Katsuki Bakugo Mha - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Of Monsters and Men | Bakugo Katsuki x OC

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven |

Tags/Warnings ~ Fem!OC, angst, hurt/comfort, eventual fluff, enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn, potentially triggering content, universe-typical violence, Enji Todoroki (yes, that is a warning, he's trash), character death, suicidal ideation, (more tags to be added as story develops <3)

Note ~ Here's the second chapter, Lovelies! Hope yall enjoy the read, and let me know if there are any tags I should add! <3

Of Monsters And Men | Bakugo Katsuki X OC

Enji Todoroki has always been a focused and serious person, someone who always did what needed to be done. He may have hated being bossed around and being at the bottom of the food chain, but his drive for power and need to be at the top are what got him where he is today. The day he became a Marshal was the day he truly began to look down on those he thought were far beneath him.

It hadn’t been very long after the day he ranked Marshal when the first Kaiju had pulled itself from the depths of the ocean and showed no mercy to the people of the cities it destroyed.

In all of his years, he hadn’t given the preposterous idea of aliens a single thought. There wasn’t any evidence to back up the claims of various wack-jobs around the world. Astronomers had proven time and time again that space was just cold and empty. Had Enji given even half a thought on the topic of aliens he certainly wouldn’t have ever suspected that they would emerge from the ocean.

It didn’t take very many attacks on major coastal cities around the world for nations to band together and try to come up with a solution to fight back. With the production of Jaegers came the preparation of pilots. Most of those who were volun-told to be pilots went through their training terrified. Enji, though, remained calm and level-headed through it all.

The day he stepped into a Jaeger and completed his first Drift seamlessly, Enji felt a new kind of power wash over him. He felt truly invincible like he could take anything on headfirst. And with this new feeling of power came a cockiness that he had trouble hiding behind a mask of stoicism.

Enji and his co-pilot, Toshinori Yagi, had made a powerful team. They hadn’t gotten along very well outside of the drift, mostly on Enji’s part, but they kicked Kaiju ass, nevertheless. They held the record for most Kaiju kills in Japan for two years. They were unstoppable.. until Okinawa.

It was 2200 and the two had just gotten back to their bunk when the alert sounded. Despite being as tired as they were, the two had suited up and rushed to their Jaeger, Mighty Endeavor. They had loaded up, Drifted, and made sure that everything was calibrated. Then they were flown off to Okinawa.

It was supposed to be an easy take-down and another kill for Mighty Endeavor and its pilots. The Kaiju, code-named Speartail, was a fairly small Category 3. Enji had worn a cocky smile the whole flight to Okinawa as adrenaline had coursed through his veins. Being in the red-haired man’s brain, Toshinori had just rolled his eyes with a good-natured smile.

The kill was supposed to be easy. They were supposed to have won.

Instead, what had happened was they were dropped into the water just off of the coastline and were immediately met by Speartail. The Kaiju, in all of its seemingly mindless brutality, relentlessly attacked the Jaeger. It moved quicker than anticipated, gliding through the water more smoothly than Mighty Endeavor. Enji and Toshinori had lost sight of the damn creature at one point, the both of them having to rely on Loccent to tell them where to look.

Unfortunately, in the few seconds that Enji had spent screaming at Loccent, Speartail had found its opportunity to launch itself at the Jaeger. Mighty Endeavor was hit hard, and Enji and Toshinori struggled to regain balance. Neither of them had seen the long tail of the creature coming toward the face of their Jaeger until the sharp, pointed end of it was speared through Toshinori’s chest.

A cross between a roar and a scream had been torn from Enji’s throat when he was struck with the phantom pain. The tail retreated as quickly as it came, leaving a gaping hole in the middle of Toshinori’s body. Blazing red and molten hot rage filled Enji and fueled him to not only pilot on his own but also kill the Kaiju. All the while, Toshinori’s lifeless body swung around limply from the piloting harness that it was stuck to.

Getting back to the Shatterdome that day had not been the success-filled occasion that it should have been. Instead, Enji was numb and his body had felt cold. It wasn’t until he saw the tear-soaked faces of Inko and Izuku that the reality of what had happened hit him.


Enji became cold and closed off, even more stoic, after that day. He hadn’t even congratulated or shown an ounce of pride when Toya became a full-fledged Ranger and pilot. On the day of Toya’s Drift-compatibility test, Enji silently brought his son to a private training room and tested to see if they were Drift-compatible.

Once Enji had confirmed that he and his son were, in fact, Drift-compatible, he asked to be sent a new, more up-to-date, Jaeger. Bravo Inferno had arrived quickly equipped with the latest technologies, smoother and quicker movement capabilities, and better weapons than what Mighty Endeavor had. The men’s first drift and test run of the new Jaeger went without a single hitch.

Enji and Toya had been Chiba’s most effective team of co-pilots, holding the record for most kills out of all of the teams stationed at the Shatterdome. While he took the job seriously in front of his father, Toya’s ability to be humble only ever went that far. Outside of his father’s intimidating presence, Toya was overly confident and cocky as hell. The only people who could stand him, the only people he wasn’t cocky around, were his mother and siblings.

He would genuinely smile and laugh when teasing and playing with his brothers and sisters. He would cry in his mother’s arms whenever he came back from an especially rough deployment. Behind the closed door of their family bunker, he could just be himself instead of the Toya that had to deflect the judgment and harsh words of his peers by being insufferably cocky and easy-going. He laughed boisterously at the comments flung at him even though all he wanted to scream was that he didn’t even ask to be the Marshal’s, his father’s, co-pilot. He never did understand why people couldn’t see that Enji always treated Toya like he was just another Ranger to boss around like the rest of them. That is the number one thing that Enji would come to regret every day after the day that Toya died.

The alert for the deployment that day had woken both Enji and Toya from their slumber. The AI’s voice told them that Bravo Inferno was being deployed to take down a Kaiju entering the shallows a few miles down the coastline from the Shatterdome. The Kaiju, code-named Kurassha, was labeled a Category 3, a level of Kaiju that they had fought and won against many times by that point.

They suited up, locked themselves into their harnesses, dropped and Drifted, then they were off. The whole flight to the Kaiju, while short, was full of Enji trying to ignore the fact that he could see his old self in his feral-eyed and manically grinning son. Instead of joining in on Toya’s hype, Enji simply told his son to “take the situation seriously” and to “stay focused” in his ever-commanding, anger-bitten, militant tone. He wasn’t in any mood to deal with Toya’s energy, not to mention, Enji was still pissed that Toya had been late getting to the Bay to suit up.

Their Jaeger was dropped into the water within the general vicinity of where Loccent had tracked the Kaiju. It hadn’t taken much looking around before Kurassha had decided to show itself. The massive creature had simply chosen to slowly rise out of the water about 40 feet away from where Bravo Inferno stood ready for battle.

Enji hadn’t been as phased by the appearance of the Kaiju as Toya had, his son’s fear flooding his mind and covering his own. Even if Enji hadn’t been sharing a brain space with his son, one could tell from the look on Toya’s face that he was terrified. Enji had swallowed his own fear, gritted his teeth, and demanded that Toya get it together and get ready to fight.

The decision to rush Kurassha was made at the same time the huge beast began rushing them. The brutal collision of beast and metal seemed to have shaken the earth beneath their feet, waves ripping through the water around them. Bravo Inferno’s metal fists landed punch after punch to the Kaiju, the impacts not seeming to do much to stop its assault on the Jaeger.

One of the Kaiju’s hands, which had been far larger than it should have been in proportion to its body, had come up and immediately grabbed Bravo Inferno’s right arm. Neither Toya nor Enji could keep their roars of pain in as the monster in front of them started crushing Bravo Inferno’s arm in its grip. It wasn’t until minutes of pain later that the Kaiju just ripped the newly crushed arm off of the Jaeger.

Panting and gritting his teeth, Enji had ignored Toya’s pleas to tell Loccent to send back up. He shouted at Toya to shut up and focus back on fighting, wholly believing that they could still finish and win the fight. He pressed a series of buttons and activated one of Bravo Inferno’s weapons as he attempted to block Toya’s thoughts from his mind.

Before Bravo Inferno’s remaining arm could fully transform into the weapon Enji had selected, the Jaeger was being picked up. Kurassha’s massive hands fully wrapped around Bravo Inferno’s middle, crushing the metal and digging its claws into the Jaeger’s spine. Shouts of pain erupted from both Enji and Toya, once more, their suits shocking them with violent pulses of electricity.

Suddenly, they were spinning, the monster that had a hold of them gearing up to launch them. After a couple of spins, Kurassha let go sending Bravo Inferno flying toward the jagged rocks of the shoreline. The loud ear-piercing sound of stone puncturing metal echoed throughout the surrounding area along with the roar tearing from the Kaiju as it bounded after the Jaeger.

Both men were dazed, Toya shaking with fear, as they tried to get back up from their harsh landing, but the machine that they were linked to seemed stuck. Enji was silent, trying to figure out their next move, as Toya shouted into the Comms for Loccent to send out backup. Loccent had been in the middle of informing them that backup was on the way when the Kaiju pounced on them. The action caused the sharp rock that was already embedded in the back of Bravo Inferno to pierce through further, the sharp tip protruding from the Jaeger’s chest.

Kurassha made quick work of crushing and ripping off the Jaeger’s left arm. As the Kaiju continued with its brutal and aggressive assault, Enji did something he had never done before; he froze. To him, everything was happening in slow motion. Sounds were muffled, his body jostled in the harness as the Kaiju tore the Jaeger apart from the outside of the Conn-Pod. He hadn’t even registered Toya screaming at him until he saw the cracking of the glass panel in front of him.

It was then that sound came crashing into his eardrums and he was forced back into reality. Multiple alarms were blaring, Loccent was cutting in and out, metal groaning and crumpling, and the gut-wrenching sound of Toya crying. A frantic look around the Conn-Pod told Enji that the monster outside had a massive hand wrapped around the head of Bravo Inferno and was slowly crushing it.

Even though he knew the risk, Enji manually released himself from his harness and immediately went to prepare the escape pods. Somehow, it was still possible for them to eject and that was the one and only time that Enji thanked whatever God may be out there. He turned toward Toya, shouting for him to get out of the harness and get to a pod, and saw his son struggling.

Toya’s manual release wasn’t working no matter what he did.

Enji felt his stomach sink and he rushed over to try to help his son, but when neither of them could get the harness to release and the Conn-Pod was closing in more and more by the second, Toya stopped his movements. Enji was filled with panic and exasperation and was about to yell at Toya to keep trying but stopped when he met his son’s eyes. Toya’s face, while calm, was solemn and his eyes were filled with deep sadness and defeat. Enji was pulled into a hug that he didn’t reciprocate because his mind was still in shock over the realization he just made.

“You better take care of them, Dad. They’re your family, not soldiers. I love you, Old Man.”

Those were Toya’s final words before shoving Enji away from him and shouting for him to get into the escape pod and leave. Enji’s entire being was numb in a way that he had never felt before, not even when Toshinori was killed. As if on autopilot, he had climbed into an escape pod, pressed everything that he needed to then was ejected from the head of Bravo Inferno seconds before it was finally crushed with his son still inside.

He flew through the air waiting for the escape pod to crash land somewhere when a new kind of pain shot through his numbed body. It wasn’t like the phantom pain one could feel through a Drift and it was far worse than any physical pain he had ever felt. It was the kind of pain you only feel when you lose someone you love.

That was the day Enji Todoroki started regretting treating his son and the rest of his children like they were soldiers.

That was the day Enji Todoroki started feeling disappointed in who he was as a person.

That was the only day that Enji Todoroki had ever wished that he had never chosen to make being in the military a lifetime career.


“Marshal Todoroki.” Aizawa’s firm voice knocks reality back into Enji’s mind and he blinks a few times at the tablet in front of him before looking up to his second-in-command with a question brow raised.

“You were.. overthinking the pairings, again.” Aizawa subtly excuses Enji’s wandering mind though his tone is tired and he lets out a sigh.

“Right.. My apologies, Shota. Where were we?” Enji asks, falling back into his serious and stoic mask.

“We were just re-evaluating the co-pilot pairings for the six that tested first earlier today. I just want to be sure that you are certain about who we’ve selected to be co-pilots,” Aizawa says, casting an unsure glance between the tablet in his hands and Enji.

“You have doubts about the pairings?” Enji questions with a tick of annoyance on his face.

“Only about one of them. Rangers Hado and Kendo will work well together, I believe. Rangers Kirishima and Tetsutetsu are practically twins, so they’ll Drift just fine. It’s Rangers Bakugo and To-” Aizawa begins to explain, ready to give his reasoning as to why the last pair wouldn’t mesh well when he’s cut off.

“They’ll work just fine together, Shota. If not at first, then they’ll learn to make it work.” Enji states, his tone definitive, and Aizawa lets out another sigh as he rubs his forehead.

“Okay then.. That’s all of the pairings, then. What time do you want to commence first Drift trials?” Aizawa asks tiredly.

“Set the mass alarms for 0500. We’ll let the Rangers eat breakfast before announcing their co-pilots and Jaeger assignments. We’ll have them all report to Bay 3, I’ve already had the groups’ Jaegers moved there.” Enji says as he scrolls through the pairings on his tablet one last time before closing tabs and signing out of it.

“Alright Enji, alarms are set,” Aizawa announces before closing the tabs on his own tablet and signing out of it.

“See you at 0530. Goodnight.” Aizawa says while standing, bowing slightly before leaving Enji’s office.

Enji mumbles out a “goodnight” as the door closes behind Aizawa, then releases a long sigh as he leans back in his chair. He checks the time on his watch, seeing that it’s already a bit late. He wonders if Rei has eaten already or if she waited for him. She doesn’t wait up for him as much anymore, usually choosing to grab him something from the Mess Hall and keeping it in their family bunker. But she does sit and talk with him while he eats and that’s more than he could ask for after everything they’ve been through over the years.

Especially when she’s the only one in their family that doesn’t blame him for Toya’s death.

Of Monsters And Men | Bakugo Katsuki X OC

Note ~ Let me know how you're feelin' about the story so far! Also, I know that I said that Enji is trash, and HE IS, but every other chapter/part or so will be written from his focus. I am still having a bit of trouble grasping onto Third POV stories as I mostly write in First or Second POV. So if the overall story or POV are a bit choppy, thats why haha! Anyway, I love and appreciate you all!! <3 <3

Taglist ~ @tomiokasecretlover

Tags :
10 months ago

Of Monsters and Men | Bakugo Katsuki x OC

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven |

Tags/Warnings ~ Fem!OC, angst, hurt/comfort, eventual fluff, enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn, potentially triggering content, universe-typical violence, Enji Todoroki (yes, that is a warning, he's trash), character death, suicidal ideation, (more tags to be added as story develops <3)

Note ~ Hey, Lovelies! Here's chapter three and four will be up right after I post this one! My husband and I will be going out of town for a bit, so yall get a double-update treat! Enjoy, Lovelies! <3

Of Monsters And Men | Bakugo Katsuki X OC

“Toya, are you sure it’s okay for us to be doing this..? Dad will kill us if he finds us out here without him or Mom..” Natsuo quietly asks, his body language screaming how nervous he is as they all walk along.

Toya lets out an annoyed huff, waving a dismissive hand in the air, “If you’re going to be such a scared little baby, then you can go back to the house.” He says without turning around to face his younger brother.

“We’ll be fine, Nats. We’ll only be down at the beach for a bit; play in some waves, make sandcastles, admire the stars or whatever, then we’ll head back.” Azusa tells Natsuo, reassuringly wrapping an arm over his shoulders.

“Yeah, Nats! C’mon, this is going to be so fun! It’s a full moon tonight, so we have plenty of light to play wave tag in!” Fuyumi exclaims with a wide smile as she skips across the sand.

With another huff, this time one of slight guilt for being snappish, Toya turns around to face his three siblings, “Exactly what they said, Squirt. Look, I just want to make the most of this vacation. You know that Dad doesn’t get a lot of leave days, so who knows when we’ll be back and dammit a night swim at the beach is something everyone should experience! Even you brats!” He lightheartedly jabs with a playful smile as he continues to walk backward on the beach.


“-m not a brat-”


Azusa, Natsuo, and Fuyumi all playfully whine out with giggles and smiles on their faces as they all charge their older brother. A game of tag ensues; laughs echo in the air, sand and water being flung at one another, and pure joy exudes from each of the Todoroki siblings.

A yelp escapes Azusa’s mouth when she feels Toya squish a fat handful of sand into the top of her head, ensuring that grains of sand bury themselves in her hair.

“Oh my god, Toya! You are so dea-”


“Attention Rangers, report to the Mess Hall for breakfast, then report to Bay 3 at 0600 immediately following breakfast for your co-pilot and Jaeger assignments. Attention Rangers, report-”

Azusa groans at the AI voice grating at her ears and she blindly reaches a hand out to shut off the alarm and the accompanying repetitive message. As she pulls herself from her bed, she tries to cling to the faint feeling of happiness she gained from the memory she relived in her sleep. She makes her way to her dresser, pausing before opening up the sock drawer to pick up a photo of her late brother.

“Today is the day I officially become a pilot, Toya.. I’ll even get to pilot your old Jaeger. D-don’t worry, Toya, I’ll m-make sure t-to take care of her f-for you.” Azusa whispers to the photo, barely getting her promise out past the painful lump in her throat. She gently sets the photo back down on the dresser and takes a few deep breaths then proceeds to get ready for the day.

Once dressed and as mentally ready as she can be, Azusa leaves her room and heads for the Mess Hall. Fuyumi never showed up to accompany her, which happens from time to time especially when Rangers are woken up earlier than usual. A small and quiet voice whispers how much it wants to be in bed still in the back of Azusa’s mind as the elevator descends. She lets out a tired sigh as she steps off of the elevator when it stops but quickly rights herself out as she enters the Mess Hall.

Azusa heads for the food line when she’s roughly shoulder-checked by somebody quickly moving past her. “Watch it,” she hisses out just before she registers the tall, broad, and blonde-haired being cutting in front of her. Sticking up his middle finger, Bakugo turns to shoot Azusa an arrogant smirk before turning back toward the stack of trays at the start of the food line. Azusa’s jaw clenches, her blood immediately boiling, but before she can spit any venom at Bakugo, Kendo and Tetsutetsu come up to her.

“Asshole,” Kendo says harshly under her breath as she casts a glare at the back of Bakugo’s head.

“I feel sorry for whoever his co-pilot ends up being,” Tetsutetsu adds as the three of them grab their trays and join the food line.

“Hopefully whoever it is can help him pull his head out of his ass.” Azusa quips quietly, causing her two friends to snicker as all three of them watch Bakugo’s knuckles go white from how hard he grips his tray.

Breakfast goes by without any more spats, surprisingly enough to Azusa. She had to hide it in the moment but she was genuinely shocked that Bakugo hadn’t attempted to fight the trio when they were shit-talking him literally right behind his back. All she had gotten for her comment was an ugly, snarl-twisted glare shot at her before he stomped off to “his” table.

All too soon, Rangers across the entire Mess Hall began standing to clear their places and head for the Shatterdome. An air of nervousness and excitement settles amongst the collective of newly graduated Rangers as they all gather around the elevators. Azusa blankets her nerves with perpetual stoicism and forced calm. She observes that Kendo has chosen to take occasional deep breaths while Tetsutetsu finds that yammering on endlessly about random crap soothes his nerves. It’s only when the group of new Rangers are all standing at attention at the mouth of Bay 3 with Marshal Todoroki and Marshal Aizawa in front of them that a suffocating silence ensue.

Marshal Todoroki’s judgmental gaze sweeps over the group as Marshal Aizawa’s stern gaze serves as a silent reminder to take this seriously. Marshal Todoroki clears his throat, making everyone tighten up their positions.

“At ease, Rangers.” Marshal Todoroki finally says after a couple of moments of tense silence. “Before we announce the co-pilot pairings and Jaeger assignments, I wanted to remind you all that this is not a game. This is not your childhood dream nor is it your chance at 15 minutes of fame. This is war. You are Rangers now, fighting for the sake of saving humanity.” Marshal Todoroki firmly states, his tone deadly serious.

“This is reality and in this reality, in this war, you are all putting your lives on the line. You may die. Your co-pilots may die. Your friends may die. But with those facts of this hellish reality looming over our heads, I thank you for your service and hope that you all live to see the day we win this war.” Marshal Todoroki ends his speech, both he and Marshal Aizawa straightening up and saluting.

The group of Rangers, collectively torn between shitting their pants from fear and keeping their cool, straightens up and salutes back. Azusa, while fully grasping the seriousness of the situation, inwardly cringes a bit at the lack of encouragement from her father. ‘Did I really expect him to be any sort of encouraging, though?’ She ponders bitterly as she and the rest of the group relax their positions.

“Onto announcing the co-pilot pairings and Jaeger assignments,” Marshal Aizawa says, drawing every pair of anticipation-filled eyes on him.

As Marshal Aizawa read off the names of pairs of co-pilots and their assigned Jaegers, Azusa’s stomach began to churn a bit. As much as she tried to will away the feelings of nervousness and slight dread, the roiling feeling refused to go. Occasionally her eyes connected with those of her father’s, making matching his steely and stoic gaze the only easy thing about this whole event.

“Rangers Kirishima and Tetsutetsu, you both will be the pilots of the Jaeger; Steel Riot.” Marshal Aizawa announces, then sends a sharp glare at the two as they move to high-five and cheer, stopping them in their tracks.

“Rangers Hado and Kendo, you both will be piloting the Jaeger; Battle Fist.” Marshal Aizawa continues, letting the smiles the girls shoot each other slide despite the air of professionalism.

“Rangers Bakugo and Todoroki, both of you will be piloting the Jaeger; Bravo Inferno.” Marshal Aizawa says, casting a slightly wary glance between Azusa and Bakugo.

As soon as she had heard Bakugo’s name in the same sentence as hers, every single other word out of the man’s mouth became muffled by static. Her stomach now burns with a nasty mix of anger, dread, and loathing. She hears a curse-filled outburst that undoubtedly comes from Bakugo, but she is too focused on glaring at her father to acknowledge the brash blonde.

Marshal Todoroki pointedly avoids meeting Azusa’s eyes, his stoic gaze shifting over the other Rangers. Azusa clenches her jaw, her teeth grinding together as she continues to glare, half registering the stern words from Marshal Aizawa’s reprimand toward Bakugo. She can’t understand why her father or Marshal Aizawa thought that pairing her with Bakugo would be a good idea.

‘There is absolutely no way we will be able to work together, let alone Drift smoothly! This doesn’t make any fucking sense! He’s a stubborn asshole who will get us both killed if we’re even able to Drift successfully! Son of a fucking bitch-’ Azusa seethes as she half listens to Marshal Aizawa continue with assignments. Eventually, the assignment announcements come to an end and the group of Rangers are being led to Loccent’s command center while the first Jaeger and its pilots are being prepped for their first test run.

Azusa and the other newly graduated Rangers watch as team after team take their turns with their Jaegers, going through their first Drifts. Her peers cheer and congratulate each other with every successful display. Azusa offers her own words of praise when Tetsu and Kendo come back from each of their own successful Drift sequences with their co-pilots. Finally, the moment that she has been dreading comes when Marshal Aizawa tells her and Bakugo to go suit up.

The tense and rage-filled air between Azusa and Bakugo could be cut with a knife as the two don’t utter a word, let alone spare a glance at each other while techs help them suit up. The two enter the Conn-Pod of Bravo Inferno, Bakugo stomping his way over to the right-side pilot harness without even asking what side Azusa would prefer. As much as she would have preferred piloting from the right, she lets it go with an annoyed roll of her eyes.

Mechanisms lock Azusa into place when she steps into the foot-holds and places her back against the harness. The soft hissing and clicks coming from her right tell her that Bakugo hasn’t decided to leave the Conn-Pod in an anger-filled rage. Azusa takes a deep breath, using the cool oxygen being pumped into her helmet as an aid to shove down her growing dread.

“Alright, Rangers, let yourselves flow through the Drift. Remember Random Access Brain Impulse Triggers, or RABIT, don’t chase it and don’t fight it. Just like in your simulations, do not get stuck in the memories. Are you ready?” Marshal Aizawa’s voice coaches through the Comms, his voice firm but holding the slightest amount of hesitance.

“Whatever! Let’s just get this over with!” Bakugo snarls out, smothering her confirmation of readiness. Marshal Aizawa doesn’t even bother reprimanding him, just lets out a tired sigh before getting off of the Comms.

Azusa straightens up and tries to force the tension from her body as the AI voice speaking through the Comms counts down the seconds til neural handshake. She leans back a bit and closes her eyes, the final seconds ticking down. A gasp is ripped from her mouth and her body jerks as her consciousness is sucked into a flurry of memories, both hers and Bakugo’s.

Flashes of her childhood play before her eyes, good moments blurring together into bad. She sees herself running around and laughing as she chases her siblings. Watches as her past self cheers and gloats over beating Toya in a video game. Feels it when memories of her father angrily shouting at her and her siblings when they did something wrong or embarrassed him in some way fly by. Unaware of her body’s labored breathing, new memories flash across her mind’s eye, memories that are new to her but not to Bakugo.

Azusa watches as a younger version of the blonde marches across a playground seemingly commanding those that follow him. Another memory bleeds through and she sees an older, female version of Bakugo cleaning his younger version’s knee. The woman, his mother Azusa assumes, says something that makes Bakugo’s younger self reluctantly giggle before that memory fades into another. This time, Azusa sees a teenage Bakugo gripping tightly onto a family photo. His face is twisted into anger and anguish, tears sliding down his cheeks and his jaw clenched. Everything fades out completely and with another gasp, Azusa is dropped back into reality, feelings and thoughts that aren’t hers invading her brain.

“Right hemisphere calibrating,” the AI voice from before guides, as Azusa and Bakugo lift their right hands up in sync.

“Left hemisphere calibrating,” the AI continues, Bakugo and Azusa raising their left hands up in sync.

“Holy shit,” Bakugo breathes out over the Comms and Azusa can feel his awe as much as she can feel her own.

The pair’s thoughts fall into sync seamlessly as they move to show off a bit. Moving together fluidly the two raise their fists and bend their knees, getting themselves and the massive machine they now control into a fighting position. Feeding off of the impressed looks and cheers from onlookers, they quickly move into a different stance. Their brains and bodies following the same train of thought, they straighten up and bring one fisted hand to the palm of their opened one. Bakugo’s overwhelmingly confident and flashy ego reminds Azusa of Toya, a bit of sadness flashing through her mind when-

“Where the fuck is he?! Where is Toya?! He can’t be dead! Please, no no no-”

Flinching at the painful drop back into reality, Azusa groans and tries to make out what the voices she’s hearing are saying, “-roki and Ranger Bakugo, you are both out of alignment! Please try to re-stabilize yourselves!” Iida’s slightly panicked voice rings through Azusa’s ears.

“I-I’m sorry, I’m good now-” Azusa tries to say, but she is cut off by Marshal Aizawa getting on the Comms.

“You’re stabilizing, Todoroki, but Bakugo is still way out of it! Bring him back, now!” Marshal Aizawa commands with urgency.

“Dammit- Bakugo, listen to me! Snap out of it! It’s just a memory, you have to come back to reality!” Azusa shouts across the three-foot gap between her and Bakugo.

Unfortunately, nothing seems to be getting through to the blonde as he stands in place, stock still. His eyes have a faraway look in them, his face fearful and his hands clenched into fists at his sides. But Azusa keeps trying to get to him, closing her eyes and sinking into her mind to try to find where his went.

When she opens her eyes again it’s raining and she’s standing among the rubble remains of a building. Her gaze sweeps the area, not finding her co-pilot anywhere but instead catching on the form of his younger self. This version of Bakugo appears to be the same teenage version from the earlier memory. Once again, she looks around at all of the broken pieces of the building and pieces together that it used to be an apartment complex.

She looks back at teenage Bakugo when she hears him cough and groan as he moves to sit up from where he is lying. In the distance, she can hear helicopters and there’s a slight rumble from the ground beneath her, but all she can focus on is the boy in front of her. Teenage Bakugo stands up slowly with a dazed and pained look on his face as he grabs at his bleeding torso. More blood runs down the side of his face from his hairline and overall he doesn’t look too good.

Azusa watches as he looks around, clarity coming back to him as concern floods his features. He stumbles forward, desperately searching for something among the rubble surrounding them.

“Ma? Pops?” He calls out, his raspy and cracking voice echoing throughout the destroyed landscape. A few tears escape his eyes and he furiously wipes them away before continuing his search for his parents. A few feet away from where he had woken up, Bakugo stops cold in his tracks.

“N-no,” he brokenly whispers out, looking down at a pile of broken concrete slabs.

Azusa slowly walks up behind him, morbid curiosity getting the better of her, admittedly. A horrified gasp leaves her mouth as her stomach lurches at the sight of a hand sticking out from beneath the rubble. Slender fingers lay slightly crumpled and limp on the ground, a silver wedding band coated in dust sitting snugly on the ring finger. Acid burns at the back of Azusa’s throat when she recognizes the small ruby adorning the ring.

“No, no, no! Damn it!” Bakugo’s gut-wrenching shouting breaks Azusa’s attention away from her horrible realization.

Turning to her left, Azusa sees teenage Bakugo on his knees next to a body half-covered by rubble. Part of a re-bar sticks out of the side of the body’s chest and her nausea hits full force, once more, as Azusa walks over to Bakugo. When she reaches him, his face is buried in his hands as he sobs and his shoulders shake violently. Azusa looks down at the body before them and with a broken heart she realizes that it’s the man from the family photo from the other memory; Bakugo’s father.

Lost within the shared feelings of loss, grief, and pain, neither she nor Bakugo registers the sound of emergency personnel making their arrival. It’s only when a paramedic is crouched down in front of Bakugo do either of them briefly break from their grief. Bakugo, expressionless and silent, gets ushered to an ambulance with a dust-covered picture frame in his hands, the glass of it shattered and the whole thing is overall broken.

Teenage Bakugo passing out in the back of that ambulance is what snaps them back to reality, both of their bodies giving out on them. Alarms are blaring throughout the Conn-Pod and voices shout at them through the Comms. Looking out of the window of the Conn-Pod, Azusa watches the arms of the Jaeger slowly fall to its sides. As the glow of them fades out, she realizes that one of the weapons had been engaged during the traumatic flashback and a dulled shiver runs down her spine.

Ignoring the continued shouting from whoever is on the Comms, Azusa removes her helmet and releases herself from her harness. She rushes over to Bakugo, hands out ready to steady the man as he stumbles from his harness’s release. He rights himself, though, and shakes the look of sadness from his face to replace it with a harsh glare. He rips his helmet off as he steps away from Azusa.

“Get the fuck away from me.” He seethes out before running a hand over his face to wipe away the remaining tears. Shoving past her with little care, Bakugo storms his way out of the Conn-Pod leaving Azusa alone to deal with the torrent of emotions flooding her brain.

Of Monsters And Men | Bakugo Katsuki X OC

Note ~ Let me know if there are any tags I should add! I love and appreciate every single one of you, Lovelies! <3

Taglist ~ @tomiokasecretlover

Tags :
10 months ago

Of Monsters and Men | Bakugo Katsuki x OC

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven |

Tags/Warnings ~ Fem!OC, angst, hurt/comfort, eventual fluff, enemies to lovers, potentially triggering content, universe-typical violence, Enji Todoroki (yes, that is a warning, he's trash), character death, (more tags to be added as story develops <3)

Note ~ Loveliiiieeessss!! Let me know what you think of the story so far!! If I'm being totally open with yall this story is my passion project and I'm a bit hyper-focused on it.. but if yall have any xReader ideas/requests don't be afraid to hit that ask button! Obviously, I love writing for Katsuki, but I'm also comfortable writing for Izuku, Shota, possibly Hawks.. If you have a request just send it in and I'll let ya know if I feel I can accomplish writing something up to your expectations! Enough of my rambles, enjoy the read! <3

Of Monsters And Men | Bakugo Katsuki X OC

Enji had managed to keep up his neutral facade despite the bubble of pride that had welled up inside of him at the sight of his daughter piloting his old Jaeger. He even congratulated himself for being correct in his assumption that Azusa and Bakugo would Drift well together. Watching the two exercise perfect control over Bravo Inferno and perform little tricks was admittedly quite entertaining. That was until his bubble of pride was harshly burst by the sound of the system’s AI telling Loccent that the pilots had gone out of alignment.

He watched with masked panic as Iida and Aizawa tried to get the two pilots stabilized again. Fear and embarrassment flooded him when he watched the arms of Bravo Inferno rise, the Jaeger’s palms beginning to glow molten red. Rangers and techs hurried out of the Loccent Command Center as seasoned Rangers cleared the observation platforms just outside.

“Pull the main power line!” Enji had shouted to Aizawa before he could even think about what else to do.

Aizawa was on the task in an instant, pulling at the large cable with all of his might. Finally, with one last grunt of effort, he pulled the plug from the control panel. Enji looked out to the Jaeger, watching with hidden relief as it began powering down. That’s when the anger began settling into his bones.


“This is exactly why I wanted to pilot by myself! If she hadn’t gone out of alignment first, then none of that other shit would have happened! You’ve seen my damn sim scores, you know that I would never fuck up like that if it was just me in that Jae-”

“That’s enough, Ranger!” Enji’s sharp tone effectively cuts Bakugo off from his ranting. “You know damn well that you cannot pilot a Jaeger by yourself, no matter how good your simulation scores are-”

Bakugo exasperatedly cuts Enji off, acting like a petulant child, “You’ve done it before! You brought Mighty Endeavor back on your own-”

“Because my co-pilot died! Yes, I finished off that Kaiju and dragged my Jaeger back to the Shatterdome by myself, but I had to because my co-pilot was dead in his harness right next to me.” Enji bites out, anger twisting his features as he steps closer to Bakugo whose mouth is clamped shut with eyes averted to the floor.

“And do you know what happened after I got back from piloting that Jaeger by myself?” Enji asks half rhetorically, but he pauses and waits for an answer anyway, and Bakugo shakes his head.

“I became so sick from the radiation that I was bedridden. My body burned like I was on fire and I could barely keep conscious. For three fucking days, I was like that.” Enji grits out before he releases a tired sigh and partially turns away from Bakugo. “We still do not have the technology to run single-pilot Jaegers, and I refuse to purposefully put any Ranger through what I went through. Marshal Aizawa and I will talk about what happened today and decide what to do about your co-pilot pairing. You are dismissed, Ranger.”

Bakugo bows slightly and, surprisingly enough, leaves without another word. Enji takes a moment to recollect himself, trying to calm the anger racing through his veins, but then there’s a knock at his office door. Crossing his arms to hide his clenched fists, Enji tells the Ranger at his door to come in. The metal door squeaks as it opens and closes, Azusa walking into the office. She doesn’t sit but rather comes to stand a couple of feet in front of Enji. Her face is neutral, but her eyes hold a bit of anxiety among the rage and her anger only aids in fueling Enji’s own.

“Marshal Todoroki, I-” Azusa begins, but Enji doesn’t let her get very far with her sentence.

“What the fuck happened out there, Azusa?!” Enji starts, immediately letting his anger boil over as he lays into her. “You know, one look at your simulation scores would lead anyone to believe that you would be a strong candidate for becoming a pilot! But what I saw happen out there was pathetic and embarrassing! Who would have thought that the Marshal’s daughter would pull a fucking stunt like that causing another Ranger to fail! You let your co-pilot down today, Azusa! You let me down! You were an embarrassment to every single one of the Rangers observing!”

By this point, Enji is too caught up in his anger to even realize that Azusa has started silently crying in front of him. He can’t stop himself from yelling, can’t stop himself from spitting venomous comment after venomous comment. Deep down, very deep down, he knows that she didn’t do anything substantially wrong, but his pride and his ego won’t let him quiet down.

“What you displayed out there today was that you are no better than the Rangers that just got dropped here from boot camp! No child of mine would have made such an embarrassment out of the Todoroki name like that! You almost caused hundreds of deaths and millions of dollars in damages! Do you realize that?!” Enji spits, his shouting echoing off of the walls of his office as Azusa cowers in front of him.

What Enji says next slips too fast from his mouth to stop in time and he regrets them as soon as the words are spoken, “Toya would be incredibly disappointed in you! You don’t even deserve to pilot Bravo Inferno!”

A sharp gasp knocks some reality back into Enji along with the weight of the words he just shouted into his daughter’s face, and he looks down at her. Horrified shock fills her features as much as it does his, but sharing his shock is immense guilt. Enji is at a loss for words as he tries to think of how to take back or amend what just flew from his mouth. Floundering, he just stares at Azusa’s tear-soaked face, her hurt practically palpable in the air around them.

“Azusa, I-I didn’t mea-”

“Don’t.” She states quietly, making Enji’s words die in his throat. “I-I understood you loud and clear, M-Marshal. Permission to be dismissed, Sir?” Her voice is strained as she speaks and she’s just barely able to stand up straight and look Enji in the eye. All Enji can do is nod since the lump in his throat won’t let him speak.

He watches helplessly as she flees from the room, the door slamming shut behind her. Stunned by his own behavior, Enji slowly moves around his desk to sit down. Leaning forward to rest his elbows on the desk, he buries his face in his hands. He doesn’t know how he’s even going to attempt to fix this kind of fuck up. He isn’t sure that Rei will be able to soothe over the hurt that he’s caused. She may not even be willing to offer him advice on the situation, not that he would blame her.

Enji spends more than a few minutes recollecting himself before calling Aizawa to his office. He’s exhausted now, all of his anger replaced by insurmountable guilt. He let his ego, his pride over his esteemed reputation, win just like so many other times in the past. Enji is the one who let Toya down today, not Azusa, and he fears that he really won’t be able to get his daughter back now.

Knocking pulls Enji out of his spiraling thoughts and he clears his throat before telling Aizawa to enter.

Aizawa enters the room quietly, closing the door behind him before he makes his way over to the chair in front of Enji’s desk. Aizawa just stares at the man for a few moments before letting out his famous tired sigh.

“What happened today was nobody’s fault, Enji. We both know that the chances of something like that happening during a team’s first Drift is highly possible. I’m just surprised that it didn’t happen with more of the other teams.” Aizawa says as he leans back in the chair, tipping his head back and closing his eyes.

At Enji’s silence, Aizawa decides to move the conversation forward himself, “So did either of them request a different co-pilot? I’m sure we can switch the teams around, make it work.”

“No,” Enji utters exhaustively, deciding to end his silent brooding. “Bakugo just requested, yet again, to pilot by himself but I sorted that out already. We’ll keep Azu- Ranger Todoroki and Ranger Bakugo as co-pilots for Bravo Inferno, but we won’t send them out on any deployments until they go through a few more trial Drifts.” He states as he clasps his hands and rests his chin on them.

Aizawa straightens up in his seat, raising a questioning eyebrow at him, “I know that I kind of just advocated for them, but are you sure you don’t want to try putting them with other Rangers? I witnessed, just as you did, that they have the potential to work well together, but if they go out of alignment again and neither of them can bring the other back.. They won’t make it out in the field like that, Enji.”

“That’s why we’ll have them run through a few more trial Drifts. If this was a one-off type of situation, then they’ll be just fine. And if it happens again, we’ll either see if they can bring each other out of it or we’ll pair them off with other pilots.” Enji firmly states with a bit of frustration.

Aizawa relents with a sigh, scrubbing a hand over his face, “Fine. I’ll have their Jaeger sent to one of the Bays with less foot traffic so that when they try again tomorrow there’s less of a chance for catastrophe if something goes wrong again.” He says as he types out the message on his tablet, then sends it to the crew in the Shatterdome.

Aizawa then looks up at Enji, the man being able to read him like a book after working with him for so long, “So how hard were you on her?” His tone is knowing but free of any real judgment.

“Too hard.” Enji admits reluctantly before continuing, “I said things that I shouldn’t have.. I wouldn’t blame her if she honest to god hates me now.” He finishes quietly.

“Well, I don’t know shit about parenting, so it’s up to you to figure out how to fix it, but do you want me to go talk to her?” Aizawa offers with tired nonchalance.

The perpetually exhausted man has worked with Enji for so long that Azusa along with her siblings sees Aizawa as family, or a mentor at the very least. Azusa has always gone to Aizawa if she needed to talk through some stuff, especially after Toya’s passing. So, Enji ponders the offer for a minute, thinking that it may help Azusa to have someone to talk to after what all just went down.

“It’s up to you, Shota,” Enji says with a long sigh. “She may not want to talk to anyone right now.” He says with defeat, leaning back in his chair and rubbing his hands over his face.

“Well, I’ll try stopping by her bunk, knock a few times, and if she doesn’t answer then I’ll leave her be,” Aizawa says as he stands up, wincing a bit when his knees crack loudly. “Try not to spend all day cooped up in here, Enji. Go get something to eat, scare the new Rangers, just anything to get you out of this office.”

Aizawa’s attempt at humor doesn’t do much to pull Enji out of his self-loathing, but he appreciates it all the same, “See you later, Shota.”

Shota leaves with a half-assed wave and Enji is left alone with his thoughts, once again. He thinks about stopping by the family bunker to see Rei, hoping that Azusa hasn’t talked to her yet so that he can have a few moments of peace with his wife before he tells her himself about just how badly he messed up this time.

Of Monsters And Men | Bakugo Katsuki X OC

Note ~ Lemme know if there are any tags I should add! I love and appreciate you, Lovelies! <3

Taglist ~ @tomiokasecretlover

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6 months ago

“Pass me the bottle.” It was late, really late. The sun had set a long time ago but you and Katsuki were still awake. A few hours ago, you guys officially graduated, your years at UA were coming to an end. It was the perfect occasion to get drunk for the first time. Katsuki had never touched a single drop of alcohol before. His hero career was really important for him and there was no way he would’ve waste all his efforts because of some stupid drink. But he was ready to do everything in order to spend last moments with you. Soon, you were going to start your hero life and things would never be the same. He never had the courage to confess and neither did you. Tonight was your last chance to make it happen.

“Think you’ve drunk enough for tonight” he pushed the bottle away from you, preventing you to take another sip. He hardly got back on his feet to throw out the bottle. “Wait! You’re not leaving, aren’t you?” “No, I’m not, not until you ask me to” You got up and stood in front of him. You probably drank too much to realize how close you were to him. Katsuki saw it crystal clear. He could see every detail of your face, of your skin. The way your eyes were shinning, the way your cheeks blushed, the way your lips wetted. “Are you ready to wait?” a confused look appeared on his face “Because I may never ask you to”

“You’re drunk you don’t know what you’re saying” Your face stayed serious, your eyes not leaving his for a second. “I’m not. I’m sober. Things have never been as clear before” he could hardly hide the shivers that ran through his body at that moment. Was this really happening? Were you just messing with him?

“Careful. I may look tough, but you can't play with my feelings like that.” You took another step, your face only inches away from his now. He was so desperately in love with you and you were deeply in love with him. “I’m not playing Kats. I’m trying to say I love you”

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2 years ago


My Hero Academia

Deku misses date night (Deku)

Love Sick Deku (Deku)

Strangely Alone (Deku)

Hold Tight angst kinda (Bakugo)

King Bakugo x Mer Reader (Bakugo)

Dating Hawks at the workplace (Hawks)


Mating Bond (Azriel)

Day full of Love (Azriel)

Kuroko’s Basketball

Unexpected guest (Aomine)

Pregncay headcanons (Aomine, Kagami, Kise)

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1 year ago

Hold Tight Bakugo X Reader

Contains: slight gore and angst

Bakugo finds you bloodied and injured. The question of how much time you have left weighing on his mind.

This isn’t how you planned your evening to go. You were going to go home, change, and meet up with your boyfriend. It didn’t seem like that now though. Especially with the metal bar sticking straight through your core.

How it happened was unknown. You had turned around for a second and then…

It happened.

You didn’t know how to describe the feelings going through you. But the date you had planned with your boyfriend was as good as gone. Everything was going to be gone soon.

Sirens sounded in the back of your mind, each one fainter than the next. The paramedics could barely be made out. You could see their shapes moving across your vision, but no sense could be made of it all. “I guess this is it,” you whispered to no one in particular.

It’s not like anyone was listening anyway. It was just you and…

And the man rushing towards you, his making screaming incoherent words. “Ba…be. Baby stay with me. Please just hand on. You’ll get some help in a second alright? Babe?”

Something wet fell on your face. Rain? No the sky was clear. Tears? that had to be it. The man was crying. “Hey,” you reached for his face, “why are you crying? There’s no need to cry. I’ll be fine, see?” Your smile faltered, as blood spilled from your lips. “I’m feel better already.” It was a lie. You knew it and so did he.

He began yelling at someone you couldn’t see as a mask was put over your face. “Breath honey,” was the last think you heard before the world caved in.

You could feel yourself being moved, but had no idea where to. Consciousness was a hard think to hold onto, but deep down you knew.

Either way this would end in heart break.

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1 year ago

King Bakugo X Mer Reader

Fantasy AU

“Come on, Bakugo. It’s just one stop,” cried a red headed dragon. His companion rolled his eyes.

“Absolutely not, Scales. You already dragged me out here because you were bored. There’s no way in hell you’re getting me near that water.”


“No buts,” cried the blonde king. He was already dragged out here against his will. There was no way he would go in that water.

Bakugo heard Kirishima happily splashing in the water and rolled his eyes. That idiot, he thought, sitting beside the small body of water.

He debated leaving his red tailed friend there, but decided to take a nap instead.

The distance sound of frantic sloshing woke the King out of his slumber. “The hell are you doing, Scales?” He asked as Kirishima rushed out of the water.

“Something grabbed me,” he panted. “I’m not sure what it was but something is in that water.”

“You’re just saying that to get me in the water. Nothings in that damn water,” Bakugo retorted, looking into the depths of the lake. Nothing was in the water. Nothing living at least. “You must have touched the seaweed.”

For Kirishima to be a dragon, he was scared easily. You would think he’s one of the strongest, fearsome beings, but you couldn’t be anymore wrong.

The scales creature held up his tail. “Look I have the marks to prove it. There’s no way the could have been seaweed man. I swear.”

Bakugo inspected his friends tail with a grunt. There were in fact scratch marks on Kirishima’s tail. His attention turned back to the water.

He remembered the tales from his mother of creatures that live in the sea. The only one that matched this description was a mermaid. The lack of fish was enough proof for him.

Mermaids were the most deadly of them all. “Kirishima hand me and arrow.” Bakugo wouldn’t be able to shoot the creature under water, he would have to do it up close.

He took his time positioning the arrow over the water and pulled a piece of dried meat out of his pocket. “Hey, what are you do—“ the red companion was shushed away by his master.

Bakugo took his time placing the meat in the water, careful so the mermaid wouldn’t feel the vibrations of the water. He could feel Kirishima’s watchful eyes staring him down. He sat there for what felt like forever, waiting for any sigh of movement. And then…

A webbed hand was all he saw. He watched as those fingers reached for the meat in his hand. He held the arrow steady, waiting for the perfect moment.

When you face came into view he knew it was time to kill… but he couldn’t. Move damnit. Move. His body didn’t follow his orders.

You reached you fingers onto the land, using the grassy surface to lift yourself half way out of the water. Kirishima took a defensive stance around his King who couldn’t take his eyes away from you.

You held the piece of meat up to his face, “What is this?” He didn’t answer. You realized he couldn’t understand you.

Desperate to communicate you reached up, cupping his face. You knew how intimate this action was for those on the surface, but what else could you do. Quickly, you pressed you lips to his.

Bakugo flinched at the sudden contact. This was not what he expected to happen today at all.

When you pulled away you asked him again. “What is this?”

He opened his mouth than closed it again, unable to find the words.

“It’s meat. Dried meat, if you want to be specific.” You tilted you’re head at the red creature. He kind of looked like you especially with the scales covering his body. You watched him take a piece of meat, similar to the one you had, out of his pocket. He placed it in his mouth and began to chew. You copied his actions, eyes widening in wonder of the new food.

You looked to the King in front of you an smiled, diving back into the water. Bakugo still couldn’t move from his place by the water. Were all the myths a lie?

You came back shortly, a clump of seaweed in your hand. Kirishima stood closer to you and laughed, “I don’t think we can eat that.”

“Why not? You shared some of your food with me so now I get to share with you.” You held out the green strands to him and he shook his head.

“I think that might make me sick. Especially since it came straight from the water.”

You frowned at his words. “Then what else could I give you as a trade?” You asked aloud. Immediately you dove back into to the water, having the perfect gift in mind.

Kirishima bumped Bakugo’s shoulder. “You alright man? You haven’t moved since she showed up.”

Bakugo stirred, his hand rushing to his lips. “Why the hell did she kiss me?”

His red companion grinned widely, ready to tease the young King. “Maybe she likes you.”


“That’s what you think but who knows.”

Bakugo’s face tinted red and he prepared to bark a retort at his friend, but you arrived once again. This time you held a shell in your hands.

The light reflected off the shell as you placed it in Bakugo’s hands. “Come back again and I’ll have something to trade with you. Use this shell to let me know you are here.” You demonstrated how to use the shell by putting your mouth to it and blowing. the sound echoed across the land causing the birds to scatter.

Bakugo nodded, taking the shell from you and watching you go below the surface again. “Look at my King catching the attention of a mermaid.” Kirishima teased. Those word resulted in the red beast being chased by his master all the way home.

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2 years ago

Full finished piece! I took a breK from it for a while but here you guys go!

(I just realized Bakugous teeth aren't coloured in. I'm sorry-)

Full Finished Piece! I Took A BreK From It For A While But Here You Guys Go!

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I've Been Re-listening To Yuzuya's Fantasy Series. So I Present To You, A Half-decent Drawing Of Blasty!

I've been re-listening to Yuzuya's fantasy series. So I present to you, a half-decent drawing of Blasty!

Tags :
7 months ago

Shooting for Mercury | e. kirishima Teaser

Chapter Seventeen : Bird Brained Deal

Teaser word count: 1,573

Posted on Wattpad and AO3


Shooting For Mercury | E. Kirishima Teaser

“You’re telling me he didn’t even let you guys leave the office?” Jiro asked Bakugo and Emi, her disbelief evident as she and the others gathered in the common room, eager to hear about the patrol. They were met with a less-than-thrilling update.

“Nope, and now my eyes are killing me from staring at the computer screen for hours,” Emi complained, rubbing her eyes wearily. Kirishima, ever the comforter, was gently massaging her neck as she sat on the floor between his legs.

“That guy is a real jerk,” Bakugo growled, shooting a sidelong glance at Tokoyami. “I don’t get how you liked him, but Emi and I definitely don’t.”

“Well, my first meeting with him turned into an interrogation,” Tokoyami said, shaking his head in frustration. “Maybe things will improve with time.”

“That’s exactly what happened,” Bakugo said, sitting up straighter with realization. “He had me leave the room, and when I came back, Emi was being interrogated alone.”

Kirishima’s ears perked up, and concern washed over his face. He leaned forward, peering around Emi to ask, “Wait, he interrogated you alone? Are you okay?”

Emi offered a reassuring smile and patted his face. “It was just a few questions. I wouldn’t call it a full interrogation. Besides, I know how to handle an egomaniac. We deal with Bakugo every day.”

“YOU SHUT UP!” Bakugo bellowed, his frustration palpable. “I was all set to come back and defend you, but let’s see if I feel the same way next time.”

“Aw, Bakugo, you softie!” Emi teased, placing a hand over her heart with dramatic flair. “You really do have feelings!”

Bakugo muttered something under his breath, then abruptly stood and stormed out of the room. Emi and the rest of their classmates burst into laughter, watching as he left the room, steam practically rising from his head.

Kirishima rested his head on Emi's, his smile warm as he asked, "Do you want to talk to Aizawa about what happened today? Maybe see if you can switch your Pro Hero?"

"No, I think I can handle Hawks," Emi replied. "Besides, he might actually be useful." She kept quiet about the deal she’d made and her reasons for staying with Hawks. If Kirishima knew, he’d probably offer to help, but she didn’t want him to be in danger if things went wrong. This was her responsibility alone.

"So, who’s up for patrols next?" Shoto asked. Kirishima and Sero both raised their hands.

As the group buzzed with excitement over their upcoming patrols and schedules, Kirishima gently scooped Emi up and settled her on his lap. She felt a rush of warmth and knew she was blushing. Kirishima looked up at her, his eyes twinkling, and asked, "Ems, after my first patrol, would you like to go on a date with me?"

Emi’s grin widened as she nodded eagerly. “Absolutely! What do you have in mind?”

Kirishima leaned in, his voice dropping to a playful whisper. “That’s a surprise,” he murmured before pressing a soft kiss to her cheek. “Can’t spill all my secrets, now can I?”

Emi giggled, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Ooh, do you have a special signature move or something I don’t know about?”

“Maybe, maybe not. You’ll just have to be patient and see,” Kirishima replied, his breath warm and tickling her skin as he nuzzled his nose against her neck.

“Um, guys, you do realize we’re all still sitting here, right?” Hagakure’s voice broke through, and Emi glanced around to see their friends either looking away or grinning with amusement.

Kirishima shrugged, his tone nonchalant. “I don’t care.” Emi burst into laughter, giving him a playful shove.

“Sorry, I guess someone’s a little extra needy after my first patrol,” Emi teased, only to squeal as Kirishima began tickling her sides.

“Okay, I’m gonna go throw up now,” Sero announced, standing up and pretending to gag dramatically.

Emi gave Kirishima another playful push, wagging her finger at him in mock disapproval. “Behave,” she warned, causing him to pout exaggeratedly in response.

“If you two are going to be all over each other, take it upstairs, lovebirds,” Uraraka joked with a wink at Emi.

“Sounds like a great idea,” Kirishima replied, grabbing Emi’s hand and pulling her off the couch. “After you, m’lady.”

“Why, thank you, kind sir,” Emi responded with a laugh, giving a theatrical bow to their friends.

As they made their way to the stairs, Ida called out, “Keep your door open and please obey the rules!” The room erupted in laughter, everyone teasing Mr. Class Rep with playful jabs.

Kirishima barely registered their friends’ laughter as he practically pulled Emi up the stairs, his urgency barely contained. When he nuzzled her neck, the intoxicating blend of lavender and vanilla made his head spin, heightening his desire to kiss her. The scent wrapped around him, intensifying his longing to be as close to her as possible. Despite her frequent updates during her patrol, he had been anxious the entire time she was away.

He guided her into her room and shut the door with a firm, decisive push. “Why do we always end up in my room?” Emi asked with a teasing giggle.

“My room’s a disaster. Yours is warm and inviting,” Kirishima said with a grin, locking the door behind him. “It’s really that simple.”

Emi’s heart raced as she faced him, a nervous knot forming in her stomach like a hot stone. Kirishima’s intense gaze made her feel both thrilled and vulnerable, her instinct to retreat battling with her desire to stay.

“Oh, I have a plan,” Kirishima said, his voice low and playful as he closed the distance between them, his hands finding her hips. “But only if you give me the green light.”

“I don’t know that I’d ever give you a red light.” Emi told him, her breath already hitching in her throat. After she spoke, Kirishima’s lips crashed into hers. She opened her mouth at the contact, letting loose an accidental moan as she melted into his body.

Kirishima took that chance to slip his tongue past her lips, feeling as though he needed to explore every inch of her mouth. He could feel her hands grab onto the back of his shirt tightly, pulling him in as close as possible. God, he could do this every second of every day, he thought. Her lips tasted like cola, and the sweet noises she was making were sending him over the edge.

Emi had lost all sense of self, wondering if she might burst into flames at any moment. Every second that Kirishima took to pull away for a breath she felt cold until his lips returned to hers. They stumbled back towards the bed, with Kirishima taking a seat and pulling her onto his lap, straddling him.

“If you want me to stop-” he spoke between kisses, “-tell me when.”

She could only nod, unable to form a coherent sentence. Emi knew they should stop at some point, but the devil on her shoulder pleaded for more. His lips crashed into hers again, this time sloppier and more passionate.

Kirishima moved his hand to the back of her neck, using a light grip to keep her close. He was practically panting like a dog every time her lips parted for his tongue. He couldn’t believe how insane she was making him feel but he wouldn’t be able to stop himself if they kept going. Kirishima pulled away one final time, trying to calm the blood rushing to his south, and took a deep breath.

“You’re amazing,” Emi whispered, her voice tender as she brushed a stray strand of hair from Kirishima’s face. Her lips were flushed and slightly swollen, a small indent on her lower lip from his nibbles between kisses. She was so captivated by him, but he wished she could see herself in a mirror to understand just how amazing she truly was.

“I think you might be talking about yourself, sweetheart,” Kirishima replied softly, his fingers gently caressing the back of her neck, his thumb making slow, soothing circles on her skin. “You drive me absolutely crazy.”

“Then why’d you pull away?” Emi’s lips formed a slight pout, and she couldn’t help but let self-doubt creep in. Did her kissing not meet his expectations? Did her breath smell?

“Don’t start second-guessing yourself,” Kirishima said, tapping her gently on the temple, as if he could read her thoughts. “I had to stop for my own sake. If we’d kept going, I’m not sure what I would have done.”

“Oh,” Emi murmured, a blush creeping across her cheeks as she glanced down at where their hips were pressed together. “That makes sense. Does it hurt?”

“Not yet,” Kirishima chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “But if you keep kissing me like that, it might.” His laughter was contagious, and Emi couldn’t help but giggle along with him. “I told you nothing would go further until you gave the word, and I meant it. Your comfort is my top priority, Ems.”

Emi kissed him again, softer this time. A show of appreciation and affection. She thought he deserved the world and more with how amazing he treated her, and she wondered how she got so lucky. Kirishima had been one of the best things to happen to her within the past year and for that, she thanked whatever God was out there.


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7 months ago
simplyraeblue - RaeBlue


one-time thing (bakugo x reader)

ALL CHARACTERS AGED UP !femreader when you run into bakugo at denki's house party and do some... physical activity in the bathroom. but you swear it's just a one-time thing considering you'd never met before WARNINGS: swearing, NSFW, sexually explicit content, oral (f receiving), smut, y'know the usual ◦ ◡ ◠ word count: 2,328 A/N: might become a full fic... we'll see how posting a lil bit on tumblr goes first ;P Also, I'm still very new to writing smut so bear with me, and feel free to offer suggestions!


simplyraeblue - RaeBlue

The house was a maze, mostly because of the crowd, so you ventured up the stairs where it was quieter to find a restroom. The more steps you took upward, the more you realized how buzzed you were. Finally, you could see a door open to a bathroom, and you quickly shut yourself inside.  You turned the tap on to splash water on your face, only to be suddenly sprayed.  

“Fuck, stupid faucet.” you cursed, running your hands over your now-soaked top. You'd barely turned it on full blast. Luckily, you looked in the cabinet and found a hair dryer. Removing your shirt and laying it over the towel rod, you turned the hair dryer on to hopefully salvage your top.  

As you continued cursing under your breath, you heard a knock at the door. “Someone’s in here!” you shouted over the dryer.  

Then the door knob turned. Fuck, thought it was locked. You scrambled to grab your shirt and cover yourself before a man stepped into the bathroom. 

“Everything okay in here?” The voice was low and rough, sending a shiver down your spine. A blonde man stepped through the doorway, his red-colored eyes meeting yours. 

“I’m fine, just had a spill.” you rushed out, still attempting to cover your bra.  

“Saw you rush up here, albeit stumbling, and wanted to check.” He told you, still standing in the doorway as if he was unfazed by the state you were in.  

Truth be told, Bakugo was a bit buzzed himself, and the sight of a pretty girl in front of him was enough to set his senses on fire. You were blushing, making you look even cuter, and he found himself struggling to not look at where your hands were holding your shirt so as not to expose herself. A daring question sat heavy in the back of his mind as he took a step towards you. 

“What are you doing?” your words came out stuttering as the man stepped closer. You were very aware of the state you were in, and on top of that, your friends' words rang in your mind. ‘The boys will be all over you’ they'd said. While the man before you was very easy on the eyes, okay maybe more than easy on the eyes, you were feeling unsure about the predicament you found yourself in. 

“What do you want me to do?” He asked you, his voice low and causing your face to flush. How could he be so forward? You hadn’t been touched in years, not since your last fling, and now some random guy was making your body heat up like you were sitting in boiling water.  

“I-I don’t know.” That was all you could say. Bakugo took note of how flustered you were getting and wondered if you were a virgin.  

“Pretty girl, alone in a bathroom at a party, shirt already off.” He trailed on, glancing to where your hands held your shirt firmly. “I saw you at the bar from outside, couldn’t take my eyes off you and even then, you were fully clothed.” 

Your breath hitched in your throat as he continued to stalk closer. Were you seriously getting flustered by a man you ran into in the bathroom? Damn, you really were touch starved.  

“Y’know, one could see this a sexual assault.” You told him, and he paused where he was, hesitating. “But, seeing as I have just enough alcohol to make poor decisions but know what I’m doing and you are really hot...” 

At the sight of the teasing smirk on your face, Bakugo grabbed your cheeks and pulled you in, his lips crashing into yours. Dammit, he didn’t care if he never saw you again, you were hot, and he was needy. With his forceful actions, he heard you moan into his mouth, setting fireworks off in his brain. It was the prettiest sound he’d ever heard in his life. 

You were shocked at how he was acting, so confident and straightforward; but you were more shocked by how you were letting it happen. Hell, he was attractive and knew what he wanted. The perfect one-night stand in your book. You let loose a moan again as he backed you up against the glass shower wall before he reached one hand inside to start the water. 

“What are you-” you started to ask. 

“So, no one can hear how hard I’m about to fuck you.” The tone of his words sent heat straight to your core. This time, you smashed your lips into his, the heat sending signals to your brain that you wanted more.  

Bakugo grabbed the shirt from your hands, tossing it aside quickly to take in your lacy bra. God, your body was perfect. He wasted no time in pressing kisses to your neck, giving rough bites before seeing the hickies he was leaving behind. Even if you didn’t share your names before leaving tonight, he wanted you to remember everything that had happened. When he nibbled at the soft spot between your collar bone and neck, you whimpered, and he could have came just from the sound.  

You made quick work of his shirt, gripping the bottom of it as he allowed you to pull it over his head. Your hands met his torso, where strong muscles ripped under your touch. Between his biceps and abs, you were pretty sure he could lift you up to fuck you if he wanted to. You grabbed for the buckle on his pants, but his hands stopped you.  

Before you could try again, Bakugo kneeled in front of you, noticing how you tried to hide your surprised look. As he palmed your thighs, he marveled at how soft your skin was before placing kisses on the inside. “Stop teasing,” you warned through a gasp, making him smirk. Bakugo lifted your skirt just enough and inhaled sharply. You weren’t wearing any underwear.  

“Fuck, it’s like you were waiting for me.” He spoke. 

“What makes you think I was waiting for you, Mr. Big Ego?” you managed to tease, even though you were pretty sure you had no room to talk since you were letting a stranger see you in all your glory.  

“Trust me. After this, you’ll be happy it was me who found you.” He smirked up at you from below, a sight that sent you spiraling, before he quite literally dove off the deep end. 

As Bakugo pressed his mouth between your legs, his tongue giving a quick lick, he felt your legs quiver as a loud moan escaped you. Fuck, you tasted like heaven on his tongue. Bakugo gave you no time to recuperate from his initial contact, immediately beginning to devour you.  

While his tongue licked up and down your folds, you were fighting to hold in your pleasure-filled noises. He knew what he was doing, and your legs were already shaking from him having barely done anything. “Holy... holy shit.” you breathed out, reaching your hand down to let your fingers twist in his hair. His tongue found your clit, taking it in his mouth quickly like a man starved, sending electricity through your body. “If you don’t stop...” 

“I want you to cum on my face first, sweetheart.” His voice was muffled, but his words had an impact on you nonetheless. Soon after his request, you felt him tease your entrance with his fingers, almost sending you right over the edge. “Are you going to cum on my fingers? Or should I continue to just use my mouth?” 

“P-please, fuck me with your fingers.” you whimpered, bucking your hips with desire. “I want to c-cum.” 

Bakugo smirked as he slid two fingers past your entrance, feeling your tight walls clench around them. He was now silently hoping you were on birth control so he could feel it on his cock in a minute. His mouth found your clit again, sucking and nibbling at the bud as he began to pump two fingers in and out of you.  

He could tell you were close; you'd stopped talking at this point and your hips began to spasm as your knees shook. With the fervent need to taste you, he continued drilling into you as he became relentless on your clit.  

“Fuck, yes cum f’ me.” He demanded, and you felt that chord within you snap. His free arm wrapped around your leg to hold you up as you gave in, riding out your orgasm with his face still between your legs.  

When you felt like you could breathe again, you let out a shaky, “Holy fuck.”  

But before you could say anything else, he stood up and kissed you before he even wiped off his mouth. you could taste herself on his lips and the thought drove you wild. you let his tongue tease yours in your mouth as he finally allowed you to begin unbuckling his belt. He helped you get it off before unbuttoning his jeans and pushing them down himself, along with his boxers. 

Bakugo noticed how your red-tinged cheeks became even more prominent once your gaze met his dick. He placed his hands on his hip with a smirk, asking, “Do you like what you see?” 

you could feel your walls clenching at the sight of him. Forget the orgasm you just had, you wanted him inside of you right now. “Shut up and fuck me. I’m on birth control so just get on with it.” you demanded, sounding needy, and he responded quickly. 

He grabbed your thighs and lifted you off the ground, pushing you against the glass shower wall once again and wrapping your legs around his waist. With one hand holding you, he pumped himself a couple of times with the other before positioning himself at your entrance. “Don’t forget, you asked for this.” He whispered as he buried his face in your neck before plunging himself into you without hesitation.  

Bakugo swore to heaven and hell once he felt your walls tighten around him in response. It was too good, and he found himself teetering on the edge already. Thank the universe you were on birth control so he could feel every inch of you swallowing him. He felt your previous orgasm covering his dick, making it easier to begin sliding in and out of you. Each time he pulled out and entered again he shivered at the pleasure building up in his body. 

you were a mess at this point. His dick felt too good inside of you to even be real; you couldn’t help the noises that escaped your mouth as his hips thrust into yours while he sucked on your neck, no doubt leaving more marks for you to find tomorrow. “I-if you keep fucking me like that, you’re gonna make me cum again.” you whined, while he only continued to drive himself further into you, hitting all the right spots.  

“Let me feel you cum on me. P-please, cum with me inside of you.” He groaned into your skin as he began moving his hips faster, snapping into yours with force.  

The next time he bit down on your neck, you felt a wave of pleasure crash over you again, drowning you in your release.  

Bakugo felt your walls clamp around him, sending him over the edge with you. His cock strained with his orgasm as he pumped deeper into you, filling you to the brim as he came. He felt like it was the longest orgasm he’d ever had, maybe even never-ending as he panted into your neck. While he was a little embarrassed at how long he’d lasted, it just felt too damn good.  

“Holy shit,” you said while trying to catch your breath. Bakugo could only nod in agreement, at a loss for words from what he’d just experienced.  

When he pulled out and gently set you back on her feet, you swayed a little bit before feeling his arms catch you. “That was...” He panted; his eyes half-lidded as he looked at you. For a moment, you wished you had asked his name, but then deemed it too complicated realizing you would probably never see him again.  

“Do you think anyone heard?” you asked him as you became aware of where you were and who all could be around.  

“With how loud your mouth was, I'm sure they did.” Bakugo teased while grabbing a washcloth to wipe himself clean before handing it to you so you could do the same. “I wouldn’t be surprised if we went back downstairs and found that people were staring.” 

“For what it’s worth, I don’t normally do this. You caught me in a time of need.” you tried explaining away the fact that you'd just done something dirty in someone else’s bathroom. However, you didn’t regret it one bit, as your body still felt more satisfied than it had ever been. 

“Don’t worry about it.” He smiled at you as he shrugged. “I don’t normally do this type of thing either.” 

Before you could muster up the courage to ask his name, you heard your phone buzzing wildly from the counter. When you grabbed it, you read numerous text messages from your friends, all asking where you'd gone. “Well, we better get back to the party. Do you want to go out first and I’ll wait or vice versa?”  

Bakugo fought internally with himself, trying to decide if it was worth it to ask for your number. He wanted to see you again, do this with you again, but from the way you had talked, he got the hint that you wanted it to be written off experience. “You go ahead, I’ll clean myself up better before I come out.”  

you nodded, reaching for the doorknob but pausing. “If you have any desire to find me after this, my name is y/n. y/n l/n.” And before he could respond, you opened the door and left.  


Link to Kirishima x reader here

(word count: 902)

Link to Shoto x reader here

(word count: 1,800) Link to Kaminari x reader here (word count: 2,680) Link to Hawks x reader here (word count: 1,903) Link to Aizawa x reader here (word count: 1,930)

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7 months ago

how am I just now discovering c.ai at 3am and now I’m kicking my feet and giggling Jesus Christ of course the first one I try IS KATSUKI BAKUGO

How Am I Just Now Discovering C.ai At 3am And Now Im Kicking My Feet And Giggling Jesus Christ Of Course

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1 year ago
1st Universe!!

1st Universe!!

First of lots and lots of mha babies! Ask for any ship and I'll post their kid next if I have it, or ask anything about him!!

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7 months ago
8th Universe!!

8th Universe!!

Here's my Kacchako baby as @sailorscooby asked! I drew her around 2021 so she is not that pretty, sorry!

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1 year ago

I’m so sick rn 😭😭 so to (hopefully) make me feel better I’m going to write how the Mha boy handle you being sick, enjoy 🫶🫶🫶.

This is very fluffy btw.

Im So Sick Rn So To (hopefully) Make Me Feel Better Im Going To Write How The Mha Boy Handle You Being


Since it’s just him and his mom at home he familiar with being sick.

Knows the best brands of medicine.

Gives you the homework you miss but if your to tired to do it he’ll help you (he tells you all the answers).

Worries in class about you.

“I hope they feel better soon,I wonder if they’ve eaten maybe I’ll bring them some soup or something, do they even like soup?”

Sends you a like a billion texts and gets nervous if you don’t respond in like 5 mins.

He’s just a very sweet boy 🥺

“Hi honey! Are you doing better?”


He’s the biggest germophob ever 💀💀💀

He’s one of those people that if you tell him that you’re sick, he puts on like a hazmat suit and start spraying everything down.


Side eyes you like it’s your fault your sick.

Whips into shape when you threaten to let Izuku take care of you.

Brings you your favourite meal (cooked by him obviously).

He even feeds you, how sweet.

“Idiot, getting yourself sick”


He feels so bad :((((

When you tell him your sick he looks like a sad puppy.

Very tempted to skip class and just take care of you.

Calls you at lunch to make sure your okay.

“Hi Baby!, Denki stop, hm oh! Nothing just wanted to make sure how your doing!”

When class is over he runs to your dorm to take care of you.

He even brought your favourite food and get well soon cards he and his friends made.

“Hey Baby, me and squad make get well soon cards, want to see?”

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