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The Affair (Chapter 1: Her)

The Affair (Chapter 1: Her)

The Affair (Chapter 1: Her)

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The Affair (Chapter 1: Her)

Chapter 1: Her

The echo of the elevator arriving rung through the empty hall of the hotel floor, but it wasn’t enough to knock you out of your trance. It was when the doors began to close that you instinctively reached out and pressed the call button again. But, as the sliding doors widened, your feet felt as if they had been encased in cement. You weren’t sure if you could bring yourself to step inside. The anxiety coursed through your veins and made you feel like you were coming down with the flu. You fought the urge to return to your lonely hotel room, crawl under the covers, and sleep.

What am I going to do?

The doors closed in on themselves, and you stared back at your distorted reflection in the industrial steel. You squeezed your eyes shut and drew in a long breath.

You have to go, you told yourself again before you hit the call button once more. As you looked yourself up and down, you took notice of how your blouse didn’t seem to settle properly over your chest. In all your distraction, you must have mismatched fastening a button. Your hands shook as you tried to correct the error. A stark contrast to the nimble fingers that had unfastened them last night, and the soft lips that followed them over every inch of skin each button uncovered.

“Shit,” you breathed out loud, shuddering at the memory.

The elevator doors slid open once again, and even though your trepidation hadn’t subsided, you willed yourself to move. You winced as you did; the ache between your legs was a token, an indicator that what happened last night was real and not a dream. You were sure you were going to feel him for days. He fucked you like he wanted you to.

Stop, you thought to yourself. Stop thinking about it. You just needed to get through this morning. When the day's seminar and meetings were over, you could find yourself a secluded seat on the train and suffer over everything on the long trip home. You could think it all over then. Figure out what you needed to do. Make a plan. Until then, you just needed to get by as if nothing happened.

You pressed the button for the ground floor.

You tried to occupy your mind by mentally reviewing the day's itinerary, but it was ineffective. Before the cab crossed three levels your thoughts were interrupted by memories. They came to you in flashes, like cut scenes in a movie trailer. The scene where Hoseok had you trapped, your back against the headboard, while he hugged your thighs tight around his neck and his mouth worked enthusiastically between your legs. You remembered how desperately your hips wanted to grind up against his tongue, but the positioning left you immobile, so your only recourse was to hook your ankles behind his shoulders and take it. Even now, hours later and away from him, your body hummed and your hips buckled as if he still held you now.

Fuck. You reached down to grab the rounded support handle that lined the elevator and palmed your forehead with your other hand. If you weren’t alone, someone may have asked if you were ill. Perhaps you were – just not in the way that a good rest and pharmaceuticals could resolve.

You tried again to occupy your mind, or at least to cool your anxiety. You counted backwards from ten, focusing on taking a deep meditative breath with each number…






Four. That was the magic number. Four. The fourth time he made you come was probably the most memorable. After he had teased you mercilessly for what felt like eternity, he finally gave you what you wanted. He had you pinned beneath him, you could still feel the soiled sheets at your back, his cock buried deep in your gut as his pelvis rolled heavy circles against your clit. Then, without warning, he snapped his hips hard, and you felt him in your throat. Then a second, third, and forth in rapid succession, he stole your breath again and again, before once more grinding himself against your clit – pulling from you the most pathetic, primal whimper you could muster with whatever air you still had left in your lungs.


That’s what the whole night was. Primal. A primal desire for sex – a primal desire to come, and to make him come, over and over again, as if your body needed him the way it needed oxygen. He had awoken something buried within you, and turned you into someone so uninhibited that you hardly recognized yourself.

You certainly didn’t recognize the woman who spread her legs wide across the foot of the bed, and slid her fingers seductively down her torso to her core, as she watched her colleague watch her touch herself. You remembered how damn sexy he looked too. His elbow propped up on the armrest of the chair which he watched you from across the room. The way the pads of his fingers danced across his lips while his other hand lazily stroked his cock. His hair still mussed, and his skin still glistening in a sheen of dried sweat from the last time he fucked you. The image itself was enough to make you moan. Each time you did, you could see how his eyes would darken just a little more, and his chest would heave just a little faster. The more excited he became the more of a show you wanted to put on for him.

You... The woman who refused to even masturbate in the shower after her boyfriend came too early because doing so felt too unfaithful. Yet there you were, in a true act of infidelity, doing so on display for a married man you let come inside of you at least twice already.

Married. He had a wife at home – you knew that. You remembered how much you gave to the office collection to buy them a wedding gift not even a year ago.

Boyfriend. You had a boyfriend. You both had people waiting for you at home, people who loved you whom you also allegedly loved. How could either of you have done this to them? How did you even get here?

You shouldn’t have gone down to the bar.

You certainly shouldn’t have put on your new bra and panty set before you did.

You shouldn’t have looked for him. When you did see him there, you should’ve just smiled and said “hello” and left.

But you didn’t.

Instead, you crawled into the seat next to him.

You should have left when he placed his hand softly on your knee. You shouldn’t have let him know you liked it. You should have said “no” when he whispered in your ear “Come upstairs with me.”

But you didn’t.

Instead you climbed into the elevator with him.

He shouldn’t have kissed you. He shouldn’t have unbuttoned your shirt. You shouldn’t have begged him to fuck you. You shouldn’t have begged him to fuck you again.

Why? Why did you do all these things you shouldn’t have done?

Was it because of your relationship? You knew a proposal was coming soon. Perhaps you just got cold feet and made a mistake. Or, perhaps somewhere deep down you knew he wasn’t the one for you.

Perhaps you were just a monster.

Perhaps it was sex. Maybe besides the sweet and tender way your boyfriend handled you in the bedroom, what you really desired was to be bent over the bathroom counter, your hair pulled and back bent, making you stare yourself down in the mirror to face your sins… the way Hoseok did. Perhaps it was your cowardice that prevented you from asking for that at home?

Perhaps you were just a monster.

Perhaps it was because of Hoseok? There were days in the middle of a hot summer when he’d return from a coffee run - his tie would be undone, and dress shirt unbuttoned to try to keep cool in the heat. Sometimes, a bead of sweat from behind his ear would trickle down the expanse of his neck. You thought often about what he would taste like if you just had the chance to lick the droplets with your tongue. Last night, you got your chance. Carding your hands through his hair, you extended that beautiful neck of his and made it yours. He groaned as you did – he liked how you handled him and it only made you want to squeeze him more.

He was sexy, but you also knew that wasn’t the only reason why you desired him...

Perhaps you were just a monster.

Whatever it was… you wanted him last night. You knew it before you even had the business meeting booked. That’s why you bought lingerie. That’s why you went to the bar. That’s why you let him come inside you.

But now, after all the things you did to each other under the cover of darkness, you had to deal with the consequences in the harsh light of the day. You needed to speak to Hoseok. You needed to figure out what you wanted. You needed to just get through this day.

The elevator rang again as it arrived at the next stop; it wasn’t the lobby. People were going to be entering the cab… a distraction. You straightened yourself up as best as you could, noticing how your hand cramped from squeezing the railing so hard. You clamped your thighs together, feeling exposed by how shamelessly dampened your panties had become during the short ride through last night’s memories.

When the doors flew open… there he was. Hoseok. Looking tall, and handsome in his suit. His ebony hair styled and falling slightly into his eyes. He hadn’t noticed you yet. He just stood there staring down at the carpet. You weren’t sure if he was going to get in or let the cab pass. What you did know is he was going through what you were going through. Exhaustion. Confusion. Guilt.

He finally made a move to step across the threshold, and that’s when his eyes snapped up to meet yours. Frozen, his features gave you no indication that he felt anything at all. But, you could hear the gears turning in his head as he decided whether or not to enter a confined space with you.

After another moment or so, he did. You became acutely aware that you hadn’t taken a breath in a while. You tried to exhale as subtly as possible.

Hoseok took his place next to you, straightened his shoulders and coughed slightly. He said nothing to you, nor did he look at you either. To the casual observer, you and Hoseok appeared to be nothing more than strangers. No one would have known that you spent the last hours wrapped around each other. But to you, the tension hung heavy in the air.

You wanted so desperately to say something to him, but you weren’t sure what was going to fall from your mouth if you opened it…

… Last night was a mistake.

… Last night can never happen again.

… Last night was the best fucking night of my life.

… When can we see each other again?

The Affair (Chapter 1: Her)
The Affair (Chapter 2: Him) Go to Chapter 1: Her. Go to Table of Contents. Go to Hoseok Fanfictions. Go to Masterlist. Chapter 2: Him Hoseok
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More Posts from Heartbeatan

5 years ago

Fanfictions: Seokjin

Fanfictions: Seokjin

Please see Ratings and Series Descriptions for further details.

Return to Masterlist.

Fanfictions: Seokjin


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5 years ago

Partition (Chapter 1)

Partition (Chapter 1)

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Return to Yoongi Fanfictions.

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Partition (Chapter 1)

Chapter 1

"Oh god, don't do that!"

"Why not? I know you like it," he replied.

"Because I'm going to scream."

"I want you to scream."

"I don't want your driver to know what we're doing back here."

"I'm pretty sure he knows what is going on by now," he snickered before he buried his face back between your legs before you could protest. You did your best to stifle your moans, but your muffled whimpers weren’t much better against the crackle of your bare ass squirming over the leather of the back seat.

He tormented you once again with the move you had just been talking about. Your breath caught in your throat and your fingers immediately reached to latch onto his hair – or perhaps your sanity.

You looked up at the partition separating your debauchery from the innocent hire on the other side of it. The thought of the stranger hearing you come had you caught somewhere between being aroused and embarrassed…

"Oh shit! Stop!” Despite Yoongi’s tight grip on your thighs, you must’ve startled him enough that you were able to push him off of you with little force before you scrambled to dig your phone out of your purse. “I forgot to call my driver."

"I don't see why that means I need to stop," He didn’t stop. Instead, he went right for one of your sweet spots. You turned your head as your mouth fell open and you released another moan.

“Your driver already knows I'm being eaten out in the back seat of a car by a guy I've just met, I really don't need my driver to know that too.”

He looked up at you, his lips curved upwards in rogue delight. “I’ll behave,” he said, but his tone was unconvincing. Regardless, you made the call.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Hi! Where are you?"

"We're just all sitting at a coffee shop nearby. I'll be there in 5 minutes."

"Oh! No, no, no, no. I'm actually..." your body clenched backwards and you silently screamed into the roof of the car. He did it again. Bastard. It took you a moment to re-assume control of your body, but once you did, you reached down and grabbed a fist full of his hair and yanked his head away from you. He looked up at you with a smug and triumphant expression.

Stop it, you mouthed to him.

"Are you there?" your driver asked through the phone.

"Um, yeah. Sorry. I'm actually... uh... you don't need to pick me up, you can call it a night. I'm going out with some people." Thinking you were home safe you let go of the man still kneeling in front of you. He went right back to work. You bit hard on your tongue.

"That's fine, I'm on duty all night. I can pick you up afterwards."

"I... um... that's not..." You were rubbing your forehead, trying hard to focus on what to say to end this conversation before you accidentally sounded off into the phone and gave yourself up.

"Miss, are you okay?"

"Yeah, no, I'm completely fine." Another snicker came from under your dress. He was enjoying this circus. "Sorry. I just, I gotta run. I won't need a car later. Please go home… see your family. You'll be paid for the whole shift."

"OK. Thank-you. But, if you need me later, just call and I'll leave the ringer on."

"Yup. Yup. OK, thank-you!" you rushed your goodbye and hung up. He chose then to take a break, surfacing to give you an arrogant smile.

“I told you I’d behave.” He winked.

"You're a menace."

“I try.” He disappeared between you again and resumed ravishing your core with his mouth. You too resumed your activity: trying to shield as much as you could from the driver on the other side of the partition. It was difficult. You hissed to suppress your moans and moaned to suppress your screams. His tongue and lips were so talented, and you hadn’t had a man touch you like that in so long. You knew you were embarrassingly wet - yet, he didn’t seem to mind, in fact, he seemed to revel in it - delighted that he was the cause.

“Oh, God!” you felt another tremor building, but you were sure you wouldn’t be able to stay quiet this time if you didn’t do something. The stress from the challenge of keeping sound to a minimum nearly caused your body to reject the mounting pleasure. Without conscious thought, your hands stretched through his hair to push him off of you.

“Put your arms behind your head,” he directed you without looking away from his task. You complied, bending your elbows over your shoulders and clinging to the headrest behind you. He tightened his hold on your thighs and backside, restricting your mobility and pulling himself into you further. Then he went to town.

“Fuck!” you whimpered as your toes curled and your nails dug into the leather.

“We’re gonna do that later,” he replied. You laughed at his wisecrack. His tongue was not only talented, but smart - a combination that made it dangerous. It was able to reach and stimulate every spot you needed it to and some you didn’t know needed it. While the tip of his nose is forged a path up your seam to rest over your clitoris, his dangerous tongue followed, licking you firmly in a zig-zag trail from bottom to top - parting you as it did so it could access more of you. You felt it swirl around your pleasure point, lapping it up firmly from once angle, then another, and the another, before it dragged itself slowly back down your folds to rest over your entrance. His lips closed in on you when it got there. His hands left your bottom and made their way under your knees - lifting them to open you up to him even further.

“Ngh!” you called out as he had now breached into new territory. That tongue whirled around inside you while his lips, teeth and nose roved across the surface - you could feel his chin pressed upon you as he tried to stretch further inside you and with greater acrobatics. He had perfect timing and precision with every action he made - before this maneuver became tiresome, he pulled out and made his way back up while sucking hungrily on each of your lips.

He blew a breath of air over your wetness and you quivered as the breeze ignited a new tantalizing sensation. He coiled his mouth around your clit and sucked it once, hard - making you think he was about to work it again. Instead he brushed his lips and tongue across your pelvic bone and down your inner thigh leaving your organ pulsing and begging for his attention. As he made his way back up your other thigh, your body impulsively tried to shimmy across the seat, but you were still anchored in place by his strong hold.

“Fuck!” you said, when he finally returned his mouth to where it belonged - licking you again, parting you again in one broad stroke - exposing your clitoris again, but this time, he clamped his mouth over it then pulled it between his lips and began to massage it with his tongue. “Shit!” Your moans became more frequent and higher pitched as you could feel your climax building and the warm wetness flowing out of you and onto the leather beneath. “Oh, God! Shit!”

“We’re almost there,” he said, as he pulled back and replaced his mouth with his fingers - maintaining your high by rubbing, circling and stroking you.

“Oh god, I know,” you replied instinctively, barely able to form the words. It wasn’t the smoothest or sexiest of answers you could give, but you didn’t really have the capacity to control what you were saying.

He chuckled lightly. “I mean, we’re in my neighbourhood. We’re almost there at my apartment.”

“Oh,” you said realizing “there” wasn’t actually your orgasm. Finally, you would be somewhere private where no one but him could hear you - however, you were so closed to seeing God that the news wasn’t exactly welcome.

“That means I’ll have to make you come in the next few minutes.” His fingers traced down to your entrance and he eased them into you. They slid up your chamber, then curled and straighten over your ridge. You clamped your thighs over his wrist as his foreign digits brushed your g-spot and took your breath away.

His pace at first was steady. His thumb pressed and rotated against your clit, while his fingers straightened, then curled, then straightened, then twisted as they slid back down your chamber, only to return and start over again. But, every now and then he would kick it into high gear, returning in one swift motion - slamming back into you, clamping onto your ridge again, then fluttering rapidly against your walls. Each time you felt as if he lifted you right out of your seat. Each time his fingers flapped violently inside of you; your body would convulse forward. Each time it took your breath away.

“Are you gonna come for me?” he whispered, his breath swept across your face. Your hands were dug into his shoulders and your noses were only inches apart. You couldn’t tell if the vehicle was stopped or if you were still on the road. All you knew is that what was happening to you unbearably gratifying.

He could tell from your expression that you were going to come soon. Knowing this he decided that his mouth was ready for the homestretch. You felt the rhythm of his hand combat slow again, allowing you to relax. You released his shoulders and leaned back into the seat. His lips and tongue once again scaled over every surface they could find. The dual sensation of his hand and mouth in and on you kicked your ecstasy into high gear. He continued his assault, revisiting every move he made that you reacted well too. When he found just the right spots, he quickened his pace and increased the pressure - determined to meet the deadline. You felt your muscles begin to contract as your climax begun.

“Ah! I’m going to come,” you breathed as the sensation began. His fingers fluttered inside you for the last time - their job was to ensure you got there. His warm tongue pressed firmly over your clit - it’s job was to receive your orgasm.

“Oh! Ahhh! Ah!” Your teeth clenched and your body tightened. Your pelvis lifted against him, and he gripped his hands underneath your behind to support you and hold you close. “Ahh!” The euphoria ripped through your veins and you finally screamed out the sound of pleasure which you had been subduing the whole ride - the driver unquestionably heard this one.

Once you crossed over the peak your muscles released and you threw your head backwards, stretching your arms to the roof of the car as you let out a gasp of relief.

“Oh, God,” you gushed.

He rose and wiped his lips. With that same smug, satisfied smile on his face, he stretched out his hand towards you and presented you with your thong.

“We’re here.”

Partition (Chapter 1)
Partition (Chapter 2) Return to Table of Contents. Return to Yoongi Fanfictions. Return to Masterlist. Chapter 2 A few hours ago you were ha

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

Masterlist: Fanfictions

Masterlist: Fanfictions

Please see Ratings and Series Descriptions for further details.

Masterlist: Fanfictions

...by Member








Masterlist: Fanfictions

...by Series









Masterlist: Fanfictions

...by Date

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2023.06.10: The Art of Revenge

2023.05.17: The Ring

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2019.11.09: Crimson Park ⭐

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2019.10.11: Insatiable

2019.09.21: Starboard

2019.09.02: No Expectations

2019.09.02: Technicality

2019.09.01: Woman On Top

2019.08.26: Wallflower

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2019.08.11: Partition

Masterlist: Fanfictions
Fanfiction Ratings IMPORTANT NOTE: I don't put summaries or hints. As a reader I enjoy being surprised, so, the symbols are important to tak

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