halliwellsims4 - HalliwellSims4

A TV show that run from 90's to 2000 and charmed us all, adults and children alike🥰We loved them so much that most of us recreate them in TS4, with their house and their dedicated CC. Charmed is in the heart of all of us! In this blog I will publish some of the mini stories of the Power of Three🥰🪄

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Oh 🙄 🔨

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3 years ago

That '70s Episode P2


Grams: Oh, Andy. Did Piper freeze you again? Oh, you poor dear. You won't remember a thing. (He unfreezes) Do you know where the girls went?


Little Andy: I think the strange ladies took them.


Prue: Okay, girls. If we see a bad guy what do we do?

Little Prue: She's gonna cry.

Little Piper: Am not. I'm gonna freeze him.

Little Prue: And then I'm gonna move him.

Prue: Okay, then we'll take care of him and then we will all...

Little Prue and Piper: Run like the wind!

Prue: Exactly. All right, so let's give it a try. Ready?

(Prue throws a ball up in the air. Little Piper freezes it and little Prue moves it.)


Little Prue: Can we do it again?

Prue: Yes, yes. Practice makes perfect. Okay, go try it.


Phoebe: Those girls have major juice. They have control, they can aim.

Prue: Yeah, well, they've had their powers a lot longer than we have. I mean did. I think.

Phoebe: What do you think happened to our powers when we were kids?

Prue: Well, we lost a lot growing up. Somehow we must have lost them too.


Piper: I finally found a pay phone. Mum is at work until five and Nicholas is on duty until six.

Prue: Good, at least we know where he is. The girls are ready.

Phoebe: Well, I'm not.

Prue: Why not?


Phoebe: Mum died before I could grab onto enough to keep her alive in my head. And now she's here alive, pregnant with me. If we stop Nicholas, we have to go back to our own time. And there's no mum there.

Piper: We don't have much of a choice, Phoebe.

Cop: Ladies. Is this your car?


[Scene: Hotel. Patty is walking to Victor's room. She knocks on the door.]

Victor: Come in.


Nicholas: I won't let you freeze me, Patty.

Patty: You.


Nicholas: Call me Nicholas.

Patty: Where's Victor?

Nicholas: Not here. Bait for the hook.


(Patty hits him in the stomach.)

Nicholas: Your blood is boiling, and then death will come.

Patty: What do you want?

Nicholas: What does any warlock want? I want your power Patty. At least I wanted it first. Till I realised you were the mother of the Charmed Ones.


Patty: No, no. You're mistaken. I only have two children.

Nicholas: Oh, but there'll be a third child. Where did that premonition of yours come from, Patty? If not from the unborn child inside you. I tapped your phone. And I heard you and the old witch talking about it.


Patty: I saw three warlocks. Women.

Nicholas: I saw them too, at the diner. Rivals, perhaps. I got to you first.


Patty: I beg you. Don't hurt them.

Nicholas: There is another option, Patty.


Piper: I can't believe we got arrested for kidnapping ourselves.

Prue: Yeah, well, it should make for a pretty interesting defence.

Piper: Do you think this is funny? Prue, we're not just stuck in jail, we're stuck in the past.

Prue: Yes, I know Piper, I've been following.

Prue: Uh, bright side?

Piper: Uhh, I dare go.

Phoebe: Well, maybe we can get to know mum better. Or, in my case finally. I mean, if we really are stuck here, we might as well take advantage of it, right? And maybe we can keep her from dying young this time.


Officer: Five minutes, ma'am.

Patty: How'd you know I was pregnant? Who are you people?

Phoebe: Your daughters.


Patty: Okay, I bailed you out. You just better not be warlocks.

Prue: Well, we wouldn't have needed you to bail us out if we were.

Patty: I've seen some magic in my life, but this is a miracle.

Phoebe: More than you know, mum.


Piper: Where are the little ones?

Patty: Home with Grams. I called her before I came here. That's how I found out you were arrested.

Prue: Did you tell her about us?


Patty: No. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know who you were myself. You're all so beautiful. More than I ever would have imagined. Phoebe. Phoebe. Talk about miracles. I must have named you after my favourite aunt. But, if you don't like the name I can always change it.

Phoebe: No. I love it.


Prue: Ah, mum. We cast a spell to come back in time to help you. To stop you.

Patty: To stop me from what?

Prue: From making a pact with a warlock named Nicholas.

Patty: Then you're too late.

Piper: What?

Patty: I thought I was going to see Victor, your father. But it turned out to be a trap.

Prue: Nicholas.

Patty: He tried to kill me. Phoebe too. I had to give him immunity to your powers in exchange for your lives. I'd rather love you as mortal daughters, than have to mourn you as dead witches.

Piper: But he's gonna kill us anyway to get our powers.


Patty: No, not until Phoebe's born. And all your powers are complete. I bought us some time in the hopes that Grams could help us. Oh, she's going to be so thrilled when she sees you. The Charmed Ones.


Grams: Where was I born?

Patty: Mum.

Grams: I'm still not convinced that they're not warlocks.

Patty: We have a pact to undo. We should be looking for a spell.

Prue: Boston. In a hotel room, breech.

Grams: What was my husband's name?

Prue: Which husband?

Grams: Who's Melinda Warren?

Phoebe: The beginning of our family line. She gave us our powers. Our destiny.

Grams: What's the secret ingredient in my blueberry cobbler?

Piper: Honey and a splash of rum.


Grams: What's IBM selling at in your time?

Patty: Mum!

Grams: What?

Patty: It's not the time for personal gain.

Grams: If they could just nod their heads. Okay, forget it. Well, look at you. The three of you. Oh, Patty, I always knew I would deliver the Charmed Ones. Once removed, of course. Prue. (She nods.) Piper. (She waves.) And...

Phoebe: Phoebe!

Grams: Oh, another 'P'. What a surprise.

Patty: About the pact?

Grams: We must keep the girls safe until we can reverse it. I'll have to bind their powers.

Piper: Uh, bind our powers?

Grams: Strip them from the young ones. So Nicholas can't get a hold of them. It doesn't have to be done right away. As soon as Phoebe's born. I'll cast a spell and suspend their, uh, your powers.

Prue: Um, but that's exactly what you did... or do... will do... you know what I mean.

Piper: Well, that explains why we don't remember having our powers when we were younger.

Grams: What do you mean? Well, how old were you when you got your powers back?

Piper: We just got them.


Grams: What? I unbound your powers without having broken the pact? Why would I do that? I mean unless I died which of course would automatically... unbind your powers. I guess I'm not going to make it to the next millennium, huh?

Phoebe: Uh, speaking of that, mum...

Grams: No. We mustn't know anymore about the future. You came back for one reason, to break the pact. You mustn't tamper with anything else. It's much too risky. Heaven knows what damage you've already done by coming back here.

Prue: We haven't done anything, we missed our chance to stop the pact.

Grams: And there's a reason for that. Destiny always gets its own way. It's not as easy to change the past as you think. If you do it incorrectly, everything will change. The evil you vanquished, the good that you've done, none of it may've ever happened.

Piper: Well, we have to change this, we can't go back and let him kill us.

Patty: The only way to vanquish him in your time would be for me to unbless the ring and take away its immunity. It's in a drawer in his hotel room.

Phoebe: Okay, well, let's go to Nicholas' hotel room and steal back the ring. Hopefully it'll be there.


Patty: No, it's too dangerous, you don't have powers. I'll go.

Prue: No. If something happened to you, future history could be changed forever. Just like Grams said. We have to go.

Grams: Well, I'm glad to see you finally learned to listen to me. You better hurry. In the meantime, I'll write a new spell that will get you back to your own time.

Piper: Wait, you can do that? You can send us home?

Grams: We're witches, dear, we can do anything.

Phoebe: I wish that were true.

Prue: Okay, we need to go.

Patty: Be careful.


Prue: Why am I not surprised that you know how to do this?

Phoebe: Let's just hope Nicholas isn't inside.

Prue: The concierge says he's not and Piper's outside watching for him.


Phoebe: Mum says it's in a drawer.


Prue: Found it. Okay, we gotta get it back to mum.


Prue: We have the ring, here it is.

Piper: Okay, now what?

Grams: Go back to where you belong.

Patty: Then I will unbless the ring and get it back to the hotel before Nicholas finds it missing.

Grams: Now remember, there is no time to lose. You will return at the exact moment you left, which means Nicholas will be there too.


Piper: Hopefully without immunity to our powers.

Prue: We'll be ready. Phoebe?

Phoebe: Okay, I'm coming.

Prue: I love you, mum. (Phoebe puts her letter in the Book of Shadows.)


Piper: I'm never gonna learn to like lima beans Grams, but thanks for everything else. (They hug.)

Grams: (to Phoebe) You're going to be a handful aren't you?

Phoebe: You'll learn to love me.  I'm gonna miss you.


Grams: "A time for everything, And to everything its place, Return what has been moved, Through time and space."


Patty: Let me help.  "A time for everything, And to everything its place, Return what has been moved, Through time and space."


Grams: You did well, Patty. Oh, they're fabulous.

Patty: I just hope they're safe.


Prue: Oops.

Grams: What happened?

Patty: Where did you go?

Piper: We didn't go anywhere. We were just standing here, and the next thing we knew...

Phoebe: We were just standing here.


Patty: I told you to use poplar buds.

Grams: It's a perfectly good spell. I mean, it moved them through time.

Patty: Yeah, ten seconds.

Grams: I'm telling you, it's not the spell. It must be the power behind the spell, there's not enough power.

Piper: Maybe we need the Power of Three.

Phoebe: The only problem is it doesn't exist yet.


Grams: Nothing.

Phoebe: Maybe this is our destiny.

Grams: Not for the Charmed Ones.

Piper: We don't exist yet.

Patty: Yes, yes you do.

Prue: No, not with powers.


Patty: Yes, little Prue and Piper have their powers and Phoebe gave me a premonition so she must have hers. If we can teach the girls the chant, maybe the three of us can get you back to your time.

Prue: The Power of Three, it's worth a try.


Nicholas: (from downstairs) Where are you, witches? Where's my ring?

Patty: Nicholas.


Grams: You and Piper get the girls, we'll fend him off. (Everyone goes out of the attic except Phoebe who gets the letter out of the Book of Shadows.) Come on, Phoebe.


Prue: Oh, Grandma don't get too close, his power.

Grams: I know, I know.

Phoebe: We can't risk you being hurt, go upstairs and help mum start the spell.

Prue: Phoebe and I will take care of him. Come on.


(Phoebe goes and kicks Nick in the head.)


Patty: (to the little girls) We're gonna play a little game, okay. Now give me your hands.

Piper: Okay, hurry.

Patty: Now, repeat after me. "A time for everything, And to everything its place..."

Little Prue & Piper: "A time for everything, And to everything its place..."

Patty: "Returned what has been moved, Through time and space."

Little Prue & Piper: "Return what has been moved, Through time and space."


Prue: All right, we don't have much time.

Piper: What about his ring?

Grams: Don't worry about the ring now. Let's just get you back.

Prue: Well, but it is unblessed, right?

Grams: Yes, but there wasn't time to test it.

Prue: Then how will we know it works?

Grams: You won't. Not until you get back. And since time will pick up right where it left off, he won't know either. Goodbye, girls. Be good, darlings.


Patty, Little Prue and Piper: "A time for everything, And everything its place, Return what has been moved, Through time and space."


Prue: It worked, we're back.


(Nicholas is running up the stairs.)

Phoebe: Hurry.


Nicholas: Time is up.

(Prue uses her powers and Nick flies through the air.)


Prue: All right, the ring's unblessed.

(Piper freezes him.)


Piper: Phoebe, find anything?

Phoebe: How about the 'Nicholas Must Die' spell?

Piper: That wasn't there before.

Prue: Well, maybe it's just Grams' way of saying, you know, welcome back... or, or front.

Phoebe: Spell pouch included at no extra charge. Uh, "Lavender, mimosa, holy thistle..."

Piper: Oh dear!

Phoebe: "Cleanse this evil from our midst, scatter its cells throughout time, let this Nick no more exist."


Prue: Wow. I'm really glad I never got on Grams' bad side.


Phoebe: I can't stop thinking about mum. How I lost her and then I found her again.

Prue: I'm just glad that you finally have memories of her.


Piper: What? I'm supposed to throw out perfectly good flowers 'cause they came from a creep? If that was the rule then we'd never have flowers in this house.

Prue: Well, they didn't just come from a creep, they came from a warlock who tried to kill us.

Phoebe: Still, if it weren't for him, I probably would've never gotten to know mum.

Piper: We all wanted to save mum, Pheebs, but both mum and Grams said we can't change destiny.

Phoebe: But, um, I still wrote her a note anyway.

Prue: You did?


Phoebe: Yes, I wrote her a note telling her to stay away from water on the day that she died. And then I put it in the Book of Shadows.

Piper: I can't believe you did that.

Phoebe: You don't understand. Every time I've made a wish, I wished for time with mum. And I believed in my heart that someday, somehow, that wish would come true and when it finally did, I didn't wanna let her go. You know, but then I realized that I had to let her go, so I took the note out and put it in my pocket.


Prue: Maturity sucks, doesn't it?

Piper: Still, faith has its rewards. (She shows them the picture that Phoebe took in the attic.) It's a pretty good one of us, but once again, not a great one of you, Pheebs.

Phoebe: Are you kidding? That is the best picture of me I've ever taken.

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3 years ago

I've Got You Under My Skin p2

I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Andy: What do you want me to say? This does not feel right to me about this, I can't help it.

Morris: Here we go again.

Andy: I mean, where are they, alright? What's this guy doing to these poor women?

Morris: Thinking alien abduction are ya?

Andy: I'm serious, Morris.

Morris: I know, that's what scares me. Let me guess, favorite movie when growing up - Ghostbusters? Look, we got a crazy, Trudeau. Likes the pretty ladies. That's it, the end. If he goes back looking make the world a safer place. That too hard to follow?

Andy: Evil dead II. Favorite movie growing up. Just for the record.

(Andy sees Prue get out of her car.)

Morris: Bank across the street, I think we should grab the ATM tapes and see if.... (Andy gets out of the car.) Whoa, whoa, where are going? No, no, forget it Romeo. You're not blowing our cover.

Andy: Come on, Morris. Cut me some slack. I have to talk to her. Please? Five minutes, that's all I need.

I've Got You Under My Skin P2
I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Piper: Cindy, come on, your salmon's up. Hector, way behind. We need clean plates.

Prue: You didn't give Andy my cell phone number by any chance did you?

Piper: No, why?

Prue: Never mind.

Piper: Remind me I wanted to do this for a living, right?

Prue: Looks like you're not the only one of us who's going to be doing anything for a living. Look how bad my interview went.

Piper: I can't imagine you were less than stellar.

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I've Got You Under My Skin P2
I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Prue: What's Phoebe doing here?

Piper: Flirting.

Prue: Yeah, and she's wearing Armani. Where did she get that?

Piper: Not from my closet. I gotta go.

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I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Phoebe: Prue, hi. This is my other sister. Prue, this is Stefan the photographer.

Stefan: Pleasure.

Prue: Likewise. (They shake hands.) Nice dress.

Phoebe: Don't worry, it's not yours.

Prue: I know. I could never afford it.

Phoebe: Will you excuse me for one minute? I'll be right back.

I've Got You Under My Skin P2
I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Prue: How are you gonna pay for that? You're broke.

Phoebe: Not for long.

Prue: What does that mean? You didn't use your powers again?

Phoebe: Maybe. Are you telling me you haven't?

Prue: No, I'm not telling you that but we're not talking about me are we?

I've Got You Under My Skin P2
I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Piper: What are you guys doing in here?

Phoebe: Same thing we do at home.

Prue: What, did you go to the tracks, play the market, what?

Phoebe: The lottery.

Piper: Phoebe!

Phoebe: What did you want me to do? Ignore the premonition? Not help a needy family. That's what we're supposed to do, right?

Prue: No, we are not supposed to use our powers for our own personal gain. That's what it says in the Book Of Shadows.

Piper: Not so loud.

Phoebe: You said we needed money, right? We'll I'm getting some.

Piper: Come on, you guys.

Prue: Well, get a job like everybody else.

Phoebe: I'm using my mind instead.

I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Andy: Prue?

(Andy bumps into a guy holding plates.)

Piper: Watch it! (Piper freezes everyone and the plates before they hit the ground.) Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no, not again

I've Got You Under My Skin P2
I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Prue: Now look what you've done.

Phoebe: This is my fault?

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I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Piper: You guys aren't freezing?

Phoebe: I guess it doesn't work on witches. Piper, how long does it last?

Piper: I don't know, not long.

Prue: Uh, it doesn't work out there either.

Piper: Oh, tell me this isn't happening.

[Cut to outside the kitchen. Morris walks in.]

I've Got You Under My Skin P2
I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Phoebe: Calm down, it's okay. It's all gonna be okay.

(Prue looks outside again and notices Morris walking towards the kitchen.)

Prue: Oh, God, Andy's partner just came in and he's headed this way.

Piper: What are we gonna do?

Phoebe: Stall him.

I've Got You Under My Skin P2
I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Prue: Hey, Inspector Morris, right?

Morris: That's right. Is Trudeau in there?

Prue: Uh, Andy? I don't know is he?

I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Phoebe: Okay, breathe, Piper, breathe.

I've Got You Under My Skin P2
I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Andy: I really think we should... (He notices Morris there.) talk. What are you doing here? I thought I had five minutes.

Morris: Yeah, I gave you ten.

I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Piper: Guys, you know, we're really busy in here.

I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Andy: Yeah, sure.

Prue: Uh, I'll call you later, I promise.

I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Andy: Okay.

Phoebe: Bye.

I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Piper: I hate being a witch.

I've Got You Under My Skin P2
I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Phoebe: Hey, what are you doing?

Piper: Reading. Thinking.

Phoebe: About what?

Piper: About how totally screwed we are now that we're witches.

Phoebe: Oh, that.

Piper: You don't understand, you don't think we are. You're never afraid of anything. I envy that about you, I always have.

Phoebe: Yeah, well, don't because it gets me in trouble sometimes. Piper, talk to me.

I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Piper: I don't know, it's like our whole lives have been like everybody else. Rushing off to work, going out on bad dates, buying shoes and suddenly we wake up one day and everything is different. We're witches now. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Phoebe: Are you kidding? It's a great thing.

Piper: You don't know that. We don't know anything about these powers. Why we have them, what they mean, where they come from. I mean, how do we know it's not... how do we know it's not from evil?

Phoebe: Piper, we've been through this. We're good witches.

Piper: What about Jeremy? What about all the other warlocks he said would be coming after us. How do we know we're not just like them? That is what scares me. We don't know. I just wanna be normal again. As messed up as that was. Is that too much to ask for?

I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Phoebe: Piper, listen to me. You are the most sweetest, most caring person I've ever met. No, I mean that, you are. You're always there to help anybody, even strangers. You've been doing it your whole life. So there's no way you've been given this, this gift if it wasn't to do good things with it. To protect the innocent just like the Book Of Shadows said. Besides, if anyone is concerned of being bad, it's me, right? (Piper laughs) You've got nothing to be afraid of. I am going to get my picture taken.

I've Got You Under My Skin P2
I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Andy: Thanks.

Prue: (in unison with Andy) Uh, Andy.

Andy: (in unison with Prue) Look, Prue.

Prue/Andy: (in unison with Andy) You go first. (in unison with Prue) Go ahead.

Andy: I'm not sorry it happened, Prue.

Prue: Well, I have to be honest with you, Andy, I am. I mean, not because I didn't enjoy it, I did. Especially the, um...

I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Andy: Yeah, that was great.

Prue: And of course so was the, uh...

Andy: That was nice too.

Prue: Yeah, but, you know, that's not the point, it's... I haven't seen you in almost seven years. Just starting right back where we left off is...

Andy: I know, I know, believe me. I just wanna know why you left, that's all. Why can't you tell me? What's the big secret?

Prue: Believe me, you don't wanna know.

Andy: Try me.

Prue: Well, my life, it's gotten a little complicated and I just don't think that I should get involved in anything right now.

I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Andy: Prue, we had sex. It doesn't mean we have to elope. Okay, about this, why don't we just pretend it never happened?

I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Prue: Do you want me to toss you a life preserve now, or just let you sink on your own?

(Andy laughs.)

Andy: No, no, I'm serious. Why don't you just count that one as part of our old relationship and we'll slow down, we'll start another. Prue, we've been given a second chance here, I don't wanna blow it this time. (Prue's phone rings and Andy's pager beeps.) Dating in the nineties.

I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Prue: Excuse me. Hello? Uh, yeah, absolutely, I'm sure I can make that. Okay, thanks. (She hangs up.) Uh, just give me a little time to think things over, okay?

I've Got You Under My Skin P2
I've Got You Under My Skin P2
I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Piper: I have nothing to be afraid of. I have nothing to be afraid of. (She gets out of her car and walks over to the church door. She holds onto the handle and pulls it open. She pokes her foot inside to make sure nothing happens. She steps inside and smiles.) I'm good!

I've Got You Under My Skin P2

(She walks back down the stairs and Brittany's there as an old woman. Piper looks at her and then her hand and sees the tattoo on it.) Brittany?

I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Brittany: You know me? Is that my name?

I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Rex: Prue, thank you for coming back.

Prue: Well, thanks for having me back, although I must admit I didn't expect it.

Rex: I told you I was interested and I am. But first of all I decided to test your expertise if you don't mind. See how good you really are. (They walk down the hallway.) This is Hannah Webster, one of our assistant specialists. This is Prue Halliwell.

I've Got You Under My Skin P2
I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Prue: Nice to meet you.

Rex: Please, tell us about this piece.

I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Prue: Well, Madonna of Meadow, Giovanni Berlini, 16th century, fabulous piece. Worth 3, 4 million dollars easily if it wasn't a copy.

Hannah: What makes you think it's a copy?

Prue: Too well preserved, no yellowing. Besides, the frame support is in pine and Italian painters used poplar back then.

Rex: Um, what about this one?

I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Prue: Daygar. Actually, this was the only sculpture he exhibited himself.

(Hannah knocks a ladder and a tin of paint falls above Prue.)

I've Got You Under My Skin P2
I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Rex: Watch out! (Prue puts her hands up to block the paint and she accidentally uses her power and the paint moves and misses her.) Are you okay?

Prue: Uh, uh, yeah, yeah, I'm okay.

I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Rex: You sure? I'm sorry, I can't believe that happened.

Prue: It's okay.

Rex: Well, uh, I really don't know what to say, except you're hired, if you still want the job.

Prue: Are you serious?

Rex: Can you start Monday?

Prue: Yeah, absolutely.

Rex: Terrific. It's done then. Yeah, we can sort out the details when you come in. In the mean time, welcome aboard.

Prue: Thanks. Bye.

I've Got You Under My Skin P2
I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Rex: Well, what do you think?

Hannah: I think she's either the luckiest woman alive or she's a witch.

I've Got You Under My Skin P2
I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Prue: Piper? Phoebe? Guess what?

I've Got You Under My Skin P2
I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Brittany: What?

(Piper walks in holding a bowl.)

Piper: Prue, thank God you're home.

Prue: Yeah, who, uh...

I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Piper: Here you go, Brittany. (She hands her the bowl.) Why don't you go sit down at the table, okay? There you go.

(Brittany walks over to the table.)

I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Prue: Um, sorry, Brittany?

Piper: You're not gonna believe this. I'm not sure I do. I think... no, I know, this woman is Brittany Reynolds.

Prue: Yeah, right, Piper and I'm Rosey O'Donnell.

Piper: No, I mean it. Brittany had a tattoo, right? An angel on her right hand, remember?

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(Prue looks over at Brittany and notices the tattoo.)

Prue: That can't be.

Piper: That's what I thought at first but then I started asking her some questions. Things only Brittany would know. She may be senile but it was enough to convince me.

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Phoebe: Stefan, it's me, Phoebe.

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(Phoebe touches the door handle and has a premonition of herself tied to a table and Javna's there. His eyes start glowing. The premonition ends. Phoebe runs back to her car and she gets in. Someone grabs her from the backseat.)

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I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Prue: Piper, what are you talking about?

Piper: I'm telling you. I saw something about it in the Book Of Shadows. (She starts flipping through the book. She finds the page.) Okay, look, see? Javna feeds one week out of every year, stealing the life force from the young.

Prue: By evoking the black magic power, the evil eye to sustain eternal youth.

Piper: It's gotta be what happened to Brittany.

Prue: Yeah, but there must be some kind of incantation to reverse it.

Piper: There is. "The hand of fatima." It says that the Prophet Mohammad centuries ago to banish Javna back to where ever the hell he came from.

Prue: Yeah, well, the problem is we don't know who Javna is, let alone where he is.

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I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Piper: Brittany? (They run downstairs to Brittany.) Oh my God, what happened?

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Prue: Brittany, are you alright?

Piper: I'll call 911.

Prue: And tell them what? That she's dying of old age at 25? (Piper picks up the napkin that the address is on.) What is it?

Piper: It's a cocktail napkin from my restaurant. With Stefan's address on the back.

Brittany: Javna.

Piper: Prue, that's where Phoebe went.

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Morris: Look at this. ATM tape caught the first victim.

Andy: And she's leaving with that photographer, Stefan.

Morris: Jibes was the last place she was seen before she disappeared. Is he on a suspect list?

Andy: Just moved to the top.

Morris: God bless ATM's.

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Phoebe: Wait, Stefan or whoever you are, let me go.

Javna: It's Javna.

(Javna's eyes glow and Phoebe screams.)

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I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Prue: Do you see anything?

Piper: No. Prue...

Prue: Look, we'll find her.

Piper: Maybe we should call the police.

Prue: No, if Javna has her then we're the only ones who can stop him.

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Piper: But we need Phoebe to do it. The incantation only work with the three of us.

(They hear Phoebe scream.)

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[Cut to inside A bright light comes out of Javna's eyes into Phoebe's. Piper and Prue come in. Prue uses her power and throws Javna across the room. The bright light then goes into Prue's eyes. Piper unties Phoebe.]

Piper: Phoebe, we don't have a lot of time, okay?

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I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Phoebe: Prue, grab the mirror.

(Prue grabs a mirror and puts it in front of her face and reflects the light back into Javna's eyes. Prue gets the spell and they start chanting.)

Prue: Now.

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I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Prue, Piper, Phoebe: "Evil eyes look unto thee, may they soon extinguished be, bend they will to the power of three, eye of earth, evil and accursed."

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(They repeat it. Javna turns into a skeleton and then into dust and disappears.)

[Cut to the manor. Brittany turns young again.]

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[Cut back to Prue, Piper and Phoebe.]

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Phoebe: Very cool.

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I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Andy: Prue? What are you doing here?

Prue: Well, we were just trying to get the van started.

Piper: Yeah, Phoebe called. She was having car troubles.

Phoebe: Stefan was gonna take some pictures of me.

Andy: Do you have any idea how lucky you are? This guy's a stalker.

Morris: No sign of him inside. He's car's here so he might still be around.

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I've Got You Under My Skin P2
I've Got You Under My Skin P2

Andy: Excuse me.

(Andy reaches in the car and starts it.)

Piper: Hey, how about that. You fixed it.

Andy: How about that.

Phoebe: Maybe we should go.

(Phoebe and Piper walk away.)

Prue: Uh, thanks. Call me?

Andy: Sure.

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Phoebe: Whoops, excuse me. (She walks up to a woman.) Hey, how are you? (The woman looks at her strangely. She goes over to Prue and Piper.)

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Piper: Do you know that girl?

Phoebe: I almost was that girl. She was one of Stefan's victims. Obviously doesn't remember.

Prue: Lucky her.

Phoebe: No, lucky me. I learned my lesson. I have got to be more careful.

Prue: Excuse me, did I just hear it? Did she actually admit to doing something wrong?

Piper: That's what I heard.

Phoebe: Frame it. It won't happen again.

Piper: At least we helped those people. I mean, it's nice we know our powers really are good.

Prue: Yeah, good for everything but love lives unfortunately. Although I must admit they do come in handy once in a while.

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Phoebe: Uh huh. Hypocrite. (Phoebe sees the lottery numbers come up on the TV screen.) The winning numbers. I've won. (Prue gives her a look.) Well, I did.

(She gets the ticket out of her purse and the numbers disappear.)

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Prue: See, I told you. You can't intentionally use your powers for your own personal gain, remember?

Phoebe: It's a good thing I didn't take the tags off that dress. Oh, well. At least those old couples didn't lose their house.

Piper: A toast to the power of three. Whether we like it or not

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