hallways - Hallways

Time is boxy.

639 posts

If You Only Take One Creepy Demented Seizure-inducing Personality Test Today, Make Sure It's This One.

If You Only Take One Creepy Demented Seizure-inducing Personality Test Today, Make Sure It's This One.

If you only take one creepy demented seizure-inducing personality test today, make sure it's this one.

More Posts from Hallways

14 years ago

Hello, it is I, your ever-reliable local paperboy, come to deliver the news of the day!

hallways - Hallways
13 years ago
Just Started WatchingBored To Death, And I Love How Sweetly Full-of-himself Jason Schwartzman's Character

Just started watching Bored to Death, and I love how sweetly full-of-himself Jason Schwartzman's character is.

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13 years ago

Even though I think Glee would be like 60% better if they just killed off Will Schuester and never mentioned his name again, Matthew Morrison sounds pretty great singing "One Less Bell To Answer/A House Is Not A Home" with Kristin Chenoweth.

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13 years ago
hallways - Hallways

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14 years ago

Hey look Hannah, I found an emoticon to represent you:

 ___ d-_-b

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