koda/kody ✧ she/he/it ✧ 20 usa ✧ artist, writer, simmer
716 posts
Yes Folks You Have Heard It!! Ive Got Totally Free And Fresh Sim Requests Piping Hot And Ripe For The

Yes folks you have heard it!! I’ve got totally free and fresh sim requests piping hot and ripe for the picking!!
Any sim that gets requested will have some skills, at least some level in a career, a short backstory of your choice/mine based on what you give me!! I can create toddlers, children, teens, ya/adults, and elders!! I’m not very good with pets, sadly :^(
They will also be entirely dressed, with only their everyday outfit(s) containing CC.
Above are some example Sims to give you an idea of my “sim style.” I hope you will agree in that I try my best to make every sim look slightly different, just as people are!
If you’d like to request a sim, send me an ask stating as much/as little detail as you’d like about the Sim you want, and if you’d like the download to be private or public. I will make any gender, any sexuality, anything! In any Sim upload I do (private or otherwise), I will specify sexualities and genders/pronouns.
Please feel free to request at any time!! I live in the EDT (eastern daylight time) timezone so 5 pm for you may be 8 pm for me and so on! I promise to answer back before uploading your sim so that you know I’ve seen your request :^)
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More Posts from H3avenly-hyst3ria

changed up the way that my OC Phoenix looks,, now he’s way more real-looking!! (in terms of like, having a proper face)
these are only made a few months apart!! :^)
– not quite a fan apprentice, though he did work under Julian before leaving again for his hometown (fake country i made called Juplea), then comes back during the events of the game to play through Julian’s route, while an actual apprentice gets with Asra :^)

changed up the way that my OC Phoenix looks,, now he’s way more real-looking!! (in terms of like, having a proper face)
these are only made a few months apart!! :^)
-- not quite a fan apprentice, though he did work under Julian before leaving again for his hometown (fake country i made called Juplea), then comes back during the events of the game to play through Julian’s route, while an actual apprentice gets with Asra :^)

boyf riends
// left: Jett Alsip , right: Jaimie Milner (madeover from @lilsimsie‘s save file)
ps i swear i did not mean to make Jett look so much like @llazyneiph‘s Kash Grier lmao i just decided to make my boy an emo

SHUKRI ABDI 2007 - 2019 (12 years old) Manchester, England, United Kingdom
‘If you don’t get into the water, I’m going to kill you.’
Shukri Abdi was a 12 year old Somalian girl who was born and brought up in a refugee camp in Kenya having escaped conflict in Somalia. She arrived in the UK in 2017 and experienced horrific bullying from her classmates who called her ‘coloured’ and ‘half-caste’.
In 2017 her body was found in the River Irwell, when police arrived children were still laughing as Shukri drowned. Greater Manchester police quickly declared the incident an accident.
“Child Four said that Shukri seemed untroubled in the deeper water when she had her arm on Child One’s shoulder, but appeared to get into difficulties when Child One let go of her and swam back to the other children.”
“Then Shukri’s head went under and came back up. I think she was trying to say something but she couldn’t, trying to call out but she couldn’t,” Child Four told the court.
Child Four was asked by the court if Child One was laughing when they could see Shukri struggling and sumberging beneath the surface.
Child Four replied “Yes” and said they presumed it was because they thought Shukri was joking about drowning, but Child Four said they could see Shukri wasn’t joking. Child Four jumped in the water to try to save Shukri. Child Three ran to get a stick to try to pull Shukri out.
“Child One was laughing for a couple of minutes,” Child Four told the inquest. “Child One was still laughing when me and Child Three were trying to help. Child One was still laughing when I jumped in.”
Child Four said that neither Child One nor Child Two were doing anything while Shukri was drowning, and that Child One only stopped laughing when the police came.
After jumping into the water to try to save Shukri, Child Four realised they would not be able to save her, so ran to the nearby Bury police station to alert them. Child Three did the same.
Child Four said that Child Three blamed Child One for the tragedy “because they let go of Shukri”.
- The Guardian
It is claimed by the other children CH1 said ‘If you don’t get into the water, I’m going to kill you’ to Shukri before the incident. This was intentional and not an accident. Shukri, her poor mother and dear siblings deserve justice. They came to this country thinking they were going to be safe. Manchester claims to be open and honest and loving and yet a vulnerable child has died in their city. You need to be screaming for Justice. Inquests are not enough and not fast enough, not for Shukri, not for her mother. Justice.