Joe - Tumblr Posts

trans kojiro rights
heres a link to this piece on redbubble!

these two have been plaguing my brain for 4 months straight so i had to finally draw them together

Me and @ayay-captain doing art trade. I love her HIAF and she deserve 2 draw o (^‿^✿)o

Throwback to this dumbfuck edit I've had in my files for ages now

Another old stoopid edit this time featuring @ninjahaku21art’s Malvado

Throwback to this dumbfuck edit I've had in my files for ages now

Didn’t have anything planned for today. Have a completely normal gif of some dancing cups.

Canvas Country — Nothing more valued (also long overdue bday comic for Joe. His bday was back on the 15th. Whoops XD;)

Okay this is WAY PAST LATE cos this was supposed to be a birthday gift but BETTER LATE THAN NEVER
ANYWAY a gift for the wonderful @atomi-cat of her Canvas Country characters Joe, Susen Green, and Malton. These three lovelies mean a lot to me and have for quite a few years now ever since their Cuphead OC days. I find so much inspiration in them, their dynamic and their stories it's unreal. AND just as much inspiration in their creator too.
It's been an amazing already 5+ years being your friend. Any moment hanging out in Discord calls, streams and even IRL have been greatly treasured. The Jack Anon days were some of the most absolute fun I've ever had and I always look forward to more fun days!
As a small bonus for any longtime spectators of our streams........

......yes I am still hopeless for this beanpole bastard.
Hope you enjoy, dude!!
This is my biweekly message that I would like to give Joe a smooch, thank you for reading.

Had to draw the trio with that one Barbie screenshot when I saw it. No idea why they’re in trouble, but it’s probably Susen’s fault. XD

Bit late, but hope everyone had a Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Bunny day everyone!

aRT-DuMP FiLe 101
SuBJeCT: Joe HiGaSHi
MooD: CoNFuSeD 😵
aRTiST(?): Me?! (Rowney)
MeSSaGe To THe VieWeR(S): aNYBoDY!? SoMeBoDY!! PLeaSe HiT Me aND SaY i DiDN'T DRaW THiS "CooL" THiNG. 😳 i SWeaR! aM NoT "Me" DuRiNG THe DaY(S) WHeN aM WoRKiNG oN THiS PieCe. 😣
YoSH!! WHaT aM i RaNTiNG aBouT?! 😓 JuST Go eNJoY "aRT" FoR MY SaKe. 😝
HaVe FuN aLWaYS!! 🤣

Mr. Joe Tazuna!!! My favourite!!

Love my Omelete Ease, one of the best kitchen utensils I've ever bought.
Think it's time for a new one, though! Whisky, the egg on the handle, has lost almost all the color from his beak.