hanasekh - haNaSeK h
haNaSeK h

46 posts

Hanasekh - HaNaSeK H - Tumblr Blog

3 years ago

Well your chosoyuki propaganda worked I'm on board now even though the chances of anything happening remotely like that are pretty low, I'm here now. I've committed. I see the iceberg and I'm ready to go down.

Every morning I wake up and mentally prepare myself for Yuki killing Choso.

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3 years ago
A_street_cat_named_bensonon Ig
A_street_cat_named_bensonon Ig
A_street_cat_named_bensonon Ig
A_street_cat_named_bensonon Ig
A_street_cat_named_bensonon Ig
A_street_cat_named_bensonon Ig

a_street_cat_named_benson on ig

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3 years ago
Brb Sending This To My Entire History Of Science Department
Brb Sending This To My Entire History Of Science Department
Brb Sending This To My Entire History Of Science Department
Brb Sending This To My Entire History Of Science Department
Brb Sending This To My Entire History Of Science Department

brb sending this to my entire history of science department

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3 years ago
Sashisu Highschool Days Before Gojo Figured Out How To Use Infinity

sashisu highschool days before Gojo figured out how to use infinity

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3 years ago
The Problem Of Best Friends Who Know You Better Than You Know Yourself
The Problem Of Best Friends Who Know You Better Than You Know Yourself
The Problem Of Best Friends Who Know You Better Than You Know Yourself

the problem of best friends who know you better than you know yourself

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3 years ago
Im Starting Chosoyuki Propaganda
Im Starting Chosoyuki Propaganda

I’m starting chosoyuki propaganda

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3 years ago

The fact that 2021 begun with a sea shanty renaissance and three months later ships are back on the 1700 trade routes is, actually, extremely funny.

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3 years ago

In a fantasy setting, your adventuring party came across a stone wall of grey bricks. The three-bladed drawing is as intimidating as the word DANGER in bold letters. You have all been adventuring for years and are convinced you can handle it. After all how bad can R-A-D-I-A-T-I-O-N be anyway?

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3 years ago

We aren't here to be sophisticated. We're here to fuck people up.

We Aren't Here To Be Sophisticated. We're Here To Fuck People Up.
We Aren't Here To Be Sophisticated. We're Here To Fuck People Up.

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4 years ago

The alien invaders burned down your home, killed your cameraman, and destroyed your easel. Some would call that a mistake. You are about to show Earth’s uninvited guests that there are no mistakes, only happy little accidents.

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4 years ago

my sock got wet and i was filled with a lust for violence

so i posted some… thoughts on my twitter, receiving many joyful reactions.

My Sock Got Wet And I Was Filled With A Lust For Violence
My Sock Got Wet And I Was Filled With A Lust For Violence
My Sock Got Wet And I Was Filled With A Lust For Violence
My Sock Got Wet And I Was Filled With A Lust For Violence

and i thought, why let twitter have all the fun? so here is the full collection of thoughts i had when my sock was wet and i wanted everyone around me to feel the same pain as me.

if nobara met saori again she probably wouldn’t recognize her anymore with all the scars

speaking of saori, she lives in tokyo which is where the government is isolating knowledge of curses and kind of making into a bubble of curses. did she manage to escape or not? 

choso doesn’t need to eat and yuuji doesn’t want to, so choso makes a show of tracking down food and eating to coerce him into doing the same 

animals have better instincts than humans, so a number of strays are still roaming tokyo. every time yuuji sees a dog he panics for a second thinking megumi has finally found him. by the time he’s lowered his guard, the dog has usually run away from him. 

running every day — from curses, from pursuers, from /humans/ — wears out yuuji’s sneakers faster than he expected. eventually he buckles down and raids a store for a new pair, and quietly tries to remember nobara’s complaints about his old pair to pick a better one 

megumi uses shikigami to track down yuuji at some point. when he uses rabbit escape to flood an area where he’s pinpointed his presence, yuuji can’t bring himself to touch them, as much as he wants to feel their comforting warmth — he’s afraid that he can’t be gentle anymore 

yuuji finds himself thinking, after getting lost in the sprawling streets of tokyo, that he wishes megumi were there to help him navigate. after that he makes a point to memorize the city layout so he never has to rely on him again 

actually, where’s todo? i find it hard to believe he would go against yuuji even if he was slated for execution. wherever todo is, is he thinking about yuuji? or does their increased distance lessen the effect of the memory manipulation? 

of all the effects sukuna’s increased strength has had on his body, the one that disgusts yuuji the most is how much faster he heals. for all his body — and mind — have been put through, there is little to show for it, and he wishes he knew how to heal others instead 

yuuji’s nightmares don’t come from sukuna anymore.

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4 years ago
You Are Lovely

You are lovely

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4 years ago
4 years ago

I talked to a young man with white hair on a boat cabin in the middle of a stormy sea. He forgot everything about himself exept for the fact that his name rhymed with ‘Time’ so he started calling himself Time.

I offered him an orange in exchange for a meaningful chat. He took the slice and told me “Nothing’s set in stone, but they’re set in a dirt road. If you roll your wagon in the same path too much it’ll soon be the only path you can take without struggling.”

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4 years ago

megumi fushiguro becoming the next head of zenin clan despite never being the part of it will never be less funny

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4 years ago

in this house we hate the zenin clan ❤️👋

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4 years ago
Anyway Yeah

anyway yeah

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4 years ago
Yuji Loves Megumis Hands
Yuji Loves Megumis Hands

Yuji loves Megumi’s hands 

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4 years ago
hanasekh - haNaSeK h
hanasekh - haNaSeK h

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4 years ago

I was on a video call to my friends and I was feeling pretty tired so I told them that I was going to hang up so I could go and take a nap and then they all stared at me and in unison said, “You can’t go to sleep if you haven’t woken up yet,” and then I was viscerally thrown into the waking world in a cold sweat.

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4 years ago

The boy from Ipanema …

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4 years ago
Theyre Trying Out Nail Polish

They’re trying out nail polish

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4 years ago


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