gsstories - I will talk about my AUs so much, you'll want God to smite me
I will talk about my AUs so much, you'll want God to smite me

Artist and writer who is dying cause holy shit I am almost an adult, help me- Anyway, I wish to encounter people that are obsessed with certain fandoms as much as I am!

696 posts

Differences Between Joans

Differences between Joans

Got bored so I am making a list of facts about OG Joan and Deer Joan as to show the differences between the two. * OG Joan originates from Sweden while Deer Joan originates from Native America * OG Joan is around 6'2 feet tall while Deer Joan (in human diguise) is around 6'7, however, she hunches a lot * OG Joan always looks tired or mad, sometimes sad, while Deer Joan's face seems to be stuck in an unreadable expression, never blinking. Sometimes though, it will change to an angry look if she sees someone being hostile to a vulnerable human. * OG Joan is pretty fit under her outfit while Deer Joan is more skinny underneath, and of course some parts of her body may be longer or less human than the OG. * OG Joan is in her 30s, Deer Joan has been around for much MUCH longer. * OG Joan doesn't have any weaknesses against anything that is unusual, she still gets sick, injured, etc, while Deer Joan is weak to silver and special runes. * OG Joan has trust issues due to trauma while Deer Joan is just not accostumed to being around humans a lot, in a friendly environment that is. * OG Joan's voice would sound like Mitsuki Bakugo's and so would Deer Joan's but she would take pauses between sentences to get the words right. * OG Joan has a normal human appearance while Deer Joan looks more uncanny valley, lips a bit too long, eyes too wide, teeth too sharp, arms too long, etc. * OG Joan would use weapons while Deer Joan just uses her claws * OG Joan is familiar about different spirits due to her sisters always taking about them while Deer Joan is more unfamiliar and curious when meeting a certain red fox one (hehe) * OG Joan dies of sickness while Deer Joan dies in a fire. -------- And now just some facts about Deer Joan! * Her favorite thing to eat are literal human hearts but any other kind of meat will suffice * If she heard someone scream or cry, it will trigger her instincts * She is curious about human hair, her own just doesn't feel the same * Whenever she wishes to rest, she goes to a nearby forest and turns into a deer form to sleep * She has a soft spot for women and children * Her eyes turn black when enraged * She bleeds an unknown black liquid * Wears long pants to hide her deer feet but they too long so she often stumbles * Same with the sleeves, they long enough to hide her claws * She is surprisingly gentle when calm * Would be willing to accept headpats * And have her face squeezed, although she be confused **The Häxa hat is technically still the same, ish, difference is that the wearer will be able to connect with spirits around her on a deeper level and the spirit that be connected to it instead of being a Bakeneko, it be a Wendigo. Oh, and the hat gonna have antlers lol**

**Plus, they still fall in love with Finja and vice versa, even if Deer Joan is a monster (monster lovers, heheheheh)**

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More Posts from Gsstories

5 months ago

I love Tsubame's silly self even more, such a girl fail (mood!) Okay okay, just a quick question (or two), but how would Tsubame feel about Joan (and Haxa considering she wouldn't know they the same person and the witch comes around often despite not being part of the Norisu 9)? Like, Joan would be confused by Tsubame's antics since my girl only understands Swedish and as Haxa, she actually understands her and is honestly just annoyed (Bonus: I like imagining Tsubame and Lucy being the only ones to notice DeerWoman!Joan is very much NOT human while the others don't. DeerWoman!Joan would be curious about Tsubame since she silli) Sorry for rambling but god this week is stressing me out and I need to let off some sort of steam!

tsubame doesn’t rlly care for people, unless they’re asking for her like clients (is that the right word-) or if they’re miori lmfao /j but no she’s like ehh w people

she’d probably be neutral or just indifferent with joan, maybe a tad curious due to her being a foreigner n whatnot :3

as for her w haxa….. defensive to say the least

I Love Tsubame's Silly Self Even More, Such A Girl Fail (mood!) Okay Okay, Just A Quick Question (or

she’d probably think she’s a threat…… bear with her

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5 months ago

Hello, my dear friend 🌟

I am Mahmoud Jihad from Gaza, currently living in displacement camps after losing my home, university, my PC, and my city. I was studying Information Technology and caring for my sick father and siblings.

I am raising funds to help my family and to escape from Gaza, as well as to continue my studies abroad 🎓. I started a GoFundMe campaign for this purpose. Your support can make a significant difference ❤️.

My campaign has been verified by @beesandwatermelons ✅ #190 .

Please share, like, comment, and donate even a small amount 🙏.

Could your support save my family and help us survive in this fierce war 😔?

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Thank you! 🌹

I unfortunately do not have money I can donate, but I will try to bring awareness to this plight.

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6 months ago


(ʘ‿ʘ✿) “what you say ‘bout me”

(ʘ‿ʘ)ノ✿ “hold my flower”

5 months ago

your homicidal robot hunting you down on the prowl gnc af

5 months ago

Eyyyyy… Have the dragon!

Eyyyyy Have The Dragon!

Have dragon girl! I am unable to draw full on dragon forms so you get a half form (I wish I could do those better, I apologize 😭)

This be Gin Rose the Bounty Hunter (more an errand girl than anything honestly-)! She would just take any job that offers money for food (mostly meat), pretty jewels and basic necessities. She is a thief as well tho, so she may steal stuff from people, more often the rich. She is always traveling, either on foot or flying, usually on foot since she prefers to hide her dragon heritage. She goofy af but quite capable and good at her craft.

Frankly, I am unable to classify her as a dragon type of anything but I have some facts about her:

• She eats gems (loves the red ones especially) • Has extremely sharp teeth, even in human form

• Very good sense of smell

• I can imagine her dragon scales be very tough and stuff • Her fire is usually a pink color but can go up to blue with enough concentration • Her scales are supposed to be multi colored, each in pink, purple and blue but I have never drawn scales before so it kinda sucks since this the best I could give • In my own AUs, she is able to go into a big dragon form or a smol dragon form, usually using the smol one to steal.

• She loves shiny stuff • She can PURR (cause I love dragons that purr)

• Her scales would make for some pretty jewelry tbh

As I said, don’t got a clue on what type of dragon I am to classify her as since she is a bit random and stuff.

(I mean, I could call her an Aurora Dragon or something cause of the colors, idk-)

Anyway, yeah, dragon lady!

I love seeing other people's ocs! I bet her and Sun would have fun taste testing gems together (he might try to convince her to eat a piece of rose quartz, but Idk if she likes that kind of mineral)

Ooooh!! Delicious oc lore! And tidbits! Bounty hunter thief dragon lady?! Very cool!! And I love the colors! The pinks, blues and purples really do look nice together! I'm happy you wanted to share this with me!! And am also glad you like my aus!! Thank you!!

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