harmonyludwig - 題名未設定

47 posts

I'm Watching Shrek 2, And I Thought About Something...

I'm watching Shrek 2, and I thought about something...

One of the problems is the "Happy Everafter" potion. If a person (or an ogre, or a donkey) drinks it , them and their lover will become... The best version for each other? Anyway, it turned Shrek and Fiona into humans, and Donkey into a horse.

My main concerns about it are:

1. What happend to the Dragon lady? She is the Donkey's lover . If Donkey turned into a horse, what happened with her? Did she turn into a horse as well? I mean, to match him. But imagine if she was fighting some asshole prince.

2. What would happen to Puss? He already met and fell with Kitty Softpaws, didn't he? What would happened to her? Would anything happen to her? And what would happen to Puss himself? Will they turn human? I wanna see it.

More Posts from Harmonyludwig

11 months ago

You glow differently when you:

Learn how to regulate your nervous system.

Develop a secure attachment to self.

Seek your own validation.

Get in touch with self-awareness.

Listen to your emotions.

Do the work to feel good on the inside.

Learn that it's not always personal.

Take those brave steps to start to heal.

Set goals that feel aligned and achievable.

Have a sense of purpose.

Spend less time scrolling.

Do more of the things that make you feel alive.

1 year ago


A few headcanons about the world of #BNHA and how the quirks work.

× There are working licenses. Like if you're a builder and you have a quirk that can help you do your job, you take an exam and get a license that states your name, quirk, address, job and authority. If you get fired or quit, the license is taken away and you have to get another one for another job. Only a quirk that is suited for your job can be accepted, and you have to state WHY you need this. For example, an office worker can get an approval on a quirk that makes his hand longer so he won't need to stand up to get something, but will get denied if his quirk is something like... Fire. Completly useless for his job. This is needed to show police and heroes in case of wondering why a normal citizen is using a quirk.

× public places like shops, bars and restaurants try to be outside or in a big room. Some people can't or have trouble with coming inside a building bc of their quirk (like a big body, wings, horns etc.), So the shops try to let everyone enjoy them.

× Cloth shopping really changed. Since everyone is different and some need special treatment (like holes for wings in shirts or for tail in jeans), clothing shops give a variety of choices: they show the concept (skinny, loose, baggy etc.) , The material and collect the data from the customer. Then they make the needed clothes so people can wear something comfy for them and stay in style.

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1 year ago

guys guys guys

I just realized something about Ambrosius.

He's the descendant of Gloreth herself, the first knight & hero of the realm.

He's in a gay relationship with Ballister, and his siblings weren't mentioned, so it's safe to assume he's an only child. He can't have kids of his own because he's with a man.

The Knights, as well as the wall ended with Ballister's & Ambrosius' generation.




You can see in the movie that he's being treated differently for being her descendant, and now her bloodline will end

No more Knights, no more "Royals", no more Gloreth. Everyone is equal.

Gosh I love that movie

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2 years ago

A long time ago I saw this post on Tumblr:

If you're gay and alone at home, you're homolone. And, all the posts about gays not able to cook. So I'm COOKING HOMOLONE

A Long Time Ago I Saw This Post On Tumblr:
A Long Time Ago I Saw This Post On Tumblr:
1 year ago

Please do!

Yeah. Goldenheart when Ballister is a villain is cool.

But how about Villain Ambrosius??

Imagine Ballister , being the head of the Knights, spotting & stopping Ambrosius. And then this mf just smiles all villain-y , making Ballister.exe crash, beating all of the Knights (especially Todd), pinning Bal to the wall & whispering "better luck next time sweetheart"

Or kidnapping

Villain Ambrosius & Nimona kidnapping Ballister, only for them (except Nimona ofc) to have hella kinky night.