grandiangeist - Hello and Welcome.
Hello and Welcome.

Digital Artist who's just showcasing his stuff to the world.  My Art

382 posts

Daria And Jane.

Daria And Jane.

Daria and Jane.

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More Posts from Grandiangeist

2 years ago
If You See This On Your Dashboard, Reblog This, NO MATTER WHAT And All Your Dreams And Wishes Will Come

If you see this on your dashboard, reblog this, NO MATTER WHAT and all your dreams and wishes will come true.

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3 years ago

You bored, or feeling artsy but don’t have any inspiration...? *updated!*

Do you need to distract yourself? Or are you simply bored? Here are some great websites to make the time pass.

create pixel art

Awesome photo editor and art program, all free…!

Totally free transparent textures

make a cute chibi

draw some cool generative art

be a graffiti creator

create a picassohead (you don’t need to be a picasso to do so)

paint online

another awsome site to create pixel art on

and another one

create your own mandala

or color one

create an avatar

or you can try creating your own superhero

here you can interact with organisms in different environments to see how to music changes

here’s a website that translates the time into hexidecimal colours,

Here is a website where you can travel along a 3D line into the infinite unkown

here is a website where you can listen to rain with or without music

Need a model in a certain pose for drawing? here

Want to build your own planet

here is a website where you can create your own galaxies

make your own pattern (very useful if you need a new background)

create next hit comic

make a city which looks like something from 90′s games

draw a mandala like design

jig saw puzzles

more jig saw puzzles to solve

create a stunning HTML5 animation - no coding!

make a movie

create and dress up dolls

play a piano

you can also play a guitar

create sounds

another sound creator

create a logo

design your dream home

sketch rooms

explore fashion trends and create your own sets

build a website

try this app for building a website

Or maybe start learning how to code!

design your own t-shirt or a beanie or sweatpants and order them

design your own phone case

pretend to be a graphic designer with this cool online tool

Make your own Glitch art

Here’s another glitch art maker

And another!

Holy hell, here’s a third!

make an image look like it was created by a commodore 64

freaking cool text generator!

Easy to use word processor

Make up really cool patterns or run your photos through it :)

Write an essay on anything with no hassle

Wanna see how something you write would look like if it was on JacksFilms YGS((Your Grammar Sucks videos on YouTube))?

Make pictures out of text

ASCII word generator

Need an idea for some fanart-here :D

Still haven’t found something that would float your boat? Try these:

watch a documentary

learn to code

do something yourself

workout with the help of this great youtube channels

learn things

play pokemon or zelda or other awesome old school games

waste your time on miniclip

play games at additing games

or try games at agame

calm your thoughts

the quiet place

it will be okay

vent or listen to someone

pour out your soul

explore the sky

look at art from around the world

virtually visit museum of iraq

explore world with arounder

create a music playlist

list through rare books

scroll useful science website

create sand art

brain games

try out tastekid and discover new favorite band or movie or book

interactive 3D anatomy

random street view

post a secret

create a family tree

find our what’s the difference between x and y

help scientists and become volunteer researcher

create your own font

read a classic short story

In the mood to read, but not sure exactly what book to go for?

scribble on maps

listen to letters

play with acrobots

listen to podcasts

make a bucket list

Ever want to see the most truly useless websites in creation?

Prank a friend with this blue screen of death!

Zone out watching the colors drip down

Maybe none of these peeked your interest-maybe you’ve been wanting to create an o.c, but never really knew how to start-or you just enjoy making O.C’s….

This masterlist is to help you in making your own OCs….it can also apply to developing RP characters i suppose! (´ヮ`)!

How to Write Better OCs:

basic tips on how to make your oc even better

tragic backstory? learn how to write one/make yours great

writing specific characters

a wordier, great guide on how to develop your character

kick out those vague descriptions and make them AWESOME

Character Development:

how to actually make an OC

Q&A (to develop characters)

more Q&As

giving your character a backstory

how to write an attractive character

Need an Appearance idea?

Humanoid generator? check

Here’s another one

and maybe if you didn’t like those this’ll work

Need Monsterpeople?

Well, then here ya’ go

Maybe you need Cats?


adding more racial diversity

avoiding tokenism, AKA, how to add diversity to your cast not just because you “need” it

writing sexuality and gender expression (doesnt include non binary, if you have a good ref to that, please add on!)

masterpost on writing more diversity into your story

cultures of the world

guides to drawing different ethnicities (not just a great art reference, but also really helpful in appearance descriptions!)

Mary Sue/Gary Stu

Test to see if your character is a Sue

Explains subdivisions of Sues/Stus

Powerful Characters Don’t Have to Be Sues


villain generator

need an evil sounding name for your evil character? bam

villain archetypes

what’s your villain’s motive for being a villain?


character perceptions (What your character thinks of themselves and what others think of them)

how to write strong relationships between two characters

8 ways to write better characters and develop their relationships with others

OCxLove Interest Handbook

develop your couple with good ol’ Q&A!

how to write realistic relationships

how to write relatives for your characters (this is more OC related to a canon character, but will help in writing family members in general)


12 common archetypes

8 archetypes for male/female characters

female archetypes (goes pretty indepth from two main categories)

a list of archetypes


how to name your character

random name generator

most common surnames

surnames by ethnicity


tips for better design

basic appearance generator

pinterest board for character design (includes NSFW and images of skeletons/exposed muscle (?) so tread carefully!)

clothing ref masterpost

Clothing generator

Another clothing generator

More clothing generator

Aaaand even more

Steam punk clothing

Char Style preference

Dress Generator


give your character better powers

a list of professions

proactive vs reactive characters

positive and negative traits

interest generator

skills generator

motivation generator

123 ideas for character flaws

list of phobias

Oh shit someone died

Backgrounds and stuff? yep


Personality. you need that shit

Need something fandom related?

City generator hell yeah

location? got ya


make your own god damn laws


Need Item names?

Fantasy/sci-fi/etc. medicine names

Stuff to make things more interesting.Weapons, clothes, treasures… whatever your characters need.

Item & Artifact Generators

Other stuffs!

Genre, Plot, & Story Prompt Generators

How did your characters meet?

Fanfic plots. you bet your ass.

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2 years ago
I Drew All The Hisuian Pokemon (forms) From Pokemon Legends: Arceus. 16 Drawings Later And This Was A

I drew all the Hisuian Pokemon (forms) from Pokemon Legends: Arceus. 16 drawings later and This was a really fun drawing to do!

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3 years ago

Back in the summer of 2006, exciting things were on the horizon for Nintendo fans. Nintendo’s new console, the Wii, was just a few months away, and with it would come The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. On the more immediate horizon, however, was the Japanese release of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.

Munchlax and Bonsly had appeared in the anime and the side game Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, and rumor had it that for the first time the starters would deviate from the Grass/Fire/Water formula. There were a few minor leaks, such as Lickitung and Magmar getting evolutions, which a few people drew their own interpretations of. These images being used in hoaxes such as fake leaks ultimately lead to what those who were there call The Summer of Fakemon.

It felt like new fake leaks were appearing every day. It was pretty easy to recognize most as being fake, but for some it was hard to be sure, while others were completely convincing. At that point, I’d been drawing and editing sprites for a Sailor Moon web comic for about two years, so I was mostly interested in the pixel art aspect of all the fakes. Granted, I wasn’t very GOOD with pixel art, but I still enjoyed it. When I threw my hat into the hoaxing ring, it was with something that I thought would fall into the “obviously fake” category.


It was picked up by several major Pokemon fan sites, particularly Spanish-language ones for some reason, and got around enough that Serebii added it to their Fake Pokemon page. I think the reason a lot of people believed it was real might have been because it was just too ugly. If someone were trying to pass off a fakemon as real, they would make it cute or cool, not ugly and weird, right?

My fondest memory of people reacting to it was one person, who seemed to believe that it was real, referring to it as “Cthulhu’s dog”.


I didn’t bother making it look convincing, since I didn’t think anyone would buy it and it was going to be in a small distorted image anyway. As you can see, it’s crudely cobbled together… but what exactly are we looking at here? As luck would have it, I never delete my working files.


The head is actually that of a Beautifly, with a single smoothed-out Articuno wing mirrored to serve as both ears (…or whatever those things are), which also seems to be where I got the blue color palette.


The body is an Espeon’s. You can actually see those lines, left over from the legs, in the final design.


The fins are the leg-wing-things of a Crobat, recolored but otherwise unedited.


Needless to say, when I started I just thought that Beautifly’s head would look interesting, and had no clear idea what direction I was going with the design.


Next up was a Gorebyss tail, and this is where things went a little… experimental. I knew that I didn’t want that purple fan on the end, but I really didn’t know what the end of the tail SHOULD look like.


I ultimately settled on the tail in the bottom-right, which is actually the feathers from the top of a Swablu’s head. I considered leaving it like that, but felt like it was still a little too simple. I decided to add part of a Magikarp tail, to make it more similar to the Kingdra design in the top-right.


From there, for whatever reason, I had the idea to shape the tail into a fishing net, hence the creature’s name, Tsurigu (Japanese for fishing tackle). I honestly have no idea if anyone but me ever saw the tail as a fishing net.


Finally, the adornments! I used the rear part of Lanturn’s antenna, editing it just enough so that the ball portion looked like it was in the foreground. I removed the bottom (earlobe?) parts of the modified Articuno wings, and drew on some gold rings just to add a few points of visual interest.

There you have it! Eleven years later, the full truth of Tsurigu’s creation. It’s hard to say how far it spread or how many people saw it, considering it’s been so long and most of the sites that posted it have disappeared. Over the years I’ve seen the design used in a few different ways, including things like reinterpretations and a creature made in Spore that I can no longer find.

My favorite is actually one from just last year, by DeviantArt user Urbinator17.


It was never that well-known, and at this point has been almost entirely forgotten, but the terrible amalgamation once called Cthulhu’s dog is a highlight of The Summer of Fakemon, and one of my favorite memories of 2006.

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