gingeredmink - ✖✖

Rayn ✘↑18 aro/ace non binary [any pronouns]Chronicically sleep deprived + headache + BPD

782 posts

Hi! Can We Use Your Drawings As Pfps With Credit?

hi! can we use your drawings as pfps with credit?

Hello! Absolutely, go right ahead^◡^

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    chaos-exhaust liked this · 2 years ago
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    neuvis liked this · 2 years ago
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    drowned-debris liked this · 2 years ago

More Posts from Gingeredmink

2 years ago

too tired n out of it to draw anythin atm buuuuut tatsuki and lefia with matching bracelets [with the stars on the toyboxs in lefias part or something]

that is all ◠⸜⸝◠

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2 years ago
Quick N Lazy Uro In A Wolf Ear Hat + Hoodie Givin Eyes To Some Off-canvas Tasteless Rando That Mentioned

quick n lazy Uro in a wolf ear hat + hoodie givin eyes to some off-canvas tasteless rando that mentioned Obentou

hat concept came to mind while waiting [freezing] at Docs office. oh btw got diagnosed with LPR so probs shouldnt eat so much spicy noodles BUT they’re which is good for TMJ [also diagnosed. or at least think it was].

essentially throat’s constantly gettin splashed with stomach acid and jaw joints screwed. head really is a mess huh

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2 years ago
12hr Shift + Health Stuff Flaring Up [both Physical And Mental]

12hr shift + health stuff flaring up [both physical and mental]

sorz, a wip is all that can be done today. am tired. and empty/lonely. wanna go cry to Blah n sleep. blah.

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2 years ago

anyone ever get tired and kindareally outta it and brain pingpongs thoughts so deep into the absurdity void you concoct a crossover au that’s so obscure and you and only you have the slightest idea what’s going on?

uuuunless anyone here happens to be both a ynfg and yozakura quartet fan [in which case, hello kinda love you now]


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