gumballofshame - m e r i a h
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i am healthy, i am whole. but i have poor impulse control. 22

125 posts

Current Book, Nov. 2022

Current Book, Nov. 2022

Something Wicked This Way Comes (1962), Ray Bradbury.

Entry #1: I have been obsessed with any writing by Bradbury for the last few years, top favorite being The Illustrated Man, I believe it is my favorite book even. So this is me expanding even more into Bradbury. Let’s see how we enjoy it, I’ll keep this updated with my honest opinion. Maybe this will give me the push I need to read more and take an accountability to genuinely read the books I buy. Granted, my collection of books looks extremely cool. I just wish I had a story to tell for the hundreds of books I have in my collection.

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