Artist and writer who is dying cause holy shit I am almost an adult, help me- Anyway, I wish to encounter people that are obsessed with certain fandoms as much as I am!
696 posts
SOG: The Fallout
SOG: The Fallout
The young prince sat on a random rooftop in the Ring of Greed, hugging his knees to his chest as he looked down at the disgusting city that he had the misfortune to be born in. He had been wondering around the cities for a few days and there was no sign of anyone looking for him. As expected.
Daniel sighed as he buried his face in his knees.
What happened?
“You don’t want to what?!” Mammon screeched in outrage.
“I don’t want to keep on performing dad. It’s too much for me! I hate it all! I have panic attacks after every show! I just don’t wanna end up snapping and doing something I regret…” Daniel said as he looked up at his father.
“Seriously?! After everything I have done for you, this is how you repay me?! By leaving me how Fizzarolli did?! Can’t believe it, from my own son!” Mammon yelled as he got closer to the shorter demon. “How dare you be so ungrateful after I cared for you and fed you and gave you everything?!”
“Cared…? You never cared about what I am doing, you just care about money! All my life I tried to be enough just so you would glance my way but I see it was all in vain! You are an awful excuse of a father- No, you weren’t a father AT ALL!” Daniel yelled as he started tearing up. “I know you never wanted me but that doesn’t make it hurt any less. Everyday I wish to be given love and affection, I don’t care from whom, I just want it, NEED it!”
Daniel took off his jester cap, letting his long, messy white hair fall down. He looked up at his father, a sharp glare on his face as tears ran down his face.
“I am done with this place. I am done performing, I am done neglecting myself just for money! I am done with you Mammon. Bye.” The prince said before storming out of the place, leaving behind a raging beast.
The prince shivered as he hugged himself tighter. It was cold, and he wasn’t exactly wearing anything suitable for cold weather. Hell, he was wearing the same outfit for a few days straight! It was already pretty dirty…
The prince then felt someone put their hand on his shoulder. He got startled so he quickly got his face from his arms and looked back. He sighed in relief when he saw it was Asmodeus.
“Hey there. I was worried about you. Ozzie said.
“Worried? Ah. Okay...” Daniel mumbled. “Why-Why you worried?”
“Because I care about you, duh. Damn, you really are like Fizzarolli.” Ozzie said as he sat next to the young man.
“Uh huh...” Daniel would mumble as he sniffled. “Right...”
“No, I'm serious. Both of you have a hard time believing that I care about vou at certain moments. And I get it, you've both been manipulated by Mammon, but you two have so much worth outside of him, you just need to be able to see it.” Ozzie said.
“I know, it's just... fuck, I'm tired... of everything...” Daniel said as he teared up. “For all my life I tried to get that greedy asshole to care but always fucking failed... I realize now that none of it was worth it... I'm so tired of trying…”
“And I am so proud of you for standing up for yourself. You're absolutely right. You shouldn't have to work so hard for the acknowledgement of someone whose love is conditional at best.” Ozzie would say. “Daniel, I promise, the people who truly care about you won't ever try to make you feel like you aren't good enough. You are perfectly fine the way you are.”
The young demon looked up at Asmodeus and teared up, quickly drying his tears when he felt them appear.
“Now come on. Let's go home.” Ozzie would say, picking up Daniel and cradling him like a child. “OUR home.”
Tears slowly ran down Daniel’s face as he leaned on Asmodeus, finally getting the affection he needed for so long. He craved more of this.
Once in his palace, Asmodeus had Daniel shower and get rid of his dirty clothes and got him to eat some food before getting him to rest. The poor kid was exhausted, he didn’t want to leave Ozzie’s embrace but he hid it well. Ozzie knew Daniel didn’t want to be a burden to him but he always told him he was far from that. Daniel never believed him.
Ozzie walked out of the room and was greeted by a worried Fizzarolli. Both demons had been worried when they hadn’t heard from the young man in almost a week and Mammon was of no help whatsoever.
“What will happen to Danny? We can’t let him go back to Mammon, who knows what he’ll do to him…” Fizzarolli said, looking concerned.
Ozzie sighed as he scratched his head.
“Mammon is still gonna try and take him back, he’ll probably try and sue as well, the greedy bastard…” Ozzie growled at the thought before taking a deep breath. “No matter, we shouldn’t worry about him. We should worry about Daniel. Poor kid has had it rough.”
“Believe me…” Fizzarolli mumbled. “…I know.”
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I'd care if the person I reblogged this from committed suicide.
Reblog this from anybody. literally. ANYBODY. even if you dont like them or even know them that well. YOU COULD SAVE THEIR LIFE.
Son of Greed
The young man panted in exhaustion and panic as he walked out of the stage, falling to his knees as he barely gets backstage. Tears filled up his bright glowing eyes, his body shaking uncontrollably as he felt suffocated, terrified of what he just went through. A performance, like always, for his father to get money, to get people obsessed and waste all they have in a measly show that everyone has seen countless times but still look in awe as if it was the first time…
“So many people… Too many people…” The young prince muttered as tears ran down his face, hugging himself for comfort.
Why, does Mammon’s son not like performing? Does he not like the money that it brings? No, he does not. Somehow, unlike his father, young Daniel was a generous one, kind, shy and hated the limelight. Put him under the gaze of thousands and he’ll feel sick, he’ll feel the need to just die but always sucks it up and does it anyway. Everyone cheers for him in the end.
The prince takes off his jester cap and takes a few deep breaths. He is still shaking as he stands up and goes to his dressing room. He looks at himself in the mirror.
Almost an exact copy of his father, if not for the long white hair that adorned his scalp, his lean and more skinny figure and the black marks across his eyes. Aside from that, he was identical to Mammon. And he hated it.
“I am happy Fizzarolli quit but damn is dad kicking my ass right now…” Daniel mumbled as he held his head.
Daniel took out his phone and searched through his contacts and found the one he was looking for. Asmodeus. He was about to dial the number but he paused.
No, he shouldn’t bother Asmodeus with this. It was just a panic attack. It was normal.
Daniel sighed, putting his phone away.
He’ll be fine. He always is.
(Last AU used by me and my friend Ikari. This is for them. If you, my friend, see this, then I hope you are able to enjoy this and the many writings that will come in the future.)
Daniel of Greed

Have my boy! Both with jester cap and one without!
I wish everyone a happy Halloween! I don't celebrate it irl and unfortunately I have nothing spooky related for this holiday but maybe next year!
Oh-Oh, on GOD!!
Emery my beloved?! EJJEKSJSBWSS
Ya made them so perfect! I am crying! This is definitely how EMery would be! 😭😭😭
I am definitely gonna draw more of your AU, this is just- UGH! If you will excuse me, I shall drown in tears of joy-
I have decided to just, umm, this-

Gave poor Y/N a therapist bestie (Y/N looks so sad, I can’t-) Anyway, meet Emery! A Royal who is gender apathetic and they are gorgeous if I do say so myself-
I just felt Y/N needed a bestie and stuff so I was like why not? Also, Emery is very attracted to Royal Guard Eclipse, how much they Simp we don’t know (we guess a lot). They would have fought for his hand but man losing a tail or a limb would not be worth it so they just sit and watch the other simps try and get Eclipse’s hand lol
Okay, done with that, the AU is just amazing! I may do a bit of fanart of the characters, maybe with or without Emery, and I just- It is amazing! They all gorgeous, and the story so far seems very cool!

waaaa cute! (yn does need more friends help-) Heres a doodle, glad my au inspired ya to draw your oc in there ;v;/