Welcome to Goran Višnjić Daily, your source for the talented Croatian-American actor! We are Here to provide the latest news, information, and photos to keep you up-to-date on everything going on in Goran's career. You may know him as Dr. Luka Kovač in ER and Garcia Flynn in Timeless, both NBC television series. GVD is proudly a paparazzi-free fansite and respect Mr. Višnjić's privacy.
269 posts
Goran Visnjic As Armand
Goran Visnjic as Armand
"Dark Hearts" (2014) - Part one of this Gifset

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I don’t like to reblog stuff from my personal blog, but here we go… Duplicata is a new story I came up with after watching “The Island” (2005) one of my favorite movies. Once again, I think that Goran would be perfect in that sort of story as a Biomedical Scientist who clones people.
The story is about Dr. Ivan Šverko who clones a 19 years old woman that passed away after drowning. But as the parents of that woman passed away three weeks before the birth of the clone, Dr. Šverko is stuck with the female clone and decides to raise her and see how she will develop… Is Dr. Šverko really the good man he pretends to be? Hmm, you’ll have to read it to find out ahah! ;)

Also Available on AO3
Thursday, the 31st of August 2034
Dr. Šverko was sitting in his office staring blankly at the biomedical convention internet page in front of him.

He knew what day it was… One of his creations; Niamh, would soon be brought into this world, but unfortunately she wouldn’t be joining her ‘’Parents’’ as they had passed away 3 weeks ago.
The female clone was still resting in her huge plastic amniotic sac at the Šverko Biotech Facilities as Dr. Šverko joined the laboratory where the technicians were getting ready to severe the umbilicus in a few hours. The 6 '4'’ dark haired Doctor named Ivan Šverko placed his hands on his hips and spoke to the technicians in his deep tone of voice.
‘’When are you ready to extract the product?’’ He asked while his green eyes stared down at the dormant silhouette of the clone in the amniotic sac.
‘’In three hours, Mr. Šverko.”
The story of Niamh wasn’t a unique one as most of Dr. Šverko’s clients were coming to him to clone their dead relatives. The real Niamh had passed away 13 months ago and her parents had made sure to deliver the body of their dead child to Dr. Ivan Šverko, so he’d be able to clone her…
Cloning usually started with the removal of the chromosomes from an egg to create an enucleated egg. The chromosomes would then be replaced with a nucleus taken from a somatic (body) cell of the individual or embryo to be cloned. In this case, the individual was 19 years old Niamh Maverick, an American young woman who had died from drowning in a wave pool at a Waterpark…
It was the first time that Ivan was encountering an issue with a clone. Not that Niamh wasn’t ready to be extracted, or that she wasn’t healthy. The parents of the real Niamh had died in a car crash three weeks ago and Dr. Šverko was stuck with this clone. Even though the clone of Niamh had the appearance of a 19 years old young adult female, Ivan knew the procedure once she would be extracted. She would be just like a newborn and would need to be taken care of just like a newborn baby. Under normal circumstances, those clones were delivered to the people ordering them, so Ivan wasn’t the one taking care of them once they were brought into this world.
He could have gotten rid of Niamh and simply killed her when he had grasped the information about the death of her parents… But Ivan saw the opportunity to study one of his creations and see how the clone would develop as he never really had the chance before to raise a clone.
Ivan knew that he would have to deal with a clone that would first be as helpless as a baby, but she’d soon grow stronger and more intelligent just like the 19 years old adult she once was.
‘’Alright, I’m going to get something to eat.. When you’ll be ready to extract Niamh, call me… I’ll be in my office!’’
The Technicians nodded their heads at Dr. Šverko and promised to advise him once they’d be ready with Niamh’s extraction.
The morning flied by rapidly and three hours later, one of the technicians called Dr. Šverko as they were ready to release the clone from the amniotic sac in which Niamh was kept since her creation.
‘’We’re about to extract the female clone. We’re going to wait for you Mr. Šverko.’’

Ivan informed the technician that he would reach for the laboratory in a few minutes, to see the extraction of Niamh. The 6’4’’ man was seen stepping inside the clean and sterile environment. He washed his hands deeply before putting on protective equipment like sterile gloves, protective glasses and a waterproof rubber apron as a lot of fluid would be released from the sac once the clone would be set free.
‘’Ready for the extraction, time to sever the umbilicus.’’

The first technician severed the umbilicus, and the second one cut open the amniotic sac in which the clone was taking place.

All the fluids from the sac were released out rapidly, streaming down the grills below the technicians’ feet and Niamh was rapidly taken away from the sac to a stainless steel surgery table nearby the now empty sac with the help of the two technicians.
‘’It’s ok, it’s ok, breathe now!’’
The technician quickly gathered an oxygen mask over Niamh’s mouth to help her breathing normally as she had been released from the sac. The clone was struggling to breath, even almost refusing the oxygen mask over her face as she felt threatened.
"Easy, easy, we're here to help you!"
Even though it wasn’t the first time Dr. Šverko was present for the birth of one of his clones, it was always a different experience each time. Few minutes after her release, Niamh was finally able to breathe on her own.
"Welcome to the real world!"
Dr. Šverko mumbled under his breath a rather not so enthusiastic sentence. As if he knew in what troubled society Niamh had been brought into.
The technicians finally managed to calm down the female clone, but she was still shaking violently as the fresh air from the laboratory wrapped her nakedness.
Niamh had the appearance of a young adult, but she was clearly not acting like one as she brought her thumb to her mouth, sucking it like a newborn baby, while her eyes remained closed. The technicians carefully cleaned her from the jelly-like substance covering her and dried her whole body before diapering her and wrapping her in a mylar thermal blanket to keep her naked body warm as the young woman kept shivering intensely from the cold air hitting her skin.
Dr. Šverko carefully approached the clone and slowly pulled away the thermal blanket to examine her from head to toe . The young female let out a weak cry as the cold air once again startled her. She was almost getting warm to the point of having complete control of her body, but the shakiness rapidly came back.
"It's ok, it won't take long, I'm almost finished..."
Said Dr. Šverko in a calm and gentle tone of voice as to reassure her. The clone had no abnormalities, her skin was so smooth and soft, and she did seem to be perfectly healthy from what Ivan had noticed.
The small woman was all curled into a fetal position, still sucking her thumb. As Dr. Šverko forced open her eyes, Niamh was heard moaning in pain, not appreciating at all to have her eyes opened like this, as if she felt pain from the bright spotlights from the ceiling. She had indeed the same blue eyes as the real Niamh and Ivan was proud of his creation. Her pale blonde hair and small frame really gave her the gentle and innocent look of a baby, Ivan almost felt like taking her up in her his arms, but he knew she needed to get some rest to get used to her new world.
‘’She’s perfect!’’
Ivan smirked at his creation, looking at her profoundly, even passing one of his large hands through her wet short pale blonde hair, before putting back the thermal blanket over her body. The technicians had to bring the clone to another place where she’d sleep and be watched by doctors and Ivan for the rest of the day.
Ivan watched her as the technicians brought the female clone to another room. Impatient to have her with him.
"Papa is going to take good care of you..."
He whispered while softly smiling...
Update :)
Hello, I just want to take a minute and say thanks to everyone who took the time to message me in the last weeks, your presence and messages are totally helping me with getting though everything right now! My mother and I met the doctor today after the MRI scan, but we unfortunately don't have yet the results. My mother will also have a Pet Scan tomorrow at the hospital, so we'll know if the Cancer has spreaded on the next appointement, which should be next Monday or Tuesday.
So far, what will happen, is that my mom will have Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy in 2 weeks to destroy the tumor and it should last around 6 weeks. Of course I will know more next week at the next appointement. For those who didn't know, my mother have been diagnosed with Uterine Cancer on May 13th.
Thanks everyone for your kind words, I truly met the nicest people ever!! Goran Visnjic has the best fans ever! 😍

Goran @ The San Diego Comic Con, July 20th 2017
He's got Teacher Vibes on this 🤣

HD size pictures available on the Gallery section as always :)
I just finished screencaping Garcia Flynn from "The Alamo" Episode, not my favorite one, but having Garcia Speaking Spanish is delicious ahahh! @accio-baqat we both agree that it's quite attractive haha!
You can view the 100 Screencaps through The GALLERY as usual by clicking here

I also uploaded two videos from that Episode...
Next episode: The Watergate tapes

For the Luka Kovac fans 😂

Please, let me know if you buy one, and show it!! I'd really love that haha! 🤭🤣