The Arcana Oc - Tumblr Posts
The Arcana OC
Fern Fitzroy

Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: September 22nd
Zodiac sign: Virgo/Libra
Height: 171 cm
Occupation: Magician apprentice
Patron arcana: The Fool
Fursona: Rabbit
Voice: raspy, very emotionally filled, lots of voice cracks, talks like she knows everything better than everyone, SARCASTIC
-Loyd (jack rabbit) (Familiar and best friend)
-Rowena (mother) ✝️
-Edric (Father)
-Delphine (aunt)
Favourite colour: Beige
Favourite season: fall
Favourite food: beef wellington
Favourite drink: black tea with milk
Favourite flower: ghost flowers
Favourite fruit: dates
Favourite ice cream: milk chocolate chip
Favourite starbucks: Oatmilk chai tea latte, extra foam and a sprinkle of cinnamon on top. Orders the same drink everytime, likes it cold and will complain if it’s not, even tho it’s a drink thas is supposed to be drank warm. :)
Favoured sports: croquet, she has a good eye for it and is really precise
Favourite Disney attraction/ride: Haunted mansion
Favourite Disney movie: The Great Mouse Detective
Favourite manga: Black Butler
Most likely to: Solve a cold case murder
Fashion sense: Victorian
“You’d lose your mind trying to understand mine”
Before prologue:

After prologue:

I know im very very late to share my art about these two ever since I'm entering the fandom. I've been playing Arcana since the pandemic but never post my beloved wife with her husband because I lack the skill to draw Nadia but always think about them (I just draw them on paper and digital sometimes but not really good ones). Im going back to my roots where everything begins. maybe in the future, I will draw them more because I still love them and I always want to write a story about them, I will draw them more because now I have enough skill to draw Nadia even when it still does not look like her.
Ps. Raafa and Nadia always have a distant relationship because of their respective responsibilities. Raafa was still a prince and had duty in Han Guo while Nadia had duty in Vesuvia.

Summary: After the Devil was defeated by Asra and Raine(MC), Vesuvia gradually began to rebuild itself. But no one could have predicted the unknown dangers coming after. Luckily, someone has come to help lay those dangers to rest.

I push myself through small crowds in the street. My eyes scan the multiple alleyways decorated with ceramic pots, baskets, and textiles that hang over the stone walls. I’m searching for a way out of this maze of a marketplace, but I have no idea where I’m going. If I choose the wrong way I might accidentally get trapped in a dead end, and then I’ll be screwed.
In one hand I squeeze a golden capsule and pull it close to me. My heartbeat pounds in my chest, and I can feel the pulse ringing in my ears. Continuing on in strides, I can still hear the shouts and the squeaking of metal of the guards following behind me. My head is on a constant swivel, and I don’t care how much my legs burn, or how much my feet ache at this point. At any rate, I’ll run out of land and hit the docks if I don’t act soon.
Then, to my right, I see an opening near a medicinal shop, and quickly duck and slide into it. I turn to look back for the guards as I’m running through, but I slam straight into someone almost immediately. When I step back, I take a minute to realize just how huge this individual is. Their eyes are cold and dark, and they pierce right into my gaze, and they take up most if not all of the room in this street. A shiver zips down my spine, like an instinctive scream to turn around and run back the way I came.
“I-I’m sorry, I-”
I trip over my feet when I take a few steps back, and stumble right back into the marketplace street, and the guards do not even hesitate to act. I’m hit in the head with the back of one of the spears and knocked to the floor. One of the guards pins me while the other rips the capsule from my grasp. I try to fight back, reason, call out of help, and plead. I try to do anything that can get me out of this jam, but my vision starts to go blurry, and light starts to fade from my view. The last thing I see are the metal plates of a guard’s boot before inevitably passing out.
This cannot be the end. I need to get that capsule back. I need to. It’s the only way I’ll be able to save Vesuvia. It’s the only way I’ll be able to save them. I've got to get it back.

My eyes slowly open to a low orange light illuminating my left side. I try to blink away the dark spots in my vision, but my eyelids are heavy, and the first thing that I can make out are my hands. They are bound together by iron shackles and are numb and cold. I close my eyes again, giving myself a chance to recoup.
Someone has evidently propped me up against a cold stone wall, shackled me, and left me hunched over on the floor for who knows how long. My legs and feet feel numb, like blood is struggling to circulate through my limbs from how long I have been here.
For this moment, instead of sight, I take in the sounds around me. But there’s nothing. It feels vacant, obsolete, and remote. You could hear a pin drop if someone were to. There wasn’t even a footstep that I could even listen for. The only thing that would occasionally make noise was where the orange light was emitting from. You’d hear a very light crackle or pop, but nothing more than that.
It’s strange to say it though. I could have sworn I heard someone speaking to me.

The darkness is enticing, almost as if it’s calling me back to sleep, but then a sharp pain from the back of my head snaps me out of it. I go to rub the back of my head with my hands, and I can feel a large bump on where I was knocked out by the spear. I curse under my breath from the pain.
I reach for my neck and fiddle with the small chain, sighing in relief.
It's still there. Good.
The chains clink as I drop my hands back into my lap and try to give it another go at looking around. Luckily the dark spots have disappeared, and I am able to get a full view of…the cell.
They put me in a cell. Of course. Duh.
Old stone walls and dusty floors make up the room, and to my left are thick bars of steel. The spaces in between them are way too small for me to slide through, and even if I were able to do that, I’m still chained to the wall. The crackle and popping noises are coming from a torch hung up on a mantle bolted to the wall. Looking around, there’s not much in this room. Just me, the torch, the chains, and the stupid nauseating pain in the back of my head.
With a twist, I turn onto my knees and push myself up the stone wall. The weight of gravity piles on me as I stand and has me leaning my arm against the wall for support. I can feel the back of my legs tingle like a disconnected holoscreen as blood begins to circulate down my calves. Moving my legs becomes a tedious activity when every step becomes a tango of pricks into the soles of my feet. But still, I somehow manage to stagger towards the bars of the cell and press my hands up against the cold steel.
Looking around, there’s only a few lights illuminating the hallway of where I’m at, but there’s another cell across from mine, dark and vacant. Seems like I might be the only one here. Weird.
“Hello?” I call out, “Is anybody there?”. But nobody answers.
Try again. I think to myself.
“Is there a guard around? Hello?” This time a little louder than the first, but still even then nobody answers me calling out.
I press my forehead against the bars in defeat. Closing my eyes, I back track the events before I got here.
I was in a very deserted part of Vesuvia, much like the holding cell I’m in now.
They saw me with the capsule and immediately thought I stole it, and I started running away after they began chasing me with weapons drawn. I ran through the saturated reds of fabric laid about the street, and then farther down to a more local part of town, thinking I could lose them. I swung into a nearby street and then...
I pause for a minute.
-and then what? Why did I leave the street? Was it a dead end or...? No couldn’t possibly be. It was a medicinal corner store. That had to be a street or a passing alleyway, not a dead end. I’m almost positive.
My heart aches a little, and a dreadful sensation crashes down on me.
Why am I feeling like this? Why do I feel so terrified? What did I see on that street?
I had the capsule in my hand and everything, why was I so scared?

“I don’t remember.” I say to myself.
“Don’t remember what?”
My body slams itself against a wall and I let out a loud gasp.
There, on the other side of the steel barred wall, is a very small child. They look about twelve years old, maybe younger. Olive skin, brown hair, and a whole lot of freckles on their face and hands.

“Are you a criminal?” They ask without any hesitation.
“W-Why..Why would you think that?” I say, trying to catch my breath.
“Because I saw a guard drag you in here by the feet a couple a’ hours ago.”

“For your information, no. I am not a criminal. I was just charged with a crime that I didn’t commit, and got my belongings taken away from me.” I say.
Oh my god. I thought. That's exactly what a criminal would say.
“Oh, you mean that golden thingy? That’s actually yours?” Their say as their eyes widen.
“Yeah. You’ve seen it?”
“Yeah! The guard tried to open it, and then they said it was cursed or something…said that they saw something in it, or that’s what they thought.”
“Do you know where they went? Or are they still here?” I ask.
“Nah, they left. They’re bringing it to the countess at the palace.”
“That’s not too far then, probably upstairs.” I half smile. This was going to be easy.
“What do you mean?” The kid tilts his head.
“We’re in the dungeons below the palace, right? So, if I get out and head upstairs, I can find out where the golden 'thingy' went.”
The kid scoffs, “You wish. We’re in the holding cells of the coliseum right now.”
That feeling of dread returns. My face drops, my half smile turns into a sour scowl. I place my head in my hands and then smooth back my hair, and a sharp inhale follows after.
“Why on earth would they put a convicted criminal in a holding cell of a coliseum?” I ask myself.
“Probably because they’re going to put you into a gladiator fight soon.” The kid says, rocking back and forth on their heels.
“...I’m sorry...?”
“Yeah, that’s usually what happens. Count Lucio holds gladiator fights. My dad is going to be fighting the Scourge soon.”
My heart skips a beat for a second. I can feel another feeling of dread coming on, but I manage to push through it and get a half smile back onto my face. Continuing on with keeping up the conversation.
“The Scourge?” I ask, “Who’s the Scourge?”
“Y’know, the Scourge of the South?”
I shrug unknowingly, and the kid goes ballistic.
“You’ve never heard of the Scourge?!” They gawk at me, and throw their hands up in disbelief, “He’s known as the STRONGEST gladiator of them all. He’s brutal, a living predator! But that all ends today.”
“How come?”
“Because Papá, mi Papá, is fighting him next, and he’s going to crush him!” The kid pounds their first into their hand.
“Your dad is fighting the strongest gladiator of them all?” I ask.
“-and you’re positive he’s going to win?”
“How do you know?”
“Because...” They ponder for a moment, “Because Papá is the best! He’s really strong too!”
“Uh huh. What’s his name?”
The kid smirks and puffs out their chest, “LA BESTIA D' ÁPICE!” They announce.
That must've been their dad's gladiator alias.
I scoff a little, "Nice, but I meant his actual name.”
“Oh. Luis. Luis Perero.”
“-and yours?” I ask.
“Piero. Piero Perero.”
“Nice to meet you Piero, you have a very punctual name.”
“Mamá gave it to me. She said it’s because I’m tough just like Papá.” They boast.
“Well, Piero. I have to get out of here and get my belongings back. Do you know how I might be able to?”
“Uhm...” Piero looks down at their hands and fiddles with them, “There is the Warden’s office, but nobody is allowed in there. It has the key to every cell in the colosseum.”
“Do you think, maybe, you could grab it for me? I really, really need to leave.” I say while clasping my hands together. I don't really have much time before...
Piero thinks for a minute. They seem nervous, but their face brightens up.
“I will, but you need to promise me you’ll come see Papá’s match with me. Deal?”
“Wouldn’t miss it. Deal.” I nod in agreement.
Piero nods back, and then turns and runs.
As if today couldn’t get any worse. First it was the speech in the Flooded District, and now it seems that there’s supposedly a stolen cursed parcel that needs my attention. It does not seem like anything today is going right.
I lightly massage my temples with the tips of my fingers. The guards are going back and forth with each other, explaining in grand detail about a very certain thief. Although, it seems that one of them is telling more about the wild goose chase with an exaggerated manner.
“They wore all black, dark brown hair, very small. Very quick. We chased them all the way right from Red Street to the marketplace in Central City, and I thought we were going to lose them, but they reached a dead end. Oh gods, Countess, it was extremely exhausting.” The guard with dark blue hair says.
“Well, I commend your bravery and commitment, but I must ask about that parcel that you managed to take from them. How did you know it was stolen?”
“We didn’t-” The depilated headed guard goes to speak, but his colleague obtrudes.
“We did not. But they looked suspicious enough for us to intervene, and when they noticed us, that’s when they started running. So, it’s obvious that they stole it.”
“Ah. I see.”
Prior to this issue, I was looking at a map of the Flooded District with Aisha, Salim, and Julian. We were going to conduct some research on how to drain the water from the streets. With hope that we could make the area have livable standards, and possibly persuade the manifold of wandering merchants to return.
But now, we all crowd around five golden coins, and a golden parcel with a cracked jewel sitting on top. I pick up the parcel and examine it.
“I’ve never seen anything like it.” Salim says.
“And we’ve seen plenty of things.” Aisha starts, “But nothing like that.”
“Did you, uh, drop it?” Julian asks the guards, “-or was the gem already cracked before you took it?”
“It started cracking when we tried to open it.” The blue haired guard states.
“When you tried to open it, Emicia.” The other guard corrects.
“Well, it’s not my fault you got uncomfortable.” Emicia sneers.
As they bicker, I notice an engraving on both sides of the parcel. Upon inspection, the engraving looks almost new, like someone has been taking well care of it. Besides the cracked jewel, there aren’t any scratches or buffs. Which doesn't make much sense since they saw this on Red Street. The street used to be a busy merchant’s place but lost its lacquer ever since the plague. It’s essentially abandoned as of now. If anyone were to discover something from there, they’d indubitably find it on the ground somewhere in the dirt.
On the top of the golden parcel, engraved on the lip that holds the jewel it reads:
I lift the bottom of the parcel up to see the rest, and instead, the writing is different. There's a significant change, the letters are oversized and are compressed together more. Even though its type of font appears to look the same, this writing remains illegible.
“Interesting.” Julian says, peering over my shoulder. “It’s the same worded engraving as the coins.”
He holds up one of the coins next to the parcel.
"You're saying they're the same thing?" Aisha grabs hold of a coin. "Not entirely impossible, but if it is, magic is behind it."
"Or perhaps that's the person's name." Salim eyed it. "Livres could be a nickname, or an alias. Could be stamp, or maybe they just like the currency.
"Who on earth would name their child after a form of currency?" Julian scoffs.
While they theorize about the capsule and the engraving, Julian and I furrow our brows almost simultaneously.
"I'll have to talk to Asra and Raine about it. I understand you both are well versed in these types of peculiarities, but I don't want another thing burdening your shoulders after what Lucio put you through." I rub my shoulder, feeling the weight of a Countess start to sink into my muscles.
"When this is figured out, I'm prescribing a long rest, and perhaps a spa day, Countess." Julian smirks a little, trying to ease the tension. It does some wonders. He can see the creases in my brow slowly unfold as I take a breath, thankful that he's around.
"That would be very much appreciated, Doctor." I feel a slight comfort knowing that someone can sense the tension building. Especially after everything, it was Doctor Devorak- Julian who had been checking in on me and my daily tasks.
I nod, and take the coins and parcel and place them into a small purple sack. It doesn't take long for stress to build up again, but I cover it up with a thick blanket of bravery and courage. 'I am a countess. I have responsibilities'. There is no time for moping about and pitying the situation.
"We'll have to tell them about all of this. I hope they've arrived home on time. Otherwise this issue will get even more complicated than it already is."
"There's only one way to know, Countess." Julian's eye meets mine, a soft look of reassurance.
"Then we should go right away."
Soon, we're off to the Magicians' shop, leaving Salim and Aisha behind to finish the mapping of the Flooded District.
It's not a surprise that magic is found Vesuvia, and definitely not surprising that the issue with it was tedious.
What frightened me more than I had liked to admit, was in the midst of watching the parcel, I could've sworn I saw someone, a shadow perhaps, inside of the gem.
Should I finish the story? I mean it would be rude to leave the story off on a cliffhanger. (Sorry btw). I want people to enjoy it just as much as I loved creating everything, and...
Lets just say I sat in my friends car trying to figure it out like:

I literally have like a folder full of ideas, I just don't know if people want to see more of this.

This was such a great update for Portia. I loved the imagery of the magic in the air and the action at the end?? I loved it.
Also the CG was gorgeous!!

changed up the way that my OC Phoenix looks,, now he’s way more real-looking!! (in terms of like, having a proper face)
these are only made a few months apart!! :^)
-- not quite a fan apprentice, though he did work under Julian before leaving again for his hometown (fake country i made called Juplea), then comes back during the events of the game to play through Julian’s route, while an actual apprentice gets with Asra :^)

changed up the way that my OC Phoenix looks,, now he’s way more real-looking!! (in terms of like, having a proper face)
these are only made a few months apart!! :^)
– not quite a fan apprentice, though he did work under Julian before leaving again for his hometown (fake country i made called Juplea), then comes back during the events of the game to play through Julian’s route, while an actual apprentice gets with Asra :^)

you're familiar like my mirror years ago
idealism sits prison, chivalry fell on its sword
innocence died screaming, honey ask me i should know
i slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door

you’re familiar like my mirror years ago
idealism sits prison, chivalry fell on its sword
innocence died screaming, honey ask me i should know
i slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door

Coloring in my OC Zoey’s outfit for her Arcana universe

I’m sorry but not really
...i got 2 notes from the same person on that last post so now i am obligated to show my oc for muriel's (the arcana) route. behold... venar sabrakken, or "the saboteur"

don't call them "the saboteur" though i will smite you