Berzatto Soccer Team
berzatto soccer team
cw: pure filth. smut, breeding kink

Carmen Berzatto gives you three babies and still wants more. He won’t be satisfied until you’ve given him a soccer team of little Berzattos to run around the house and wreak havoc. Carmy Will stuff his cum back into you after pumping you full and make you lift up your hips so that his seed takes again and again, and again. He will literally hold your stomach down, pressing hard while he’s fucking you and whisper how soon enough you’ll be full with his baby again. “My little breeding whore, can’t stop giving me babies can you?” He’ll whisper into your ears, biting at them and then moving down to your neck where he leaves love bites. Because not only does he want you marked with his seed, his babies and his initials that were dangling around your neck, he also wanted physical marks of himself all over you. He’s filthy, a man gone wild. His blue orbs are crazed as he works himself into you roughly, not bothering to stop “Gonna fuck another baby into you right after this one” he groans, the both of you whining at his words. He won’t be satisfied until you’re round again, clad in your pretty floral sundresses, your ever manicured fingers cradling your bump while you played with the toddlers. "I’m gonna pump you so full of my cum. You're gonna take all of it and you're gonna make me a daddy again, aren't you, baby?" At this rate you’re almost blind, you’ve seen the light, forgotten how to breathe even and he’s still going. Never wanting to stop, never want to get out of you. Because in his animal brain it’s where he belongs, he’s not complete if not inside of you.
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baby blues |carmen berzatto x reader|

prompt: two blue lines change all your plans, and carmen doesn't take it well. or how you tell carmen you're pregnant.
read the entire dad!carmen berzatto masterlist here!
contains: language, pregnancy, angst, carmen's an asshole, alludes to past parent trauma, hurt/comfort.
The hiss of your tone bounced off the green tiles of your bathroom, an eerie echo that rang dully through your mind. A reminder that this was all too real, happening right now in front of you- to you.
After weeks of what you thought was a stomach bug- retching at almost anything, exhaustion, aches- you had come to realize it might not just be a virus when you looked at the unopened box of tampons under the sink.
You were late.
A frantic trip to Walgreens, an hour of avoidance out of pure fear, three glasses of water, and two tests later; you were here. Looking at the two mocking blue lines on both tests. You were pregnant.
You called your best friend, Alicia, unsure of who else to confide in. Scared, emotional, overwhelmed, you sobbed into the phone, hand holding your head on the edge of the bed. "Carmen is gonna lose his shit."
"Carmen is not gonna lose his shit." Alicia soothed over your heaving gasps. "He will be fine. You both will be fine. You're married. What's the issue?"
You shook your head, swiping your thumb under your eyes. "You don't... Carmen and I haven't, like, ever really talked about kids." You muttered. It was mostly true. You hadn't really, other than euphoric pillow talk ramblings where you both were just bubbly with love, spilling shared wishes under sheets.
"I thought you said you wanted kids?"
"Yeah, but not now." You sobbed into the phone. "I don't... I don't think I'm ready to be a mom. I'm not gonna be good at that. I don't-I don't know anything about kids! And-And I can barely cook, and- Alicia, I couldn't keep our cactus alive! I killed our fucking cactus, and you think I'm ready for a kid?"
Alicia laughed lightly on the other end. "Ok, true, but you won't kill your kid. You'll be much more attached to it than the cactus." She countered easily, calmly. "And you'll be a good mom, babe. I know you'll be. And Carmen knows too. You know he does. Call your OBGYN and get an appointment. Make sure this is legit and get your vitamins and let me know what you need from me."
Two days later, you were laid on the cool paper at the doctor's office, eyes wide watching her drag the wand over your tummy. Seven weeks. The ultrasound clutched in your hand had an arrow where the baby was, it was still so small. A blip, a splotch right on your plans.
You decided to tell Carmen that night. He knew something was off with you, starting to get more and more suspicious. It was only a matter of time.
"Hey, baby." You grinned as excited as you could when he came home.
"Hey," Carmen chirped, grinning back at you when you kissed him sweetly, a little longer than usual, not that he minded. "How are you doin', baby? Good day?"
"Yeah, it was." You quipped, throat tightening, desperately trying to keep your voice from cracking. "I, uh, I have a surprise for you."
"A surprise?" Carmen's brows lifted, dropping his bag by the door. "What kinda surprise, huh? Somethin' under this?" He teased, hand sliding up your shorts, palming at your ass and making you squirm.
You couldn't help the fleeting thought that he wouldn't be able to do that for long. Not when a baby was in the house. Your throat burned with tears at the thought.
"No." You shook your head. "Just... Here, sit right here for me and I'll be right back." You kissed his cheek sweetly, running to the spare bedroom for the ultrasound. You wondered if this would be the baby's nursery. Or maybe upstairs in the makeshift workout room Carmen used. It felt odd planning this type of thing, thinking about this.
Your hands were sweaty, trying not to wrinkle the printed photo. It was your first after all. The first picture of many. Ones you secretly hoped would line the walls of your house. Pictures of the baby, with you and Carmen.
You hoped Carmen would be in them.
That horrid thought always made it's way back into your mind, rattling you to your core.
"Close your eyes." You tried to sing-song, playful and light like you usually would. The kind of tone that was silly, left Carmen grinning and doing what you said. Instead, it sounded tired.
Carmen still covered his eyes anyways. You took a soft breath, placing the photo in front of him. "Ok, y-you can open." You whispered.
Carmen's brow lifted, looking at you carefully before down at the table. He stilled, face unmoving, body halted, eyes zoned in on the ultrasound.
"Wh-What-What is this?" Carmen's tone was hushed, tight, like his chest felt. He was sure this wasn't what he thought it was. It couldn't be.
"I, um, you know I-I've been feeling not great." You started, wringing your hands in front of him. "And I... I haven't had my period in a while, so I went to the store and... and I got a test, and it was..." You motioned down to the ultrasound. "I'm pregnant, Carmen."
The house was still. That same eerie stillness creeping back in, looming over both of you in such a sickening way, it had your stomach twisting.
Carmen blinked, shaky hands picking up the ultrasound, refusing to look at you. "Oh."
"Oh?" You repeated. "Carmen, I-I said I'm pregnant."
"No, no, I, uh, yeah, I-I heard you." Carmen nodded, leg bouncing under the table. "I just... I thought you were on birth control."
"Carmen, what?" You snapped. "I am."
"Then-Then how the fuck-"
"-Oh, don't you fuckin' dare, Berzatto." You hissed, rolling your eyes at him, snatching the ultrasound off the table.
"I'm not fuckin' blaming you, but-but how?" Carmen could feel his heart rate rising, ears ringing and head spinning with that old, familiar feeling of a panic attack coming on.
"How?" You gawked at him. "Carmen, it's not, like, a one-hundred percent guarantee, and-and... Come on, Carmen, we've been fucking a lot lately."
"I don't..." Carmen stopped himself, his hand rubbing over his eyes. Your heart skipped, chest aching with fear when you looked at him. Carmen pushed his chair out, standing and pacing around the kitchen, hands on his hips, lips in a thin line. "I-I need to think. Fuck, I need to think, just-just..."
You tracked him, your own heart hammering loud in your ears. Carmen snatched his cigarettes, hands shaking when he turned them over in his hands slowly. You could practically hear his thoughts, when the baby is here, he can't smoke anymore.
"I need a fuckin' second, ok? I need to fuckin' think!" Carmen boomed, voice thundering off the walls, making you jump. Carmen snatched his lighter and Spirits, stomping out the front door, the slam of the door the last thing you heard before the house settled and stilled again. Your worst possible scenario played out in front of you, becoming a reality too.
You were alone.

"Cousin, can I ask you, what the fuck your fuckin' problem is?" Richie grit, sliding beside Carmen. "The fuck are you being such a jagoff about, right now?"
"I'm being a jagoff?" Carmen snapped, slamming the knife down. His eyes were wild, hair even wilder. Curls matted and sticking out like they did when Carmen was stressed, when he'd ran his hands through them too much.
"Yeah, you're bein' a fuckin' jagoff." Richie countered, voice raising over Carmen's. "You look like shit, you smell like shit, and you're treatin' everyone here like fuckin' shit. So what's the fuckin' issue?"
"Fuck you, Richie, alright? Fuck you. Get the fuck outta my fuckin' face!" Carmen roared, the vein in his neck protruding when he did, sending the few chefs still in the kitchen retreating before they were screamed at next.
"Y'know why don't you just fuckin' calm down? Makin' everyone here fuckin' miserable with your bad attitude. No wonder-" Richie stopped, eyes flicking down to Carmen. His shoulders dropped, sighing heavy at his own revelation. "What'd you do?"
"What? What did I... Fuck off, I'm not in the-"
"-Nah, Cousin. What did you do?" Richie shook his head. "Why's she not here today, huh?"
"I'm right here." Natalie muttered, turning the corner, balancing two cups and a large work bag. "I had to take Chelle to Pete's office so he can take her to dance, and traffic was..." Natalie laughed cynically, shaking her head.
Carmen felt his stomach twist, jaw tightening. That would be you two before you knew it. All over the place, late to shit because of the kid. Just like Sugar and fucking Pete. That made him Pete.
"Not you, but I'm glad to see you. How are you?" Richie muttered, pressing a chaste kiss to Sugar's cheek. "Carmen fucked up."
"I did not-"
"-You fucked up? On what, bear?" Natalie blinked, frowning lightly. "Oh, before I forget, where's my favorite sister in law? I have her-" Richie gave her a pointed look. Sugar stopped, face falling in realization. "Oh, that's... Carm, what did you do?"
"Can you two just fuck off? Fuck!" Carmen roared, kicking a pot under the table.
"Wow, anger issues much?" Sugar rolled her eyes at his dramatics. "Is this what you did? Is that why she isn't here?"
"No, Natalie, you're pissin' me the fuck off-"
"Alright!" Richie clapped his hands, cutting them both off. "Family meeting. Ok? Meeting time. Right now."
"I don't have time-" Carmen started, Richie just clapping his hands on his shoulders, shoving him away from the table.
"Natalie, family meeting." Richie waved her in.
"Family meeting?" Fak turned the corner, eyes lit up hopefully.
"Not with you, you fuckin'..." Richie huffed, shaking his head. "Me, Nat, and Carm are having a meeting. Do your jobs, ok? Don't bother us, just... handle it, alright? Thank you. Every second counts and all that bullshit." Richie nodded towards the staff, shutting Carmen's office door behind him.
"Carm, you... Are you ok?" Natalie winced, looking at her younger brother.
Carmen ran his hands over his eyes, slumped in his desk chair, knees bouncing nervously. His breaths labored and ragged in his hands. Richie's eyes cut to Natalie's.
"Cousin," Richie's voice was softer this time. "What is goin' on?"
Carmen took a shaky breath in, Richie stilling at the sound of his emotions. "You... You were right. I fucked up." Carmen muttered. "I fucked up. I fucked up so bad." Carmen's voice was tight, thick with tears he was trying to choke back.
Natalie stepped forward slowly. "Carmen, what did you do?" She said as calmly as she could. "Just-Just tell us, and we'll... we'll try and help you."
"Did you cheat on her?" Richie asked, brows furrowed in disgust.
"No, what? Why the... No, no, no, I-I..." Carmen leaned back in the chair, hands knotted in his hair. "She's pregnant."
Richie and Natalie paused, both sighing slightly in relief. "Oh my God, that's great!"
"Yeah, I mean, Cousin, I thought you... I'm glad you didn't, but that's great!"
"Aw, is that why she's been sick? Poor thing. I knew it! You know Pete said that, and I-" Natalie started, Carmen's sudden jerk of his body, sitting in the chair with frantic eyes stopped her.
"I don't know!" Carmen blurted, shaking his head, refusing to look at them. At their furrowed brows of concern. He couldn't face them. Tell them what he'd done.
"You don't know?" Sugar frowned in confusion. "You don't know if she's pregnant?"
"I-I..." Carmen felt his chest tightening, burning with that familiar ache. He tried to breathe in, slow and long, counting back from ten like his therapist told him, but his chest still ached. "I left."
The room filled with that same eerie silence, the one that seemed to be following him around lately. The one that crept into the room when you showed him the ultrasound, the same one that followed him into the restaurant last night.
"You left?"
"You fuckin' what?"
Natalie and Richie gawked, eyes wide and frantic, looking down at Carmen.
"Cousin... What the fuck? You don't... Holy shit." Richie muttered, shaking his head.
"Carmen, have you lost your mind?" Natalie snapped. She was angry- no, furious. "You left your wife? You left your pregnant wife?"
"Yes, fuck, yes, I just... I needed to fuckin' think!" Carmen threw his hands out. "I can't think! She just... We weren't planning it and-and then... I just needed to think!"
"Then think at home! Or-Or with the person you're having a baby with, Carmen, Jesus!" Natalie roared back.
"Cousin, you... you fucked up." Richie said solemnly, nodding in agreement. "I mean, I've done a lot of shit. A lot, ok? Just ask Tiff. But I...I never fuckin' left."
"No, she just fuckin' left you, right? Tiff couldn't take you bein' an-"
"Hey, woah, take it fuckin' easy, Cousin. Watch it. This ain't about me." Richie snarled, finger jabbing in Carmen's direction. "I didn't fuck this up, ok? You did. This is your shit. We're just tryin' to fuckin' help you, so why don't you do all that de-escelatin' bullshit and take a fuckin' breath and relax."
Carmen's teeth ground tight, eyes flickering over to Natalie. "I'm with Richie on this." She snapped. "You did fuck up. Huge."
Carmen could feel the burn, rising in his throat. Was it fear? Vomit? Tears? Regret? All of the above?
"I know, I know, fuck, I know." Carmen muttered, falling back into the chair. "I just... I know, and-and now I don't know..." Carmen could feel his heart rate, waves of guilt and realization crashing over him, leaving him feeling sick.
Carmen stood quickly, hands tangled in his hair, pacing in the small area of the office. "Holy shit, she's gonna leave me. She-She's gonna leave me, and-and... Fuck! Why do I always do this? I always fuck up! Always! Like... What the fuck? Why-Why-"
"-Carmen." Sugar said slowly, hands on his shoulders, stopping him. "Hey, breathe. Breathe. Just... Just relax, ok?"
"No, no, no, I-I can't fuckin' relax. I-I got to-" Carmen rambled, his chest squeezing, burning.
"Carm, look, just... Just do the breathing thing. Listen to Natalie." Richie nodded towards Sugar. "And we'll get it handled, alright? We can't fix this until you calm the fuck down."
"Richie," Natalie hissed, rolling her eyes in irritation. "Carmen, breath in through your nose, out through your mouth. Innnnn and Out." She mimicked for him, slow pulls of air and soft exhales.
Carmen could hear you. Hear you in his head telling him to calm down, feel your hands on his cheeks, your soft praises and coos. His heart ached but it tricked his mind enough to listen, shaky rasps of air falling in and out until he was on sitting in the chair, knee bouncing with adrenaline.
Natalie shook her head lightly, looking over at Richie, then Carmen. "You need to go talk to her."
"I know. I know, Nat, but I got a dinner rush-"
"Carmen." Natalie sneered, in that tone. The tone she used usually with her own kids. A tone of finality.
"I got it covered, Cousin, alright? I got it." Richie nodded, patting Carmen on his back. "Just... Go figure your shit out."
"Yeah." Natalie huffed, eyes narrowed at her younger brother. "You better bring that poor girl some flowers or something. Better make it up to her, Carmen, that is so gross of you."
Carmen nodded softly, grabbing his back pack, shedding his apron. "I-I'll have my phone on me-"
"-Go!" Richie and Natalie yelled in unison.
"I got it, Cousin." Richie shook his head.
"Yeah, and you have other things to worry about." Natalie snapped. "More important things, like your marriage, and your kid."
Carmen's heart skipped at that. It sounded weird, unnatural. His kid. Mind racing back to images of you with his niece and nephew. How Chelle took to you so naturally when you first met her, cradling her in your arms while Natalie scampered off for a shower. Carmen's heart swelled at the thought, how he had watched you, how good you were at it.
He knew you'd be a good mom. Had no doubt about that. That wasn't the issue. No, the problem was him.
Carmen Berzatto, who's family was the epitome of chaos, and who's genes this baby would have. Would the baby have your eyes and his crippling anxiety? His curls and his coping skills? Your nose and smile, and his family's addiction gene?
You would be the perfect mom. You were already so perfect in every way to Carmen. Too kind and forgiving and funny and sweet to him, he couldn't understand why you loved him sometimes. You would be good no matter what.
You'd be better without him.
His mind screamed it over and over. He couldn't shake the thought last night, sitting on the steps of your home, chain smoking through half a pack while his mind raced, horrible voices mocking and sneering at him, telling him he wasn't good enough; that he wouldn't be good enough. That you would be better off alone.
Then he was walking. Walking as fast as he could away from your home, back to the restaurant, where he could distract himself. Where he could trick his mind to focus on anything else other than you.
It didn't work, of course. It never did.
His mind still raced, all the way back to your home- his home. The home he shared with you. The place you bought for the future; your future together. A future that now, looked like it would be a little fuller.

You gripped the porcelain of the toilet seat, stomach lurching again, spilling the contents of- you didn't even know what. How there was anything left, you weren't sure.
Your nose burned with tears, head drumming with a dull ache, throat burning with the acidity flare of bile. And worst of all, the only person you wanted was Carmen.
You were furious, hurt, just... confused with him, but your body still ached for him. For him to come in, rub your back and coo at you. Settle you and calm you, like he always did.
The front door closed softly, the thud of the latch echoing through the all too still house. Anchovy chirped and trilled, Carmen's soft, raspy greeting back to him making your body jolt.
You stayed still, waiting and quiet with each muffled footstep of Carmen's, his sneakers falling closer and closer until the door opened gently. Your gaze on his, watching him with wide, red rimmed eyes from the bathroom floor. His own reflecting down on you, hand still gripping the door knob.
"You... You're still sick?" Carmen asked, awkward and unsure. He didn't know what to say, where to even begin.
"Yeah." You sneered, hand slapping on the knob, flushing the toilet. "Guess that'll be happening for a while."
Carmen flinched at your tone. You were angry. No, you were hurt. The revelation made him feel like he needed to throw up next, the ache in his stomach rivaling the one in his chest.
You pushed up off the tub, Carmen's hands reaching to help you. You slapped them away with a menacing scoff. "Don't touch me." You snapped. "I've got it."
Carmen nodded, backing out slowly, giving you space to brush your teeth. He didn't miss the tremor in your hands when you held the toothbrush, refusing to meet his eyes in the mirror.
"I..." Carmen's voice shook, a squeak of a word that had wobbled when he spoke. "I, uh, I-I'm sorry."
Your eyes flashed to his furiously, lips pursing. "I know that's... fuck, that's not..." Carmen sighed heavily, a grounding breath to soothe his nerves, get the shake out of his voice. "I don't know what-what else to say other than... I'm sorry."
"You're sorry?" You sneered, turning to him, your tone unnervingly calm. "You're fucking sorry?"
"Yeah, I-"
"-You left me!" You roared, chest heaving with fury. Your fears and sadness had turned into rage, pure rage.
"I go outside to check on you, and you're gone! Who the fuck does that, Carmen? What the fuck is wrong with you?" You screamed.
"I-I don't know, I just..." Carmen's chest tightened, strangling his words. The pounding in his chest had returned, as had the queasiness in his stomach.
"You just? Just what, Carmen? Just don't want to be with me anymore?" Your voice cracked, tears brimming your waterline.
The silence was back. Uncomfortably loud and suffocating. Neither one of you moved, just stared at each other through heaving chests.
"I-I..." Carmen swallowed the bile rising in his throat. "How could you... You think I-I don't want to be with you?"
"Well, what else am I supposed to think, Carmen?" You scoffed, throwing your hands out in exasperation. "You left!"
Carmen winced at the harshness of your tone. "I didn't... I just needed to think-"
"-Think?" You scoffed. "Think about what exactly, Carmen? Huh? Whether you were going to stay-"
"-No! Fuck, no!" Carmen barked, mind racing and overwhelmed. Hands trembling, heart pounding, he stared at you. "About... About how it would be. About how I would be."
"How you would be?"
"Yeah, how I would be." Carmen snaps, a little too defensive even for his own liking. It was habit, even after years of trying to be better, it still crept out at times.
Carmen took a breath, turning to you. "I'm... I don't think I'm going to be a good dad."
Your own heart sunk, a dull ache in your chest, heavy with the weight of his words. The fall of his face, lips curling downward. "Carmen," You said softly. "Why-Why would you... We've talked about having kids before."
"Yeah, but not... I thought I had time." Carmen admitted, hands shaking when he crossed his arms over his chest to still them. "I-I thought I would have some time to-to get my shit together."
You paused, watching his face crumble. The deep breath he took to keep himself from crying- from breaking. "I don't- I don't wanna be a bad dad. I don't wanna fuck this kid up." Carmen whispered, eyes darting everywhere but your own. He couldn't look at you when he said it, sure when he saw the sorrow in your own eyes he would crumble at your feet.
"Carmen," You said softly, taking a step towards him. He took one back, distancing himself. He knew what you were going to do. Reach out and comfort him, make him feel better- he didn't deserve that.
"Carm, please," You begged lightly. "You... You know you're gonna be a good dad-"
"-No, no, I don't know that." Carmen scoffed, shaking his head. "I mean, my fuckin' dad was a piece of shit, so was his dad, so-so will I. And-And I don't wanna do that to this kid. I don't wanna do that to you."
"Stop." You snapped, lips pressed together, sniffling to keep your own tears at bay. "Just...Just stop. Ok? Stop. You're... Do you really think I would have married you if I thought that bad of you? Do you think I would have ever even entertained the thought of having a baby with you, starting a family, if I thought you'd be shitty?"
Carmen's own eyes shone with unshed tears. You blinked, wiping the hot tears that ran down your cheeks away. "I'm scared, too. I-I called Alicia over you because I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how you would react." You admitted.
Carmen nodded, you could see the hurt in his eyes. "So you knew I would react like this? You didn't tell me because you knew I'd be a bad-"
"-No, I didn't tell you because I know you don't like surprises." You snapped. "I know you don't like to be fuckin' blindsided and-and shocked. I don't either. I knew it would shock you. I knew it wasn't apart of our plan right now." You held his gaze, eyes hard when you met his.
"But I never thought you'd be a bad dad." Your tone was firm. It made Carmen's heart swell. "I still don't think you'd be a bad dad, for the record. I think you're an asshole, and I'm furious with you." You said pointedly.
Carmen nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I... I don't blame you f'that." He muttered, looking down at his hands, wedding band shining almost mockingly back up at him. "Sugar's pissed at me. Richie, too." He paused, eyes lifting to yours. "I'm mad at me too."
"Yeah? Me too." You sigh, looking at him. "You can't just leave-"
"-I know." Carmen nodded. "I-I know. I don't... I'm sorry." Carmen looked at you, shoulders falling slightly. "I'm so sorry."
You nodded gently, wiping your eyes with the back of your hands. "This is not how I thought this would go, honestly." You admitted with a small, wet laugh.
"Which part?" Carmen hummed, hesitantly reaching out to wipe your tear stained cheek with the pad of his thumb.
"All of it." You sighed. "But telling you. I-I always thought I'd do one of those cute, little Pinteresty things and surprise you."
"Yeah? 'm sorry." Carmen muttered, his heart fluttering with guilt again. "Maybe next time?"
You scoffed, rolling your eyes at him. Damn him, making you smile when you were supposed to be mad at him- you were still mad at him. But you were tired even more. Exhausted emotionally, physically- you just wanted to crawl into bed.
Carmen pulled you closer to him, his hand running down your spine. "Maybe you can do that cutesy shit to tell everyone else." He suggested. "I mean... Fuck, well, I-I told Richie and-and Sugar, but... Tina? Or all them?"
You bit back a smile, the curl of your lips betraying you. "Yeah." You hum, your body betraying you as you sunk into Carmen's chest.
"Here," Carmen muttered, pulling you close to him. "I'll get you in bed, and I'll go on the couch-"
"-No," You sighed, shuffled steps down the hall. "I don't... Just sleep in the bed with me."
Carmen hesitated. "No, I-I can stay on the couch. I know you don't-"
"-I can't sleep without you, Carm." You pleaded. "I didn't sleep at all last night, and-and... I just want to sleep."
Carmen nodded, following you into the shared bedroom. Stripping out of his jeans, trading them for sweatpants, before climbing in the bed with you. You stayed on your side, Carmen on his own. There was still tension, still lingering feelings of that familiar eeriness, but there was also comfortability.
Carmen would make it up to you. He'd be at every appointment, paint the nursery- be everything you knew he would be. Later. In the coming weeks as you two welcomed, embraced the baby coming. You'd get to tell everyone in your cutesy way like you'd dreamed. Tina's reaction would make you cry, and the baby shower would make you sob. You'd mull over baby names for hours with Carmen, going back and forth, testing each name tentatively until you found the perfect one.
For now, you were happy just to know Carmen was here with you. You were happy just to sleep. There was still so much ahead of you- of both of you.

ft. aizawa, hawks, bakugo, dabi

your daughter looked up at eri as she taught the younger girl how to style hair clips and accessories. your daughter was just over a year old, curious about things but not good with coordination, so eri enjoyed being the big sister and teaching her all about fashion. and who was the model for her cosmetology lessons? none other than your husband, shota. there was nothing his girls couldn’t get away with, so he sat patiently as he graded work on the floor as they tugged and pulled on his black locks. every once in a while there was a wince or grimace on his face because they weren’t that gentle, but he didn’t say anything. you silently laughed watching them from across the room, thinking that you couldn’t have chosen a better man.

the habitual babbling of your little boy rang through the kitchen. you looked up at the clock because you knew your boyfriend would be coming home around this time. it seemed your son was starting to get a sense of time by figuring out when his dad came back everyday. and just as planned, the front door flew open, and a rush of red flew in front of you, straight to the highchair as keigo lifted your son. the air was instantly filled with giggles and kisses as the hero greeted his pride and joy. for a minute you were an afterthought, going back to your work until he gave you a few sweet kisses in greeting, son still in his arms.
“can we have a girl next?” he asked and you smiled at him sarcastically.
“can i have a ring?”

you heard him shouting from the other room.
“don’t put that in your mouth! give me that!”
your daughter babbled in the same tone right back at him. despite not knowing how to speak yet, she gave her dad the exact same amount of attitude that he dished out. you were curious and apprehensive to see when she grew up.
“don’t talk to me that way!”
“katsuki!” you called. “keep it down.”
your husband emerged from the room, holding a freshly changed daughter on his hip who was muching happily on a clean diaper.
“she started it.” he grumbled and you rolled your eyes at his beef with an eight month old. “anyway, i—ow, shit!”
your daughter had bit his shoulder, obviously preferring her dad over the diaper.

“i’m home!” you called but got no reply. you kicked off your shoes and went searching for your boys, only to find them in your bedroom. both were napping on the bed, dabi curled his body around his son as if to protect him from the world. your little boy had one hand grasping his dad’s shirt tightly, the other grabbing at dabi’s mouth, some fingers having pulled his lip down a bit. your heart melted at the sight, and you immediately sighed. your instinct was to curl up with them and hold them, but you couldn’t bring yourself to disturb them so you just watched fondly for a couple minutes before dabi’s eyes naturally fluttered open. he blinked a bit before noticing you.
“if he doesn’t get his hand out of my mouth i’m burning him.”
“toya, no.”

I can’t help but imagine Barbarian!Bakugou having woman in this tribe/clan really upset he married you. Their upset because they wanted to be wife Bakugou but no, he got a pretty Princess wife who isn’t even a barbarian to be his wife.
One woman in particular is so upset about it that she’s told other tribes that “Katsuki Bakugou married an ogre of a wife just to have peace relations”. She uses the fact that very few people have seen you. Which is actually because Bakugou got you pregnant out of wedlock and you didn’t want anyone to know.
The first time Bakugou hears of this rumour is at a tribal meeting, when a another chief of a different tribe says “I feel bad for you, Bakugou. I would even imagine myself marrying an ugly woman like your wife.”
The man’s head is cut off within two seconds.
Bakugou tries his best to keep the nasty rumour from you, but once you hear it you are distraught. It’s makes it harder for you to leave your shared tent. Bakugou has to beg you to even sit up in bed your that upset.
It’s put Bakugou in the worsts of moods for everyone else.
It’s only when your 8 months pregnant do people of his tribe see you, with pregnant belly. People can connect the dots. This pregnant woman leaving the tent of their chief and her pregnant belly is the size of roughly how long said chief has been married? Nothing else needed to be said.
You feel so self conscious that people are staring at you, making you fear you really are that ugly. Please are only staring because your pretty as a goddess and your pregnant!
So when you meet a chief of another tribe, all he does is softly chuckle and goes. “Sorry- I wasn’t expecting such a pretty thing. Didn’t think you’d be an angel.”
Bakugou on one hand is possessive as fuck but on the other sees how you aren’t taking the compliment seriously. He tries his best to reassure you that you are the prettiest girl he’s ever seen.
It’s only after once your daughter is born so you start not caring what people think how you looks, because looking at your daughter!
Her face lights up your world and no one can take that from you.
Of course, Bakugou still isn’t happy some spread around that ogre rumour and started trying ti find whoever started it. Once he finds out it’s a woman from his tribe who tried winning him over, he is fuming. Leaves a nasty scar down her face as punishment.
Whenever he goes out now, he brags about how his beautiful wife blessed his eyes with a beautiful daughter. And if anyone tries to disagree his sword is out.
do you think carmen has like a cutie little lock screen/homescreen or just the default ones that appear when you get the phone lol
he starts out with the default (like he does on the show) and then one day he notices you have him as your lockscreen and he’s like “oh that’s actually the best idea”. he takes a photo of you, maybe uses one he already has. wants a really really good one, a good memory so he thinks about it every time he turns on his phone.
it changes once every 2-5 years. once when you first start seriously dating (the first time mentioned above).
the second is a few months after you get anchovy- it’s you and him in a photo. i think it would be one where you’ve dressed him up and you’re showing carmen proudly, just beaming through the phone.
the third when you’re engaged. probably after buying the brownstone and it’s you and anchovy outside on the front steps, holding him to you, grinning widely with your ring showing.
then it’s with baby teddy. you hired someone to come to the house and take “life style photos” (“what does that mean?” “just us in our natural habitat, carm.” “…but why is that in our house?”). it’s you, carm, baby teddy, and anchovy lurking beside you. really the focus is on teddy, swaddled and new between the two of you. he’s like half cropped out in the picture on his phone bc he just wants to see you three. his favorite photo.
then it would probably stay that way until willow came along except it’s you, teeny tiny newborn willow, teddy, and anchovy asleep in the bed. teddy’s snuggled in one side, willow’s being held to your chest, and anchovy’s curled up on your lap. you hate the photo, think you look like a mess. “i think you look pretty” carmen mumbles, staring at the photo with such affection. he loves the rawness of it.
those are the big ones. every now and then something will come along and carmen will want to change it again, but it has to be really big bc he’s a little picky about it. he’s a bit of a diva when it comes to his lockscreens and changing them. he wants all his faves in there.
teddy being so cute one day, and it’s one of those really good days where you’re like “i can’t believe you were screaming your head off after i moved you away from the oven last night”
she's a little sour patch kid. she'll be so fucking sweet and then a terror in an instant. one day she's just so content and perfect, and then the next everything's wrong.
carmen always invites you to family, especially when he's working late. you told him today that you'd see since teddy was so bad last night, screaming and crying and throwing fits every five seconds. so he's surprised to see you walking back into the kitchen.
"hey," carmen's face lights up, reaching his hands out to grab teddy, who squeals and bounces with excitement. "i didn't know you were comin'."
"yeah, we decided to come see you." you grin, running a hand over teddy's hair. "she's been better today."
"has she?" carmen presses a kiss to her baby fat cheek. "are you feelin' better today? happy girl today?" she screeches when he tickles her.
tina turns the corner excitedly, gasping and waving at baby teddy. "chef, you didn't tell me the critic was comin' tonight." tina teases.
carmen rolls his eyes lightly. last week, carmen had tried to feed teddy a new puree, so excited now that she could eat more solid foods, only for her to scrunch her face up, spit it out, and bawl loudly. richie had laughed so hard he was crying, nearly falling over and out of his chair.