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That '70s Episode P1

Phoebe: There aren't any pictures of me growing up.
Prue: That seems impossible. I mean, you weren't exactly camera shy.
Phoebe: Yeah, well neither were you and Piper, or you and Grams, or you and Dad. Oh look, there's another one of you and Piper.
Prue: Okay, here's a picture of you and Grams.

Phoebe: Oh, wasn't I cute.
Prue: Here's one of you and Mum.
Phoebe: Wow, I don't even remember that. What was I, about two? (Prue nods) She died on us a year later.
Prue: Phoebe.

Piper: Okay, all right, I need a pen and paper. (She tries to open a drawer but it's stuck.) Quick, we don't have a lot of time. (Phoebe hits it twice and kicks it and the drawer opens.) I always wondered how you got into my candy drawer.

Phoebe: Yeah, too bad all the candy's gone.
Piper: I thought it would be easier for us to just write him a note.
Prue: Who him?
Piper: You know, what's his name. (The doorbell rings) Grandma's little friend comes every year, same day, same time. Says you know, the flowers are from a secret admirer when it's obvious he's the admirer.

Hi, come on in. (The clock chimes in the background) How are you?

Man: Flowers for Miss Penny Halliwell. (He goes to hand them to Piper but he drops them and Piper freezes him and the flowers.) Every year. What a klutz. At least this year I can freeze him so I can spare myself the clean up.

Phoebe: Why did you want to write him a note?
Piper: To tell him Grams is dead.
Prue: Oh, you're gonna break his heart.
(Piper gets the vase of flowers that's frozen in the air. The man unfreezes.)

Man: Five chimes.
Piper: Excuse me?
Man: The clock. I only heard five chimes. It's noon. That means you froze me. Which means you have your powers at last.
Piper: Uh, I don't know what you're talking about Mister but thanks for the flowers, okay, bye.
Nicholas: Call me Nicholas. Your mother did. (He puts on a ring and he becomes younger.) I had to appear to age over the years otherwise you would've been suspicious.

Prue: What?
Nicholas: You see, twenty-four years ago today, your mother and I made a pact. To spare her life, she gave up your future powers to me. She blessed this ring. Which gave me immunity from your powers. (Piper tries to freeze him.) Immunity so that I could kill you and take the powers on for my own. To become invincible.
Prue: Our mother would never give away our powers.
Nicholas: She didn't have much of a choice. Your blood is boiling. Soon your lungs will sear. (He points the ring at them and they double over in agony.) Your organs will over heat and death will come.
Prue: Why would mum make a deal like that?
Piper: More importantly, what are we gonna do?
Phoebe: Wait, I think I found a spell. To unbind a bond.
Nicholas: (from downstairs) You can't run from me.

Prue: Okay, we have no choice.
Piper: Okay, Phoebe, hurry.
Phoebe: Okay. "The bond which was not to be done, Give us the power to see it undone, And turn back time to whence it was begun." (Twinkling lights encircled them, they disappear for a few seconds and reappear in the same spot.) It didn't work?
Prue: Nothing happened.

Phoebe: Whose phone is that?
Piper: Not ours.
Someone downstairs: Halliwell residence.

Piper: You go.
Phoebe: Nah-uh, you go.
Piper: Nah-uh, she goes. (They push Prue out the door.)
[Cut to the stairs. Prue sees her grandma talking on the phone.)
Grams: I beg your pardon? Well, Donna, I'm just hurt that you would suspect my little angels of such a thing.
Prue: (to herself) Grams?

Grams: Prue. Uh, just a moment, Donna. Prue, Piper, girls, don't run in the house. Yes, yes.

Piper: What did you see?
Phoebe: The warlock?
Prue: No. Us.

Piper: How do we know we're back in time? What if we just brought the past to us accidentally. We've done it before.
Prue: Piper, look around. What do you see?

Piper: A messy attic, like always.
Prue: No. Not just like always. We have a black light, a typewriter, eight-track tapes and a pet rock. I mean, we got rid of this stuff years ago, remember?
Piper: And you saw us? As kids?
Prue: Yeah.
Piper: This can't be happening. I'm getting a migraine.
Phoebe: Better not. I don't think Advil's been invented yet. And apparently neither has this spell. It's not in here anywhere.
Piper: But we just cast it, that's how we got back... here.

Phoebe: Yeah, well, wherever here is, it's before the spell was written.
Prue: So, there's nothing in there about how to get back to our own time?
Phoebe: Nothing. Uh, let me be the first to say we're screwed.
Prue: No, okay, at least we're alive, I mean if we stayed in our own time, Nicholas would have killed us. We barely got away as it was... is... will be... you know, I've never been good with tenses.
Piper: What are we gonna do?
Prue: Well, Grams is right downstairs, maybe we should just go and tell her who we are.
Phoebe: And say what? Hi, we're the ghosts of grandchildren future. Come on, even Grams is going to have a little trouble with that.
Piper: Plus, she has that heart condition.
Prue: Okay, fine, so we need another plan, but first we need to get out of the house.

Grams: You're talking to fast. Patty, sweetheart, slow down.
Piper: Patty?
Prue: Mum.
Grams: What premonition? That's impossible, you don't have premonitions.
Phoebe: But I thought you said mum's power was to freeze time.
Prue: It is... was... you know what I mean.
Grams: Maybe you should go see a doctor.

Patty's Voice: I don't need to go to the doctor, mum.
Prue: Piper!
Patty: I need you to listen to what I'm saying.
Piper: She's talking to mum.
Patty: I can't explain it either, mum. It just happened. I felt a twinge in my stomach and then bam! I saw it.
Grams: Saw what?
Patty: Three women. Warlocks. And one of them was taking Prue.
Phoebe: Do you really think that's mum's voice?
Piper: Yes.
Grams: Are you still nauseous? Why don't, why don't you come home from Buddy's.
Patty: I can't. And it was not a daydream.
Piper: Three warlocks? She can't be talking about us, can she?
Prue: Okay, let's get out of here.

Grams: (from another room) Prue! Piper!

Little Piper: No fair, using magic.
Piper: Whoa!
Prue: Wait, we had powers back then?
Phoebe: Oh, this is freaky.

Prue: Hey.
Little Prue: Hi. (She points to Prue's freckle that's on her face.)
Prue: You got one too. Come here.

Grams: How many times have I told you girls...
(She sees Prue, Piper and Phoebe.)

Prue: Um, Grams, we can explain.

Grams: Warlocks be gone!

Prue: Grams definitely had her power down.
Piper: She is one scary witch. I don't remember having powers at that age, do you?
Prue: No, I thought we got them for the first time last year.
Piper: Apparently not. We must of lost them before we could even remember having them.
Prue: Yeah, how weird was that seeing us as kids. Totally bizarre.

Phoebe: Mum is barely pregnant with me. Here, March 24, 1975. That's the day that mum made the pact with Nicholas.
Prue: So maybe that's why the spell sent us back here, to stop the pact.

Piper: Which means it could be the only way for us to get back to our own time. We've got to go see mum and warn her about Nicholas.
Prue: Yeah, but we have to do a better job of convincing mum then we did Grams. This time we have to use our powers.

Prue: Yeah, but we have to do a better job of convincing mum then we did Grams. This time we have to use our powers.
Piper: The problem is she's on the lookout for three warlocks now.
Prue: So, then maybe only two of us should approach her just in case.
Phoebe: Well, since I don't have any powers to show mum I think it should be you two. I'll just stand outside and watch for Nicholas.
Piper: That doesn't seem fair to you, Phoebe, not being able to see mum.
Phoebe: I know, it's not, but I got over that a long time ago. I don't need to see her now. Really, it's okay. We better get going, though, before we miss her.

Prue: Whoa, scary. Buddy's has not changed a bit. Wouldn't... didn't...?
Piper: Give it up, I know what you mean. I don't see mum anywhere, do you?
Prue: No.
Piper: Prue.

Prue: Mum.
Piper: She's so beautiful.
Prue: Yeah, she is.
Piper: I don't remember her working here.
Prue: Yeah, with dad gone she had to pay the bills somehow. I remember she used to come home late at night and she'd kiss me and she always smelt like burgers.

Piper: You're lucky, you have a lot more memories than I do.
Prue: At least you have some. Poor Phoebe, she doesn't have any. Here she comes.
Piper: What do we do if she recognizes us?
Prue: Um, you freeze the place and when she sees that we don't freeze either than she'll believe us when we tell her who we are.
Piper: Okay, how do I look?
Prue: Great.

Patty: Ready to order? (They just stare at her.) Take your time, I'll come back.
Piper: No, wait. We're ready aren't we, Prue?
Prue: Ah, Prunes. Um, Prunes. She wants to know if you have any prunes.
Patty: Prunes, sure. Yeah, I think so. I just started here, I'll go check.
Prue: No! She can order something else.
Patty: Have we met before? You look familiar.
Prue: Yeah, so do you. Now.

(Piper tries to freeze everyone several times but her power won't work.)
Prue: (whispering to Piper) What's the matter?
Piper: It's not working. You try.
(Prue tries to move her glass.)
Prue: Okay, how is that possible?

Woman: Patty, phone.
Patty: Oh, okay, thanks. I'll uh, be back.
Piper: Wait! We know you're pregnant.

Patty: What?

Piper: This is going to sound really weird but we're actually your...
Prue: Cousins. From outta town.

Piper: Right, cousins. And we need to tell you something really important about the baby that you're carrying, sort of.
Patty: Not that this is any of your business but I can't get pregnant anymore. Medically impossible. Excuse me.

Piper: I panicked. I thought, you know, close family would know she was pregnant.
Prue: Yeah, well, not only does she not know that she's pregnant, she doesn't even think she can get pregnant.
Piper: Yeah, well, we got bigger problems. We have no powers which means we have no way of stopping Nicholas.

Prue: Yeah, how do we not have powers? I mean little Prue and little Piper, they have powers.
Piper: I don't know. Maybe only one set of us can have powers at the same time in the same time.
Prue: Thank you, Mr. Spock.

Patty: I was working mother, that's why I couldn't take your call.
Grams: That premonition that you said you had. Did you see what the warlocks looked like?
Patty: The warlocks? No, I didn't see their faces. Why?
Grams: I'll tell you why. Because I saw them, all three of them. Here, and one of them had a hold of Prue.
Patty: Are the girls okay?
Grams: For now, thanks to me.
Patty: I'm coming right home.

Phoebe: Oh, oh.
Patty: I'm so sorry.
Phoebe: Oh, no, it's totally my fault.

Patty: I'm such a klutz sometime.
Phoebe: Really? So am I.
Patty: Yeah?
Phoebe: Yeah. Crackers?
Patty: Upset stomach.
Phoebe: (Sees a cigarette packet) Uh, you know you shouldn't be smoking these now. It's bad for your upset stomach.
Patty: You're very sweet. Thanks. I gotta go.
Phoebe: So soon?
Patty: Excuse me?

Officer: Is everything all right?
Patty: Yeah, thanks officer.
Phoebe: Oh my God, Nicholas.
Patty: I'm late. Thanks again.

Phoebe: Excuse me. How do you get to Berkeley?
Nicholas: Get outta my way.

Prue: Phoebe, what are you doing?
Phoebe: Nicholas is here.
Piper: What? Where?
Phoebe: Run!

Piper: Is Nicholas wearing his ring?
Phoebe: I don't know. I don't think so.
Piper: It's a good thing you were there, Pheebs, that was probably when Nicholas was gonna make his move on mum.
Phoebe: No, I don't think so, otherwise we'd be back in our own time by now.
Prue: Hey, are you all right?
Phoebe: Yeah, uh, just seeing mum for the first time and talking to her, I just didn't expect to feel so...
Prue: Feel what, good?
Phoebe: No, overwhelmed.
Piper: Well, mum's car is here, at least we know where she is.
Prue: Yeah, but the question is, how do we get to her? Grams must have told her about us by now. She probably thinks we're the warlocks.

Piper: Our only option is to wait for Nicholas to show. But what are we going to do without our powers?
Phoebe: Well, technically you still have your powers. If you count little Prue and little Piper. We need our powers and they have them. Come on.

Phoebe: Coast is clear.
Piper: What if Grams catches us?
Prue: She'll kill us before Nicholas has a chance.
Phoebe: She won't catch us. Observe.

Patty: You said yourself the girls are safe with you. Besides, I want to go.
Grams: You are making a big mistake, Patty, Victor is not coming back.

Prue: How did you...?
Phoebe: Heating duct to upstairs. I used to listen to you guys for hours. Especially when you used to sneak Andy up to your bedroom in high school.
Prue: Oohh... Okay, you stay here and keep tabs on them, we're gonna try and find the little girls.

Little Prue: That's my doll.
Little Piper: You gave it to me.
Little Prue: No, I didn't. You stole it.
Prue: That's true. You did steal it.
Piper: I did not.

Prue: Yes, you did.
(Little Prue uses her powers to take the doll off little Piper.)

Piper: Hey, that's not fair.
Little Prue: You came back.

Prue: Yes, we did and we're gonna keep it a secret, right?
Little Prue: Okay.
Prue: Okay.
Little Prue: (to Prue) You're pretty.
Prue: So are you.
Piper: Oh, give me a break.
Little Piper: Grams said you're bad people.
Piper: No, no, no. We're good people. We're, uh, just like you.
Prue: Yeah, we're family.

Patty: Victor sent me a note. He asked me to stop by his hotel after my shift.
Phoebe: Dad?
Grams: You know it was doomed from the start. You never even took his last name.
Patty: You wouldn't let me.
Grams: Well, that's beside the point. Why can't you just wear your uniform to see him?
Patty: Because I don't want him to know I'm a waitress. Look, it can't hurt to talk, right?
Grams: Well, let him go I say. If husbands were supposed to stay married, God would have made them live longer.
Patty: Mother!
Phoebe: (laughs) Grams.

Little Prue: We're not suppose to go places with strangers.
Prue: Yes, but we're not strangers, Prue. You're safe with us and I know that you know in your heart that you can trust us.

Little Piper: If you're really family, prove it.
Piper: Prove it? How the hell are we suppose to do that?
Prue: Piper!

Little Piper: Piper. Your name's Piper too?

Piper: Uh, yeah, and not only do we have the same name... (she hits and kicks the draw and it opens) but we have the same secrets.
Prue: Okay, follow me.

Little Andy: Freeze!

Little Piper: Okay, Andy.
Piper: No, wait!

Little Prue: I'm telling mum. You're not suppose to freeze people.
Little Piper: But he said to.

Phoebe: Prue, Piper, mum's coming down... (she notices that they're frozen) Oh, boy.

Grams: Fine, if you must go, go. I can't stop you, but I also can't promise I won't teach the girls a new spell while you're gone.
Patty: Can't you bake cookies with them like all the other grandmothers?
Grams: The recipes they learn from me don't come from Betty Crocker, dear.
Patty: Bye girls, love you.

Little Andy: (to Phoebe) Whoa, where'd you come from?
Prue: Yeah, that's a good question.
Phoebe: Don't ask. Okay, we gotta go fast. Mum just left and Grams is...
Grams: Prudence. Piper.

Phoebe: Coming.
Prue: Go, go, go, go.
Piper: Shh, shh, shh.

Little Andy: I wanna go too.
Phoebe: No, Andy, you have to stay here.
Little Andy: No!

Piper: Okay, we got it, we got it.
Phoebe: Oh, Little Andy Trudeau is so cute.

Piper: (to little Piper) All right, ready? Freeze him. (They close the door. Little Piper freezes Andy. They open the door again.) Okay, cool. Come on. Let's go, let's go.

Prue: Okay, maybe that's why Andy is so suspicious of us.

Piper: Okay, Grams keeps the keys in the same spot. Yes, good.
Thx to @akikka88 for Patty sims ^^