grisastro - Gris Astro
Gris Astro

Alien Sun ☀️ Mermaid Moon 🌙 Dinosaur Rising ⬆️

236 posts

What Makes You Attractive?

What makes you attractive?

This quick, rushed reading is intended to shower you with compliments and make you feel good about yourself. + a shuffled song because why not?

Disclaimer -> This is for entertainment purposes only. If it doesn’t resonate, pick another image or let it go.

What Makes You Attractive?
What Makes You Attractive?
What Makes You Attractive?

Image 1 (Sade Adu)

9 of Pentacles - I don’t usually take cards that fly out but with this one… how could I not? This card is all about independence and luxury. You know how to work hard for something you want. You know when to put your entire heart into something and when to hold back. You carry yourself elegantly. Like Sade, maybe your style is simple yet expensive looking. You’re a natural beauty and your style doesn’t distract from your looks. You exude depth and soul. Your spiritual and intellectual maturity are evident when you speak. If you didn’t already know, Sade is the embodiment of natural grace, sensuality, and beauty. You embody those same traits. She’s also quite private, so you probably keep your circle small and reveal very little of yourself at first. That mystique just draws people in. When people finally get to know you, you’re intense. You put yourself first and it shows.

I kid you fucking not, when I asked what song you embody Sade came on shuffle. I wish you could see the way my jaw dropped. Check out her other songs too! I love her

Image 2 (Jane Birkin)

The High Priestess - You’re a bit like those who picked image 1. What makes you attractive is your mystique and spiritual depth. I see that you’re perceptive and probably quite shy. But that actually makes you very attractive! If you see shyness as a burden, I hope this message changes your perception. Shy or not, I have to say that when you speak people hang on every word. Your mannerisms, voice, and vocabulary are mesmerizing. There’s an energy of unattainability with this card. Do you play hard to get? If yes, that’s very attractive. Your features and movements could also be very… feline? Honestly, there’s something unique I can’t put my finger on. I guess that explains The High Priestess. You probably surprise people a lot. You might hear from others that you’re not what they expected (in a good way). You’re willing to see the truth others hide from. Lastly, you have a lot of duality. Your balance of femininity and masculinity is alluring. You would probably look good in androgynous styles. Maybe you have two distinct styles you switch between and it keeps people interested in you. Overall, you’re so captivating.

Your shuffled song is dreamy. You definitely have a romantic, otherworldly aura.

Image 3 (Kim Minhee)

King of Cups - What makes you attractive is your calmness. You seem like a peaceful person who brings comfort to everyone (and this applies to you even if you’re outwardly hyper or you don’t feel like you’re peaceful). Your appearance is inviting. You’re open minded, compassionate, and emotionally mature. Your charm is in subtleties. It’s that necklace you put on, the loose strands of hair that fall around your face, the slight curve of your nose. Things like that make you attractive. You probably give the kind of advice that reminds your friends of how irreplaceable you are. You’re loyal and make others feel secure. Honestly, everyone probably thinks they’re your best friend because of how magnetic you are. Also, you probably have a lot of friends falling in love with you. You love gaining new experiences, especially if they advance your emotional intelligence. I feel like you’re constantly learning and improving. You’re the perfect balance of bubbly and down to earth. All of this makes you a very fun, lovable person.

Your shuffled song is sweet. I feel like it perfectly conveys the fact that you’re irreplaceable to others.

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1 year ago



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1 year ago

Your Chart Ruler, the planetary ruler of your Ascendant and House Placements:

Aka: Aries Ascendant = Mars. Gemini Ascendant = Mercury.  Leo Ascendant = Sun and so on. I’m not going to argue modern or traditional rulership, so that is up for you to decide.

1st House: Being an individualist is not only important to you, but a lifelong journey. Introspection, defining the self, self-awareness, independence, and general self-interest comes as an impulse. The self forms through confidence. If confidence ever feels like a pain point it is because you are so determined to build it up. Your presence comes off strong. Rest assure, life and YOU are complicated but in a way you can boil everything down to self-expression and the very essence of your identity.

2nd House: Establishing personal values and finding inner security is important to your being. If we look at the chart ruler as a sort of guide or compass throughout life, it is all pointing at your self-esteem/worth and what you hold dear. Connecting with what grounds you is so important! Appreciation for the world around you, the people in it, and for yourself is a life lesson. The self needs to be careful of hanging onto the material world for expression, identity, and self-awareness.

3rd House: This person lives through curiosity. An emphasis on the intellect, learning, and communicating is felt throughout life. The self is developed based on intellectual and social stimulation. Self-expression may seem energetic, youthful, quick, or exuberant as they grow. They may have a different view of maturity, the nature of the planet is important in determining how they are going to mentally accept and process growth. For example, Saturn could indicate struggles with learning and communicating at a younger age which sets off an important development of self. Venus can show the vital need to communicate with others and that insecurities around this may trigger immaturity.

4th House: The self is on a journey to feel at home. The need for roots is strong. Development of the self is heavily influenced by family or a close community. Self-expression is most seen in the home or around those closest to them. Even with an outgoing ascendant - the self feels most like “them” in their comfort zone of family or home town. Self-awareness may come from reflection, nostalgia, and memories. There is a strong connection to their past and sometimes they need to remember that their past self isn’t always their current self or have to be their future self.

5th House: There is a focus on self-expression. Unlike the 1st house which is centered on identity - this is about expressing your truth, feelings, beliefs, creativity. Self is understood and formed by having the freedom to express and create. What is life if not a celebration or a stage? Living life to the fullest is a need. There is a need to play and have fun throughout life. Dullness, restriction, and a lack of passion can take its toll on this person.

6th House: The steadiness of everyday life is accepted and comfortable for them. Before you jump to words like “boring”, this position has a special adaptability that is very helpful in the real world. The self is formed by their understanding of the here and now. Self-awareness comes from the rewards or proof of their efforts, especially at work or by helping others. A long life lesson may be about balancing mental and physical health or tapping into the importance of it. They need to develop a mindfulness about their body, mind, and spirit. They are not a machine that can keep working. They can’t always fall into putting other’s needs before their own. They can’t get lost in the effort and energy of completing every task thrown their way. 

7th House: The self is helped developed by relationships. Self-awareness many times is brought up by another. Others call them out on their flaws or strengths, put up a mirror to them. This person needs to be careful about losing self in others, wrapping self view and expression too much around a partner or friends. Don’t forget the 7th can talk about competition, this person may have a surprising competitive streak. The self can be defined by relationships, social status, or competitions. Stepping back and realizing this part of them is important. Self-awareness without help is a lesson. Independence and self love are lessons. Life points them on a route to relate to others.

8th House: Here the self is understood and awareness brought through transformations. Introspection and exploring depths is how the self is brought to light. Going into the unknown likely frightens yet fascinates them. There is a calling towards the taboo, the emotionally intense, and maybe the occult or spiritual. Self-expression is only done properly when it comes from an emotional place. For those who identify this house with sex or general intimacy, this can be a portal for self-awareness and growth. Empowerment and mastering the self can be part of their life’s journey.

9th House: Beliefs and the self are tied closely. For self-awareness they need the freedom, time, and knowledge to examine and develop their own belief system. The self can also be highly influenced by every new idea or person they come by. They are open to what is new. Higher learning can be important in finding solidarity in the self. But higher learning is honestly too specific and for some unattainable. It can also be through traveling or independent learning that this happens. Spirituality can be a focus for self-expression or how they navigate life. Even if they don’t follow a religion, believe in the occult, or follow spiritual ideas and practices, they hold a deep feeling of right and wrong. They form philosophies around life and people.

10th House: The self being tied to career is a manifestation, but let’s stop right there. Self and self-expression, even for the workaholic is bigger than career. Ambition is the key word. It is through their ambition that the self is best understood and expressed. For those with this placement or if you have a loved one with it, think outside the box of CEO, celebrity, millionaire for what ambition means. When young does it mean good grades or starting a club from nothing? As they get older is it a goal of finding their spouse?  Authority could have played a role in shaping the self. Self-expression may be highly focused on the outside world, building up a public image. Be careful of self-awareness coming from how others accept them and view them - the public image is NOT the self.

11th House: The self wants to belong and find fellowship. Self-expression shines in the group setting, when sharing visions or dreams, and when mentally connecting. Self understanding can come from expression of individuality and exploring their own mind. Be careful of relying too much on the acceptance of others or being liked. Friends, the group, or an organization they belong to help them understand the self and help them to express. Eventually they must leave that nest and enjoy the freedom and power of independence, rebellion, and being self-defining. Chasing after their dreams, more specifically how they envision the world and life is important. It can be through this they find the clearest self understanding.

12th House: Secrecy, illusions, the ruler in this house finds peace and understanding in solitude. There is a natural desire to express the self but they find this hard. Fear and secrets hold them back. There is a need to confront fears, weaknesses, and what is hidden to express the self and to understand the self. Imagination and escapism offer them tools to help face their fears or challenges. Connecting with their spiritual side is a call throughout their life.  There is an understanding of people and their hidden sides that they learn from their own self-awareness. Understanding the self is also a key to tapping into any secret strengths of this house.

1 year ago
Last Update - June 1st [2023]
Last Update - June 1st [2023]

Last Update - June 1st [2023]

Hello Siren!

If you've read any of my askbox replies, you already know that I'm taking care of a sick person, if not, now I let you know that I'm taking care of my mother 24/7, she got worse and I'm on vacation from work.

In the meantime I need to do activities that can be stopped, which for me is reading and writing, so you will see a lot of posts.

I also opened my paid readings, so if you want to take a look, the link is right below.

I started getting asks almost daily and I'm very happy, so thank you very much.

From my series, you'll soon see me finish "19 secrets about" and maybe I'll finish "All about" when I feel like it 😅 (this one is quite boring), I'm already going to start doing about the aspects and then I'll see where I'm going, maybe planets... but I'm also thinking about signs+mbti... this month is going to be full!!

I appreciate all the likes, reblogs, comments, and kind words that I have received. Thank you!

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1 year ago

Astro Observation: Beauty and Attraction in Astrology - Analyzing the Big 4 of the Golden Age of Hollywood - PART 3

Astro Observation: Beauty And Attraction In Astrology - Analyzing The Big 4 Of The Golden Age Of Hollywood


424, 3199, 443, 562, 176, 118, 875, 1009, 1488, 52975

6, 433, 193, 47, 23437, h13

Gratia 424 - grace, refinement

Marilyn has Gratia conjunct Saturn in Scorpio 4th, square Neptune Leo 1st, square Moon and Jupiter in Aquarius 7th, trine Mars in Pisces 8th (T-Square Gratia-Neptune-Moon/Jupiter)

Audrey has Gratia in Cancer 4th quintile Venus in Aries 1st, trine Moon in Pisces 1st, opposite Saturn in Capricorn 10th, sextile Part of Fortune in Taurus 2nd

Elizabeth has Gratia in Aquarius 2nd sextile Venus and Uranus in Aries 4th, trine MC in Libra, square Moon in Scorpio 11th, opposite Jupiter in Leo 8th

Grace has Gratia in Virgo 11th sextile Mars in Scorpio 1st, opposite Moon in Pisces 5th

Nefertiti 3199 - graceful, regal, powerful

Marilyn has Nefertiti in Virgo 2nd trine MC in Taurus, quintile Saturn in Scorpio 4th, square Sun and Mercury in Gemini 10th

Audrey has Nefertiti in Aries 1st square Saturn in Capricorn 10th, biquintile Neptune in Leo 6th

Elizabeth has Nefertiti in Libra 9th biquintile Mars in Pisces 2nd, opposite Part of Fortune in Aries 3rd

Grace has Nefertiti in Virgo 11th sextile Sun in Scorpio 1st, opposite Moon in Pisces 5th, sextile Pluto in Cancer 9th

Photographica 443 - photography, photogenic, photographed

Marilyn has Photographica conjunct Vertex in Sagittarius 5th, sextile Moon in Aquarius 7th, trine Neptune in Leo 1st, trine Part of Fortune in Aries 9th (Grand Trine Photographica-Neptune-POF)

Audrey has Photographica in Libra 7th trine AC in Aquarius, opposite Venus in Aries 1st, biquintile Mercury in Gemini 3rd

Elizabeth has Photographica conjunct Neptune in Virgo 8th, opposite Sun and Mercury in Pisces 2nd, biquintile Saturn in Aquarius 2nd

Grace has Photographica in Sagittarius 2nd opposite Vertex in Gemini 8th, biquintile North Node in Taurus 7th, square Moon in Pisces 5th

Salome 562 - seductive, sexual object, taken advantage of, dancing

Marilyn has Salome in Libra 3rd trine Moon in Aquarius 7th, square North Node in Cancer 12th, square South Node in Capricorn 6th

Audrey has Salome in Gemini 3rd square Moon in Pisces 1st

Elizabeth has Salome in Sagittarius 1st square North Node in Pisces 3rd, square South Node in Virgo 9th, biquintile Vertex in Cancer 8th

Grace has Salome in Leo 9th square Venus in Libra 12th, trine Uranus in Aries 5th

Iduna 176 - eternal youth

Marilyn has Iduna in Libra 3rd opposite Venus in Aries 9th, trine Jupiter in Aquarius 7th

Audrey has Iduna conjunct Mercury in Gemini 3rd

Elizabeth has Iduna in Scorpio 12th trine North Node in Pisces 3rd, trine Part of Fortune in Aries 3rd, trine Vertex in Cancer 3rd (Grand Trine Iduna-NN-POF)

Grace has Iduna in Leo 9th conjunct MC in Leo, square Mercury and South Node in Scorpio 1st, square North Node in Taurus 7th

Peitho 118 - persuasion, grooming, accessorizing

Marilyn has Peitho in Sagittarius 4th opposite Sun and Mercury in Gemini 10th, trine AC in Leo

Audrey has Peitho in Virgo 7th opposite Moon in Pisces 1st, trine Sun and Part of Fortune in Taurus 2nd, quintile South Node in Scorpio 8th

Elizabeth has Peitho in Taurus 5th sextile Sun and Mercury in Pisces 2nd, trine Neptune in Virgo 8th

Grace has Peitho conjunct Sun, Mercury, and South Node in Scorpio 1st, quintile Neptune in Virgo 10th, trine Pluto in Cancer 9th

Astro Observation: Beauty And Attraction In Astrology - Analyzing The Big 4 Of The Golden Age Of Hollywood

Nymphe 875 - natural beauty and sexuality, youthful

Marilyn has Nymphe conjunct Uranus in Pisces 8th

Audrey has Nymphe in Libra 7th biquintile Jupiter and North Node in Taurus 2nd, sextile MC in Sagittarius

Elizabeth has Nymphe in Cancer 7th trine Sun and Mercury in Pisces 2nd, sextile Neptune in Virgo 8th

Grace has Nymphe in Sagittarius 2nd trine MC in Leo, trine Uranus in Aries 5th (Grand Trine Nymphe-MC-Uranus)

Sirene 1009 - femme fatale, seductive, enchanting voice

Marilyn has Sirene in Sagittarius 4th opposite Mercury in Gemini 10th, biquintile Venus in Aries 9th

Audrey has Sirene in Libra 7th trine Mercury in Gemini 3rd, square Saturn in Capricorn 10th, opposite Uranus in Aries 1st, biquintile AC in Aquarius, quintile MC in Sagittarius

Elizabeth has Sirene in Pisces 3rd trine Moon in Scorpio 11th, trine Pluto in Cancer 7th (Grand Trine Sirene-Moon-Pluto)

Grace has Sirene conjunct Mercury and South Node in Scorpio 1st

Aura 1488 - aura, vibe, energy

Marilyn has Aura conjunct Mars in Pisces 8th, trine Saturn in Scorpio 4th, trine Pluto and North Node in Cancer 11th/12th (Grand Trine Aura-Saturn-Pluto/NN)

Audrey has Aura in Virgo 7th sextile Mars in Cancer 6th, trine Jupiter and North Node in Taurus 2nd

Elizabeth has Aura in Pisces 3rd biquintile Jupiter in Leo 8th, trine Pluto in Cancer 7th

Grace has Aura conjunct Sun, Mercury, and South Node in Scorpio 1st, quintile Neptune in Virgo 10th, trine Pluto in Cancer 9th

Cyllarus 52975 - ideal appearance

Marilyn has Cyllarus in Virgo 2nd biquintile Moon in Aquarius 7th, quintile Pluto in Cancer 11th (Golden Yod Cyllarus-Moon-Pluto)

Audrey has Cyllarus in Libra 7th biquintile Part of Fortune in Taurus 2nd, trine Mercury in Gemini 3rd, square Saturn in Capricorn 10th

Elizabeth has Cyllarus in Libra 9th opposite Part of Fortune in Aries 3rd

Grace has Cyllarus in Libra 11th square Part of Fortune in Cancer 8th, opposite Uranus in Aries 5th

Hebe 6 - eternal youth

Marilyn has Hebe in Scorpio 4th square Moon in Aquarius 7th, trine Pluto and North Node in Cancer 11th

Audrey has Hebe in Virgo 7th opposite Moon in Pisces 1st, trine Part of Fortune in Taurus 2nd

Elizabeth has Hebe conjunct DC in Gemini 7th, trine MC in Libra, sextile Jupiter in Leo 8th, sextile Uranus in Aries 4th

Grace has Hebe conjunct AC and Mercury in Scorpio 1st, sextile Neptune in Virgo 10th, trine Part of Fortune in Cancer 8th

Eros 433 - erotic, sensual, passionate

Marilyn has Eros in Capricorn 6th square Venus and Part of Fortune in Aries 9th, sextile Uranus in Pisces 8th

Audrey has Eros in Cancer 5th quintile Venus in Aries 1st, trine Moon in Pisces 1st, sextile Part of Fortune in Taurus 2nd, square Uranus in Aries 1st

Elizabeth has Eros conjunct Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Pisces 2nd, opposite Neptune in Virgo 8th, biquintile Vertex in Cancer 8th

Grace has Eros in Sagittarius 2nd trine MC in Leo, trine Uranus in Aries 5th (Grand Trine Eros-MC-Uranus)

Astro Observation: Beauty And Attraction In Astrology - Analyzing The Big 4 Of The Golden Age Of Hollywood

Ambrosia 193 - longevity, eternal, youth

Marilyn has Ambrosia conjunct Saturn in Scorpio 4th, trine Mars in Pisces 8th, trine North Node in Cancer 12th (Grand Trine Ambrosia-Mars-NN), square Moon in Aquarius 7th, square Neptune in Leo 1st (T-Square Ambrosia-Moon-Neptune)

Audrey has Ambrosia in Leo 6th quintile Jupiter and North Node in Taurus 2nd, square Part of Fortune in Taurus 2nd

Elizabeth has Ambrosia in Aquarius 2nd conjunct Mars in Pisces 2nd

Grace has Ambrosia in Libra 12th quintile MC in Leo, square Pluto in Cancer 9th

Aglaja 47 - brilliance, beauty, splendor

Marilyn has Aglaja in Taurus 9th conjunct MC in Taurus, quintile North Node in Cancer 12th

Audrey has Aglaja in Libra 7th opposite Venus in Aries 1st, square Pluto and Mars in Cancer 5th/6th

Elizabeth has Aglaja in Gemini 6th square Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Pisces 2nd, square Neptune in Virgo 8th (T-square Aglaja-Neptune-Sun/Mercury/Mars)

Grace has Aglaja in Sagittarius 2nd square Neptune in Virgo 10th, trine Uranus in Aries 5th

Sima 23437 - face, appearance

Marilyn has Sima conjunct Saturn in Scorpio 4th, trine Mars in Pisces 8th, trine North Node in Cancer 12th (Grand Trine Sima-Mars-NN), square Moon in Aquarius 7th, square Neptune in Leo 1st (T-Square Sima-Moon-Neptune), conjunct Ambrosia in Scorpio 4th

Audrey has Sima in Virgo 7th biquintile Venus in Aries 1st, trine Sun, Jupiter, and North Node in Taurus 2nd

Elizabeth has Sima conjunct Jupiter in Leo 8th, trine AC in Sagittarius, sextile MC in Libra

Grace has Sima in Sagittarius 1st square Neptune in Virgo 10th, trine Uranus in Aries 5th

Lilith h13 (True Lilith) - untamed femininity

Marilyn has Lilith in 12th conjunct AC in Leo, sextile Sun in Gemini 10th

Audrey Hepburn has Lilith in Sagittarius conjunct Saturn in Capricorn 10th, sextile AC in Aquarius, biquintile North Node in Taurus 2nd, trine Neptune in Leo 6th

Elizabeth has Lilith conjunct North Node in Pisces 3rd, trine Vertex in Cancer 8th

Grace has Lilith in Capricorn 3rd trine North Node in Taurus 7th, sextile South Node Scorpio 1st

Astro Observation: Beauty And Attraction In Astrology - Analyzing The Big 4 Of The Golden Age Of Hollywood


Marilyn Monroe has the most beauty asteroids in her 4th house (Scorpio, Sagittarius) [7/32]. The sign that appeared the most is a tie between Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces (all the water signs) [5/32 for all 3 signs].

Audrey Hepburn has an overwhelming number of beauty asteroids concentrated in the 7th house (Leo, Virgo, Libra). When I say overwhelming, I mean she has almost half of all these beauty asteroids in her 7th house [15/32]. Her most common sign is a tie between Virgo and Libra [7/32 for both]

Elizabeth Taylor's most common house is the 3rd (Pisces, Aries) and 8th house (Cancer, Leo, Virgo) [6/32 for both]. The most common sign is a tie between Scorpio and Pisces [6/32 for both].

Grace Kelly has a lot of beauty asteroids concentrated in her 1st house (Scorpio, Sagittarius) [9/32]. The most common sign is Scorpio [8/32], with Sagittarius as a close second [7/32].

Several formations, mainly Grand Trines, were made with asteroids and major planets. Most were in Marilyn and Elizabeth's charts.

Grace Kelly had many prominent asteroids related to royalty/nobility, which matches the fact that she became a royal [Kleopatra, Godiva, Regulus, Helena, Nefertiti].

There are many asteroids prominent in these charts, but these are the ones that were most interesting to me:

Photographica 443

All 4 women have become icons through their photographs and movies. Marilyn and Grace’s Photographica are aspecting their Vertex (destiny). Marilyn and Audrey have Photographica aspecting angular Moon, Venus, Neptune, AC. Elizabeth’s Photographica is conjunct her Neptune (film, illusion) and opposite her Sun/Mercury.

Sirene 1009

All have Sirene aspecting Mercury or in the 3rd house (seductive, enchanting voice) like an actual siren. Marilyn and Audrey were known for singing as well.

See PART 1 here!

See PART 2 here!

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Top Random Astro Notes- Page 2

House Rulers in Houses

House Rulers in Houses _Parashara Light Tutorial

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Planets in Houses

Mercury in Houses- What you think about