unbuckling the belt she had recently gotten him for Christmas, his jeans falling to just his knees.

“Sit on my lap baby, get comfortable with your man, tell me about your day, wan’ hear all about it” Nodding Y/n sat back on his lap, the only thing between her pussy and his thick cock, being her lace thong. He wrapped one arm around her waist, the other starting to slowly rub her clit through the lace as she talked.

“W-we went to starbucks, oh fuck, and- and then”

“Language baby” Henry growled slapping her pussy out of nowhere, before going back to slowly playing with her nub, his other arm making sure she doesn’t wiggle away from him.

“T-then we went back to Grace’s and we did the thong- thong exchange” Y/n gasped feeling Henry’s cock slide between her thighs, his red head bumping her clit every single time, just like he wanted. “That’s it baby, keep talking to me” Henry urged, his fingers going into his mouth and going back onto her clit, his other hand groping onto her right breast as she clawed onto his arms.

“Can’t do it, feels too good bear” Y/n breathed out leaning her head back onto his shoulder, his lips instantly landing onto her cheek, her head turning to give him a small kiss on the lips. “Got you all dumbed up on my cock, right honey? Can’t think when i’m all up on you, you drive me crazy” He growled fixing her up tighter against him, both his hands now going to her waist for his next move.

“Can’t imagine what woulda happened if I didn’t marry ya and bring you up here with me, you ever going to keep my pussy away from me?” Henry taunted pushing her body up and down, his cock sliding up and down her pussy lips which were now visible with the soaked lace.

“N-no. is’ your pussy baby, can have it whenever you want” Y/n moaned, her eyes going to the back of her head, knowing damn well that his words were enough to make her cum then and there. “Want you inside me Hen”

“Nuh-uh honey, maybe tomorrow, m’tired tonight. You understand right? Was busy working for us day n’ night” Henry said smirking knowing damn well his bank accounts were big enough to supply them another 10 lifetimes, but his baby didn’t need to know that, and she wouldn’t.

“Y-you’re right Hen, m’sorry, love you so much” Y/n whimpered feeling tears prick her eyes, her head turning coaxing out Henry’s tongue with her own, their rapid movements causing their kiss to turn wet and messy real quick. Filthy just like they both liked it. “I love you too baby. I’m going to cum on top of your pussy, that okay sugar?” He asked in her ear, her voice now rasped and broken as she screamed for him to do so. His cock painting the lilac lace white with his cum, Y/n’s eyes starting to lid close from exhaustion

“Can I at least keep this pair?” Y/n shuddered feeling her husband peel the sticky fabric down her thighs, watching as he threw it to somewhere in the living room, her eyes basically love hearts as she watched him attend to her. Kissing her nose, giving her a massive drink of water, bringing her back onto his lap this time with a soft blanket.

“You know the rules sugar, no underwear indoors” Henry whispered watching their log fire, his arms clasped around her waist as she resumed her story of her day, her nails softly playing with the wedding bands on their fingers. “Then I saw Stephanie’s new baby, n’ I was thinking can we have one?”

Henry woke up from his daydream to see Y/n looking up at him cutely, a sweet sugar like smile on her face, “Course baby, i’ll give you anything you want”


Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @stormcloudss @keiva1000 @spencerreidat4am @diyabhanushali1 @angelmather1 @hp-hogwartsexpress @lastwandastan @fdl305 @alexxavicry @bookfrog242 @alina02 @aerangi @i-beg-your-pardon-laufeyson @sparklemarysunshine @oliviah-25 @mischiefsemimanaged @nikkitc0703 @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @girl-of-multi-fandoms @mansaaay @princess-paramour @uwiuwi @marvelgurl @mysticfalls01 @kebabgirl67 @athena-roy @tinyelfperson @madebylilly @dumb-fawkin-bitch @vrittivsanghavi @beck07990 @kimhtoo17 @thereisa8ella @pandaxnienke