hahaseriously - Haha, seriously?
Haha, seriously?

A pop culture fiend gives up nicotine and caffeine. This is the result.

374 posts

Candwhich Is The Sandwhich In A Can. In A Can! There Are So Many Wrong/right (choose Your Own Word There)

Candwhich Is The Sandwhich In A Can. In A Can! There Are So Many Wrong/right (choose Your Own Word There)

Candwhich is the sandwhich in a can. In a can! There are so many wrong/right (choose your own word there) things about the western world, and this is one of them.

Now, I'm a lazy person. I'm a huge fan of anything that saves time and effort. I've only used clothes driers for years (power bill be damned!) and I'm currently hyperventillating at the thought of moving to a flat that doesn't have a dishwasher. I like conveniences. I get that shit. But this is way too far.

What the hell, man? It comes in BBQ Chicken/You-will-eat-this-and-die flavour? Ugh, I think I just threw up a bit. No, I did not make this up. This shit is real.

More Posts from Hahaseriously

14 years ago

Warning: may induce rage and disgust

So, a guy recorded a live-streamed rape and blogged about it on StickyDrama (I'm not linking to that shit - go do your own google search), a website primarily for tweens and teenagers. And he didn't report the rape to police

Yes, that's real. Wanna know what makes it worse? This guy is the owner of StickyDrama and is 31 years-old. But wait! There's more! He eventually handed his evidence over to police - but only after they seized his software 3 months later.

That shit makes me sick. Go ahead and click on the link. It creates all sorts of rage. But the most stab-inducing one is the following quote:

"We could not help but feel the handling of the warrant was … well … rude! We would have happily handed over our recording to the police, had they only asked us. But instead of sending a courteous email, the police took our server offline without warning.

The fuck, bitch? Seriously? The police had to ask nicely for the rape evidence that you had? The fact that they had to even ask was bad enough but you wanted them to say please? This guy makes 4chan look almost bearable. Almost.

What the fuck happened to respect? Do we really have to keep educating people about how wrong rape is? What makes a person think it's okay to make fun of a rape victim? What the hell is wrong with people??

Argh, too much rage. I can't even finish writing this.

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14 years ago

No more smoking for prisoners!

Judith Collins is either a complete badass or is on a suicide mission. It's hard to tell at this point.

Collins announced yesterday that smoking is to be banned in prisons from 1 July 2011. This will be known as the day when prisoners all over the country start experiencing nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Damn, I would not want to be anywhere near a prison that week.

Prisoners and smoking - it's a natural combination. I know this is true, because I see it on films and TV. And they never lie to us! Collins seems to have other ideas.

Why is it that every other workplace can be smokefree except for Corrections? I find that unfair

Say what? Man, the prison guards probably have a very different definition of 'unfair'.

I'm a fan of banning smoking from the workplace. Banning smoking from, say, the offices of an accountancy firm is kinda sucky, but you'll live. Office workers will bitch to hell and back if you ban smoking. In extreme cases, there may even be an email petition but they will eventually step into line or find another job. Banning smoking from a prison is hella sucky and you are almost guaranteed a riot. Shit will get real.

In all seriousness, I understand banning smoking from inside prison cells. That's all cool. But why aren't there smoking areas for those who do smoke? There are smoking areas in other workplaces (usually in the parking lot out the back or something of that description). I'm sure that it would be easier to manage if there were options available to those who wanted to carry on inhaling the sweet, smoky taste of nicotine. Of course, I could be wrong about all of this. I'm not a politician/almighty decision maker and I don't need to reassert how much of a hardass I am.

Like the McChrystal fracas, this isn't about health. It's about politics. Any idiot can see that. Yes, it's important that we respect the health and rights of non-smoking prisoners and employees. I totally agree with this. I just think that this could've been done in a smarter way. A way that ensures the prison guards don't end up shitting themselves on 1 July next year. 

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14 years ago

So, this is a tumblr. In the world of tumblr there is a popular meme called Topless Tuesday. In NZ, it is a Tuesday.


Once you click on the link (embedded in the heading) you get taken straight to a neat little interactive thingy that has 5 Super 14 Players. They are all top-notch to look at and probably heinous to drink around (except for Jimmy Cowan who has reportedly sobered up some since his infamous smackdown 2 years ago) and then you'll be able to make the players take part in one of the most popular traditions of Rugby - shirt swapping! Pick any two players and make them swap shirts. There is even a slow motion option available.

This is actually quite an old link. Do I care? Hell no! Apparently this was an ad campaign to draw attention to the players shirts? I don't know. I don't really care. Let's face it, you probably don't care either. I'm gonna go ahead and say this is safe for work. I'm probably wrong.

Yes, I do have an idea for a proper post today. I just wanted a reason to talk about this.

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14 years ago


I’m 15.

I run a successful fashion blog (almost 10,000 strong!).

I’m coming out with an online magazine in August with some pretty nice names featured in it. 

I’ve made over $400 on the internet so far.

I’ve been fucked over, lied to, and shot down.

I never gave up.

And I’ll keep going until you see a WeTheUrban store in your mall! I wanted to share this with you all to show that ANYONE can do anything if they put there mind to it. Entrepreneurs are the new rockstars! The Youth Is Starting To Change.

hahaseriously - Haha, seriously?
14 years ago



  You just can’t make this stuff up. The Ladies Against Feminism (for real) co-sponsored a “baby conference”where Michelle Duggar of TLC’s 19 Kids and Counting received the “Mother of the Year Award.”

As Amanda tweeted, “I fail to see how being physically capable of non-stop pregnancy is the same thing as being the world’s best mother…That’s like saying the guy who can eat 50 hot dogs in a minute is the world’s greatest gourmand.” Why is ultimate motherhood simply about having as many babies as possible? And when oh when is the Christian Right going to stop promoting the notion that women’s ultimate purpose is incubating?

I also think it’s worth noting that the founder of Ladies Against Feminism, Jennifer Chancey thinks women shouldn’t vote or hold office. So apparently being a dope mother is also about teaching your children that women don’t deserve or need equal rights.

via Shelby Knox.

Nwk friend Kathryn Joyce wrote a very nice piece for us a few years ago (and a nicer book) about the Quiverfull movement that is behind things like this.