Gray Hair - Tumblr Posts

My 1st time I have EVER gotten to wear a latex dress!

This guy is so handsome and manly

Dream man. Aidaddies

White Pearl She look like creepy with cracks No copy and NO STEALING my drawing NO REPOST!!

13 days - 18 left days
No copy and no stealing my drawing!!
No repost!!

I think guess which real pink or white pearl?
No copy and no stealing my drawing!!
No repost!!!

Yep. Jeremy, Brad and Chris were Fur-Sure.
Well, faux fur-sure. Chris felt the need to mention plastic tho was real. Brad said it read a little Jeremy Irons. Don’t u think? A little too Jeremy Irons. That's when Jeremy randomly started singing about some cool cat who sounded like they may have a drinking problem because water fell out of the sky when they got married.
Brad told Jeremy he should take that wino fly friend seriously. Chris on the other hand hated Chardonnay, but instead wanted to know if Jeremy got into modeling because everything now was wrinkle resistant. Jeremy said family played a part but what worried him most was nobody got old anymore. No one under the age of 30 knows what wrinkles look like.
Brad said that was def tru. He had to look up wrinkles on Wiki as well as Chardonnay. He’d only known Rose. Chris mentioned they'd all already seen eachother with gray hair. That lookbook was soooooo 2 years ago. Did that classify it as retro? No one knew.
A sick Paul Atredias (way after the events of part 2 ) Chani takes care of him please 💕🥺
As long as I breathe
AU where Chani and Paul get to grow old together. Short, but sweet.
C/W: Death
Chani ran her fingers over the lines that graced Paul's face. He was sleeping, as he often did these days, too exhausted to even flinch from the dreams she knew were plaguing his mind. They always did. She listened mournfully to the raspy sound of his shallow breathing, knowing his health was declining rapidly.
Paul opened his eyes and searched the room in vain. His once vivid greenish blue irises were now obscured by blindness wrought upon him by a failed assassination attempt.
"Shh, I am here," Chani whispered soothingly. She petted his dark curls that were now peppered with glistening silver strands. She held a pouch of water to his lips. "Drink, my love."
"I never deserved your love," Paul croaked once the water slaked his thirst. "When I am gone, I want you to find love again."
"Don't speak like that, Usul. It is not yet your ti-"
"Please, Chani. I have seen it."
"No, I refuse to let you give up. The healer... " she cut off as tears strangled her speech.
"...has done everything they can. Do not waste your water on me, Sihaya. I have carried out my purpose here. My time is near." Paul's speech was stilted with hacking coughs that sounded like he was drowning in air.
Chani picked up Paul's hand and held it to her face, nodding into his palm. His thumb caressed her cheekbone.
"You are just as beautiful today as you were in my visions all those years ago," he whispered.
Chani laughed wetly. "Paul..."
"Just because I am blind doesn't mean it's not true. Nothing could detract from your angelic beauty. Not even age." He pulled Chani's hand toward his lips and placed a gentle kiss on her knuckles. "I [cough] will always be [gasp] with you."
Uttering these final reassurances drained Paul's energy, and he closed his eyes for the last time. Chani held his hand dutifully until he drew his last ragged breath hours later.
Goran Visnjic as Armand
"Dark Hearts" (2014) - Part one of this Gifset

That awkward moment with a haircut, of three months, until it grows out to what it was again, so you know what to do with it.
when I said ‘salt and pepper hair is hot’
I did not mean ‘ I want to go gray before I reach 20’
on the bright side I don’t need to spend shit tone of money to lighten my hair
Roll the Genetic Dice
My Mom started to go gray in her late 30s/early 40s. She blamed it on the stress she went through with several of my siblings. I just turned thirty and I have a white/gray lock of hair, a younger sister ‘Diane’ is going to be 27 later this year has lots of white strands of hair and another younger sister ‘Jean’ who is 24 has a tuff of white hair (I think my next younger sister Kathy who is 22 has some white but I never asked her about it so I can’t confirm this).
So I told my Mom ‘it’s probably genetic since I want to say under my oldest sister Raquel’s hair dye she has white hairs as well though, if she does my Mom blamed it on the fact Raquel used to get her hair dyed all the time once she started earning money and my Mom said it was probably going white because of the ‘stripping process that were being used to give her different, usually, lighter hair colors (Raquel is going to be 36 on her birthday)
My reasons for sharing this is to say sometimes the roll of a genetic dice is crappy, going white before you turn 50 crappy, and not everything can be blamed on stress, environment, diet, medication etc. Embrace it and it’s okay to be sad about going gray and being under 30, I was and I know my younger sisters feel similarly at different times. It’s okay to get hair dye and cover it up, my Mom did because she was tired of being mistaken for our grandmother when she went out shopping with us and my MIL dyes her hair too.Â