heavywords-blog - Her thoughts transpose into heavy words
Her thoughts transpose into heavy words

"The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven." Welcome, welcome. I'm Nicole. This Tumblr will be your very own look into the thoughts that strike me from time to time.

517 posts

Just A Little Side Rant...

Just a little side rant...

When you say something of no interest to me and I say "I don't care" you need to truly understand something - I don't hate you, I'm not mad at you, I'm not even annoyed and I'm really not too much of a bitch. Straight up? Sure. Unnecessarily rude and disrespectful i.e bitch? Never. I just lack interest in your statement. Really? Did I need to know that stupid piece of information? I don't care who you're hating on at this very moment. I don't care if she talks shit about you. Yeah, it sucks but seriously? I'm not one of those girls that need my morning cup of drama to get the day started. I just believe that stupid people are involved in the lives of others to the point where they become a topic in conversation. (subhumans discuss celebrities but I'll save that for another day)

So take no offense. Trust me, you would know when I started to dislike you.

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14 years ago

I know I'm not as'pose to color outside the lines but I do anyway because I like being myself.

Peter Griffin

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14 years ago

A question from my childhood

"On life's road the past is behind you, just keep moving forward."

What if I stopped? What if I turned to my right causing my path to go on a tangent? Where am I going then? I've always wondered this. There's always this expectation of straight and narrow but never an explanation of what happens when it's not followed. Do I go back and keep going forward? What I no longer like the future road and decide on a detour? Don't really know what this is for. Just converting my thoughts to typed words.

14 years ago


So I've been thinking about this for quite some time. It's not some prose wrapped in metaphor, no nothing like that.

It always struck me as a bit, well for lack of a better term, retarded that many people have complained about the lack of privacy in the internet age. It's an idiotic notion of epidemic proportions that has swept the nation. Really? Are you really that concerned about your privacy. GTFO. Seriously. Get off Facebook. Get off Myspace (is that even used still?). Get off Twitter. You're angry over your privacy issues and yet you allow 130+ people to know what you're doing at any given moment, where you were last night, what you did, who you were with and what you looked like. You brought it on yourself if your privacy was infiltrated. I'm not sure many people really understand the idea of a social network but it's an interconnected system of people.  You can't choose if these people willingly share the information you just shared with them. Free will, dumbass. Admit it. You want to share with people. It's actually really frightening. In our society we hide ourselves under this cloak of presumed anonymity and yet we place ourselves right on center stage. Society doesn't shy away from the lack of privacy, it embraces it. We've done a complete 180 from the Orwellian yearning for privacy. We no longer hide from Big Brother. We invite him into our homes and have him watch our lives whether he wants to or not. He's not a spy, he's the audience. You think you look particularly nice in that photoshopped picture? You post it because you want feedback. Your Facebook status is something witty so you can have your audience believe you're funny. You post a profound quote or saying and have others think you are some wise intellectual. In this day and age everybody is the drunk partygoer who obnoxiously laughs uncontrollably and attracts attention to themselves and yet hates the reputation they just earned themselves. You want privacy? Simple. Get the fuck off social networking sites. Stop posting things about yourself. Maybe your boss wouldn't know so much about your life if you didn't have it documented every 8 seconds. You don't need to have a detailed profile or some evidence of your existence on the internet in order to use it. But why am I saying this? You already know it. You know the risks you've undertaken when you placed yourself in a vulnerable position and if you didn't then you are really too stupid to be on the internet. You don't want privacy. You want others to know you. You want to bear your soul to those in your network whether they are close to you or not. You want some sort of recognition for the person you think you are. If it so happens that who you make yourself out to be on the internet becomes widespread then that's on you not privacy settings.

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14 years ago
Her Feet Are Firmly Planted On The Ground Yet Her Soul Soars Above Possibility.

Her feet are firmly planted on the ground yet her soul soars above possibility.

14 years ago

Confrontation is not frivolous and is in fact necessary when it stops one from getting to their goal. However, do not pause your progress much less go off on a tangent just to deal with someone. Why should you? What good does that do other than make those who are negative believe what they say is of value? It's not. People hate because that's the only way to keep a part of you on their level. They know you're so far ahead of them so they speak your name thinking that if they do they keep you in that sad, sorry part of life where they stay.

Confronting injustice is necessary. Confronting shit-talkers, rumour mongers and bitches is of no consequence and completely unimportant just like their efforts to bring you down.