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Giu Sto Art

Multifandom BNHA | HAIKYUU | NARUTO / An artist with too much fantasy and only two handsKo-fi me:

241 posts

Kiri Baku On The Way. Here You Can See Two Besties Hanging Out Together!

Kiri Baku On The Way. Here You Can See Two Besties Hanging Out Together!

Kiri Baku on the way. Here you can see two besties hanging out together!

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More Posts from Giustoart

1 year ago

My heart usual 🥰

Place in the Sun


Full YOTP Series Found Here

Paring: Hinata HyĹŤga x Kiba Inuzuka

Summary: When Kiba looks at Hinata, he sees the moon.

April prompt: (Seemingly) Unrequited Love

Word Count: 2.9k

Rating: General

Place In The Sun

When Kiba looks at Hinata, he sees the moon.

He knows that’s corny as hell to think, but he really does.

He envisions a beautiful, bright full moon, sparkling stars surrounding it, illuminating everything that makes contact with its light. Including himself—he lights up, too.

Kiba had always been the type to seek the sun, he used to joke that’s how he ended up on her team.

Hyūga means “place in the sun.” So he figures it’s only natural for him to be attracted to her—he wants a place in the sun, too.

But really, she’s more a moon than a sun. A bright light in the otherwise dreary, dreadful darkness of the Leaf for so long. Her dark hair is like the night sky, her luminescent eyes like the stars. She’s the moon, and if he’s being boastful, he’d even say he’s the sun. She told him that one time, and whether it was meant as a compliment, he wasn’t sure, but he chose to take it as such.

Kiba’s always looked at Hinata as something greater than she thought of herself. For as long as they’d been on a team together, he’s been telling her as much. He hates to see her beat up on herself, because he really believes it. She’s a force to be reckoned with, and reckon with it he does.

Alas, she’s never quite returned the sentiment. Not in the way she doesn’t compliment him—she does. She’s always been great at that. She had a way with words he thinks most of the people in their generation simply lack. Her compliments are given freely, and they always make anyone who receives them special, because they’re always unique to each individual.

She tells him his bond with Akamaru is beautiful, one of a kind, unbroken. She notices when he’s improved a certain special attack, makes sure he knows how she thinks he’s improved. She giggles at the way his fang pokes into his bottom lip sometimes, and when he glares at her, she reassures him it’s “cute.”

When she compliments his appearance, it always makes him blush, whether he wants to or not. She’s kind enough to never point that out.

Yet, the sentiment he’s not being returned is one he knows will never be returned. Love.

Not just the love teammates and best friends have for each other. That love was a given. Hinata, again, has always been one to freely give love to he, Akamaru, and Shino. When she wishes them good luck on a mission she won’t be joining, she always tells them she loves them and will see them soon. She also never says goodbye, and he didn’t realize why until the threat of war crept up on them.

No, not that love. To be in love. Because Kiba had, unfortunately, been a fool in love for far longer than he’d ever willingly admit.

He’s not quite sure when it happened. He thinks maybe it was during one of those moonlit nights that he caught her dancing next to a lake, elegant, graceful, beauty personified. Under a moon that was just for her. They were just 13 but it’s the first and only time Kiba ever felt like someone yanked his heart straight out of his chest and took it for themselves. And she had no idea she’d done it. She had no idea she was holding his heart in her hands and could do with it as she pleased. He’s never gotten it back.

He hates it, truth be told.

Kiba’s never been one to let others control him so easily. If he doesn’t like something, he’ll tell you. If he disagrees with the way a mission should go, he’ll do his own thing. If he thinks you’re being an asshole, you’ll know.

Hinata controlled him in a way that was unfamiliar with pretty much anyone else. It was different to the control his mother had over him, that control a mother has over their son. Talking, yelling, crying. His mom knows exactly how to control him, whether it’s through simple lectures, threatening with violence, or the rare sight of tears when she’s at her wits end.

No, the hold Hinata had on him was so vastly different. Just a look could shut him up. A slight perk of her eyebrow and he was immediately trying to figure out what she wanted from him. A soft laugh and he was clamoring to keep that laugh going, even if it made him look like an idiot. A sob and he was there, ready to wrap her up in a warm embrace and promise to kick whoever’s ass it was that caused the sob. A scowl and he was on his knees begging her not to be mad at him.

Kiba thinks he’s pathetic, sometimes, but really doesn’t know what he can do about it. He’s wrapped around Hinata’s little finger, and he’s ashamed he likes it there.

No, Hinata’s not in love with him. She’s only ever had eyes for one person, and everyone knows it. He may be in love with her, but she’s never been in love with him.

That’s just the way it goes.

Kiba accepted it a long time ago. It would never be like those cheesy movies his sister secretly watches on her days off. The ones where the guy pines after girl, girl is oblivious, then wakes up and sees he’s been there all along. Happily ever after.

That’s just not in the cards for Kiba, and he’s alright with it.

Before they even became a team, everyone knew of Hinata’s affection for the true sunshine boy.

That’s why he’s never tried to push anything remotely romantic on her.

So, when she reaches out with her thumb to wipe something from the corner of his lips, it makes his stomach turn uncomfortably. But he brushes off her hand easily, not letting her know that.

“Wait,” she giggles out, reaching back out again. That giggle: that noise is something he’s come to associate with the sound of his own heartbeat.

He groans in mock annoyance, turning his face from her. “Alright, alright, thanks mom.”

“Oh, don’t do that.” The corners of her eyes crinkle and it’s a sight he never gets sick of.

“Well, you’re actin’ like it, aren’t ya?” He smirks at her as he pulls his sleeve to his mouth to wipe whatever remains. There’s nothing there, and sometimes Kiba wonders if Hinata’s messing with him on purpose. Or maybe she likes touching him. The thought is invasive, and he does his best to push it down.

Hinata tsks quietly, pulling her own napkin to her lips to dab. She’s always so lady like, it’s funny to Kiba.

She’s too sweet and innocent to know what she does to him, so he doesn’t resent her for it. Even if he’d like to, sometimes. But now isn’t one of those times, especially if she’s actively paying for his meal. He briefly wonders if people ever think they might be out on a date, like he kinda, sorta wishes they were. Wondered if people didn’t ask Hinata out on dates because of him. But then he thinks, no, it’s because of her obvious undying affection for Naruto and scolds himself for thinking like an idiot.

As they get up to leave the restaurant, he rubs the back of his neck. “Guess I’ll walk you home.”

His eyes find her face tipped to the sky, eyes like moons facing the true moon. She swings her hands to her front to clasp before those eyes meet his once more. “It’s a full moon, it’s quite pretty, don’t you think?”

“Eh?” He looks up, and she’s right. A bright, crisp full moon hangs above them. His mind instantly wanders to thoughts of her lavender eyes, which forces his gaze back down. He shrugs. He completely agrees, it is pretty, and if it were anyone but Hinata, he’d get flirty about it, too, tell her it’s pretty, just like her eyes. But he doesn’t. He just nods. “Yeah, I guess.”

“Would you join me on a stroll?” she’s asking with a sheepish smile, and he wonders why she’s acting shy with him out of nowhere. He raises an eyebrow.

“A moonlit walk? Kinda romantic,” he snorts, then instantly regrets it when a small look of panic falls on her features. He coughs into his fist. “I mean, for anyone else. Not us. I—uh—” He glances around as if he could find something to save him of his embarrassment. “Just, yeah. Yeah, I’ll walk with you.”

Her face relaxes and he lets out a breath. She nudges her head, and he comes to her side. “Should we go north or south, you think?”

He brings his hand to his cheek to scratch, thinking it over. “Pretty sure there’s a scouting mission up north, so south?”

“Good thinking.” He catches her smiling up at him and he returns it, because it’s hard not to return. She brings a finger to her lips to tap and it’s hard not to let his eyes linger there. “You’re always so observant, Kiba.”

Kiba swallows. Her lips are always something that he finds himself looking at too long. He shrugs again, letting the attraction roll off him. He fixes his eyes ahead so he can stop staring at those lips. He can’t think of a response, so he remains quiet as they approach the outer gates.

“I love the way the moon reflects on the leaves when it’s full,” she says in that thoughtful tone of hers. He nods, biting the inside of his cheek. He never has anything quite as thoughtful to say back.

“Those frogs come out more often when it’s all bright, too.” He points towards a little pond where two frogs are seemingly fighting over some grub. She tilts her head at it.

“Observant,” she repeats, and he finally chuckles at that.

Then he feels her knuckles brush against his and he reels his hand back on instinct. “Shit, sorry.” He brings the hand to the back of his neck, and she looks up at him curiously.

“Oh…it’s alright.”

What’s this tone she’s using? She’d usually just giggle (that damn giggle) and tell him not to apologize. Again, he mentally shrugs it off.

“How are your mother and sister?” she asks, moving the conversation forward more naturally now.

He slides the hand from the nape of his neck to his chin to tap. “Annoying.”

Ah, that giggle again. “You know what I meant.”

He smiles. “Yeah. They’re both out on a mission for the clan right now. Picking up some pups from the Stone to bring back.”


“Mhm. Haven’t had much luck breeding this past year, so another dog clan out there offered some of theirs up for some extra help in training the ones they got.”

“Oh, that will be fun,” she says, bringing her clasped hands to her cheek, “I can only imagine Ms. Tsume and Hana wrangling a group of puppies across the Land of Fire.”

Kiba snorts. He can only imagine, too. He just thinks that when they get back, his number one priority is staying out of their angry, agitated hair. “Yeah, pretty funny.”

Now her elbow bumps into his and he automatically shifts to his left to avoid it. He looks down at her, and her smile remains.

His eyebrows furrow. “Uh, sorry. I keep bumpin’ into you.”

When her smile falls, he looks away.

Seriously, what the hell?

“Ino was wrong.”

Kiba jerks his head up at the seemingly random declaration, eyes darting over her frustrated form. Her body is stiff, her fists are clenched, and her hair is hiding her face as she looks away. So, he stops in his tracks, thoroughly confused now.

“Mind telling me what’s up?” he asks, and she stops a few feet away.

“Ino said if I just…touch you, you would know.”

Now Kiba’s downright dumbfounded. “What?”

“Little touches,” she continues, slowly turning her head to look at him. “Our knuckles, our elbows…I wouldn’t have to say it, you’d just…know.”

Kiba blinks. “Know what?”

“That I want to hold your hand.”

“Wait – what?”

Hinata begins laughing, and usually it’s a beautiful sound Kiba relishes in. He loves her laugh, but right now, it’s just confusing. And frustrating.

“Hinata.” He steps up to her, then circles her to come toe-to-toe, grabs her by the shoulders and leans in to get eye to eye with her. She’s got the side of her bottom lip between her teeth and she’s looking off to the side, clearly avoiding his probing gaze. “You know I’m an idiot. So what the hell?” He sees her scrunch her nose up at the rough sentence and softens. “Just…I mean, what’s up? Hold my hand?”

Hinata sucks in a harsh breath through her nose and then looks up at him, right in the eye. She doesn’t even look happy or like she has hearts in her eyes like Kiba figures girls might when they’re asking for something like this. She just looks determined, like she’s about to set out on a mission. “Yes, Kiba. I want to hold your hand. And I was hoping that maybe – maybe you would be able to smell it?”

“Smell it!” Kiba says, loudly, his mouth splitting into a grin as he laughs, and her cheeks go rosy. He likes how it looks on her when it’s not for Naruto.


“Sorry, Hinata – just, smell it?”

“Yes!” she huffs, folding her arms and now he can’t keep the grin off his face. “I remember you said you can—” she holds up both sets of index fingers to air quote, “—‘smell fear’ so I thought you would be able to smell my fear…”

“Wait – you’re afraid?” Kiba’s grins immediately, guilt pulling at his heart. “I didn’t smell that on you…and I might have been exaggerating a little. Hinata, why are you afraid?”

“Because!” Hinata exclaims louder than before now, and he leans away a bit. “I’m scared you’re going to think I’m dumb – that I’m…”

“I could never think you’re dumb, Hinata,” he says it softer than he intends, but can’t find anything wrong with that when her scrunched eyebrows relax, and her lips open in a part. “Uhm, here.”

He pulls his hands from her shoulders and then turns so he’s next to her, then slides his hand into hers. It’s cold, like normal, but soft and easily opens to accept his. He feels that bundle of nerves in his gut when he looks down at her and she won’t look back up.

“Is…is this what you wanted?” he asks, quietly.

“Yes, it is,” she whispers back, and he feels her squeeze his hand a little tighter. He squeezes back. “For a while, actually.”

“For a while?” He questions, looking straight ahead as they begin walking again. “You’ve been wanting to hold my hand for a while?”


He looks up towards the sky, at that bright, full moon. Almost so bright, it’s blinding.

“It’s warm,” she says it in almost a breath.

The breeze tickles the back of his neck, and he blames that for the way his face heats up.

“You’re always warm,” she continues.

“Like the sun?” He tries to joke, so very out of his element.

Hinata’s always had a way of controlling him, and he wonders if she’s beginning to know it, now, too.

“Yes,” she responds, looking up at him. She slows her pace, and he stops with her, looks down at her as her lips tug up. “You said to me once that I remind you of the moon.”

“I did?” he asks, feeling his chest tighten. “Was it when you told me I remind you of the sun?”

“I’ve thought about that for so long.” She bites her lips together as she reaches out with her other hand. “Do you think that’s why we’ve always been together?”




“I would like…to be more than teammates.”

It’s mostly awe that shuts him up. If Kiba didn’t know any better, he’d think he was looking into the moon itself with the way her pearly teeth brighten him up. Something dumb almost leaves his mouth, like ‘we haven’t been teammates in years’ or ‘we are, we’re friends.’ Thankful his dumb animal brain managed to drag that back, and he just stays quiet, hanging onto whatever else is going to come.

“What do you think?”

“Like…” Kiba swallows, hard. “Like being together? Together?”

They must look like the biggest idiots in the world, both in their twenties acting like little preteens, coated in blushes and stiff as boards.

Hinata nods and Kiba inhales, sharply. “You’re not playing some prank on me?”

The way her mouth falls open and eyebrows raise disbelievingly is cute and finally, he smiles.


Those pearly, bright eyes grow a couple of centimeters and he’s convinced that maybe he’s her place in the sun.

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1 year ago

3rd year’s confession.

I’m obsessed.

3rd Years Confession.

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1 year ago

the krbk tiktok is incredibly cute. thx for sharin <3

Thank you for appreciating it ❤️🧡❤️🧡❤️