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218 posts
Mina's Parents Intro
Mina's parents Intro

Sooo... you might be wondering... who are these characters, and where are their heads?
Well, the answer to those and many other questions is under the cut.
[Background taken from Ed Edd n Eddy.]
When it comes to Ed Edd n Eddy we have never seen any of the parents entirerly, the most we've seen was Ed's mom from the neck down. So, I've only designed Mina's parents from the neck down.
It's quite silly but I think it also adds a sense of mystery to it. Not even I know what their faces look like, because I've never thought of it.
I'm not gonna give them any names either, I'm just gonna call them "Mina's mom" and "Mina's dad".
I like to stay true to the show for stuff like this, in the same way Mina doesn't have a last name because the kids in the show don't have them either. They mostly never mentioned this stuff because the kids are the main focus, but I still find it interesting.
I'll give ya some info about her parents, and you can fill in the blanks yourself if you want.
Mina's mom is basically the most known parent in the entire show because Mina keeps mentioning her just as much as Eddy mention's his brother. Although, while Eddy keeps talking about his brother in a good light which we eventually find out isn't true, Mina keeps talking about her mom in a more bad light, but as the show goes on we'd slowly catch onto the fact that Mina's mom is an incredibly nice person.
I like to imagine that it's the little details that give it away, like Mina's lunch having her name written on it with hearts around it, which her mom made.
Mina's mom genuinely loves Mina, but she's very concerned about her as well. I mean a child spending the entire day in front of the TV really isn't a healthy hobby.
Which is why she keeps tyring to get her interested in different stuff to get her out of the house more often, which is difficult considering how difficult Mina is.
And this leads to the famous "Mina's mom getting mad at Mina" which Mina tries to avoid at all costs.
It isn't the yelling and messy type of mad, but more of the quiet type. Mina's mom can be genuienly terrifying when she's just looking at her in silence.
And Mina loves her mom as well. But currently she's far too grumpy to admit it.
As for her mom's personality besides being a nice person... I'll just say that she's the kind of person that walks through an IKEA for the entire day carrying 5 bags and she's still enthusiastic and full of energy after it.
Also, I've said it before but she works at a cosmetics shop.
Also, another important thing is that Mina's mom and Jonny's mom are bff's, so that's why Mina and Jonny have to spend a lot of time together (besides because they're cousins). I imagine that the two families often have lunch together or that they celebrate Christmas together, that kinda stuff.
And, finally, onto Mina's dad.
A very mysterious figure as he'd maybe be mentioned once or twice in the show by Mina.
Him and Mina basically always have silent solidarity going on. Whenever he gets home Mina moves over on the couch so that he can watch TV with her, without saying a word to one another which they prefer.
He's known as the electrical wizard of the culdesac, the other neighboors always call him to fix stuff for them. (mostly because they know he'd do it for free)
He works at an electrical shop, where they sell parts for things but also stuff like toasters, washing mashines etc.
As for their marriage It's basically those tall and short person relationship dynamics. :'D
I also keep imagining him buying flowers for her and cute little gestures like that.
I can also imagine that the other adults in the culdesac are secretly jealous of them...
Like how can someone have a such nicely put together life without a million problems?
Behind their backs they probably gossip about how they're faking it and that there's something bad going on behind the curtains, which makes Jonny's family the only one that's truly loyal to them.
And that's about it! I really like the designs I came up with. If anyone can pinpoint what I did with them you'll get a gold star. >:]
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*Danganronpa body discovery sound*

RIP Charlie 2022-2023
Really?? Well I'm glad you like it!! :DD
Important stuff tag? I'm honored 🥺❤️
Now I'm just imagining Sally shushing people in the background while trying to be professional-
Yeah I saw the skates in a sketch and thought they were cool! Although I wasn't sure about the color so I just made them the color of her regular shoes-
Anyway I'm glad I didn't screw up her design! :'D

I drew Carrie as a little thank you for including Molly in the OC Cafe! :> ✨
Idk why she's being filmed but for some reason I thought it'll look cool so I added it-

I thought the colors looked interesting this way so I went for it, I think it gives off 80s diner vibes-
The background is based on one of the ones we can see in this post. The background by itself is under the cut.

Here's all the possible answers under the cut, some of them are so funny to me- :'DD

Did you ever wanna know which one of my oc's you are?
Well today is your lucky day!
This stupid uQuiz I made is going to tell you!
Please don't take this too seriously I made it in like an hour or so-
Thing is Molly doesn't mind the piggyback rides as long as Charlie doesn't shake her too much, so this is also adorable. :']
I'm just trying to imagine the aftermath:
Charlie, still on the counter: Ya know, she's right, I do like it.
Milo: ...
Milo: Very well then-
Like he's a bit confused but he doesn't see anything bad about it so he just let's it happen-
She knows virtually anything about sleeping but she doesn't know about the most basic crap-
(It's been an ongoing joke in my head that she doesn't know what the alphabet is... yeah idk how either but that conversation would be funny-)
You understand them so well I'm just like:

Also about the posing: Charlie is mocking Milo's pose and expression, I forgot to add that- Like she's imitating him a bit. :'D
Thank you so so so so much for all of this!!! :"> ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Would y'all believe me if I told you that I've been absolutely OBSESSED with this AU for 2 months now and I've been holding back the urge to post about it because I didn't make anything for it yet?
I am very happy to present you,
The Chaotic Crossover AU!

AU explanation and facts under the cut.
The Chaotic Crossover AU is an au where characters of mine can travel across each other's universes, which allows them to be together. This AU's main focus are the interactions between my oc's, so my oc's are only really interacting with each other and no one else. Also, other random universes might open up for them to explore. Maybe it's just a parking lot, maybe it's an entire jungle... they'll never know until they enter. They enter them through a bunch of labeled white doors that are in a completely white void.
How all of this works, you may ask?
Doesn't matter! This is all purely for the fun of it and no one really questions anything.
So, basically, my homemade idiots (affectionate) hangout and chaos ensues.
Now, some facts about the gang:
Milo is the sole member of the Molly protection squad. Mostly because he doesn't trust anyone else even remotely enough to let them join.
He occasionally holds her hand in a motherly type of way, because they kept losing her during their hangouts.
Milo in this group is basically a weird mixture of a mom friend and a wine aunt.
Mina holds a lot of the braincells, but doesn't feel like sharing them. Milo is salty at Mina for not sharing said braincells.
Mina in general is still debating which option she finds worse, being with these 3 or with the kids in the culdesac.
They don't know what's worse, when Charlie is being all crazy and loud or when she's awfully quiet.
You should never leave Molly and Charlie in a room together for too long. Molly is very naive and believes virtually anything Charlie tells her.
Like, Molly didn't know what stealing is. And to be fair, she still doesn't, because Charlie told her that it's just 'saving things that don't actually belong to those people, so that they can finally be happy'.
And even though Milo tried to tell Molly the truth, she was so in awe with the idea of it that he didn't wanna break it to her.
Charlie basically acts as a weird sorta mentor that teaches Molly about the most random stuff. Milo usually stops her before she teaches Molly about something she shouldn't know about. (weapons, death etc.) Also, since Molly is the tallest Charlie often climbs on top of her for a piggyback ride.
Milo and Charlie argue like an old married couple.
Charlie loves to mess with Milo, and Milo loves to mess with Charlie.
They often make some sorta bet out of their arguments to prove their point even further.
Milo sees Mina as the grumpy teenager that the parents always drag along on a road trip even though she doesn't wanna go.
No one is really sure what's up with Molly's knowledge of things and her overall mentality, and no one is actually aware that she's an adult.
Charlie always comes up with crazy plans and tries to drag the others along with it.
Milo is the one that calls her out about the problems of said plan.
The Mina and Molly dynamic is basically:
Someone who doesn't care about anything at all, and someone who tends to care about things too much. Which leads to Molly often awkwardly asking Mina if she should worry about things. And Mina often says no for situations that do need a certain level of concern, to which Molly just tries her best to stay positive.
Charlie thinks she's the leader of the group. (It's actually Milo at this point cuz he's the one keeping everyone alive-)
And that's it for now! Except a lot of posts with these dummies. :'] ❤️
Would y'all believe me if I told you that I've been absolutely OBSESSED with this AU for 2 months now and I've been holding back the urge to post about it because I didn't make anything for it yet?
I am very happy to present you,
The Chaotic Crossover AU!

AU explanation and facts under the cut.
The Chaotic Crossover AU is an au where characters of mine can travel across each other's universes, which allows them to be together. This AU's main focus are the interactions between my oc's, so my oc's are only really interacting with each other and no one else. Also, other random universes might open up for them to explore. Maybe it's just a parking lot, maybe it's an entire jungle... they'll never know until they enter. They enter them through a bunch of labeled white doors that are in a completely white void.
How all of this works, you may ask?
Doesn't matter! This is all purely for the fun of it and no one really questions anything.
So, basically, my homemade idiots (affectionate) hangout and chaos ensues.
Now, some facts about the gang:
Milo in this group is basically a weird mixture of a mom friend and a wine aunt.
Everyone is a member of the Molly protection squad.
Milo occasionally holds her hand in a motherly type of way, because they kept losing her during their hangouts.
Mina holds a lot of the braincells, but doesn't feel like sharing them. Milo is salty at Mina for not sharing said braincells.
Mina in general is still debating which option she finds worse, being with these 3 or with the kids in the culdesac.
They don't know what's worse, when Charlie is being all crazy and loud or when she's awfully quiet.
You should never leave Molly and Charlie in a room together for too long. Molly is very naive and believes virtually anything Charlie tells her.
Like, Molly didn't know what stealing is. And to be fair, she still doesn't, because Charlie told her that it's just 'saving things that don't actually belong to those people, so that they can finally be happy'.
And even though Milo tried to tell Molly the truth, she was so in awe with the idea of it that he didn't wanna break it to her.
Charlie basically acts as a weird sorta mentor that teaches Molly about the most random stuff. Milo usually stops her before she teaches Molly about something she shouldn't know about. (weapons, death etc.) Also, since Molly is the tallest Charlie often climbs on top of her for a piggyback ride.
Milo sees Mina as the grumpy teenager that the parents always drag along on a road trip even though she doesn't wanna go.
No one is really sure what's up with Molly's knowledge of things and her overall mentality, and no one is actually aware that she's an adult.
Charlie always comes up with crazy plans and tries to drag the others along with it.
Milo is the one that calls her out about the problems of said plan.
The Mina and Molly dynamic is basically:
Someone who doesn't care about anything at all, and someone who tends to care about things too much. Which leads to Molly often awkwardly asking Mina if she should worry about things. And Mina often says no for situations that do need a certain level of concern, to which Molly just tries her best to stay positive.
Charlie thinks she's the leader of the group. (It's actually Milo at this point cuz he's the one keeping everyone alive-)
And that's it for now! Except a lot of posts with these dummies. :'] ❤️