halliwellsims4 - HalliwellSims4

A TV show that run from 90's to 2000 and charmed us all, adults and children alike🥰We loved them so much that most of us recreate them in TS4, with their house and their dedicated CC. Charmed is in the heart of all of us! In this blog I will publish some of the mini stories of the Power of Three🥰🪄

237 posts

Something Wicca This Way Comes - P2

Something Wicca This Way Comes - P2


Roger: It was my idea to spark corporate interest in private donations. Not only have I been with this project since its inception, (Prue walks in his office.) but we both know who really secured the entire exhibit. (He swings around on his chair and sees Prue.) Prue ...


Prue: I quit.

Roger: (On the phone) I'm going to have to call you back. (He hangs up.) Think about this, Prue.

Prue: Lousy job, lousy pay, lousy boss. What's to think about?

Roger: Your future. Because, believe me, if you walk out with no notice, you can kiss any references--

Prue: Don't threaten me, Roger.

Roger: You know me. Had to try. You're hurt, you're angry, your pride is wounded. I understand all that. That's why you can't see that I'm doing you a favour.

Prue: Excuse me?


Roger: I had to take the exhibit away from you. If I hadn't, the board would have come and put a total stranger in my place. Think about it, Prue. I'm here for you. Not some stranger. You should be thanking me not leaving me.

Prue: Well, I'm not worried. I'm certain that your intellect will make quick work of the seventy-five computer discs and thousands of pages of research I left in my office.

Roger: You're gonna regret this.

Prue: Oh, I don't think so. I thought breaking up with you was the best thing I'd ever done. But this definitely tops that. Goodbye, Roger.


(She turns and leaves towards the door.)

Roger: I hope there are no office supplies in your purse. (She stops and wraps her hands around an imaginary neck. Roger's tie tightens around his neck and starts strangling him. He opens his draw and finds a pair of scissors. He cuts the tie off.) What the hell was that?


Piper: Phoebe, answer the phone. Answer the phone. (She hangs up and walks out of the booth. Jeremy walks up to her.) Oh, God, Jeremy you scared me.


Jeremy: I-I can see, I'm sorry. You okay?

Piper: Yeah, now I am. I really am. Um, what are you doing here?

Jeremy: Well, I wanted to be the first to congratulate you on your new job.

Piper: You always surprise me. How did you know?


Jeremy: You prepared your specialty, and everyone's who's ever sampled your work, can truly see how talented you are.

Piper: I get so turned on when you talk about food.


Jeremy: Hamburgers, pizza. (They kiss.)


[Scene: On the road. Phoebe is riding her bike. All of a sudden she has a premonition. In it she sees two boys on rollerblades and they skate right in front of a car which hits them. The premonition finishes. Phoebe continues riding and then sees the car and the two boys.]

Phoebe: No! Wait!


(She rides in front of the boys stopping them from skating in front of the car. The car honks and Phoebe falls off her bike.)


Prue: Hi, um, I'm looking for my sister, Phoebe Halliwell.

Nurse: One second please. (to Andy) What's the name again?


Andy: (to nurse) Inspector Andrew Trudeau. Homocide. Dr Gordon's expecting me.

Prue: Andy?


Andy: Prue? I don't believe it. How are you?

Prue: I'm good. How are you?

Andy: Fine. I just can't believe I'm running into you.

Prue: Yeah, I'm picking up Phoebe. She had some kind of accident.

Andy: Is she gonna be okay?

Prue: Yeah, she'll be fine. Um, what are you doing here?

Andy: Murder investigation.


Nurse: (to Prue) Your sisters still in x-ray's so it'll be another fifteen minutes. (to Andy) Do Gordon's office is to the left and down the hall. He's with a patient right now but you're free to wait outside his office.


Andy: Thank you.

Prue: Thank you.

Andy: Well, it's good seeing you, Prue. (They shake hands.)


Prue: Yeah, you too, Andy. Take care.


Andy: You know, Phoebe's busy, Dr Gordon's busy. Can I buy you a bad cup of coffee while we wait?

Prue: Sure. (They walk towards the coffee machine.) So, you're an inspector now?


Andy: What can I say? In any other city I'd be called detective.

Prue: Inspector's classier.

Andy: Liking it better already.

Prue: Your dad must be so proud.


Andy: Third generation. You bet he's happy. How about you? You taking the world by storm?

Prue: Well, I'm living back at Grams' house, and as of an hour ago, looking for work.

Andy: Oh.

Prue: I heard you moved to Portland.

Andy: I'm back. You, uh, still seeing Roger?

Prue: How did you know about him?

Andy: I know people.


Prue: You checked up on me?

Andy: I wouldn't call it that.

Prue: What would you call it?

Andy: Inquiring minds want to know. What can I say? I'm a detective.


Prue: The Chosen Ones? The Charmed Ones? Phoebe, this is insane.

Phoebe: Are you telling me that nothing strange happened to you today? You didn't freeze time or move anything?


Prue: Roger took an exhibit away from me. All right, look, Phoebe, I know that you think you can see the future which is pretty ironic.

Phoebe: Since you don't think I have one, that my vision of life is cloudy compared to your perfect hell? Even if you don't want to believe me, just once can't you trust me?

Prue: Phoebe, I do not have special powers. Now, where is the cream?


Phoebe: Really? That looked pretty special to me.

Prue: Oh my god. So, um, I can move things with my mind?

Phoebe: With how much you hold inside, you should be a lethal weapon by now.

Prue: I don't believe it.

Phoebe: This must mean that Piper can freeze time. (Prue grabs a shot of tequila and drinks it all.) Are you okay?

Prue: No, I'm not okay. You turned me into a witch.

Phoebe: You were born one. We all were. And I think we better start to deal with it.


Phoebe: When I was looking through the Book Of Shadows, I saw these wood carvings. They looked like something out of a bosch paintings. All these terrifying images of three women battling different incarnations of evil.

Prue: Evil fighting evil, that's a twist.

Phoebe: Actually, a witch can be either good or evil. A good witch follows the wiccan rede. 'An it harm none, do what ye will.' A bad witch or a warlock has but one goal: to kill good witches and retain their powers. Unfortunately, they look like regular people. They could be anyone, anywhere.

Prue: And this has what to do with us?

Phoebe: Well, in the first wood carving, they were in the slumber, but in the second one, they were battling some kind of warlock. I think as long as we were in the dark about our powers we were safe. Not anymore.


Piper: Has anything weird or unexplainable ever happened to you?

Jeremy: Sure. It's called luck or fate or some people call it miracles. Why? What happened?

Piper: Forget it. Even if I could tell you, you'd swear I was crazy. Now open your fortune cookie.

(She hands him one.)

Jeremy: Okay. (He opens it and reads the bit of paper.) Soon you will be on top.

Piper: It doesn't say that.

Jeremy: Yes it does.

Piper: Let me see that. (She snatches the bit of paper off him.)

Jeremy: Is that a bad thing?

Piper: Of the world. Soon you will be on top of the world.

Jeremy: (to the cab driver) Can you make a left on 7th please.

Driver: You got it.

Piper: Hey, I thought that we were going to your place.

Jeremy: We are, but you reminded me of something. I wanna show you the old Bowing building. The view of the Bay bridge is amazing.


Pharmacist: (to Phoebe) I'll be right back with your prescription.

Phoebe: Take your time.

Prue: Excuse me, where do you keep the aspirin?

Pharmacist: Aisle three.


Phoebe: Chamomile tea works great for headaches.

Prue: Not for this one it won't.


Phoebe: You know I'm not afraid of our powers. I mean, everyone inherits something from their family, right?

Prue: Yeah, money, antiques, a strong disposition. That's what normal people inherit.

Phoebe: Who wants to be normal when we can be special?

Prue: I want to be normal, I want my life to be... you know, isn't this aisle 3?

Phoebe: Well, we can't change what happened. We can't undo our destiny.

Prue: Do you see any aspirin?

Phoebe: I see chamomile tea.


Prue: Look, I have just found out that I'm a witch, that my sisters are witches, and that we have powers that will apparently unleash all forms of evil. Evil that is apparently going to come looking for us. So excuse me Phoebe, but I'm not exactly in a homeopathic mood right now.

Phoebe: Then move your headache out of your mind. (Prue stares angrily at Phoebe and a bottle of aspirin flies off the shelf and Prue catches it.) You move things when you're upset.

Prue: This is ridiculous! I thought that you landed on your arm, not your head.


Phoebe: You don't believe me.

Prue: Of course I don't believe you.

Phoebe: Ro-ger. (A few more bottle of aspirin fly off the shelf.) Now let's talk about Dad and see what happens.

Prue: He's dead, Phoebe.

Phoebe: No, he's moved from New York, but he's very much alive.

Prue: He isn't to me. He died the day he left Mom.


Phoebe: What are you talking about? He's always been a major button pusher for you. You're mad he's alive, you're mad I tried to find him, and you're mad I came back. Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad. (All the medicines and bottles fly off the shelves.) Feel better?

Prue: Lots.

Phoebe: The Book of Shadows said our powers would grow.

Prue: Grow to what? (They laugh.)


Jeremy: Well, here we are.

Piper: I don't care how amazing the view is. I'm not going in there.


Jeremy: Come on, come on. I have a surprise inside. (They step inside an elevator. Jeremy pressed the button and the elevator starts to go up.) You are gonna love this. I bet you tell Prue and Phoebe the moment you see them.

Piper: I never mentioned Phoebe came home.


Jeremy: Whoops. (He pulls out a knife.)

Piper: What is that?

Jeremy: It's your surprise.

Piper: Jeremy, stop it, you're scaring me. Damn it! I'm serious!


Jeremy: So am I. See, I've waited six months for this. Ever since Grams went to the hospital. I've known for some quite time that the moment that old witch croaked that all your powers would be released. Powers that would reveal themselves as soon as the three of you got together again. All that was needed was for Phoebe to return.

Piper: It was you, wasn't it? You killed all those women.

Jeremy: Not women, witches!

Piper: Why?


Jeremy: It was the only way to get their powers. (In a demonic voice.) And now I want yours.

(Piper screams as Jeremy raises his arm about to stab Piper. She puts her hands up and he freezes. The elevator freezes as well.)


Piper: Okay, think, stay calm. I gotta get outta here. Okay.

(She climbs up onto the next floor. Jeremy unfreezes and he grabs her leg. He tries to pull her back into the elevator but she grabs a wooden two-by-four and hits him over the head. He falls to the floor unconscious.)


Roger: Prue, it's Roger. I've decided to let you come back to work. Seriously, let's talk. Bye.

Prue: Piper's definitely not home unless she's turned into a cat.

Phoebe: How'd the cat get in?

Prue: I don't know. Someone must have left the window open. Um, did Piper leave a message?

Phoebe: She's probably out with Jeremy. Roger called.

Prue: Yeah, I heard.


Piper: Prue?

Phoebe: In here. (Piper locks the door.) Piper?

Prue: Oh my God, what is it? What's wrong?

Piper: Lock the doors, check the windows. We don't have a lot of time. Phoebe, in the Book Of Shadows, did it say how to get rid of a ...


Phoebe: Warlock?

Prue: Oh my God.


Jeremy: I'll get you, you bitch.


Prue: I'm calling the cops.


Piper: And tell them what? That we're witches? That some freak with powers beyond comprehension is trying to kill us? Even if the cops did come, they'd be no match for Jeremy, and we'd be next.


Phoebe: (At the top of the stairs) I found the answer, come on.


Prue: Okay, we've placed the nine candles anointed with oil and spices in a circle.

Piper: Wait, I only count eight.

Phoebe: Oh you forgot this one. (She holds up a birthday candle.)

Piper: A birthday candle?

Phoebe: I guess Grams was a little low on witch supplies.

Prue: Alright, we need the poppet.

Piper: Got it.


(Phoebe lights the birthday candle and puts it in the pot.)

Prue: Right, we're set. Get ready to cast the spell.

Piper: Okay, first I'll make it stronger. (She gets a rose and places it on top of the poppet.) "Your love with wither and depart, from my life and my heart, let me be, Jeremy, and go away forever." (She presses the rose thorn into the poppet and places it in the pot.) Okay, the spell's complete.

Prue: Let's hope it works.


Phoebe: Wait! It didn't work.

Piper: What?

Phoebe: The spell, it didn't work.

Prue: How do you know?

Phoebe: When I touched the pot, I had a flash. I saw Jeremy.

Prue: You touched the pot and you saw him?


Phoebe: He's on his way here.


Jeremy: Hello, ladies..


Prue: Piper, Phoebe, get out of here now!


Jeremy: Cool parlor trick, bitch. You were always the tough one weren't you, Prue?


Prue: Phoebe, you're right, our powers are growing.

Piper: Put as many things against the door as you can.


Jeremy: (From outside) Take me now, Prue. My powers are stronger than yours. (He laughs.) Do you think a chair will stop me?


Do you think a dresser will stop me? (The dresser slides away from the door.) Have you witches figured it out yet? Nothing, nothing can keep us away.


Piper: What do we do? We're trapped.


Prue: Come on, we'll face him together. Do you remember the spirit board?


Piper: The inscription on the back.

Prue: The power of three will set us free. (A circle of fire surrounds them. They hold hands.) Come on, we gotta say it together.


Prue/Piper/Phoebe: The power of three will set us free.


Jeremy: I am not the only one! I am one of millions! In places you can't even imagine! In forms you would never believe! We are hell on this earth! You will never be safe! And you will never be free!


Prue: The power of three.


Andy: Good morning!


Prue: Hey, this is a surprise.

Andy: I've been feeling really guilty about that bad cup of coffee. I just want to make it up to you.

Prue: So, you brought me a good cup of coffee?

Andy: Oh this? No, this is mine. I, uh, just wanted to ask you out to dinner. Unless of course you're afraid.


Prue: Afraid of what?

Andy: Oh, you know, having too good of time, stirring up old memories, rekindling and old flame.

Prue: Hmm, good point, better not.

Andy: Okay. Friday night, eight o'clock? You're hesitating.


Prue: Yeah, but it's not what you think. It's just that my life has gotten a bit complicated. Can I call you?

Andy: Take care, Prue.


Prue: Bye, Andy.


It's Andy. I told you I heard a man's voice.


Piper: What did he want?

Prue: He asked me out.

Piper: And you said ...?

Prue: I started to say yes and then I stopped. I wondered if I could date. I mean, do witches date?

Piper: Not only do they date but they usually get the best guys.


Prue: You two will not be laughing when this happens to you. Believe me, everything will be different now.

Phoebe: Well, at least our lives won't be boring.

Prue: But they'll never be the same.

Phoebe: And this is a bad thing?

Prue: No. But it could be a big problem.


Piper: Prue's right. What are we gonna do?

Phoebe: What can't we do?


Prue: We are gonna be careful, we're gonna be wise and we're gonna stick together.

Piper: This should be interesting.

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More Posts from Halliwellsims4

3 years ago

That '70s Episode P2


Grams: Oh, Andy. Did Piper freeze you again? Oh, you poor dear. You won't remember a thing. (He unfreezes) Do you know where the girls went?


Little Andy: I think the strange ladies took them.


Prue: Okay, girls. If we see a bad guy what do we do?

Little Prue: She's gonna cry.

Little Piper: Am not. I'm gonna freeze him.

Little Prue: And then I'm gonna move him.

Prue: Okay, then we'll take care of him and then we will all...

Little Prue and Piper: Run like the wind!

Prue: Exactly. All right, so let's give it a try. Ready?

(Prue throws a ball up in the air. Little Piper freezes it and little Prue moves it.)


Little Prue: Can we do it again?

Prue: Yes, yes. Practice makes perfect. Okay, go try it.


Phoebe: Those girls have major juice. They have control, they can aim.

Prue: Yeah, well, they've had their powers a lot longer than we have. I mean did. I think.

Phoebe: What do you think happened to our powers when we were kids?

Prue: Well, we lost a lot growing up. Somehow we must have lost them too.


Piper: I finally found a pay phone. Mum is at work until five and Nicholas is on duty until six.

Prue: Good, at least we know where he is. The girls are ready.

Phoebe: Well, I'm not.

Prue: Why not?


Phoebe: Mum died before I could grab onto enough to keep her alive in my head. And now she's here alive, pregnant with me. If we stop Nicholas, we have to go back to our own time. And there's no mum there.

Piper: We don't have much of a choice, Phoebe.

Cop: Ladies. Is this your car?


[Scene: Hotel. Patty is walking to Victor's room. She knocks on the door.]

Victor: Come in.


Nicholas: I won't let you freeze me, Patty.

Patty: You.


Nicholas: Call me Nicholas.

Patty: Where's Victor?

Nicholas: Not here. Bait for the hook.


(Patty hits him in the stomach.)

Nicholas: Your blood is boiling, and then death will come.

Patty: What do you want?

Nicholas: What does any warlock want? I want your power Patty. At least I wanted it first. Till I realised you were the mother of the Charmed Ones.


Patty: No, no. You're mistaken. I only have two children.

Nicholas: Oh, but there'll be a third child. Where did that premonition of yours come from, Patty? If not from the unborn child inside you. I tapped your phone. And I heard you and the old witch talking about it.


Patty: I saw three warlocks. Women.

Nicholas: I saw them too, at the diner. Rivals, perhaps. I got to you first.


Patty: I beg you. Don't hurt them.

Nicholas: There is another option, Patty.


Piper: I can't believe we got arrested for kidnapping ourselves.

Prue: Yeah, well, it should make for a pretty interesting defence.

Piper: Do you think this is funny? Prue, we're not just stuck in jail, we're stuck in the past.

Prue: Yes, I know Piper, I've been following.

Prue: Uh, bright side?

Piper: Uhh, I dare go.

Phoebe: Well, maybe we can get to know mum better. Or, in my case finally. I mean, if we really are stuck here, we might as well take advantage of it, right? And maybe we can keep her from dying young this time.


Officer: Five minutes, ma'am.

Patty: How'd you know I was pregnant? Who are you people?

Phoebe: Your daughters.


Patty: Okay, I bailed you out. You just better not be warlocks.

Prue: Well, we wouldn't have needed you to bail us out if we were.

Patty: I've seen some magic in my life, but this is a miracle.

Phoebe: More than you know, mum.


Piper: Where are the little ones?

Patty: Home with Grams. I called her before I came here. That's how I found out you were arrested.

Prue: Did you tell her about us?


Patty: No. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know who you were myself. You're all so beautiful. More than I ever would have imagined. Phoebe. Phoebe. Talk about miracles. I must have named you after my favourite aunt. But, if you don't like the name I can always change it.

Phoebe: No. I love it.


Prue: Ah, mum. We cast a spell to come back in time to help you. To stop you.

Patty: To stop me from what?

Prue: From making a pact with a warlock named Nicholas.

Patty: Then you're too late.

Piper: What?

Patty: I thought I was going to see Victor, your father. But it turned out to be a trap.

Prue: Nicholas.

Patty: He tried to kill me. Phoebe too. I had to give him immunity to your powers in exchange for your lives. I'd rather love you as mortal daughters, than have to mourn you as dead witches.

Piper: But he's gonna kill us anyway to get our powers.


Patty: No, not until Phoebe's born. And all your powers are complete. I bought us some time in the hopes that Grams could help us. Oh, she's going to be so thrilled when she sees you. The Charmed Ones.


Grams: Where was I born?

Patty: Mum.

Grams: I'm still not convinced that they're not warlocks.

Patty: We have a pact to undo. We should be looking for a spell.

Prue: Boston. In a hotel room, breech.

Grams: What was my husband's name?

Prue: Which husband?

Grams: Who's Melinda Warren?

Phoebe: The beginning of our family line. She gave us our powers. Our destiny.

Grams: What's the secret ingredient in my blueberry cobbler?

Piper: Honey and a splash of rum.


Grams: What's IBM selling at in your time?

Patty: Mum!

Grams: What?

Patty: It's not the time for personal gain.

Grams: If they could just nod their heads. Okay, forget it. Well, look at you. The three of you. Oh, Patty, I always knew I would deliver the Charmed Ones. Once removed, of course. Prue. (She nods.) Piper. (She waves.) And...

Phoebe: Phoebe!

Grams: Oh, another 'P'. What a surprise.

Patty: About the pact?

Grams: We must keep the girls safe until we can reverse it. I'll have to bind their powers.

Piper: Uh, bind our powers?

Grams: Strip them from the young ones. So Nicholas can't get a hold of them. It doesn't have to be done right away. As soon as Phoebe's born. I'll cast a spell and suspend their, uh, your powers.

Prue: Um, but that's exactly what you did... or do... will do... you know what I mean.

Piper: Well, that explains why we don't remember having our powers when we were younger.

Grams: What do you mean? Well, how old were you when you got your powers back?

Piper: We just got them.


Grams: What? I unbound your powers without having broken the pact? Why would I do that? I mean unless I died which of course would automatically... unbind your powers. I guess I'm not going to make it to the next millennium, huh?

Phoebe: Uh, speaking of that, mum...

Grams: No. We mustn't know anymore about the future. You came back for one reason, to break the pact. You mustn't tamper with anything else. It's much too risky. Heaven knows what damage you've already done by coming back here.

Prue: We haven't done anything, we missed our chance to stop the pact.

Grams: And there's a reason for that. Destiny always gets its own way. It's not as easy to change the past as you think. If you do it incorrectly, everything will change. The evil you vanquished, the good that you've done, none of it may've ever happened.

Piper: Well, we have to change this, we can't go back and let him kill us.

Patty: The only way to vanquish him in your time would be for me to unbless the ring and take away its immunity. It's in a drawer in his hotel room.

Phoebe: Okay, well, let's go to Nicholas' hotel room and steal back the ring. Hopefully it'll be there.


Patty: No, it's too dangerous, you don't have powers. I'll go.

Prue: No. If something happened to you, future history could be changed forever. Just like Grams said. We have to go.

Grams: Well, I'm glad to see you finally learned to listen to me. You better hurry. In the meantime, I'll write a new spell that will get you back to your own time.

Piper: Wait, you can do that? You can send us home?

Grams: We're witches, dear, we can do anything.

Phoebe: I wish that were true.

Prue: Okay, we need to go.

Patty: Be careful.


Prue: Why am I not surprised that you know how to do this?

Phoebe: Let's just hope Nicholas isn't inside.

Prue: The concierge says he's not and Piper's outside watching for him.


Phoebe: Mum says it's in a drawer.


Prue: Found it. Okay, we gotta get it back to mum.


Prue: We have the ring, here it is.

Piper: Okay, now what?

Grams: Go back to where you belong.

Patty: Then I will unbless the ring and get it back to the hotel before Nicholas finds it missing.

Grams: Now remember, there is no time to lose. You will return at the exact moment you left, which means Nicholas will be there too.


Piper: Hopefully without immunity to our powers.

Prue: We'll be ready. Phoebe?

Phoebe: Okay, I'm coming.

Prue: I love you, mum. (Phoebe puts her letter in the Book of Shadows.)


Piper: I'm never gonna learn to like lima beans Grams, but thanks for everything else. (They hug.)

Grams: (to Phoebe) You're going to be a handful aren't you?

Phoebe: You'll learn to love me.  I'm gonna miss you.


Grams: "A time for everything, And to everything its place, Return what has been moved, Through time and space."


Patty: Let me help.  "A time for everything, And to everything its place, Return what has been moved, Through time and space."


Grams: You did well, Patty. Oh, they're fabulous.

Patty: I just hope they're safe.


Prue: Oops.

Grams: What happened?

Patty: Where did you go?

Piper: We didn't go anywhere. We were just standing here, and the next thing we knew...

Phoebe: We were just standing here.


Patty: I told you to use poplar buds.

Grams: It's a perfectly good spell. I mean, it moved them through time.

Patty: Yeah, ten seconds.

Grams: I'm telling you, it's not the spell. It must be the power behind the spell, there's not enough power.

Piper: Maybe we need the Power of Three.

Phoebe: The only problem is it doesn't exist yet.


Grams: Nothing.

Phoebe: Maybe this is our destiny.

Grams: Not for the Charmed Ones.

Piper: We don't exist yet.

Patty: Yes, yes you do.

Prue: No, not with powers.


Patty: Yes, little Prue and Piper have their powers and Phoebe gave me a premonition so she must have hers. If we can teach the girls the chant, maybe the three of us can get you back to your time.

Prue: The Power of Three, it's worth a try.


Nicholas: (from downstairs) Where are you, witches? Where's my ring?

Patty: Nicholas.


Grams: You and Piper get the girls, we'll fend him off. (Everyone goes out of the attic except Phoebe who gets the letter out of the Book of Shadows.) Come on, Phoebe.


Prue: Oh, Grandma don't get too close, his power.

Grams: I know, I know.

Phoebe: We can't risk you being hurt, go upstairs and help mum start the spell.

Prue: Phoebe and I will take care of him. Come on.


(Phoebe goes and kicks Nick in the head.)


Patty: (to the little girls) We're gonna play a little game, okay. Now give me your hands.

Piper: Okay, hurry.

Patty: Now, repeat after me. "A time for everything, And to everything its place..."

Little Prue & Piper: "A time for everything, And to everything its place..."

Patty: "Returned what has been moved, Through time and space."

Little Prue & Piper: "Return what has been moved, Through time and space."


Prue: All right, we don't have much time.

Piper: What about his ring?

Grams: Don't worry about the ring now. Let's just get you back.

Prue: Well, but it is unblessed, right?

Grams: Yes, but there wasn't time to test it.

Prue: Then how will we know it works?

Grams: You won't. Not until you get back. And since time will pick up right where it left off, he won't know either. Goodbye, girls. Be good, darlings.


Patty, Little Prue and Piper: "A time for everything, And everything its place, Return what has been moved, Through time and space."


Prue: It worked, we're back.


(Nicholas is running up the stairs.)

Phoebe: Hurry.


Nicholas: Time is up.

(Prue uses her powers and Nick flies through the air.)


Prue: All right, the ring's unblessed.

(Piper freezes him.)


Piper: Phoebe, find anything?

Phoebe: How about the 'Nicholas Must Die' spell?

Piper: That wasn't there before.

Prue: Well, maybe it's just Grams' way of saying, you know, welcome back... or, or front.

Phoebe: Spell pouch included at no extra charge. Uh, "Lavender, mimosa, holy thistle..."

Piper: Oh dear!

Phoebe: "Cleanse this evil from our midst, scatter its cells throughout time, let this Nick no more exist."


Prue: Wow. I'm really glad I never got on Grams' bad side.


Phoebe: I can't stop thinking about mum. How I lost her and then I found her again.

Prue: I'm just glad that you finally have memories of her.


Piper: What? I'm supposed to throw out perfectly good flowers 'cause they came from a creep? If that was the rule then we'd never have flowers in this house.

Prue: Well, they didn't just come from a creep, they came from a warlock who tried to kill us.

Phoebe: Still, if it weren't for him, I probably would've never gotten to know mum.

Piper: We all wanted to save mum, Pheebs, but both mum and Grams said we can't change destiny.

Phoebe: But, um, I still wrote her a note anyway.

Prue: You did?


Phoebe: Yes, I wrote her a note telling her to stay away from water on the day that she died. And then I put it in the Book of Shadows.

Piper: I can't believe you did that.

Phoebe: You don't understand. Every time I've made a wish, I wished for time with mum. And I believed in my heart that someday, somehow, that wish would come true and when it finally did, I didn't wanna let her go. You know, but then I realized that I had to let her go, so I took the note out and put it in my pocket.


Prue: Maturity sucks, doesn't it?

Piper: Still, faith has its rewards. (She shows them the picture that Phoebe took in the attic.) It's a pretty good one of us, but once again, not a great one of you, Pheebs.

Phoebe: Are you kidding? That is the best picture of me I've ever taken.

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