Choso - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Choso refuses to gift you the beating core of his lifeblood housed inside his chest, or the inner expanse of knowledge and thoughts he called his brain. He fears that his heart is too finite, his mind too frail. These appendages are far too dishonorable for you, bound by the chains of mortality and human vulnerability. It is only his soul that would suffice, along with the promise of his essence to you, that could be worthy enough to be submitted to you. Only the substance of his spirit could go on after death. And for that, he yields it to you.

Choso Refuses To Gift You The Beating Core Of His Lifeblood Housed Inside His Chest, Or The Inner Expanse

poetic choso is ruining my life rn

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1 year ago

kamo choso, who can’t stand to look away from you, afraid on the possibility that he might somehow forget what you look like. every time he glances away to look back at the tv, or the food that’s slowly but surely charring to an inedible state on the stove, he misses you. he misses your eyes, your lips, the gentle flutter of your eyelids (it’s worrying how fascinated he is even with the way you blink.), the continual rise and fall of your chest as you steadily breathe in that oh so blessed air. and when he realizes he’s starting to envy a mixture of gases, he looks back at what he’s doing. but it’s as if you’re subconsciously calling his name, swaying him to once again look at you. it becomes so overwhelming that he hasn’t the faintest idea what he was preoccupied with before... and before he knows it, he’s staring at you again, and he’s back at square one.

any moment he’s not looking at you are moments spent in anxiety and unnecessary panic, scared to miss even one lazy yawn from you. he misses you so intensely, he feels with his whole self. even when you’re just a few feet away from him.

“did you need something?” your pretty eyes are now set on him. it’s almost comical how fast he works up a sweat under his arms, paired with an urgent pounding in his chest. he’s embarrassed to be caught staring, nervous under your precious gaze, but he can’t help but observe you even more intently. how can one’s eyes be so complex? it’s such a simple color. plain, really. but a sting in his heart calls your orbs anything but ordinary, so soothing and yet, so agonizing—

“oh, no. no… just— keep doing what you’re doing, hm?” he looks back down at his phone from the opposite couch where he sat, the screen black from its inactive state (he much rather prefers to watch you. and if you aren’t near, he prefers to think about you. …his screen time is astonishingly low.), cold and heavy in his hands. he quickly, but subtly, glances back up to see your reaction.

you throw him a small smile, looking back at the television.

oh, he’s gone, gone, gone.

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1 year ago

choso loves to listen to you.

not only do you seem to talk about the most interesting things he’s ever come across (i.e., what you had for dinner last night.), but your voice creates a warmness in him he didn’t know was possible. he used to think he didn’t like to listen to people talk, chat, or rant. hearing the pointless murmuring chatter in public transportation or at some random restaurant only proved this point further. but the moment you started to review your day with him for the first time, he couldn’t get enough. he truly wishes you never stop talking.

it's so pleasing to him, a precious sound that he couldn’t hold closer to his heart if he tried. You’re like his little songbird, the melody being your sweet, sweet voice. how much more loveable could you get? there isn’t a single aspect about you that he couldn’t see himself daydreaming about for hours straight. he loves the idea of you being a cute little songbird, truly, but he’s sure that the word… siren is better suited.

you lure him in, hypnotizing him with your smiles and your charm. your call alone beckons and seduces him, drawing him deeper and deeper into the trance that was your voice. he’s powerless to fight the allure of your call, wrapping him in a blanket of dulcet melodies and tuneful cries. but in actuality, sinking him further into the depths of you.

he could drown, for all he cares. if it meant being consumed by nothing but the essence of your voice, he welcomes death with open arms and a smile.

Choso Loves To Listen To You.

i wanna write for other characters but choso is the only one i can write as mentally ill for his lover n it still feels canon idk

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1 year ago

choso was a full-grown man.

a man who takes cares of his brothers, is employed, and pays his taxes. a man who can share his ideas and his thoughts with professionalism and skill. a man who can admit when he’s wrong, who can let his resentment go for the better.

so imagine his confusion when he acts like nothing but a developing teenager when you were around him.

he truly felt like his body had relapsed back to puberty. he can’t control his sweat around you, he’s switched his deodorant three times before finding something long lasting enough (although he barely spends more than a couple hours around you a day, if even that, and yet he still manages to produce so much sweat—). he can barely make eye contact with you without feeling his face grow hot (shooting down his neck, goodness, he has to fan at his face soon or he'll start sweating and he just showered for you—), a tremble in his hands, a trip in his words. the sentences that so ridiculously tumble out of his mouth are ineligible and humiliating, as if he forgot every single word he’s ever learned.

he talks to himself often.

whether it’s him walking on the way back home from your hangout, or when he’s alone at work, choso talks to himself. he walks alone and speaks your name out loud, a small awkward smile on his lips (even hearing the splendid name from his own throat dusts his cheeks pink.). he rants and analyzes how physically impossible it was for anyone to be as lovely as you. frustrated muttered outbursts of his incompetence around you. questions about if he was normal, if what he was feeling was normal (he concluded no.). these thoughts are too much to be confined within his mind, overflowing so much at the seams, he was afraid he would accidentally speak them aloud to you. so, he verbally lets them out when he’s alone, before his mouth gets the best of him. he never feels further from sanity when he talks to himself. but since it’s about you, well… it makes him feel better pretty quickly.

he writes about you.

talking to himself and thinking about you only helped him so much. he still feels a nervousness in his chest, needing to convey these feelings in some other form. so, he started scribbling little notes about you on napkins at restaurants and cafes, soon throwing them away; but he soon garners a deep hatred for this. anything that reminds him of you, anything at all, whether it be from his own hand or out in the world, has to be cherished. If not, what sort of insult is it to you? so, he buys a notebook. it’s a small one, black and dull, pocket sized so he can write about you whenever he so pleases. the first few entries are sloppy and messy, hurried so he could get the thought out before it slips his mind. but he soon grew a hatred for this as well. even thoughts written about you must be written with such a delicacy and care, even though you’ll never see it.


When you look at me,

I forget that this world is capable of hatred and misery.

How could a being so light and pure,

Exist next to a miserable soul such as I?

Choso Was A Full-grown Man.

the more i write about choso the less i feel i should be walking the streets as a free citizen. put me in a padded room, im not okay

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1 year ago

"you’re so precious to me.”

you look up at choso, who in turn was looking back at you. you didn’t realize he had been staring at you, quite invested in the meal he had just prepared for you two. looking down at his plate, you notice that it was untouched. shifting your gaze back to him, you had to physically flinch at the pure, unadulterated adoration in his tired gaze. looking back down bashfully, you pushed your food around on your plate, unable to help the smile that bloomed on your face.

before you could react, choso had reached over the small table, soft hand wiping at your cheek faintly. you look over to see him withdrawing, a tender look in his eyes. “did I have some food on my cheek?” you questioned, wiping the other side of your face, observing your hand for any crumbs.


you look back at him in slight surprise. “oh.” was all you could lamely say. it was hard having such an affectionate boyfriend at times; he was constantly outperforming you in terms of love. you know a relationship was supposed to be anything but a competition, but he couldn’t even speak straight. its literal pure poetry falling from the mans mouth. how could you measure up to that?

“i love you, you know.”

you look down at your plate intensely as you say this, unable to look him in the eyes. even his mere eye contact felt deeper than your simple words of, “i love you”. you see him rise from his seat out of your peripheral, but you still stubbornly stared down at your warm plate of food, which you’re sure he poured some of his literal soul and spirit into (even food outdid you…). feeling a warm hand guide your face, you look up to see that familiar soft gaze on you once again, filling you with the type of warmth only felt by a million suns.

he cupped both of your cheeks, bending down to look at you closer. you didn’t even have to say anything, his eyes already telling you that your love is enough. more than he needed, than he deserved. leaning forward, his warm lips placed themselves between your brows, longer than he needed to. he pulled back, only by a hair, to whisper his professions.

“i want to say you have my heart, but you are my heart.” he kisses your face once more, a little further down from the last kiss.

“there’s nothing and nobody else that I need.” another kiss, further down again.

“i surrender my everything to you.” another kiss, landing on your cheek.

“do you know how long I’ve prayed, begged, for your lips?” your other cheek.

“you own me. you, and you alone. you own me.”

you at first thought choso to be a quiet man, shy even. a person unskilled with his words. and yet… you’ve never seen anyone more assured, confident, and certain than him when he spoke to you like this. to know that the one thing this man was undisputable about was his adoration for you… well, it spoke to your soul in a way no store bought flowers ever could.

he punctuates the absolutely devastating confession with one last glance to your lips. you notice his eyebrows are furrowed, his voice strained. you swear these confessions hurt him somehow.

he plants his lips on yours with a sweet inhale, slowly breaking away just to reconnect his mouth to your own, over and over. the kiss was languid, syrupy, and filled to the brim with adoration. he pulled away slowly, his nose still brushing against yours.

"i love you.”

yeah. he was better at this than you.

"youre So Precious To Me.

i need to stop and go study omg

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1 year ago

your eyes fluttered open, the sudden feeling of warmth above you waking you from your sleep.

you open your eyes to see choso above you, his arms framing your head, pulling back from his kiss on your forehead. your eyes squinted from the light streaming in the room, reflecting on his face that softly smiled down at you. he looked like the sweetest angel, but you could barely appreciate it through the fogginess of your post rested state.

“good morning. I’m sorry to wake you, but I really couldn’t wait to see you.” he apologized softly, his hand coming up brush your cheek. you sighed at the contact, feeling yourself growing more awake as the time passed. “good morning, choso. it’s alright, I should be up anyways.” you groggily responded while sitting up, causing him to shift, now sitting by your knees. “happy valentines day.” he smiled warmly. you smiled back, now remembering that this is his first valentines with a lover, and you started to understand his eagerness to spend the morning with you. you wished him the same, stretching and yawning. choso rested his hand on your cheek once more, and you blink in surprise at the sudden seriousness in his expression.

“in truth, today means nothing to me.”

you flinch at the bluntness of his words. “Um—?”

"please, don’t mistake my dismissal of this holiday for dismissal of our love. I mean it in the way that…,” he paused for a second, his eyes drifting down to your lap, thinking. “I’d be sickened with myself if my affection for you couldn’t even transcend the 14th of february. no teddy bear, no hallmark card, no rose in the world could ever even begin to show my adoration for you. The love I feel can't be boxed and tied up with a bow, and gifted to you on a single date of the year. Even 365 days is not virtually enough time to give you the feelings I have. my love for you is boundless, vaster than any sky, and deeper than any ocean.”

your mouth opened, then closed again. he just made that up on the spot? and really… how does he expect you to respond when he gets like this? “ocean’s can only go so deep, choso.” you teased, holding his chin. and with that, his face morphed into the sweetest smile you’ve had the pleasure of seeing, his tone sincere.

“I’d claw at the oceans floors until my fingers bled. and then I’d keep digging, into the very depths of hell, to expands its depths. but even then… the distance couldn’t hold an iota of what I feel for you.” and he meant that.

“I love you, and I wish I could tell you how much I love you. but there aren’t enough words in the world to say it, no language eloquent or evocative enough to ever even begin to convey just how I feel looking into your eyes. the eyes which… could make even the mute, inanimate moon tell all her secrets to. in all honesty, I’m so scared that if any man in passing meets this terrifying gaze, he too will fall into insanity, like I have.”

“how do you even come up with this stuff?” you say exasperatedly, shaking your head at your lack of a better response. he shrugged. “even an illiterate man could recite words of Shakespeare in grand verse, if he were only so lucky to have the privilege of seeing your smile.”

“’s 9 in the morning. please, at least give my heart the chance of getting through breakfast.”

Your Eyes Fluttered Open, The Sudden Feeling Of Warmth Above You Waking You From Your Sleep.

ngl i kinda hate this but i cant come up with anything better rn..

i wish you all a happy valentines day, i hope you find nothing but love and adoration !

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1 year ago

JJK master list

JJK Master List

⋆ Satoru Gojo-

Cold winter

and if you go, I wanna go with you SMAU

⋆ Choso- N/A

⋆ Yuji Itadori- N/A

⋆ Megumi Fushiguro- N/A

⋆ Toji Fushiguro- N/A

⋆ Suguru Geto- N/A

JJK Master List

main masterlist

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1 year ago


How would you—a part time guitarist and streamer, react when an upcoming streamer known as gojo admitted to liking your music and streams?


INFO… you all have been friends for around 5 years now and go to the same college, jujutsu tech.

Y/N- performance major & mathematics minor.

YUKI- fashion design major & fashion merchandising minor.

CHOSO- fine arts major & animation minor.

Interact with this post to be apart of my taglist.

< prev || masterlist || next >


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1 year ago



How would you—a part time guitarist and streamer, react when an upcoming streamer known as gojo admitted to liking your music and streams?

Streamer!gojo x streamer/musician!reader

GENRE- fluff, maybe some angst.. overall crack fic, strangers to lovers, fem mexican reader, college AU, modern AU, social media AU.

main masterlist… taglist…


⭑ YN’s group ⭑ GOJO’s group




CHAPTER 04: N/A...

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1 year ago
Blood Manipulation Is Treasured As One Of The Kamo Clan's Hereditary Techniques. The Reason For That
Blood Manipulation Is Treasured As One Of The Kamo Clan's Hereditary Techniques. The Reason For That
Blood Manipulation Is Treasured As One Of The Kamo Clan's Hereditary Techniques. The Reason For That
Blood Manipulation Is Treasured As One Of The Kamo Clan's Hereditary Techniques. The Reason For That
Blood Manipulation Is Treasured As One Of The Kamo Clan's Hereditary Techniques. The Reason For That
Blood Manipulation Is Treasured As One Of The Kamo Clan's Hereditary Techniques. The Reason For That
Blood Manipulation Is Treasured As One Of The Kamo Clan's Hereditary Techniques. The Reason For That
Blood Manipulation Is Treasured As One Of The Kamo Clan's Hereditary Techniques. The Reason For That
Blood Manipulation Is Treasured As One Of The Kamo Clan's Hereditary Techniques. The Reason For That
Blood Manipulation Is Treasured As One Of The Kamo Clan's Hereditary Techniques. The Reason For That

Blood Manipulation is treasured as one of the Kamo clan's hereditary techniques. The reason for that is "Convergence," which compresses blood with high pressure, plus "Piercing Blood" and "Blood Blade." which are derived from that, giving it a well-balanced response in close, mid, and long range.

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1 year ago


I can’t resist Choso, if this keeps going on god forbid I may start writing smut about him and I may never stop

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1 year ago

i would like to clear the record from my previous report i am not ONLY a choso lover i am a JJK MAN (AND FEMALE) LOVER

seriously they had no fucking right to create so many drool worthy characters in one fucking series 🫶🏻

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1 year ago

giggling and kicking my feet in the air as i lie on my bed w my cats judging me🖤


𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐨 𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐨 🖤

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1 year ago

speak for yourself i would meow if he asked me no hesitation

Hi Hello I Am Normal About Choso

Hi hello I am normal about choso

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1 year ago

I’m gonna need some more choso and kashimo smut 🤤💕

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4 months ago



cw: mdni, yandere behaviors, obsession, stalking, delusional choso, kidnapping, possible spelling/grammar errors

pairing: yandere!choso x fem!reader

wc: 0.4k approx.


yandere!choso who initially was confused about his feelings for you. you made his heart beat so fast and his stomach feel all woozy, he’s never experienced anything like this before.

yandere!choso who doesn’t know why he has such a strong urge to protect you. something inside of him needs to protect you, to keep you out of harm’s way.

yandere!choso who despite never talking to you, knows everything about you. he’s absolutely obsessed with every little thing you do. even something as simple as applying lipgloss has him completely mesmerized.

yandere!choso who gets all of his information about you by keeping a close eye (stalking) you. how foolish you are to keep your curtains open like that. anyone could look in, in fact it’s as if you’re inviting people to do so.

yandere!choso who eventually deludes himself into believing that you like him back, why else would you let him follow you around? and that one time you two made eye contact act the grocery store, sure enough you felt that too. that spark when you met his gaze.

yandere!choso who (after a bit of reassurance from yuuji that morning) approaches you as you’re leaving your usual coffee shop and suddenly declares his love for you. surely you won’t reject it, you love him too, right?

yandere!choso who is taken aback when you said you didn’t even know him, going so far as to calling him a weirdo. what do you mean you don’t know him? he’s been watching you for so long, there’s no way you haven’t picked up on the fact that he was stalking you? you can’t reject him like this, not after he’s waited so long.

yandere!choso who knows he has to have you no matter what and suddenly pulls you into the parking lot behind the coffee shop. he’s thankful that everyone’s already at work and the streets are clear.

yandere!choso who quickly knocks you out and places you into his trunk. he really didn’t want to resort to this but you’ve left him no choice. he knows you’ll fall in love with him eventually.


©giyusdarling 2024 — do not modify, reupload, or steal


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4 months ago
Cw: Mdni, Penetrative Sex, Soft N Whiny Choso, Cockwarming?, Not Proofread, Possible Spelling/grammar
Cw: Mdni, Penetrative Sex, Soft N Whiny Choso, Cockwarming?, Not Proofread, Possible Spelling/grammar
Cw: Mdni, Penetrative Sex, Soft N Whiny Choso, Cockwarming?, Not Proofread, Possible Spelling/grammar

cw: mdni, penetrative sex, soft n whiny choso, cockwarming?, not proofread, possible spelling/grammar errors

Cw: Mdni, Penetrative Sex, Soft N Whiny Choso, Cockwarming?, Not Proofread, Possible Spelling/grammar
Cw: Mdni, Penetrative Sex, Soft N Whiny Choso, Cockwarming?, Not Proofread, Possible Spelling/grammar

thinking about… how choso definitely cries when he cums, desperately pounding his hips up into you and babbling about how good you feel. whining about the way your pussy’s clamping down on his cock and milking him dry. his brows are furrowed as beads of sweat coat his forehead.

they way he’d pant into your neck, murmuring praises of how good you did and how much he loves you. he’d place soft kisses on your jaw and slowly trail his lips down to your neck. his cock is still confined within the velvety walls of your insides but he’s too lazy to take it out.

Cw: Mdni, Penetrative Sex, Soft N Whiny Choso, Cockwarming?, Not Proofread, Possible Spelling/grammar

©giyusdarling 2024 — do not modify, reupload, or steal

Cw: Mdni, Penetrative Sex, Soft N Whiny Choso, Cockwarming?, Not Proofread, Possible Spelling/grammar

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