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Masterlist: Fanfictions

Masterlist: Fanfictions

Masterlist: Fanfictions

Please see Ratings and Series Descriptions for further details.

Masterlist: Fanfictions

...by Member








Masterlist: Fanfictions

...by Series









Masterlist: Fanfictions

...by Date

2023.08.10: Working Theory 🕒

2023.06.10: The Art of Revenge

2023.05.17: The Ring

2023.04.18: The Cross

2023.03.03: Ribbon & Rope

2020.08.12: Devil's Garden 🕘

2020.04.27: The Ice Cubes

2020.04.05: Rebel 🕒

2020.02.26: Damned Royalty

2019.01.11: The Handcuffs

2019.12.30: The Butterfly

2019.12.27: The Cowgirl

2019.12.23: The Wand

2019.12.21: Hot Zone

2019.11.09: Crimson Park ⭐

2019.11.05: Couchsurfer

2019.10.25: Smoke 🕒

2019.10.11: Insatiable

2019.09.21: Starboard

2019.09.02: No Expectations

2019.09.02: Technicality

2019.09.01: Woman On Top

2019.08.26: Wallflower

2019.08.12: The Affair ⭐

2019.08.11: Partition

Masterlist: Fanfictions
Fanfiction Ratings IMPORTANT NOTE: I don't put summaries or hints. As a reader I enjoy being surprised, so, the symbols are important to tak
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More Posts from Heartbeatan

5 years ago

Seokjin Fanfiction Recommendations

Seokjin Fanfiction Recommendations

Lost My Head


Featuring Yoongi

Pink ⭐


Salt & Shadow ⭐



Featuring Taehyung



Featuring Namjoon and Taehyung

Sleeping with a Friend ⭐


BTS Fanfiction Recommendations MASTERLIST: Namjoon | Seokjin | Yoongi | Hoseok | Jimin | Taehyung | Jungkook ▶A Vampire and a Werewolf Walk
Seokjin Fanfiction Recommendations

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5 years ago

Yoongi Fanfiction Recommendations

Yoongi Fanfiction Recommendations



Featuring Taehyung

Cobalt & Charcoal


Featuring Jungkook


Dig Deep



The Dinner Party



If You Want a Lover ⭐


Last Nite ⭐



Late Bloomer ⭐



Lost My Head


Featuring Seokjin

Moan Wars


Featuring Jungkook

Please Be Naked ⭐


Raising the Bar




Featuring Taehyung

Yoongi Fanfiction Recommendations
BTS Fanfiction Recommendations MASTERLIST: Namjoon | Seokjin | Yoongi | Hoseok | Jimin | Taehyung | Jungkook ▶A Vampire and a Werewolf Walk

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5 years ago

The Affair (Chapter 1: Her)

The Affair (Chapter 1: Her)

Return to Table of Contents.

Return to Hoseok Fanfictions.

Return to Masterlist.

The Affair (Chapter 1: Her)

Chapter 1: Her

The echo of the elevator arriving rung through the empty hall of the hotel floor, but it wasn’t enough to knock you out of your trance. It was when the doors began to close that you instinctively reached out and pressed the call button again. But, as the sliding doors widened, your feet felt as if they had been encased in cement. You weren’t sure if you could bring yourself to step inside. The anxiety coursed through your veins and made you feel like you were coming down with the flu. You fought the urge to return to your lonely hotel room, crawl under the covers, and sleep.

What am I going to do?

The doors closed in on themselves, and you stared back at your distorted reflection in the industrial steel. You squeezed your eyes shut and drew in a long breath.

You have to go, you told yourself again before you hit the call button once more. As you looked yourself up and down, you took notice of how your blouse didn’t seem to settle properly over your chest. In all your distraction, you must have mismatched fastening a button. Your hands shook as you tried to correct the error. A stark contrast to the nimble fingers that had unfastened them last night, and the soft lips that followed them over every inch of skin each button uncovered.

“Shit,” you breathed out loud, shuddering at the memory.

The elevator doors slid open once again, and even though your trepidation hadn’t subsided, you willed yourself to move. You winced as you did; the ache between your legs was a token, an indicator that what happened last night was real and not a dream. You were sure you were going to feel him for days. He fucked you like he wanted you to.

Stop, you thought to yourself. Stop thinking about it. You just needed to get through this morning. When the day's seminar and meetings were over, you could find yourself a secluded seat on the train and suffer over everything on the long trip home. You could think it all over then. Figure out what you needed to do. Make a plan. Until then, you just needed to get by as if nothing happened.

You pressed the button for the ground floor.

You tried to occupy your mind by mentally reviewing the day's itinerary, but it was ineffective. Before the cab crossed three levels your thoughts were interrupted by memories. They came to you in flashes, like cut scenes in a movie trailer. The scene where Hoseok had you trapped, your back against the headboard, while he hugged your thighs tight around his neck and his mouth worked enthusiastically between your legs. You remembered how desperately your hips wanted to grind up against his tongue, but the positioning left you immobile, so your only recourse was to hook your ankles behind his shoulders and take it. Even now, hours later and away from him, your body hummed and your hips buckled as if he still held you now.

Fuck. You reached down to grab the rounded support handle that lined the elevator and palmed your forehead with your other hand. If you weren’t alone, someone may have asked if you were ill. Perhaps you were – just not in the way that a good rest and pharmaceuticals could resolve.

You tried again to occupy your mind, or at least to cool your anxiety. You counted backwards from ten, focusing on taking a deep meditative breath with each number





Four. That was the magic number. Four. The fourth time he made you come was probably the most memorable. After he had teased you mercilessly for what felt like eternity, he finally gave you what you wanted. He had you pinned beneath him, you could still feel the soiled sheets at your back, his cock buried deep in your gut as his pelvis rolled heavy circles against your clit. Then, without warning, he snapped his hips hard, and you felt him in your throat. Then a second, third, and forth in rapid succession, he stole your breath again and again, before once more grinding himself against your clit – pulling from you the most pathetic, primal whimper you could muster with whatever air you still had left in your lungs.


That’s what the whole night was. Primal. A primal desire for sex – a primal desire to come, and to make him come, over and over again, as if your body needed him the way it needed oxygen. He had awoken something buried within you, and turned you into someone so uninhibited that you hardly recognized yourself.

You certainly didn’t recognize the woman who spread her legs wide across the foot of the bed, and slid her fingers seductively down her torso to her core, as she watched her colleague watch her touch herself. You remembered how damn sexy he looked too. His elbow propped up on the armrest of the chair which he watched you from across the room. The way the pads of his fingers danced across his lips while his other hand lazily stroked his cock. His hair still mussed, and his skin still glistening in a sheen of dried sweat from the last time he fucked you. The image itself was enough to make you moan. Each time you did, you could see how his eyes would darken just a little more, and his chest would heave just a little faster. The more excited he became the more of a show you wanted to put on for him.

You... The woman who refused to even masturbate in the shower after her boyfriend came too early because doing so felt too unfaithful. Yet there you were, in a true act of infidelity, doing so on display for a married man you let come inside of you at least twice already.

Married. He had a wife at home – you knew that. You remembered how much you gave to the office collection to buy them a wedding gift not even a year ago.

Boyfriend. You had a boyfriend. You both had people waiting for you at home, people who loved you whom you also allegedly loved. How could either of you have done this to them? How did you even get here?

You shouldn’t have gone down to the bar.

You certainly shouldn’t have put on your new bra and panty set before you did.

You shouldn’t have looked for him. When you did see him there, you should’ve just smiled and said “hello” and left.

But you didn’t.

Instead, you crawled into the seat next to him.

You should have left when he placed his hand softly on your knee. You shouldn’t have let him know you liked it. You should have said “no” when he whispered in your ear “Come upstairs with me.”

But you didn’t.

Instead you climbed into the elevator with him.

He shouldn’t have kissed you. He shouldn’t have unbuttoned your shirt. You shouldn’t have begged him to fuck you. You shouldn’t have begged him to fuck you again.

Why? Why did you do all these things you shouldn’t have done?

Was it because of your relationship? You knew a proposal was coming soon. Perhaps you just got cold feet and made a mistake. Or, perhaps somewhere deep down you knew he wasn’t the one for you.

Perhaps you were just a monster.

Perhaps it was sex. Maybe besides the sweet and tender way your boyfriend handled you in the bedroom, what you really desired was to be bent over the bathroom counter, your hair pulled and back bent, making you stare yourself down in the mirror to face your sins
 the way Hoseok did. Perhaps it was your cowardice that prevented you from asking for that at home?

Perhaps you were just a monster.

Perhaps it was because of Hoseok? There were days in the middle of a hot summer when he’d return from a coffee run - his tie would be undone, and dress shirt unbuttoned to try to keep cool in the heat. Sometimes, a bead of sweat from behind his ear would trickle down the expanse of his neck. You thought often about what he would taste like if you just had the chance to lick the droplets with your tongue. Last night, you got your chance. Carding your hands through his hair, you extended that beautiful neck of his and made it yours. He groaned as you did – he liked how you handled him and it only made you want to squeeze him more.

He was sexy, but you also knew that wasn’t the only reason why you desired him...

Perhaps you were just a monster.

Whatever it was
 you wanted him last night. You knew it before you even had the business meeting booked. That’s why you bought lingerie. That’s why you went to the bar. That’s why you let him come inside you.

But now, after all the things you did to each other under the cover of darkness, you had to deal with the consequences in the harsh light of the day. You needed to speak to Hoseok. You needed to figure out what you wanted. You needed to just get through this day.

The elevator rang again as it arrived at the next stop; it wasn’t the lobby. People were going to be entering the cab
 a distraction. You straightened yourself up as best as you could, noticing how your hand cramped from squeezing the railing so hard. You clamped your thighs together, feeling exposed by how shamelessly dampened your panties had become during the short ride through last night’s memories.

When the doors flew open
 there he was. Hoseok. Looking tall, and handsome in his suit. His ebony hair styled and falling slightly into his eyes. He hadn’t noticed you yet. He just stood there staring down at the carpet. You weren’t sure if he was going to get in or let the cab pass. What you did know is he was going through what you were going through. Exhaustion. Confusion. Guilt.

He finally made a move to step across the threshold, and that’s when his eyes snapped up to meet yours. Frozen, his features gave you no indication that he felt anything at all. But, you could hear the gears turning in his head as he decided whether or not to enter a confined space with you.

After another moment or so, he did. You became acutely aware that you hadn’t taken a breath in a while. You tried to exhale as subtly as possible.

Hoseok took his place next to you, straightened his shoulders and coughed slightly. He said nothing to you, nor did he look at you either. To the casual observer, you and Hoseok appeared to be nothing more than strangers. No one would have known that you spent the last hours wrapped around each other. But to you, the tension hung heavy in the air.

You wanted so desperately to say something to him, but you weren’t sure what was going to fall from your mouth if you opened it

 Last night was a mistake.

 Last night can never happen again.

 Last night was the best fucking night of my life.

 When can we see each other again?

The Affair (Chapter 1: Her)
The Affair (Chapter 2: Him) Go to Chapter 1: Her. Go to Table of Contents. Go to Hoseok Fanfictions. Go to Masterlist. Chapter 2: Him Hoseok

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5 years ago

The Affair (Chapter 2: Him)

The Affair (Chapter 2: Him)

Return to Chapter 1: Her.

Return to Table of Contents.

Return to Hoseok Fanfictions.

Return to Masterlist.

The Affair (Chapter 2: Him)

Chapter 2: Him

Hoseok ran his hands through his hair and let the warm water from the shower rain over his face and down his body. He could feel the places he was sure your nails had left scratches over his back. Although it stung a little, he welcomed the sensation, imagining it was still your fingers raking across his flesh.

He had a plan. It had been formulated practically the day he met you nearly four years ago. That first day when you joined the law firm. You were in a relationship then, but something told him he would have his chance with you one day
 so he waited.

When that day finally came, when you had finally broken things off with your previous boyfriend, he could barely speak the words “I’m sorry” without a smile creeping across his face. This was his chance. However, fearing you’d reject him if he asked you out too soon
 he waited still. He waited and planned.

He was going to take you out for coffee one day, during break, as you two did already on occasion. There, sitting next to the window sipping on the coffees he would have bought, he was going to pop the question. You were going to say “yes” and then he was going to set the date. He’d take you out to the carnival, or perhaps to dinner, or both – that part didn’t matter so much as long as it was somewhere you two could talk, laugh and really get to know each other outside of the casual friendship you had as co-workers. You were going to get to know each other better. He was going to be the perfect gentleman - he even set a rule: even if you wanted him too, he wouldn’t kiss you until at least the third date. When it came to you, he really, really didn’t want to blow it.

Finally, the time would come for you to spend your first night together, and he had a plan for that too.

He was going to take you on a long weekend vacation. He was going to rent out that cottage that he had stayed at previously in less than romantic circumstances. It was tiny, he figured his wife would call the decor “rustic.” It wasn’t much, and a bit overpriced, but it had the charm he knew he wanted and he was willing to spend the extra on you. Secluded, on the beach overlooking the ocean – that’s where he was going to make love to you for the first time.

He had envisioned it so many times these past long years that it was as vivid to him as a memory. How the warm breeze of summer would feel against his skin, and the salty smell of the sea it would carry in with it would mingle with that perfume of yours that he loved so much. He was going to make love to you slowly and sensually
 not fuck you like it was his last day on earth. It was going to be against the soundtrack of crashing waves, instead of the echoes of drunk hotel patrons fumbling down the halls. Instead of a string of expletives falling from his mouth, he was going to tell you how he felt about you and how much the moment meant to him.

Most of all, he wanted to take you to that particular place for its moonlight. The cabin had floor to ceiling windows which gave a clear view of the horizon. At the right time of the year the moon illuminated the room so brightly it almost made it difficult to sleep. But, neither of you would be sleeping anyways.

You’d be straddled on top of him, flushed with pleasure, and the silvery glimmer of the moon would cast shadows across your breasts and belly. He wanted so badly to see how beautiful you would look in that light.

Romance was his game
 so he waited for the right moment to take you to the coffee shop.

That day never came. He waited too long.

One day, on his way to your desk, he overheard you talking to a co-worker about the “fantastic” date you had the night before with a new man. He almost blurted out his feelings for you right then and there, but decided better of it; hoping that things between you and your “new friend” would never progress beyond dating. To his disappointment, a single date turned into many dates. Soon, “the guy I’m seeing” became “my boyfriend.” Too soon after that – at least too soon in his mind – you had decided to move in together.

Defeated, he resolved to stop holding out for a woman he would never have. So, he too got out there, and found a someone wonderful who loved him and he did in fact love. Just shy of 13 months into the relationship, he popped the question and was married by the fall.

He had considered the matter of you closed, and did his best to convince himself that he never had romantic feelings for you, or that he had ever fantasized a laundry list of dirty things he wanted to do to you. That is, until last night.

Now out of the shower, Hoseok leaned against the dresser as he buttoned up his shirt. His eyes scanned across the room that still smelled like sex, then they landed onto the bed he spent the night fucking you in. It had been less than an hour ago since the last time he did, and less than forty minutes ago when he had you in his bed - your body next to his, your leg hitched casually over his and his hand caressing your thigh. In the afterglow of your first night together, this state of comfortable togetherness had come so naturally, as if you two had been lovers for years the way he always wanted - but it didn’t last. As the harsh light of day crept through the blinds and into the hotel room, the atmosphere shifted. He felt it. And he knew you felt it too. He would have done anything to stop the sun, but since that was impossible, you were both now faced with what you had done.

An affair.

Hoseok replaced the wedding band on his finger. As he fiddled and twirled it around the digit, he contemplated if it still had any meaning. Was he going to be able to save his marriage?

Did he even want to save it?

That latter gave him the most pause. A better man would run home to his wife and tell her he loved her; that he was sorry he hurt her; that he regretted having sex with another woman - and then he’d beg for her forgiveness. He did love his wife, and he hated the idea of hurting her, but how could he beg for forgiveness when he didn’t in fact regret it. Last night had been
 everything. If he could go back in time and stop it from happening – he wouldn’t. He knew that much. He also knew his wife would ask “Do you love her?” but, today he wasn’t sure he could tell her “no.” After all this time of pretending as if he didn’t, he still wanted you.

But did you want him? What did last night mean for you? He wondered if you too had been longing for him all these years. Or perhaps, you would think him an adulterer. Someone who regularly slept with other women when he was out of town and you were just another notch on his bedpost. Would you believe him to be unreliable, a serial cheater and betrayer? Could he convince you that you were his only affair and that you would be the only one ever? If he confessed to you everything, would you believe him? Would you trust him?

Nothing had gone according to plan (aside from the part where neither of you were single.) Romance had been his intention, but when he finally had your lips warm on his neck, and your hands down his pants - something inside him snapped. If he couldn’t have you completely, he wanted to leave his mark; he wanted you to feel him for days and remember him until the day you died. He wanted to ruin you for any man who came before him or any man that would come after him – make sure no one could compare to him.

That’s why he waited

In the short time you spent together he had become addicted to making you come. The way your face flushed, how his name sounded off your tongue, and especially the way you spasmed around his dick. But he had bigger plans, so he teased you – first with his mouth, then with his hands, then with his hips, and finally with his cock deep inside you. Each time he edged you on but pulled back the moment he saw you begin to spiral. That’s how he found himself nestled between your thighs, blowing a whistle of air over the length of your soaked pussy mere inches from his lips. He marveled at how your body quivered when he did. He was plotting his next move when he heard you whisper

 pl-please, Hoseok

He felt a wicked grin pull the corners of his lips. “Please, what, baby?” he asked as he languidly drew his finger along the length of your slit.

 let me come,” you sounded as if you could’ve cried in desperation.

Hoseok wrapped his hand under your knee and placed a line of soft kisses down your inner thigh. “How do you want me to make you come?” he whispered against your flesh.

“Anyway, please
 I just need you,” you sounded somewhere between exasperated and as if you had just heard a joke. “I just need you to let me come.”

Hoseok felt his chest tingle and swell with heat. “I just need you,” was what you said before you corrected yourself. He had fantasized so many times about hearing you say those very words, but he hadn’t anticipated how deeply they would affect him. He couldn’t deny you anymore. He crawled up the length of your body and took your chin between his fingers. He pulled at your lower lip with his thumb and, for a moment, got lost remembering how sweet it looked when you were sucking him off.

“I’ll give you anything you want, baby,” he whispered. “Just tell me how you want it.” His tip was pressed against your entrance, and your hips swiveled trying to capture any semblance of friction. You did your best not to sound too desperate when you told him you wanted him deep inside you. He reached down between your bodies and guided himself into you. It felt so right and fit so perfectly. A pure, guttural noise escaped him as he filled you up inch by inch. He rolled his hips into yours the way he learned you liked him too - until you were demanding that he fuck you harder and faster. Pulling back on his knees, he complied. Gripping your hips, he drilled into you cruelly, until the sloppy sounds of his flesh slapping against yours was stifled by your cries.

You were about to come. He could sense it. He knew it. He loved it.

He marveled at how quickly you had become accustomed to each other’s queues, bodies, and desires. It was insane how raw and uninhibited you were together. He didn’t know that fucking someone could be so intimate. There was no way sex could be any better than what you were doing right then. It seemed impossible, and sinful. But he wondered just how much more you could learn about each other, how much deeper your connection could become, and how much further you could push each other’s pleasure
 if you weren't with other people - if you were together for real.

He flashed away all thoughts of his infidelity before they crept up to guilt him. It bothered him how easily he had been able to do that all night. But seeing you beneath him - writhing and panting and breathtakingly stunning - it was easy to shelve them all away.

You were moments away from your crescendo. You were already a mess of spasms, and nails, and strangled calls of his name. He bit down on his tongue as he drank in the sight of you. He had waited
 he had edged you onward and upward, over and over again - but, could he push you even further? Should he pull out and deny you just one more time? Would he hear that sweet sound of you begging for him again? Would you tell him that you needed him?

Before he could decide, however, something happened.

You propped yourself up onto one elbow, and you wrapped your other hand firmly behind his neck. You looked him dead in the eye, your gaze primitive and focused. Your mouth agape, he knew you weren’t able to catch your breath between his thrusts. The way you looked at him was so intense it nearly stopped him in his tracks. But he didn’t stop
 he thrusted harder and faster - all thoughts of holding anything back shattered and scattered to the winds. For a moment he forgot you weren’t his wife. For a moment he forgot he even had a wife. At that moment, all he knew was that he was fucking the woman of his dreams, and that he was the man of yours.

When your orgasm finally took over, your eyes rolled back into your head and you collapsed underneath him. Your walls clamped hard around his cock, and you barely managed to whimper out his name. The scene was so erotic that Hoseok couldn’t help but come hard into you right then. With a guttural groan of his own, he did, and your hips rode against each other's, draining both of you of whatever you could.

When his climax released its hold on him, he collapsed on top of you and laid there, panting and a mess. You let him. You kissed his shoulder and ran your soft hands over his back and through his hair; your thighs, still wrapped around his waist, held him deep inside you.

When he was confident he could see straight again, he pulled his face out of your neck and looked down at you. You looked softly back up at him and smiled. It made his heart both swell and ache. He didn’t know what to say, so instead, he kissed you - and you let him. Deep and languid, you two made out for what felt like forever, until he began to grow hard inside of you once again.

Rolling his hips leisurely into you, he set a pace that was slow
 and you let him. He laced his fingers between yours and held your hands just slightly above your head
 and you let him. He stared deep into your eyes as he fucked you slowly, and you stared back.

perhaps the night wasn’t without romance after all.

Now, at the elevator, waiting for the cab to arrive, he could no longer hide from his thoughts or his guilt. Everything he had tucked away, everything he wanted to remember and forget, now flooded him - making his mind a murky and jumbled vortex of hell. Yet, in spite of all that, he knew with perfect clarity what he wanted.

He wanted you. That was the simple answer, but the reality was far from simple. You were practically engaged. He was already married. There were so many questions that needed answers. Was there even a chance for you to be together? Did you know how he felt about you? Did you feel the same? Would you leave your boyfriend for him? Would you hate him if he asked you to? Should he leave his wife or fight for her? Should he confess to her? Would she want to work things out? Could he even be with her after seeing his betrayal streaked across her face? Should he stay silent? Could he live with himself if he stayed silent?

He stared at the pattern in the hotel carpet as he contemplated all of these questions. So many questions - but he had at least one answer: he needed to speak to you.

He sighed silently at the floor, then became aware that the cab had arrived, although he wasn’t sure for how long it had been there. He moved to step forward, but then caught a pair of eyes staring back at him from inside the elevator.

It was you.

The way you looked at him now was such a contrast to the way you looked at him only hours ago. Now, your eyes were in anguish, but not from pleasure or passion - they were in anguish from guilt, and confusion or something more. He wanted to reach for you and tell you everything was “OK” - but, he didn’t know if that was true.

He didn’t know what to say to you
 or if you wanted him to say anything at all
 so instead, he stepped into the cab, took his place next to you, and decided to say

The Affair (Chapter 2: Him)

Additional Chapters are presently undeclared. I may write more if feeling inspired or if there is interest.

Masterlist: Fanfictions Please see Ratings and Series Descriptions for further details. ...by Member Namjoon Seokjin Yoongi Hoseok Jimin Tae

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5 years ago

Fanfictions: Taehyung

Fanfictions: Taehyung

Please see Ratings and Series Descriptions for further details.

Return to Masterlist.

Fanfictions: Taehyung

Devil's Garden

Rating: 🌒 Heavy Smut

Genre: Contemporary

Series: Thematic (Desperado)

The Butterfly

Rating: 🌑 We're All Going to Hell

Genre: Contemporary

Series: Thematic (Toys)

No Expectations

Rating: 🌗 Light Smut

Genre: Contemporary

Series: Stand-Alone

Fanfictions: Taehyung
Masterlist: Fanfictions Please see Ratings and Series Descriptions for further details. ...by Member [COMING SOON] Namjoon Seokjin Yoongi Ho

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