gsstories - I will talk about my AUs so much, you'll want God to smite me
I will talk about my AUs so much, you'll want God to smite me

Artist and writer who is dying cause holy shit I am almost an adult, help me- Anyway, I wish to encounter people that are obsessed with certain fandoms as much as I am!

696 posts

The Healers Champion: The Siren

The Healer’s Champion: The Siren

Due to being practically obsessed with sirens and sea creatures, I have thought of showing off an old OC that I have been keeping away for about two years and it wasn’t until I read @intistone ‘s fic Scars and Scales that I decided to actually draw her!

So meet my beloved Champion of Healing: Carmen!

The Healers Champion: The Siren

Carmen, Champion Nebula as her title, is a caring and sweet siren who has been around for quite a long time. I am talking about thousands, even millions of years! Has explored Earth a lot. However, She hadn’t made direct contact with any humans until the 1600s. She is as blind as a bat but she has crazy good hearing so it doesn’t matter that she can’t see as long as she knows who, where and what she is hearing.

Being the Champion of the Healer gives her additional abilities. Having been blessed by her goddess when she became her champion, was given the ability to manipulate water, BECOME water if she so desired, and control the weather. Although that last ability sometimes goes out of control when she is angered or in distress…

The Healers Champion: The Siren

She is a very patient woman though, so everything is fine! Ish.

The Healers Champion: The Siren

This her human form! She doesn’t really need the cane but she uses it to not raise suspicion. She does NOT want to deal with humans whenever they get their hands on anything valuable or divine, which is what she is, considering she is one of the most ancient sirens that live.

(PS. if she was to meet @intistone ‘s Sun and Moon, she would cry because they babies and she love babies and they sirens and they deserve to learn how to be sirens and she would teach them everything she knows and play with them and- As you can see, I love Siren Sun and Moon, I mean, who wouldn’t, they precious!)

  • ikari-shinsei
    ikari-shinsei liked this · 1 year ago
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    onesmistakeleadstoanother liked this · 1 year ago

More Posts from Gsstories

1 year ago

Me: *is texting friend and just being gremlins while watching TikToks*

Me: *sees TikTok about a new Helluva Boss episode*

Me: Wait… new episode?!

Me: *proceeds to watch the hell out of ‘Oops’ and be kicking my feet once it’s over*

Me: I want what they have!!

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1 year ago


Just one

About Bonnie.

Considering we do not know what Bonnie’s canon personality is in Security Breach, since he broken and all, my friend @ikari-shinsei and I talked and have headcannoned Bonnie to having... a capybara type personality.

How and why capybara? Well, he was obviously nice enough so Freddy remembered him fondly and stuff so why not make him as chill as a capybara? He vibing with everyone before shit went down.

So yes, capybara personality Bonnie :D

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1 year ago

Fish Man!

I have yet again redesigned a version of one of my OCs, this time not Gen surprisingly but one that I love just as much! His name is Daniel and in this AU he is King of Envy so he a fish!

First we have the very first design:

Fish Man!

Alright but the colors didn’t really fit and he didn’t look demon enough so it was discarded.

Next we have the second concept:

Fish Man!

I hadn’t really put much thought into making him look more demon like, I was just more focused on making the lil scene with the babies and stuff.

And now the most recent and final design:

Fish Man!

I think I made him more demon like. His design is based off of a lion fish and he is very venomous! I took a bit of inspiration from @intistone sirens designs (the two baby sirens from the second drawing be actually their Sun and Moon from the fic Scars and Scales, recommend reading, it’s in Ao3 and it’s chef’s kiss!) when making the frills and stuff. Now he looking more intimidating and actually looking more fishy!

Hehe, fishy.

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1 year ago

Hellverse AU! Let’s GO!

In this AU, Genesis Virtud is Queen of Hell. Never banished from Heaven, she actually fell on her own accord when she saw all the BULLSHIT that was gonna happen in the humans’ future if she or God didn’t do something. God refused to do shit so she decided, fuck it, she’ll do it herself!

Genesis is the first Angel to exist and the first to fall, hence her name being Genesis which means the ‘beginning of something’. She has almost all the qualities needed to be considered a goddess but isn’t actually one considering she doesn’t really have any followers. She can shapeshift into ANYTHING and she constantly shapeshifts to see what is happening around Hell to make sure it ain’t getting to messed up.

Hellverse AU! Lets GO!

With her flaming crown and a thousand dollar smile, she is eccentric and charming and can be manipulative whenever she wants. She is not necessarily evil but she will commit mass genocide if her kids get hurt.

Speaking of kids, her majesty actually adopted several kids she found on while out on ‘patrol’.

Hellverse AU! Lets GO!

Grace Virtud is the oldest of the Virtud kids and the first one to have been adopted by Genesis. She was found crying near her mother’s corpse after extermination day. She loves Hell History but whenever she talks about the Exorcists, she gets nauseous and starts panicking.

She is dramatic and alluring, sometimes having a rather… scary side. She is a hybrid of a Hellcat and a Succubus, meaning she can seduce people and hypnotize them and has the qualities of a cat. She will get distracted by laser pointers and will get high on catnip. She is protective of her stuff and has a very early bedtime, that being 7 pm. If anyone eats her leftovers, without asking, or makes to much noise after 7, she’ll rage.

Hellverse AU! Lets GO!

Whitmore ‘Whitty’ Virtud is the second oldest Virtud and second child Genesis adopted. He was found while he was running away from an organization that was chasing him.

He is calm and passionate about music, and adores his mother. He will break reality if provoked and only Genesis is able to calm him down. Nobody really knows what Whitty is, considering he is an experiment, but they don’t really care. He is timid and always asks Grace if he can eat some of her leftovers when he hungry (he eats a lot!) and she usually lets him since he asked. He is always amused when he sees Grace acting dramatic or acting to her feline instincts. Although the scratches are not really welcome.

(Insert image of a Human Shadow the Hedgehog with horns or something :p)

Duncan ‘Shadow’ Virtud is the third oldest Virtud and the third to be adopted by Genesis. He was found in the streets after his family had been killed and he had to run away before they got him too.

He is a quiet and mysterious individual who doesn’t let himself be vulnerable to many, just his family and close friends. He is rather powerful, having speed that only a god could match and abilities no normal demon could have. Shadow is a demon but he is also an experiment like Whitty. It is currently unknown what type of demon he is supposed to resemble. Shadow is quite difficult to figure out, always having this cold exterior that not many can melt. While he doesn’t show it, he truly does care for his siblings, knowing if something were to happen to them, there would be bloodshed.

Hellverse AU! Lets GO!

Benjamin ‘Bendy’ Virtid is the youngest Virtud and the last kid that Genesis adopted. He was found playing with a toy train in an animation studio alone.

Bendy is a playful and charming individual, having the form of the Ink Demon as well. Being an ink creature, he sometimes makes a mess if he is panicking or in distress. When he is, his mother will be there to comfort him. He often uses laser pointers so he can have a good laugh when Grace is chasing after it. He is the favorite sibling and has a cute mischievous face that let’s him get away with almost anything. And when I say almost, it’s because he will not get away with eating Grace’s leftovers or when he wakes her up after 7.

Hellverse AU! Lets GO!

Genesis indeed tempt Eve to eat the Apple, not because she wanted to doom humanity, but because she wanted them to be independent and have them not listen to God. God got mad and took away her legs when she was in snake form but she just grew them back and waddled away.

Of course, humans thought it seemed gay that Genesis tempted Eve so they decided to change Genesis to be this demon called Lucifer. It was rewritten to be that Lucifer fell because of a rebellion. Gen was like ‘WTF?’ when she read the Bible and that particular scene.

Hellverse AU! Lets GO!

These are Genesis, Whitty and Bendy’s heights compared to each other. (Didn’t know how to fit Grace’s and Shadow’s silhouettes, sorry-) Grace reaches Whitty’s elbow while Shadow reaches the tip of Whitty’s hand.

And that’s all for the Virtud family, the most OP family in all of Hell! Try and hurt one of them and you will be dead before next Extermination Day!

(Genesis and Grace belong to me. Shadow is from the Sonic fandom, Whitty is from FNF and Bendy is from BATIM)