Rayns Asks - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

I hope grippy sock prison can help a little! or at least not be nightmarish- sending u wishes that your closest ward doesn't suck bad

appreciate it a lot! sadly it ended up being the definition of a nightmare thanks to shadowman and count bitchula buuut

I Hope Grippy Sock Prison Can Help A Little! Or At Least Not Be Nightmarish- Sending U Wishes That Your

did take a good bit of snacks so theres that heh [wasn't supposed to do that but eh]

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2 years ago

you were the main reason i got into debris

˶。ŏ﹏ŏ。˶ am honored anon

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2 years ago

I love how you compose your pieces! I really look up to how you can make comprehensive pieces that look good and connected, I also really love all of your color choices! you're definitely one of my favorite artists<3

I Love How You Compose Your Pieces! I Really Look Up To How You Can Make Comprehensive Pieces That Look

anon is this a murder attempt?

legit have no idea how to respond. thank you so much ꒦ິ﹏ ꒦ິ

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2 years ago

congratulations, your Debris-posting actually got me to try out the game! hopefully I'll have fun because im like the worst Yume Nikki player in existence—

Congratulations, Your Debris-posting Actually Got Me To Try Out The Game! Hopefully I'll Have Fun Because


Really really hope you have fun! heh if it makes you feel better am preeeetty bad personally. the to-play list is almost overwhelming to look at and there's several that still need to be finished [don't get started on Colours (/˶﹏˶\)] yet guess what game gets launched as if it hasn't been played through god knows how many times.

Congratulations, Your Debris-posting Actually Got Me To Try Out The Game! Hopefully I'll Have Fun Because

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2 years ago
Saw This And Thought Of You

Saw this and thought of you

Saw This And Thought Of You

its wonderful

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2 years ago

do you like gore? like gore anime or whatever they call it. :)

not so much the super hardcore stuff but yeah like gory art quite a bit [really enjoy goretober + got a sideblog for it + pixiv bookmarks are full of it]

mean, am constantly destroying these two soooo heh

Do You Like Gore? Like Gore Anime Or Whatever They Call It. :)

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2 years ago

went to go check out the mikan muzou tag after playing a bunch on YNO. thank you for being like. THE person who makes mikan muzou and debris fanart on tumblr. your artstyle is very very cool

Went To Go Check Out The Mikan Muzou Tag After Playing A Bunch On YNO. Thank You For Being Like. THE

First off glad it seems like you're enjoying MM, am so happy it got added to YNO

AYE THANK YOU!! these games don't get remotely enough fanart so glad to contribute what I can [there's been a few times a own art came up on twitter and got really excited like, "SOMEONE DREW FA- oh." 。ŏ﹏ŏ。]

also know you said tumblr n didnt ask for recs but wanna throw out there if you want other artists ruru490, cco8705, TW_so_sad, and Neet_Kou on twitter all do a lot great Debris?MM stuff

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1 year ago

wait i didn't know you listened to mili's music!!!! well now that i know i've got to know what your favorite songs are

Yea! Got recommended RTRT back a little after Miracle Milk came out and yeah, still need to really go through her whole discography cause am yet to listen to way too much tho

UUUUUUH Mili's got too many bangers to choose a normal amount of favorites. Lemonade, Utopiosphere, RTRT, Sl0t, world.execute(me), Poems Of A Machine, Red Dahlia, Witch's Invitation, Past The Stargazing Season, Unidentified Flavorful Object. Listened to the entirety of Ender Lillies OST a good number of times, and a bit of the Library Of Ruina OST. yeaah can't choose favs (ुŏ̥̥̥̥ ‸ ŏ̥̥̥̥) ु

also relevant [from LOR's OST]

Wait I Didn't Know You Listened To Mili's Music!!!! Well Now That I Know I've Got To Know What Your Favorite

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1 year ago

🐱 moderately intimidating

 Moderately Intimidating


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1 year ago

hey about art. I feel the same and have done for decade now. i quit art and try something like 3d, or photomanip or mattes, or naive just for something to try ease it, but it never does. however everyone I know that sat the fuck down and grinded out drawing or one specific artform gets there eventually. They may burn like 10 of their sketchbooks, but they make it. Art's difficultly a curve is a overhang but I tell you, keep moving forward. Your art is refreshing and gives me soulful nostalgia

god that sounds really rough. trying different things to help only to come out with nothing at best is torture and honestly seems to make it harder to keep trying.

Oh absolutely, even if it takes longer for some anyone that really dedicates themselves to something get it at some point. It's just making sure to not burn yourself out and ruin passion before getting there is my problem.

Am genuinely happy to hear that, thank you for this. Not the best with words but reading this did help with feeling better a lot.

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1 year ago
I Have No Trashpandas But I Do Have This Winking Red Panda From The Zoo! Good Luck With Stocking Hell

I have no trashpandas but I do have this winking red panda from the zoo! 🫡 good luck with stocking hell pbththth my location is also having A Time with smth that got too much ordered

this is blessed, thank you (⁠´⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠ω⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠`⁠) all pandas are good pandas and this genuinely brought a smile to deadinside retail worker face

Appreciate it and best of luck to you as well!! Genuinely hope youre at least better staffed the us heh. Overstocking of product is always a hell of A Time. esp if you're already tight on space

bonus points if it wasn't even ordered, warehouse just decided you needed ten cases of things that Do Not Sell

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1 year ago

i love love LOOOOOVE the way you draw sabitsuki & tatsuki omg (also your use of rusty orange/brown for lines and mmmmmm screentones YESSSSSSS) thankye for all the wonderful art you've given us ynfg enjorers <33 (also srry to hear your job is extra difficult lately, that totally sucks, I hope it gets easier soon!)

I Love Love LOOOOOVE The Way You Draw Sabitsuki & Tatsuki Omg (also Your Use Of Rusty Orange/brown For

AKJNFKJWENFBF THANK YOU SOMUCH!!! AM SO HAPPY YOU LIKE TAKE ON FAV TWO MESSES /。ó//w//ò。/ [ty! and goood don't get why more people don't use screentones, drawing with them feels like the artist equivalent of popping bubble wrap]

absolutely! these silly lil [questionable well] bed addicts mean a lot and am more than glad to contribute to anything of them ^^

heh appreciate it. to be honest its mostly lighthearted and mocking how ridiculous and amusing sounding some of the issues are [warehouse stuck under constant impression that we need more shrimp, the rogue taters, mountain climbing was not listed under job responsibilities]. it's actually probs at a much higher point than its been in years. tho again thank you for the thought ~

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1 year ago

update after like 6-7 months:

I beat Debris! At least the first ending, will go for the rest of the endings, but god I loved this game!

Might do Mikan Muzou next if I don't get distracted by Breath of the Wild or Skyrim, hehe

Update After Like 6-7 Months:


Update After Like 6-7 Months:

AM SOSOSO GLADJA LOVED IT! Good luck on getting the other endings. man seein that ending with Tats just looking off into distance makes heart hurt all things considered heh

Hardcore rec MM [esp since its on YNO so it's easier to play, plus badge art pretty]. It defs has improvements and seeing Sou/Tats art is probs more fun if you've played both [tho imagine it must be pretty funny just playing MM cause YNO and looking for art and just being real confused where the lil guy came from]. good luck and hope ya have fun with whatever game you end up goin for!

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1 year ago

Hello 👋



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1 year ago

what happened? sending love xoxo

Qxy had all of his worlds pulled from 2kki in the latest update. Given his worlds were some of favorites and contributed a lot to experience with game, it was not fun news to hear.

Thank you, really appreciate it.

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1 year ago

feel free to ignore this if you arent the person to ask, but is 2kki doing ok?? i stopped playing around the time that wataru's maps were removed from the game, and qxy's maps (especially nocturnal grove) were massive faves of mine... it's surprising to hear about their removal :(

Yes! The situation seems to have been resolved and Qxy returned their worlds. Haven't checked but believe they should be back on YNO as well. Here's a screenshot of his statement another person took.

Feel Free To Ignore This If You Arent The Person To Ask, But Is 2kki Doing Ok?? I Stopped Playing Around

Being vague was a mistake on own part, but personally thought what he said before removing wasn't that he was removing them but temporarily pulling them to address bugs. Which given how he seems like a bit of a perfectionist and is experienced with coding can understand why bugs can bother him, esp ones in his worlds. Agree it was really surprising since he seems rational and level headed, but don't know what is going on in his personal life and having an issue nag you for an extended period of time can take its toll.

Experience with programming is minimal but don't think people realize how much a bug can drive you up the wall [Weeks of agonizing over a bug just to be The Semicolon joke here]. THINK 2kki is also stored on Github so version control and rollback are options, plus it should list what files were affected in a commit/update.

Also not sure if you heard but Wataru returned as well! Initial statement was his maps were going to be re-implemented but he wouldn't be making anything new but he added a sub-area to the red streetlight world.

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1 year ago

Do you think Tatsuki and Minnatsuki would be friends or enemies? Mouse vs. Rat

Personality wise; know absolutely nothing about Minnatsuki [would like to know more and UC seems interesting, am just really. really. not good with being social heh] but generally see Tats as a kind person so could see them being friends. esp if they both like rodents, would be cute to see them bonding over that or something.

If we're going purely off animal's characteristics, had to look up if the two got along aaaaand well,

Most rats will kill any mice that they come into contact with, the majority of rats will also hunt mice for pleasure, as it is rooted in their genetics to find and kill them to preserve their food sources. Mice will avoid rats at any cost, much more so than humans, dogs, and cats.

it'd probs end up as something like this

Do You Think Tatsuki And Minnatsuki Would Be Friends Or Enemies? Mouse Vs. Rat

don't think tats is enjoying the "friendship" much heh

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1 year ago

your art style is so pleasing to look at... i'd like to get back to drawing, so i can see it becoming part of my inspiration! i think your art also encouraged me to play mikan muzou (and hopefully debris soon!), which was a very interesting time -- a little confusing, trying to reference both wikis and a bit of the yume nikki online server, since not all of the information is consolidated, but i've enjoyed my time with it! i'd like to go back and get the yno badges, too.

hope things are alright! wishing you all the best. 🤍

Your Art Style Is So Pleasing To Look At... I'd Like To Get Back To Drawing, So I Can See It Becoming

AAAAAAAAJBFAF THANK YOU SO MUCH!! wishin ya the best of luck with getting back into art, and am beyond happy to be a source of inspo to ya!

NIIICE! yeaah the wiki for Mikan can be a bit difficult at times, esp when area names are different and the game does have a lot in it. at least people on the server are pretty good at helping from what i recall. also sorz if server was confusing partly due to missing messages and people talking to a ghost in the past. that was me. insecurities came to haunt me and i freaked out and accidentally exorcised myself heh. Glad you enjoyed it anyhow, it really is an interesting and unique experience and am glad its available online. Good luck on getting the badges!

THANK YOU, SAME FOR YOU! (ノ´͈ ᐜ `͈)ノ~♥

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1 year ago

since you like metalcore, opinions on the boss themes from Sonic Frontiers? (Undefeatable, Break Through It All and Find Your Flame)

Oooooh never listened to it before, tho did hear about it due to Kellin Quinn doing vocals and Sonic always has killer music.

THIS SOUNDS SICK AF, reminds me of 2015-ish metalcore and I dig it. Its cool seeing Kellin doing harder tracks too [consider SWS to be on the lighter end of post-hardcore so yea]

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